장음표시 사용
Os these est lishment there are
mes figu- sues indiea in diuisene in the degre es intellaeuia culture Miseen thedisserent races inhabiting unga . The Wallaesitans, Sest an Ruthenes, Who stata at the uom of the scale, Monito the in divisio orine Grea murali ita mala testiis Catholio Churin the lavonians as et asci medimans and ungarians, in ither in Roman Cainobe or mestant murtam. The mali dirire e os De per centi tWeminemungarians an Germans is in eo, tribula in the sint stat in greater pari stheo,Mo, o Germans are tradesmen or artisans Hest residiu in o. .hil ine I50, 0 sinungarians are mostly Magedin agriculture, an are dispersed ver a Vast
In v kinio Hungar in ste present, When I mae se of the ordiungariiam, Imean ali the inhabitavis os the munt . Neve thelem, When alludincto nationalities, I stillretata the fame denominatio A the Hungaria race, ining the vor in a more limitin sense, oro have a decide objection to the indueriminate me a the wor Maum in thesim o Huingariam. It is true stat e all
Our nam in Englis has alway been an stillis ungariana This substitution a iure duce a ut 840 by the Russian Panslavista, and adopted by our enemies, the Austrians, η , is means os this distinction, apparenti os noimportance, ere reali desimus os despcilius of the glor os hamiconquere IIungarrimine it a Dee state, and sivelit the nam vestavas, lims besere stes evenis, an stilicis o s.
everythin has change in Europe lita a sat scene. The gar Nicholas, in invisu os Austria an oppressor es ungarrio Who in I 849 thought himself master of the destinis es Europe stadent sed expiatin is his deat in savit committe When, is his intemention injunga , he abandone theoni trus Russian in . is heir, among the princes os Europe is apoleon III., at ille Mad os France, strongi concentralia. But here there is a distinctio in e made, Whic is that Napoleon III has a the fame time esse the aio I848, on hic vere inseribe the in sacre Worci, MF-denoean nationalis. Immortat glor in him irae minimum salitat in stat flagi O that eo ditionae vili be allio e ut in Europe. The Danubian principalities bear sitnes in his favo . At ali even a 4mple, simple in thei sui have veryWhere ageri halle thos magio Worti, an is vallus and mountians have si a moment erased is echo them, thesaream so sty
Aster te Dare os expectation and nisserim, Hunors horis at last the tam os a bellerda brightening the politica horizon, or at leastos a salut fetange both mari in the generalpolitica siluationis Europe, an at home, inste relations existini meen the different races
.istin heri dera. Bussia, in her turn has been anquishe and
Austria, then, eing separate hominussia byan impassabie gaes, ea n longe e re alafrom her shecis moreover, solate seo every Europea poWer England heraeis has no onlylooked on,it indisserene Whil her id allymas stripped os her Italian provinees; but What is more, ineris Minitar besta render impossieseth future restorationis Austria influene in Dab. russia, in her fide, is in is reatly sensibis of her true interest' ustriae amontage of Austris embarrasmenis to secure,
at he rivat, expense, the supremac in edimany unde the penalty os seeincheneis de-ellae, morali and physically, is in Mes notemstanti advince in the passi os progress. The nobies par in alia se pollum compli e fons has Men played by Frane or rathe wher emperor est yes are consequently turn intomatas him. He is the only foveresin Who is reali a man os action: he had a Mada conceive an a an to execute his ideas have
been mature is long refleetion his plans,elliald in his inmost soci. Lisae alone Who conquered Bussi in tho crimis, Austria in Italy. o eould resis hima Here sies thesea e Mine ne ines and mistrust,hic no prevaris in the internationes relations os Europe. It is impossibi in dispute in vas poWer of N poleon III. The graia polat icto know Whatare his ideas an his projecta. Oppressed nations are incline to augur et os immit regatario stet om interesis, aster althe has done so the Boumans and the Italians; si is tat he has marmine them e not