장음표시 사용
16o . Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.
bo used, and that tho truth may a far ascis possibio bo
308 Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat. VI.
requiro duo rosormation Providui always, hal f any man consos his uero an hiddon in to tho ministor, so tho unburdoning of his conscioneo, and to receive spiritua consolation and eas of min froni him 'o dono any a bini tho suid ministo by this ur Constitu-astion, ut o traiti chargo anil admonish im, that hodo nolint an timo oveat anil mali lino vn to an perSOnWhutSOovor an erim orissone so committet to his rustand Secroey, except tho bo sueti crimos as by tho laws of this poni in his own is may bo callod into question soraocon realing the fame, unde pati of irregularity. CXIV. Ministers hali presentiecusanis.
i6o Constitutions and non Eoolosiasticat. 11
tho com to tho hureli, o do rosus to receivo thocommunion aro inhabitanis, o mali thoi abodo, illior
Sueli ordinarios, hancellors, commissarios, relidoneOUS,
Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.
16o .J Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.
344 Cotistitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat. VI.
CXX. None orae ite into Ecclesiastica muris n
inishali 0 suspendod rom ut Oxoreis of his urisdiction