장음표시 사용
tutioncine may have sive heraeis it vili stillbe necessarrio deprive Austria, remining herneigh ur an natura me , o both the willand the powerrio disturb his possession Miles ings o dearly moti it Hungam sterias that hi dom oui necessarii play the principaliari in the M. Austria, os vesta ineWοul compose ne hau stat en Would eoompletely attainia. mmover, in the work Whic the allied armissare so gloriousi persorining at this momen utere is, in underum init in addition tost Italia question another question, relatinsto Europem orderi or ste Italians, the miniis in inise in ore n dominatiun an comemaster os their Kn actions. For Europe thesesutio of the Italia questio signifes theextinction es a volcano hic is ver in ling and threatening the removia os ea es os alarmWhic manat any moment letario commotio
Whose consequences no an ea calculate.
Nomoering the solidarit stat con et alloiviliae muniries, it is os the ulmos importance
anni illais A the emue os dis fluuine and agitatio by the genera introductis of the oonstitutionat systen Meda demonstrato that this sublime en ea neverte secure so lanias Austria, deprive of her Italia possession is stili me to relata an pureus her κἀδω- tende te. The eause of agitation Hesd oesybe remove hom ono polat in another, it Maed- s UeMed. vii in further, that the re tablishment of mogarias a constitutiona State is alio di inred by the interest os civiligation, in iis progressive advanee o vest in east. In his respect Hungary, and Hunor alane, Mould beperiecti adapte in serve as an intermediambeiseen vester eiviliratio an in Danubian muniries It is no soleis cause of her μωgraphica proximit' but more repeciallyaeca ethera exist Miseen Hungar and the inhabi, anis of thos muniries, a similarit os orion, mamiera, and usto ita, id rende iteas serae to exeresse her influene in the
mirae a progress In non times, vas it notHungar stat supplied the profe- , lassislator severa, physicians the writer mos disti gutine in thei respective literature to tho Danubia Principalities, Servia, and ont nemo an inori, ungar Arms, ascit vere, the natural channes by Whic Westem civiligationmus fio lato thos easter muniries. The Danube stat eminently Hungaria riser as in Hungarnit egin is e navigabie, an great pari ostiis eo se lies Withinae suntlara Mesno that in os rivere sermo ' his dbe,een the tW vorici, o the excitange os merctandia as,etras intelleetua intereo sepla I 848, When the nationes overament a Mngar had thro- ω- ita barrier rauedis Austria, did, no se at one est lis da intelleetua an materia ochange, mi
active mos beneficiat, an mos hiendi' --- Hungar and the ast an octange id immediates Mased .hen Austria abs lutum Was again triumphant 7 In a genera polat of vie' the existende os a
eo titutionat ungar vovi have the most saluino iustume o the solutior of the greatquestion in the East, hich sor mod insons, stili Ggum die Minnium os Eu e. Opinimis missi respeet in his grave questionare ver divergenti For in part havs noeota nee in the vitali of the Turris empire, an I do no se so the populations os
Eum an Turri' - - ita sole legitimate ire os Isiam, an assure future excepi in a foderatim. solatia, the Mut be ea and uould fidi an eas prent ambitious and poWersul eigh ure unitia, the Nould bes Μ nouo in resis ali assallanis mihine Hungaria eo titution based in the fed rasine princise like the Helvetio consederationandiis nite States os America, mouid o the an excellent modet, Whiel the might alline more eastly imitate, a the sederative prim
Mincinherent in the patriarcha organigationMd that os in tribes. Gly the principio, .hie in Tur fremaius in a vin os embryo
state, has Men inmungar silly devel ed into
politica system an case a Med, Hungary, restore in liberi an independence, ould sine notinnisas a modes, in alio as a ransispoint, a prim 'Oppia, in case of externaltanger se Hungar ean Mily bring underum 300M00 men an histor telis os Hu garianaras . . ut What is sar more importantis ita praetica aptitude os themungarians Aradministratio an organuation. I Was seselyo nito his aptitude, the resulcos our admini trative autonomy durius centuries, stat,mWere able is manage so Keil in and in miseseverat large armies missi suta rapidit' In Ret, it is doubreui hether, Wit ut theemGous suppori an active assistane or aste an liberal Hungarri these ne lyd med states could long maintain stela independen .
Joseph H. et undereiso that the ruesolutio of the aster question lay a Buda, and mustae voris out is Hungarn ut bet uot es of a solution in a dynasti imterest. The influendo in Whic We asino vovi,
o the contrarnae exerene so the good osthos muniries, in the interest a stela liberi' stela material and mors de Omen in inor in the interest os genera civiligation Letan tria foverein continuo, is it mustine so to cun the ungaria throne. It Muid ea missortune seris; but stat in no Way,eahens in assertion, mill neve bo ablacio aetothemis than in consormit vit the liberaltendenses os ita mundi' is, is the restorationes our old constitution, Hungar becomes trem os her aetions and of her destin'It is asin Hungarian an a Liberat stat Phoetam the liberint present stem considerationsio ou excellene' rustiri, stat is D thinhinem just, o vili submit them to the Em- peror Napoleon GL and Victor Emmanuel. The reater the number of peopte Who profitis thei benefila the more glorious mill their
tiires iniuries in dese in and maintaining their liberum, either is pracesia means, in When
J AMEN M ORDINANDI L. REGIS HUNGAALE. Anno Ib27. Nos Ferdinandus, mi gratia rex Hung mohemiso, est. Summis per Dolim vivum, por eius salictiminiani gonitri in Virginem vi iam, et omnes salictos quod
nos occlesias mi, domino praelatos, barones, nobiles, civitatos liberas, et omites regnicolas in auia immunitatibus
et libertatibus, uribus, privilagiis, in antiquis bonis,ot v mctatis eminui ibi o-----, --Nais iustitiani aciemus serenuinimi ondam Andreae regis crota sorv -- με regni nostri Hurigamin, et quin
ad Qua quocunque jura aut titulo pertinent, non adienabimus, nec diminuemus, sed quoad potorimus, augebimus, et B tendemus, omniavi alia aciemus, quaecunquo Pro
bono publico, honoro, ad incremento amitum statuitari, aestolius runt nostri mitigistin usio mores laximii si nos Deus 'uvet, et omnes sancti. Tomiis pagina 340.