Synodalia : a collection of articles of religion, canons, and proceedings of convocations in the Province of Canterbury, from the year 1547 to the year 1717 :

발행: 1842년

분량: 459페이지


분류: 미분류


X. Convocatio praelatorum et lori Cantuar prov. anno Om.

J562. anno Elig. 5 95. XI. Convocatio praelatorum et lori Cantuar prov. nn DOm. 1571 anno Elig. 13 52S. XII. Convocatio praelatorum et lori Cant proV anno Om. 1572 anno Elig. 14 532. XIII. Convocatio praelatorum et lori prov. Cantuar anno Dona. 1575 anno Elig. 17 589. XIV. Convocatio praelatorum et cleri prov. Cantuar anno Dona. 1579 anno Elig. 22 541. XV Synodi libollus supplex roginae porrectus pro rostitutione archiop. Cantuar anno Doni 1580 anno Elig. 22 543. XVI. Artielos olivoro to tho ordo rom h low0 hous os conVocation annomoni 15S0 anno Elig. 22 547. XVII Convocatio praelatorum et cleri prov. Cantuar anno Doni 1584 anno Elig. 27 552.

XVIII. Tho lorgy' potition in convoc to quopia ligaboth, that tho bili against pluralitie passios anno Dom. 1584. anno Elig. 27 556.

XIX. Convocatio praelatorum et cleri prov. Cantuar anno Dom. 1586 anno Elig. 29 559. XI ' Tho instrumontis tho enovolone to the queen anno Dona. 1586 anno Elig. 29 466. XX. Convocatio praelatorum et cleri prov. Cantuar anno Dona l58S anno Elig. 30 570.

XXI. Roason against tho ill abolishing pluralitiosci illi thocloiny' adilros to the queen anno om. 1588 anno Elig. 30 573. XXII. Convocatio praelatorum et lori proV. Cantuar anno Dona. 1592 anno Elig. 35 T. XXIII. Convocatio piscoporum et lori prov. Cantuar anno Dona. 1597 anno Elig. 39 579. XXIV. Convocatio piscoporum et cleri prov. Cantuar anno Doni 1601 anno Elig. 43 580. XXV. Convocatio praelatorum o elori Prov. Cantuar anno Dona. 1604 anno Jau. Ι. 583.


XXVI. Convocatio praelatoruin o cleri prov. Cantuar anno Dona. 1605 anno Jac. I. 3 . 586. XXVII. Synodus provincis Cantuar anno om. 606 anno Jau. I. ST. XXVIII. Convocatio praelatorum et lori prov. Cantuar anno Dona. 1609 niano Jac. I. 59J. XXIX. Convocatio priolatorum et lori prov. Cantuar anno Dona. 1623 anno Jac. I. 21 592. XXX. Acta in superior domo convocationis incoeptae anno DOm. 1610 anno Car. I. 16 593. XXXI. Acta supprioris domus convocationis incoeptae anno Dona. 1661 anno Car. ΙΙ. 13 631. XXXI . Tho ing s lotior patonis authoriginith convocation to mulio canons anno Dom. 1661 anno Car. II. 13. 87. XXXII. Convoeatio praelatorum et cleri prov. Cantuar anno




Articuli, de quibus in Synodo Londinensi, Anno Doni.

Μ.D.LII ad foliendam opinion vin dissensionem, e con-s

Sensum vero religio=nis firmandum, inter Episcopos et alios eruditos viros convenerat: REGII authoritas in lucem editi. 1. Dosde in Sacrosanctam rinitatem. ΝLI 0st vivus et voru Dous, aeternus, incorporeUS, O impartibilis, impassibilis, immensae potentiae, Sapientiae, ac bonitatis creator et conservator omnium, tum

Articuli, de quibus Johes Articles, orty-two in number, the sirstthat were constructed by the church of n gland o the principies of the reformation mere indebtexto the olea theologica distinctions os 1sΜelancilio an other resormers of Germany an derive more Speciali fro the confession o Augsburi Laur Bamp. Lec. p. 295 C.)But some progress had ali eady been made in his,or by the Englisti divine during the rei gn o Henr VIII., although the Articles pub-tishod ut severat times by his authorit were strongi in favour of the sto ancient learning. In compliance illi his earnest,ishes, and with hoviem os promoting the important objecis, a wellis an agreement in religious sentiments a deputationis three eminent reformers had beensent rom the Protestant princes os German in the ear 538, hoimmediatet o thei arrival in England oined illi Cranine and asother in drawing porticles of religion, n the modo generallyadopte by thei own count men. A book of Articles, hicli is stili preserve among the public records, is boli evexto contain the result osthei laboursis to the time hen the were interrupte by the personat interserenc os Henry and though in a se politis toppears


naturae tres sunt personae, Husdem ossentiae, potentiae, ac

aeternitatis, Pater Filius, o Spiritus Sanctus. 2. Verbum Dei, rerum hominem esse factum. Filius, qui est verbum patris, ' in utor beatae Virginis, so illius substantia naturam humanam assumpsit, ita ut duae naturae, di in o humana, integre atque persecte in

