Hungary, from 1848 to 1860

발행: 1860년

분량: 269페이지


분류: 미분류


tion. The had ni in ope ines e candrum them to arci meis roster existin in Europe, to se ille greas historiari Dei, that eversi e thessali a Pola , allabellaves, wit thesingle exception os thos inhabiting Littio Servia, and sincera aget Ibi23 allabe Wallachians,

stitutiona liber , and eouid i ste Miseri


great est interna dis iecit is e ver me in Hungary, and Austris endeavoured, but in valli, to turn ita her advantage. At last, aster tenyears of sufferings, these races are gestingtemmeiled : ne consesses ita errore, the other pardonsiliem in o Who duomed eae oster henisee, haves come friend again in flavery and no the are prosoundi convince stat theliberi an nationali dos is discord an onlybe remuere is a retur in the concord os mer times. Sueb, sin are the principat interna an externa dimesses hie have histerio imper, si condemned Hungar in absolute inactividit.

cilia. At present that potat is minin is theyac together, Othing an resis them inela succes is certain Austria, even .ith ste aido Russis, only conquere Hungar When om


In 8 . hemioli strumlin against Wo empires subsequently in her humiliation, have seen e silent, taciturn nobi suffering, prudenti en avo inito amertain the exactnature os her ne . mdition. This Was the epocta eis reflection nomii vi concordaeingres ted in heri om sieris begi inito acti In What Way, yo vili se in the solio ing


I sgoiri his leuer is a very categorica assedition, hie is that in I 848 Hungar Was nottres no generali revolutionary sor, in theone hand theimsanis destre to erio the eivilata politica emancipation .hie ita Die os 1847-8 had but jus extende to them and the other hand. great number of the privilegedelasses could no bellaveritat Austria, in com-batin liberal idea' Wovida sessaris in surprem ali liberum Maleveri ut M. in I859, Hunorsis stor ob revolutisnary, at has toste extent a completet overthro inmmerythinidonnected missi the present system. This may be easu demonstrated. m, in


thing moere is required than britasto enumerate, Wit ut neglectis certain important Minus Woer, thera possin Whie has replace allinat has been lost by the masanin the wpeopte the obles, in faci, the hole nationi oster, ει, to dra a parallel et e thepas and the present state os Hungary.

In die fini place theimsant by the decreeo the Diet in 1848,ere admitte in the em joymen os civit and politica rights Wit ut distinction os racior creed ine had alio Meome solute proprietors of thei lanci Victorious Austria deprived utem and every dy esse es allineis righis It is true that she di no dare tor est lis euher compulsorycla ur o seudia jurisdiction; ut Mincinere in thei taxes

-lle voluntariis , the siet is, stat inenareno sinis rer, and eroni ali comparimn more e laved than the were betae 1848, whenthe managed thei loca assium is means fossieres responsibis to themselves, and electe byctem homoear o Dari Theresere the nov


energeticali demand thei liberty, stilla diem a virgin oKer, the eterna ery os conscience in ali men other se sten ut prefer a hundred times thes past condition to thei presenti Andplerae in observe, stat this is the ardenti in os theimmense maiorit' that icto say, of Ι-000M rasant out of i5,500,00 inhabitandi. But the lasses, both materia an morat, os in privilege classes, the nobies, in clero, and the wWnspeople, have been stili more cruel.

Yieldinito the spirit of the age, in I848 theyheel re unde the privilege of exemption immtaxation the spontane si proelaime uiuinineis os divi an politio equaliW; ut


jurisdictum mere so many independent in publies eae had iis statutes, iis bu et iis traditis , iis histo , it peculiar character theelectora not oesy had the right Orcho init irdeputies buccould also supersede them P unduntatisil to the principies held is ille, Mityo thei e stituendi. In a mota, the asse lyos in electore M ali in ali in the state ita inistere the communes, the - , he deparimenta, at the ossiciat os,hich, fram thelo est in theo hest, mere electedinister Darbor trienniassy, and Were also responsisterio the semessalone.

Marri heresere, halno iis vitalit emtred solet in iis heari, like France it had vitaliuali in ista os iis membres, and was ever living it ut interruption, hilat the state in thelegislative od oni performe iis lanctionsat intervias of three eam. Whateve di nesimmediatet concern the state, a the ollae, rotas, sanitar regulistio , hospitala schoess,ebaritabis institutions prisons, education, allia cor stablishment os publio utilit and


LETTE ILother' in unde the anagement of themuncipalities, stat is of the commune . to mand deparimenta D may Armisome idea osita side GH open to the activit' the ambition, and the patristisin of the citiae . Ain there yo might have fought an Aund the best and mos illustrious patriola os ungary these municipat assemblius Nero ur trainingssic esssor statomen.

Nasa ibis constitution, so admirabi ad tedio the developmen os individua talent, this modes os loca sesssoveminent, this nursernos patrista, his palladium M ur liberum, his arena os our dati politica strumles this pra tio se o se magistrates an statesmen, nolonge exista Austria has Hept WV iis ever vestige. The mos petieet MMove ment a repla d by the mos despotio cen

deputies, nor reelyin se municipat mera; the Die no longe decides the amount of tax tis and the number os recruit aut the most arbitrar caprice an even i D are unable


th sanae at the biddiuios the educate elam.

it Austria has ut innumerable trammel onali that is mos sacre in man-ine liberi os intellectual progress and liberinos conscience. iret speis of the population elon ius to the Gree Church. os these there areiu ungar' includin Transylvania, early 000, 0 of Whοm l,700, Ris therea ut

beton to hat is calle the Unitia reamurta This is a see Whie exist in IIui gar Only. I Was originate by Maria Th resa, Who grantia certain privileges tori an iis elem On conditionis iis recogniting the s preme authorit of the ope. With this dissere e the retain thei rite and the est of