장음표시 사용
tunately unde existin circumstances, cannot
express her desii es, mouid certaini preser baxinga fovere n in no Way connected With thea triandynaad, the sole cause of our protractia susserino, ita elamarenem os progress and natio Lind.
pende e. In trust, ungar possesses ait thequalities necessar in constitute an independent state. For richnem os mirandiarim os nationalproducta, there is no counu in Europe superioris heri Her territori eontaius 617 square geographica leagum, hereas russi has oesy
more extensive thanmnugal, Sardinia, Hanover, Bavaria, Saxony, and Wurtemberginitia Thenumber os inhabitant is 15J00M00 an in
this respect aster Rustia, France, and Great Britain, in eomes immediates aster Spain, Uin has I 995,b8 inhabitandi, and Prustia, With I5,580, 0. In time os mace, Hungar has an arm M IMM00 men, Minilem stan Rumia an France, equa in Prussi or rea Britain, and superior in anfoster state in Europe. num os a the arm micti e raue in 300,000 men vithout the leas dissicut . ouuius see stat Hungar possesses ali the elementa necessar in mari a poWer os theraret ordo.
eenturies, in alone repelle the immense γπer os the Ottonitura an sino seri toprotect ali Europe against their inmadi Bythis mighty seat os armcise meli Mnae spura, an iustissed her ille to an a a greatio eri Belio me, flata, that ius as is mas ables meri in desin Christendo against alltilam, o hom Whateve quarte tange mayeome, in Dry Will prove stat in eo ficti sorher K liberi and the liberi os the worid. Moreover, it is imp sibi is den ber great vitality. Youbere a friendi Witnes of o struinis in I 848-4s certainly a state deserves tot achnowledged as a finietate poWer hemit eoae not e conquered even unde dista-Vantagmus conditio , ut by the combinedarmies os iso oster great poWers. his argument admus es no resy; our very desint oves evide e
In her inmos soci the iungar cheriises the fame aspirations a Lombardy and Venetia-ine destres absoluto independe e in Moesto long in herses Vand have the directio os
siderations preventis sim attaining this adidenti destre e nricis, are nodito bo saved by a Napoleon asotia probabi Will e thenthere is ut one means os satisfring IIungary, ichris, restore herinconstitutionali id historisssimus by maring this ne os the conditions os Mace on seminatinitii present War in Italy. Is the vae has not emessoris ala detrus atteas profit byci Neve mill a War have borne nobis stuit than one Whic secures the liber
is eondition os pine is indisputabου I. In the interest os right and justi . Finem Hungar and the Austrian dynasty there lagali exista a synallagmatio contractishichbinia sis latis to strictisobserve ille tam andeonstitution of the munuy. 'hings may Withimpunit Meah the uoties the have sealedand -- re bo ea the ex et nations tores et existinclamastat is in the interest or is tumia This fide of the question must particulari in-
promotis constitutionalioverament montiue oster nations os Europe Ad in this that our constitution dates sto the fame centurnas ine gliin thesare two OH and venerabis sister resemblinteach other in more stan one respecti BL oris tinna, crur usura our positioia deas,
of pomeri me in En in oveminent reatlythin the existene os Austria a politica nece sit, Is in Mes, latae se stat Hungarnis satisfieri sor Austria, speciali aster Iosius Italy, Will have nesciata in the ran os a great poWer excepto, O ungary byae alone
Austria existi, by her Austria is made isterstrong or meis. In an case, it is evident stat. is Austria leave themungarians dissatisfiedand threatening it mill tis ali heroower to e unde ui revolutionar an centrifugat elementa, and consequently she,il unableis iussit the politica mission hie D andoster states expectum heri Piso. stat Austria used toae regatae asine versione os in Europea edifice, Mea eine uas a conservative raster stan an aggressive poveri an a sue in vas aisus a sevo iteatly of the oldoer generation o statesmem ut, I again a M. ean o lean upo a po er hie eanno suppore itinis The Austria os forme dva has eased in exist her internalelaniendi bellis in eontinuat revolt and agitation,
in is necessariis Neries in resis a fore nenemy. What an e ope ho an empirem se subjecis dolae at the desint of their ommvere ny an in allianc os a monarin me mos deadlfene es are his οὐ subjecis have the leas valueis importanee in Dur estismationi et no the nam Ofaustria deceive Du as a naincine exista, in her reali enher morat an politica innuenee, have long si edis peMed. 5. It is in the interest of the Hastem question, in acto polities and the adisne os civiligation hae geographica position her orion,
garnis eminenti qualiue in transmit to thenations os the ris au the element os progressandiis ideas os Westem civiligation, as Phoealready had the honour in bom Butabat is uot all. For the fame easons, and speciallybemus ita constitution o Hungarn a deinlope inis a complete system in that munus mustae remmiata a partieularly suitia to the genius and patriarchalimners of the East sor
these ream , I say, ungar is destine toplay ehiesivit in tho solutis os stat greatquestion but this salutar mission to promotest libertianda pines of the respective nations an My caeco illine is ungarysteae, atrons, and eo tutulona Sue are the ideas, Mich, inspire is laves ,re nuri I have the hono rio submit in D loes, the head os a liberal goverament, the prime minister os a ste nation, Whohave ro the minianishoπn s muta sympatis missi ou eause, meses is ust an legitimate, is ever ause 'ras. Hungar heraeli, in heri aralleled oppression, Miniunable to proeliam heririevanees, Laer exile sis, speis inheriame stat privilege is ali Phave lest in consolo me servite lam os in belaved mundi' glata, Iano' is notine of the belligerent vere; sta anno oheresere, propos directeonditions os praee; ut sieris ροποὶ is her
vinein stat his suggestions villae poetsillyreceived both by the eonquem and the om
ae in the fame direction in aecord With him. In Dur devate a Ist August, I 84s, above
Phave ita honour m lota, is assure riuost in hest consideration.