unitato personae fuerint iis parabiliter conjunctae, e quibus est unus CHRISTUS, Verus Deus et verus homo, qui ere paSSus St, crucisXus, mortuus o Sepultus, ut patrem Ionobis reconciliaret, Ossotquo hostia non tantum pro culpa originis, Vorum etiam pro omnibus actualibus hominum

to have recedet fron the confession o Augsburg, there re omepeculia clauses in t whicli person assembled rom disserent countries 15wouldae lihel to have insertod, and whieli are also to e sotin in the subsequent Articles of 15set This book in hori, avin formerly been approve by Crannie in conjunction illi ther reformers, botho England and of Germany would naturali be employed by him in the ear 552 although in iis hirteen Articles the whol number Laowhicli it consi sis, much ould e found to e irrelevant an inapplicabie, an great alterations had ahon place in the meanti me both in his own sentiment anil in hos of the eopte a large. See enhyns' Pres to Crunmer' WorkS, p. xxiii.)The manne in Whicli the Articles ere drawn ut is thus describe&25b archbishop ake, abridging the large narrative of Strype, and correctinisoni mistahes that were made by Heylin in his Histor of the Times In 155 1 the inmund the priv counci ordere the arch-bighopo fram a book of Articles of religion, o preservin and maintaining peuce an unit os doctrine in the church, to e se forthaol, public authority. me re them, an committe them to certainbishops to e inspecte an approve o by them. B a letter os counei date Ma 2, 352, the archbishop was commande to endthom h Articles deli vere the last ea to the bishops, an to signisywhether the fame ere et fortha an public authori ty accordinito 35 the minutos The Articles ere accordingi soni by the archbishop, an returne again in a litile time o hi m. For in September they


Quemadmodum HuISTUS ,ro nobis mortuus os ot sepultus, ita Ost otiam rodondus ad in ros descendisso. Nam corpus usque ad resuri potionem in sepulchro acuit, Spiritus ab illo omissus, cum spiritibus qui in carcere sive in inferno sdetinebant ii , fuit, illisque praedicavit quemadmodum testatur Potri locuS. J4 Remrrectio Christi. Christus ore a mortuis resurreXit, Iiumque OrpUS Cum carne, OSSibus, omnibusque ad integritatem unianae ionaturae pertinentibus, oesepit, cum quibus in coelima ascendit, ibique residet, quoad extronio die ad judicandos

homines roVertatur.

5. Dirin Scripturin Gemina suscit ad salutem. Scriptura sacra continet omnia quae sunt nil salutem is

mere again in his hands whonaeing put into a bello order, and illes de to ach of the Articlos an a suppi made of what a thought desective, the were on the 0th of the sume monili remitted by the archbishoprio firmissium Ceci an si Jolin Cheli for thei inspectionan advice pon them. The agi eo that the archbishop hould osse Iothem to tho hing whicli a cordingi ho id not long uster Theymere the communi texto sonte ther divinos by the ing' order, out theraegirining of October undison the aoth, November,ere sent ac again by the counci to the archbishop. The archbishopinade his ast rem arksipon them, undiso returne them again in three asday to the councit, esepeliing them to prevat with the inito give authorit to the bishops to cause thei respective clerg to subscribethe fame.' Walle' State of the Church uec. p. 509.)But the mos important par of thei histor stili rem aliis Althoughthe profes in their ille o have been agi eo iapon in the convocation oof that period it has lway been doubiod whether the eve received an sanctior of tho hi nil und thei last oditor ,h may be consideredas peculiari quali sed for uel inquiri es, has expressi de lared that the were dra nisi h individual appo intest v the Ling. totali inde


4 Artieles of Reliction. I. neceSSaria, ita ut quicquid in a nou segitur neque inde probari potest, licet intci dum a fidelibus, ut pium, conducibile ad ordinoni o decorum admittatur, attamen a quo illam

non exigendum Ost ut tanquam articulus do credatur, et ad Saluti nocessitatoni sequiri ut tur 6 Vetus Testamentum non est rejiciendum estamonium Volus, quasi ovo contrarium Sit, non os repudiandum, sed roti nondum, quandoquidem tum in votori quum in novo per uuisΤUM qui unicus St modiator Dei se hominum, Dolis ot homo, aetorna vita φ humano genori est proposita. Quare non Sunt nu- diendi, qui votoros tantum in promissiones temporarius sperasso confingunt.V

