장음표시 사용
absolute independe e mos certates it m talas ita gerinos that Nessing. Sue is the innion sinungar acto in genera siluation Os Europe. he no longer re a Russian intervention; in has a rightto res o the mora supportis constitutionalEngland Pressia, sussisurio his mission mill
vention , a thies pari in her Mases.
Waetis pam in another consideration.
It is more specialty interna dissiculum, thesilai resulis of the evenis aQ849, hic have condemne Hungar during the last te Darato absolute inactivit' At stat epoch ver ining in Hungar Was chamex nothinios Rhat meri existe vas te standing ita boum darim, tho integri es ita territor' iis laWs,
LE E L is ita constitutio Nit ita politica life and evenit nuuinem an meiat se, undement a minplete transformation.
numerous dissension amon iis inhabitant'
stere,ere but , politica parties the partyaimgress and the conservative par in Thes me mante the responsibilit os over ment in exist in saet, as in theor it alvusta existe amono us the liberi os thepress se a censorini ha been estissis de uar in in equalit in everything, ostesvil and political, Mithout distinctionis clemes, M. The conservative pari Was opposed is allinis, and ni eo ente in partia an inade- quate concessio . The event of 1848 gaveste ascendene to the liberaliaris for I cannot calici democratich; ut is, unde the influenceos es eumstances, in conservative part -- cepte Deely, and even With som degre os enthusiasm, the tanges demande by their opponent' ome time astematas, during the
semit spectains, conduci hic gave is inde' distrast et rem the in parties aster thegrea eatastrophe. The conservatives accused
in liberat os harin mine there common unu by their politica errore, and the lalterreeriminate by reproachin the conservatives .it thei indissere M and thei absene atthe final strumle, hen it Was a sacre dutyto sis to the las gas for the ver existe eos the nati . M QI849 uiniost eomsilete harmonsandi ulmos toleration prevalle among the diueserent religi s secta, Roman Catholica Grea Catholies of both hurines, Protestants of ine sessis , Unitarians, and Jem. his inter tion mas uinis tho tuli os our politica liberins, these in liberum an ni Murish or existingether. I reel eo res that in his a thegreat merit of the Roman Catholi elemn steritam an mos privilege in Europe, ut atae samo timo ita mos tolerant an most popular Whoclive Wit ut solatins the elves
and Arahat reason it conceived the idea ora semo Concordat, the grandi ecces Whie Wasto eligendo among the Catholim a spirit os
domination, an a the fame time in so the setas os dilacord an distrus among the membersos the oster feeis It is true stat oWinito theenlightene an tolerant spirit omine Catholies, the morament falle in iis inhuman and anti- Christian desuns sorabe superior clero, as,ellas stela subodilinatos, ebel Missi repugnancestis sacrifice of the unde disce of the Hungarian Churta simila in the Gallican Chure aut os more Melant dato to the despotum os the eo tos Rome. Nevertheses' the non athesio population uino million and a halpto seven millio os Catholim gan toriae in alam, an toloo With mistrus o the sectaries of the Pope. The had reason to bellaveritat the desim,
enteriaineri noconi os Germanizing them, butiam os drivinciliem lato the Roman Catholio Chureiu Perhaps the suspecte stat the M stolies, at leas the ero, mere murio stis
tion noster, an stili more Armidabie dim
is observe, stat tho basis os his classitiation, neviter meri nor religio' nor lun age Arahere vere nobis an ecclesiastic os ali degre thoughilaves, Mumans, o Germans, a there vere Masints though ungarians. o mutasor individuali Acto hat inceres the di Mela, the provinces, ita ro cor races, in fine,
it is mos important to kno that ali uin privilege distriet an provinces,ere inhabites, eithera Slaves o Germans, a the Saxons os Transylvania, tho Saves of matia the lauer,sor instance, unde themungarian eo titutio oui pia oneinals lem laxes stan stomunga. rians. The Hungarians neve reserveessor them-selves an exclusive privilege. So muta a toste ro corraces. With respect in langua , I may bere state, stat in past times, inmungary, as laevhere in Europe the language of the supreme govermment a Latin, ut alWays coriointly With Hungarian. I Was noctili some right yeare ago, Whenia eph II., suppressing the use of the Latin idioni in public assairs, anteda replace
eenturio b ore. I say that the, te eo tryinsistedispo ita continue use, o beea erit Was the languam a the eonqueror aut iam eit Was spine is a M greater number of perso
sim annoster idiom Minus it vas the onlyone .hie had Men sumianu eultivate toa Wer the pur se causerit Mithe languaseos the privilege clam ho ei οye politicalx his Minus it Was spinen and underet fisa leas nine mission out os inem Meause, in fine it Was the universa steling, to suta an exim stat, in I 830, the madi themserues petitioned the Die in passis la providingahat the Hungarian lanmage in Hae inuis a the ademnos Zagra the eapital of matis It was heresere considerati uis a genera interes a Wel a historical, intellectual, an et ingraphic, hic justiae the adoption os this murae, especialinas during the previsus thim years the Latin language had Mased in beata
medium os instruction in se ess, and the numbero inose Who underet dest mas ut som te thousata in a population os fitae millions.
do Fou accouut so the rising of the Stoes, them imam ita Germans, against the causera
sen d by the Hungarians in I848 7 That is the
indured by an means os persuasion, nor evenis three, in inis arnis against the mmuary, mos os them voluntarii joined ursis aQ. The truth may. --r. Mund ona caresul analysis of the elementa os a movenient
apparenti inexplicabie an is accurateb dis
tinguishing the motives of the menisho coinmanded, fio the motives of the massis thepopulations, tenerali sinis themsolves tole
directe the reactionam movement ero nearlyali Austrian generes and ther incera actingunde secret instructions an provide Wissi
arm an nume by the muri of Vienna. In Savonis and Croatia, stere Was General Jella sies; in the annat Genera Supplitare in Transylvania, Genera Pueliner These menWere ni the lini instruments of the o tomarilla. ut heimple ought neve in be soju ed ser even When in error, ste Will alWaysbe ound is have acre o nobi an genemus impulses Ther ore, though it is an indisputableiae stat in Crinis vere a soldier brutallyeompelle in mare against themungarians; that in Serbs, ride by 20,000 Breun Serbs brimit, fio Servia, contris to internati mallam neve thought os mythincesse ut exti patins the ther races is posses thei latici; stat in Boumans vere es inspired by theu brethren a ita Danubia principalities, ho.ere anxious t enlarge thes State at our e pensos it must, o even e consesse stat atthis period a febrile excitamen os the nationalsentiment, allata races looked Amarda a glorious future, an unde the trinitas mised by persilious Austria, the despised ita constit