장음표시 사용
thei domas. But his partia succres Myeneo age the Austrian overament in emplΟΥ-er imaginable means, intrime, corruption, violance, intimidation to constrat ali in o thodox Greetario Meome converis and is aster I 7904 4hiel os themungarian constitutionpreserve inem sto iis persecutin proselytim, ita proselytismi stirili missi reater violane stan veri es, Maus sine I849vid ungar mas no there in restres iti u may imagine in effervescende Whic this kin os inquisitis has produce among the adherent of this ommunion, o muta the
inue ser the spirit statio predominates mons the adherent of the Gree Chureium res et to the Hungarian Roman
LETTER II. asstolies, an one Whoci ut suppos stat the Concordat a lavo abi received by themmould e stranget mistahen. Is Austria has
conclude this reat Wit thes pe a deriviminuantage hom it, in has made a signa blander As in virtve os ur ancient tam thebis p eould publiis nesther bulla nor Missisto Rome Mithout the assent of the civilmverament, in Were in a manne almos m- dependent of the ope the Were so many fovereigna in thei di mes. O the thertata, the inferior clem Were silebi ranteed by ur ecclesiastica institutions against arbitrar pro edim on the par os thei superiora se inmungary, as in very e muniry the spiricos the canon la di no predominate in the genera laus, but in the contra , the spirit os in constitutisnal tam modita in canonia in a libera sense. The Concordat hasther ore producta no resul except to ineroseth number of malcontendi Ar the di mans, havince sed to e independent, Me no atine mereno intrauer at the muri es Rome;
.hile the inserior ero are at the mere esthei di mans, in findis consolation in thethouin os harin a number os flaves underinem sine the have os these Wn liber .
Yo nee not, heresere, M at ali Minnished toleam stat it was the Cardinali imato os Emindimm Who underiso in desive in his Qvere niue inemoria os in Constitutionalista, or onretaing the names os οὐ Aest prelates at inuhead os ali the nationa movementa an ente
prises Themungarim Catholio elargy, se iis
restoritici of the old ungaria system os
The question os the Protestant is a more important, no Ont in account os stet great numbers nearly 3,500, 0), but cause theyrepresent proportionali iste great, o infosine privilege elasses despone of thei pol,lica righis oecos the are the mos entio, e d and mos intelligent os ali in Mela, o ingis thei liberal education cause rem ire
the principi os thoi religion is alio stat os
politica libem lastin cause, se in thebistor os IIungam, stat during the three emturies os the Hapis idomination it Was alWaysthe Protestants b opposta, ometimes bylega means, at iners, heu ne Mary, is armed insurrection, the ener tamenta os despot- im, a the had in deseud, esides nationalityand the eonstitution thei liberi os orship.
vii iis Presbyteria an democratio organi-tim could vi exist sive, and Duris in apersecti Deo count . Me , he organismos Protestantis is in the ordo es time, po terior is the polium system hic hom the ver besenning prevasse inmungary but in princis it is essentiali in fame. At allevenis, it is evident stat the Protestant tarta es no have been able in retari ita populareonstitution is it had not appene is e in me marvellinis constrinit missi in political constitution os the comisy consequently civilliberin in iis Arm eminently sinovi te is ML Momment, is a questionis lis an deat in the Protestant Church. I mania even inmedisti ut hesitati , stat inmungary the Pretestanta Mone Were Dee in ver respeetios, o ste ne and theyparticipate in ali in benefit os the political constitution basedimn the principi os election in the bmadest sense of the word in the otherband it a the fame liberal principio bitam dabo base os stet Melesiasticat organia
tion Protestant Churines of the inoconsessium,as nationali divides in communes, districis, an diocesses es in commune, Geb member, ric ha a legat vote ine. coinniune elected ita schoolmaster an minister,
and hadio erit remis inem. The a m of the district Were managed by the representatiVesos allata commines composuitit, and those osine di me, o the fame princise by the
