Synodalia : a collection of articles of religion, canons, and proceedings of convocations in the Province of Canterbury, from the year 1547 to the year 1717 :

발행: 1842년

분량: 459페이지


분류: 미분류


Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.


Constitutiora and Canon Ecclesiastica .

uses Ecclesiastical, to e maintained. AS ur ut to tho ing' most Oxcellent majestyrequireth, o si si docroo and ordain, ha tho archbishopo Cantorbui frona timo to timo), nil bisholis of this Pri Vince ali donias, archiloaeotis, pars ans, vicars, and allotho Occlesiastica porsons, hali faithfuti k001 and observo, and a much as in thom ioth shali auso to boobsorvod nil op of thers, ali and singula laws and Statutes, ad for restorinito tho crown of this Lingiloni ath ancipiat jurisdictionisvor the stat ecclosiasticat, undabolisti in os ali foroigi poWer opugnant to the Sume. Furthermoro, nil eclosiastica porsons havin curo offouis, nud ullisther provehors, and roadors of divinit locturos, hall, to tho ultorinos of thoi Wit, knowledgo, and learning purei and incerely, Without an colour ordissimulation, teuch, manifest, Open, and declare, Durtimes very year at the leasti, in thoi formons und thorcollation and lecturos that ali usurpo Manil for0ignio ver forasmuel a tho sani liath no ostablishment Dor round by tho law of God is for mos jus causos talion Wayand abolishod land that thoreforo no manne of Obe-


III. The muro os Myland a true an Apostolicul


Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasti al. LVI.

law, and containsed in the Book of Common Pray0 and Administration o Sacramenis, is a corrupi, SuperStitiOUS, O unlawfulis orshil os God, o containoth any thing in itthat is opugnant to tho scripturos tot in bo excommunicatsed ipso favito, and not restorod, ut by tho isti opsos tho laese, or archbishop, aftor his opontaneo, and publio rovocationis sueti hi Wicked errors.


Whosoovor hali heroasi r soparato thom solves Domitio communioni fainis, ascit is approuod by the apostlos' rulos, in tho Churoh of England and ombino homsolves togothor in a ne brothorhood, uecount in tho Christians, who aro conformabio to tho doctrino, go vortament, riteSaud oremonios of tho Chureli frangianil, o bo profane, and uiam Oot so thum to Oin illi in Christian profossion; to thoni o excommunicatsed ipso facto, undiso restored,


X. Maintainers of Schismatio in the Chure of Enylaud


O DIVINE SER PICE AND ADMINISTRATION FAETHE SACRAMENT S. XIII. Due Hebration V Sundus and Holy- Ps. At malinor of porsons illi in tho Church o England


Constitutio=is and Canon Ecclesiasticat.

XVI. Colleyes o se the rescript forni os Dirine


In tho holo divino sorvico, and administrationis thohol communion, in ali coli gos and halis in both univor- Sities, the order, forna, and eremonios hali 0 ut ob-as Served, a the are et ora 11 and proscribsed in tho Book of Common Prayer Without an Omission Or alteration. XVII. Student in Colleyes o wear Surplices in time os Dirine Service. Ali mastor and Dilow of collogos orialis, and ut the oscholars and stud ni in illiser of tho univorsitios, hall, in thsei churchos and cha peis, pon ali undays, holy-


Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.

XIX. Loiterer no to e suffere neor the Chure in timeos Dirine Service.
