장음표시 사용
contoninor of this ii constitution.
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288 Constitu se=is and Canon Ecclesiasticat. VI.
16o . Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiastical. 289
for tho orthinos of thoi ministry, id hinlicit fit by
silli satin, o volvot. In ali hieli particular concerning the apparet horo proscribsed, our moan in is noto attributo any holinos o spodiat orthinos to tho sui gar-3oment8, ut for deconey, gravity, and ordor, a is et Orospecisod. In privato bousos, and in thoi studios, hosaid persons ecclesiastica may uso an comoly und scholar-lilio apparet, providod that it o no cui or inlit; and that in publie tho go no in thoi doubio and hos0, 35
Constitutions aridianon Ecclesiastices. LVI.
Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiastical.
LXXVIII. Curotes desipolis o festo fibe licensed be fore
294 Constitutions and Curion Ecclesiasticat. VI.
LXXXIV. Athes for Ams in ei ery Gurta.
Constitutions and Curions Ecclesiasticat.
Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiastical.
CHURCH-WARDENS OR QUEST MEN, AND SIDE-MEN OR ASSISTANT S. LXXXIX. The Choloe of huroh-toardens, and theis 5