representatives of es the districta. The generalassemes' dio san or omelimes synodat, electedis universa sumage acte in iis sphere M a legislative od Wit almos fovereim OKe managed the se dations modissed in statui selecte in professor os the gymnasia and publie colleges, an determine the system reducation. Itis true, stat ali the expenses, e ne is the member os the church the state contribute nothing, nor id it ali intersere excepi in se stat the genera lavs of themunt 'ere no violared, and no instanc os in End canae remem red. This admirabie Melesiastical seis verament
Mas totali subverte in I 849, simultaneo ly in the rivit sel govemmon The distestants Hre o longe independent; thei Matre remanaged by deerres; ver omisi is appolatia by the eentralis erament De electio nolange exista subdivisio , historical origin, metioned by the traditions os centuries have been changed the have been compelle tome sc ob ori composed by Jesulis it Waseum attempte is suppressisti thei superior se in is maring thei existene dependisnmateriai an morat condition impossibi to esutaed. For instanee, is a gymnasium M an academ Mes novaecept German as the medium os ivstruction, though ad mage unkn-n to the pupilla, the said establishmenis, some os,hichis Mive smisone thousand tostae hundredi iis,are vot aut Haed in desive valid certificates. Thus the Protestants have mos abundant and
mis tunes, stela intellectual progress and liberires conscience are in the ulmos tanger. But it is innecessa et longo ponthe particula Misonem es classes, secla, andraces, for I can earlessi assert, uiat the wholepeopte os Hungary have been erueli injure in allabe hol Mares an mos saered: in theirmateria interesis, stet intcllectua progress, thei nati a sentiment thei res laus belles, thei mannem, thei traditions in seci, in everything that distinguishes the meiat, national, and religio clite ora nation. Die messare os the hole ounu has been merest si sacrisciario considerations p clysseat. The Austrians have quintuplod the laxes, fides introducinito- dues stam sities, thetobacco monopoly, and a lacon inheritanees, all of Which were premiously unknoWn inmungary. This count . ita hin no a farthinios dees, no has to bear in burde es LMR R000 stertinios the Austrian deburi politica ream , oo, ungary hac evinundate Wit thousanctis gentarmes, Whose
Presenoe has ni bad the effect os incre ingerim in the ratio os eight per ent These uta myrmido , selectedio the army, and mearly ali sore ners, are invested Mith the right osenlaring privat. ellino at an, ur es the dayor night αροπο so much the more scandalo inmungarn a beta e 1848 in liberi os the person and the inviolabilitnos every home Was
enter assio e Wit ut Wrium aut rity. For in bra me times Wit iis, as in England accordiugio the poetica exprestion os Loes hastam,
everseitiae, as sacre as an altar, mery ho eas secure a a castis
Pleave D in imagine to What degre themud spirita es the ungarians must bolaritate and uounde by this despotism, sos eis to their usum. At in fame timethei oppressor introduce the PMSpor system, illi then δε-- in ungar as it is in Engiam , so that tho inhabitant Who formerly eoae traves seret ali ver tho Engdom, musino obtain permission to mino ono villa
-ο, Wishiniis celebrate ita biri ora sonor themarriage of adaurater, sbould invite thei mencito a mere meeting but ait at onema gendameentem sit ut permisi ii throws himself down in therint arm-chair, light his pipe Withou sayinga mord, and then laves an insolent furvemos alline company in sed is inenare desilior plottinganythius against the silet of the state, o ratheris mari ali in eo an seel that he is themaster and the are ali claves. Sue is asaithsul and curio ly idylli picture os the sociallis Whie no exist in Hungam. Intentis realietingae des M, Austria has reintroducta the Jesulis inis Hungary, Whende the were Misen a ut a Gntur ago in is determine to place the education os ali themuth in the tanta os monis in has ta neWeditions of the Latin classim and ther se ob
of her viem, thinhing that the est means os ining claves serier empire Which leaves themno rictis, but oesy imposes desies.