장음표시 사용
16o . Co=istitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.
XXXVI. Subscription require V such as area be made
Constitutinis an Canon Ecclesiasticat. VI
II. That tho Book of Common Prayor und of orderingo bi8hops, priosis, an deaeons containoth incit nothingcontra to the wordis God, and that it ma lawfult so i5bo sod and that ho inissis illisso tho forni in thosaid book proscribsed in public prayer, an administrationo tho sacranionis, and non Other.
I6O4. Constitutions and Canon Eoolosiastioul. 269
Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.
VI. XL. An ath vainst Simon at Institution into
To avoid tho dotestabis sinis simony, ecause bub ingari sollinio spiritual and ecclesiastica functions Omees, promotions dignities, and livings, is execrabis bosoroa God thorosor tho aroli bishop, an ali and ver bishoportishops, or an Other person or person haviniauthOrit to admit, instituto, collato, instati, oro confirm thoolection o an archbishop, bishop, or ther perSOn Orpersons, to an Spiritualis ecclesiasticat function, dignity, io promotion, ille ossico jurisdietion, placo, o bonosco,ith curo Or Without curo, O to an ecclesiastica living What-soever, hall, oforo very uel admission institution, collation installation, o confirmationis plection, reSpectivel ministor o very porson horeaster orae admittod, sinstitutod collatsed installod, o confirmo in or to anyarchbishoprie, bishoprie, o other spiritualis occlesiasticalfunction, digni ty, promotion, ille, ossice, jurisdiction, place, o bonosco illi cure or ithout curo, or in or toany eclesiastica living WhatsOevor, his ath, in anno round forin soli Wing tho amo to p aken by very onowhom it concornetb in his Wia person, and o by a procior I . . do stoear, That I hane ad n simoniaca punient, contraci or promise directi or in directi',
cern in the pro urin and obtaining of this colestosfieoldignis, luce, referment, ince or iriny, respectivolyan particulari Damin the samo herount ho is to boadmittod institutod collatsed installod, o confirmed, nor 3owil a any time here fer perform or satis j an suo Dindos pument, contruos, or promise ad by any fher,ithout m knowle e or consent Sorae me God throuyhIesus Christ.
Constitutio=rs and Canon Ecclesiasticul.
271 XLI. Licenses for Pluralis of Aenesces limitet und
Constitutio=is an Canon Ecclesiasticat.
o tho omeneo. XLIV. Prebendaries orae resident upon their Benesces. No rebendaries nor canon in cathedra o collegiatochiarches having one or more bonosces illi cure, and not ei ne residentiaris in thessam cathedrali collegiatochurelios, shal unde colour of the sui probends, absonithomsolves rom thoi bonosces With curo above tho pace of ne monili in tho ear, utiles it e foris me urgent auso, an certain imo to se allowed by tho bighos of tho diocesse. And uel of tho sui canon an preben-
16o . Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.
Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.
I6o . Constitution and Canon Ecclesiastical. 27
Constitiuions and Canon Eo lesiasticat.
that is illis of th partios Tondinido apposti, he hali notio sufferod o proaeli pendente lite. LIV. The Licenses of Preacher refusilis Conformis o