See Dr. Lamb' Articles, 3p. 411 4. And his opinion is probablymade to restis the letters ad trossed by the inito the severat bishops 5 in the following June, here e says that he Articles P ere atheredWith great Study, and by counse and good advice of the greates learned par of ur bishops, and undry ther of ur clergy. Strypemem. VOl. i. P. a. p. to 5. Perhaps, however, it ill e found n a close examinationis Such videlice us is stili producibi e that the authori ty oof the uppe ho use, hicli ut that time as et to involve the authorit of the whole synod was given to thes Articles, fiet directly, at leasti delegation and this,ould e consistent,ith the angvage of the king' letter. est is admitto that Heylin and ulter ound nonotice of them in the registers hicli ere extant in thei time, agand were os opinion that the Articles,ere not adopted by the great bod of the convocation that the Catechism o,hicli the were originali appended. a declared by the irs convocation of the ollowiniret g to have obtaine n authorit froni that od and that themember of both houses, and more speciali the bishops, Who Stronglycio resisted the alteration recenti made in the Book of Common Prayer, would e quali opposed to the Articles, a not ni settin forti thetonet of the ne learning. ut also requirin an expres approva of the Pruyor- book But it is true on the ther and that the registerso that period ore excoedirigi imperfeci, bdin Ubut ne degree 35 above lanks V that an testimon derive meret froni thei omission is o no value that Heylin und ulter supposed the Articles to


stolicum appollatur, omni11 roci pisenda sunt . Nam firmissimis divinarum scripturarum ostimoniis probari

8 Peccatum oris in ale. Peccatum originis non ost ut fabulantur Pelagiani, et hodie Anabaptistae opotiant Din imitation Adam Situm, Sed est Vitium se dupravatio naturae cujuslibet hominis ex Adam naturalitor propagati qua fit ut ab originali ojustitia quam longissimo distet, ad malum sua Daturn

propendeat, et caro semper adversus spiritum OneV-ΡiSeat unde in unoquoquo naseontium, iram Dei atque damnationem morotur ano setiam in renati haec

have received the sanctionis the convocation nos indoed directly, ut 5b means, a delegation that it was the Catechismisione Whicli asdi Sowned by the convocatio of queen ary, and that the excluSive condemnatio of the Catechism is o fur evidetice in savour of the Articles that though the igher clergy ould probabi di sapprOV os them, et Cranmer' bellos,as that the would bo generali subScribed, olf the foverei gnishould onjoincit but above uti that in their ille, henput forti by the ing's authority the are calle Articuli, de quibus in Synodo Londinensi inter Episcopos et alios eruditos viro COnVenerat; ' that When sent down by the roya visitor to e subscribet in the universit os ambridge in unu 155 3 it is stili sali respectinias them, in Synodo Londinensi conclusum V that in the Examinutionis the declarationis certain London minister put forti in the eginningo queen ligabelli' reim ad sin. the are suid o have been agree lupo by the church, an subscribed by the clergy whicli Statenient theminister in thei an swer admitto to e just, hereb Shev in the obesies, hicli then generali existed of thoi synodica authori ty undiastly that in the convocation o 156a when preparation Were maxingso the constructionis tho hirty-nino articles, optes of Ling Edward's Articles ere ut into tho hund os ille members. und were stili called

' Articuli in Synodo Londinensi editi. V Syn Angl. p. 93- 35Ι then the evidendo have been uiri an completet gi ven in his talement, it Ouid appea that the synodica authorit of thes Arti-


Artioles of Religion. I. Datur e Opravatio, qua si ut assectus carnis, Graece φρό-νχημα σαρκος, quod alii Sapientiam, alii sonsum, alii associum, alii studium vocant, logi se non subjiciatur. Et quanquam onatis ot croduntibus nulla propior CHRISTUM si condemnatio, oceat tanton in sese rationem habere con-s cupiscentiam satotur Apostolus. 9. io libero arbitrio. 'Absque gratia Dot, quae per Christum St, O prae- venient ut olimus, et cooperant dum VolumuS, ad ' pietatis opora faciunda, quae Deo grata sint et accepta Io nihil valomUS. Vesecis no oni supporte by positive testimon obtaine Dom variou Squarters, but also that the strongos presumption on the ther sideris the mere absence of a Witness, who ought to have appeare in their favour, nil hos absenco admits of an eas explanation. hi atas leas may be asserted that considering the unbounde extent of the Ling' supremac in churoh matters the submission of the clerg as recorde in the statute et Henr VIII. c. 19. the great OWer gi Veni, la to the crown in tho Damin os canon an ordinance 25 Henry ΙΙΙ. c. I 0 3 and 4 Edw. I. c. 11. the admitte Superioritnao of the bishops ovo the res of the convocation, and the eviden ce Whichthe Articles certaini presente in thoi own favour, it a reaSonublethat thoi synodica authorit should have been generali alloWed. The convocation et oti the and of arch 155 3, and was prorogue oti theci, of the monili following. The Ling' lette requirinias the publication of the Catechism, an prefixe to the book o hichthe Articles are appended, bears date on the oth of Alay the eventhyear of his rei gn is 53J. his book was immediatet printe in iis origina Latin by R. Wolf in sinuli vo. an in the fame ea appeared an Englisti translation a inted by J Day. ut tho Articles ere also sopublislied in a separate forti and in Englisti, froni the pressi Graston; and the publicationis thos book independenti of the Catechism is sufficient evidendo that in Articles ad ol,laine a more generalcirculation than the Catechism, and could not uvo been reate a umere appendage to t. 35 It is no cloar,hother it was intende to obtain for them the authorit o parti ament: and winito the implicit obedience hicli as