장음표시 사용
The question es nationalities. Potitie historical relatation os tho accusatio madesis Austria stat themungarians M oppresso tho Otho races. emungarians in aharing Mithrahem at theirriola, mus inem mors than the relatae sorthemselvis A se patriotio, da on thoire ita merita ol themungaria race, Whic are es eialty duo in i in the genera hiatorfolmungar II 149 LETTELUTI cc titutionia marantem Olmungary Wit rogard tosta dynasty ruat ath, coronation diploma,
givin here abries statistim account of Ηungars in ordo that in reade ma have a more eorrect idea os ita iridim a character, andae Mure able todistinguis it persorusumas a state; lar eopletoo osten conciund the two states Austria and Hungary HWay to the great disinuantage of
The mainde consist a Vetas, mura. Italiam, Frenta, Armeniam, Clementium, Greeis Montenestas, and Bohemians.