장음표시 사용
tam into account stat the historica righis an traditions os ac munis inould eis speete a the eve livius murce os patriotismi shori, this ne empire inouldae based in the principie os foderation, sontestinia rata maione of SMileterland o the nite States os America This emplae, Wit ut Italy, Muid stili have 33, 0,000 inhabitanis; ut i Austria
Germans in tyranniae an Germaniae the oster 26, ho Hon to ther races, hewould ause intestine dissension mit ut ita, and consequently ποῶ neverae in a positionto sules ita mission hic Europe in generat, and England in particular, expecta es heri Leonses stata have litu hope in se the Hatri in dynasty etange iis traditionat polien, ever individua has his oWn personalim so
th s. Austria, d there e require a W dynasty Me sto at the trammel os thepast, and ready to accepi anhly and sin Mythe ne mission os the neW emplam But Lam mell4ware that What is diarinis is no aluus possibis Let in Austrian dynastythen remat at the head of the empire, but let it sesso a peste ad ted in the diversitfornationsit has in fovem Other AK it is indubitabis uiat sin ther provineis mill Allo. the example set is in Italians. The liberatin missionvhic France is no accomplisian sor the Italians Bussia mansome Myae dis sed is
underiiserior the oster Austriani Vinces.
the Austrian and Russian armies o the other, has been Nattaed With the most,ainsul interestis her Majestyla Goveramenti This War . . . has graduali assume the character an pro-- portions os an important Europem transaction. On the one fide stand arrared in arm almost
the wholi putation amungary an Traim sylvania, o longe appe in in mali and
delached numbercas insurgendi, but tising the
shouldae marche to the must, . . . and the
Is superior numbersis vi prevas, and is themungarians should e compelle in su, mi is suta conditioncas the Austrian overm ment manthin fit in impose, in questio uill naturali inser ret, o sar Will the triumph so obtained ove themungaria turato the ea an permanent duantage os
Austria a , Meo ly What illae the -- pensation Whi in Austria Will have in mari instat ali is hos in Mi exertions alam Austria vili have been ensileris actisve stat triumpha 'on the sint of these questions it icto be observed that is the obieet in attainta,ere A the reduction os a single tom, o the subiuga-
tion es a mali distriet, a limite garrisin Mouldae suffcient in maintain se ita futuro the ascendenesmine by the usu ora batueor os a campaim; ut the case is disserent ,hen the eontes is arrita in missi a popul tio amountincto more stan 10, 0, R an inhabitis a munir Whos in dial extent is noessa thies res the dominions os
A Wil os themungaria pmple, moes hola out promise s stat rea concord Wit ut ,hie a nomina union Would e deprive ofessi cy and alae. . . The centra mam, the main illa of this empire, is necessarib ungary Wis her thee ire Muldie strong, Wit ut herii Mould betoo ea in influenc the balance of poWer in Europe. ungary, as in vas doWn to IMRwould e hali Austria init ut Italy in asto territor an population in has sumentremurem to supporta population Osdrom inent five in stiri million. While, as a state, inescan ast an existenee ornearly a thousand years, Mith a sums internat politica organietation, the, k of many centuries. me organisation, bring the
direct eontrar os centralizati m is eminently adapte in serve as a modes sor the nations os therist, Who monerior later mill se M and Arm in many states, aster the inevit te ruin Mauris' d. belleve me is there is anx unis in Rhichthere risis andalimriines an ardent patriolisnui fuit os historical traditions os a past alte nates glorious an Mormn stat counu is Huno . The temporar dissensis Micharos monitis disserent races in I 848, parti
provoked by Austrian intrigue laru attributabis
to the severis excitement of the times, has no allagester disa earia. Under ine ola constituation these nationalium,ere alliis Wben Myhad et pia in overthrowit, thei libertim verelast, and thei ver national existen deo Mirin. Sue is the ream es theis tard but undeviable
I enumerate the reaso hic Hungaryshouldie made in nucleus os the ne empire. Joseph α, the only man os genius monitiis fovere nisi a se of Harbum during three eenturies, hia the sagacit is perceive this. e
esearly in stat the future of the empire Wassoleb in the East but though hedu ed correctiyas to the oriae mas alto the wrons in hischolae os means, oro endemoured tome molae ste races, and abolisiad the eonstitutions. Η- eould itie possibis for the disserent nations, incorporate an contiguous, is see any Vmpatis sor an empla vesta allowed them noli ny, and was also bent in sordibi annihilatingstes nationaliis The remit .as What micti have been Armeen Austria tost the confidenceos ali the populations and both Within her
stonuers and in the surroundinimuntries, sometre linio Seir nationalitri ostere,ere eagerso liber , ut ui Au, an system ire ene both these possessis , he tW greatest bl sing os individual and nations. Allo me here, in ordito mari a remar Whlah, in m opinion, is os great importanee. rventur is assim stat .estem visitiation in the East ean diffise so weli in annoster Way a through the instrumentalit os Ηunga .
Instein os developinistis idea myses a preser
riuris. Amit os race, frequent contac in mace and War, ast an present, posteal circumstances, suta a navigabie rivos andum plains, actis Q many connectinilinis tueen the aloining races. Such linis moey b Dina et en e ternisna, ter racem emungarian raee orieopte is oriental in iis descent, traditisns, an is a great extent in iis
'habit an ideas. A a Europea colon Os meastercoriin, and of a Hisdine race Wit theneighbo ing Tuas, themungaria race has in dram is historical evenis into ita chelees,estem civiligation many of Whose ideas ithas adoptia. this forma an insemediare