Synodalia : a collection of articles of religion, canons, and proceedings of convocations in the Province of Canterbury, from the year 1547 to the year 1717 :

발행: 1842년

분량: 459페이지


분류: 미분류


16o . Constitutions andi mons Ecclesiasticat. 297


298 Constitutio,is an Canon Ecclesiasticat. LVI.

tho least anilano a to thessali parson, vicar Or minister, to se of honos convorsation, an sufficient for his ead-

ECCLESIASTICAL COURT BE LONGIN TO THEARCHBIS HOWS JURISDICTI JΝ. a XCII. Non to e ite into direr muris for Probate of the fame misi.


16o . Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiasticat. 299

thoi registrar, hali ossoni horoin tot him o ipso facto suspende lorona tho Xocution f his meo noto boabsoluod or oleasod unti ho avo restorei to the part asal expenso by him laid ut contrar to tho tenor of the


300 Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat. VI.

premisos and evor suci probat o an testament, Oradministratio of good so grant0d shali 0 hold voidan frustrat to ali essedis of tho a WhatsOever. Furthermore, Wo chargo and 0njoin That tho registraro ovor insorio judgo do, ithout ali dissiculi or delay, a cortis an inform tho apparitor of the prorogative colari, ropali iniunt him ne a monili, and Do ostener, hut OXocutorsis administrator havo boon' his suid judge, for tho incompotone of his ou n jurisdietion, dismisso tolli salil prorogativo oourt villiin tho monili nox before Iounder ain os a monili' suspensio frona tho Xoreis of

his me sor vor dotauit thor in Provid0d that this canon, o any thing theroin containod bo no pr0judicialto any composition botw0on tho archbishol and any bishol or thor ordinary, nor to an inferior judg that is Shali grant an probat o tostament, or administration Ofgoods t an part that hali voluntarii desii scit, bothout of tho sati insorio coliri, and also ut of tho prerogativo. Providod likowiso that is an man die in itinere, the good that ho ath bout him a that pressent hali ono causo his tostamen or administration to bo table

XCIII. Themate s Bona notabilia table to the Preroya


16O . Constitutions and Canon Eoolesiasticat. 80JAlWays providod That this clauso, horo an in tho formor Constitution montionsed, shalliso projudico hos diocosos, Where by compositionis custom Bona notabilia aro ratodat a greator sum. And i an judg of tho prerogativo

QOuri, O an his surrogate, O hi registra or apparitor 5 Shal cito, or onus an person to se cito into his coliri, contrar to tho tonor of tho promisses h shali rostor to

io tho performaue thereo


302 Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiasticat. VI.

an insor himsol of tho sumetone an qualitios feVor minister, after lio ath boon pressent0d unt hi in tobo instituto into any bonos de 'ot for tho avoid in of


16o . Constitutions and Canon Eoolesiasticat. 303tarii besto soni gratuit iapon him for his counso and advico in illo sati causo Tho lik eourso stiali se usod in grantin sorti an inhibition ut the instaneo o any party by the bishol or his hancellor, against tho relidoneon or an Otho person eXercisin ecclesiastieat juris silietion an is in tho ouri or consistor o any isti opthoro bo no advocato at nil, thon hali ho subscription ofa procior praeti sing in tho sum courti held sufficiunt.


301 Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat. VI. inhibition contrar to tho tonor of tho sati promises, lethim o romouod rom tho sex reis of his meo for thospaeo of a Wholo Dar, Without ope os oleas O restoring.


Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.

obtaining of sueti lieoneos an dissaensations V e furthorconstituto uni appotnt, That Oforo an licone so thocolobration o matrimon Mithout publieation os antis 5

oaths of two sumetunt Minossos, ono of them toto knoWnoitho to tho ullgo inisseis, o to sonio Otho person fgood reputation thon prosunt, and nown likowis to thosaid ullgo that tho Xpros consent of the parenis, Orao parent, fine bo ead, o guardian or uardian of tho partios, is herount had and obtainod And furthermore, Thatino of the parties personali swoar, that ho belloveththoro is no tot or impediment of procontraei, Lindred, or