장음표시 사용
Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.
36 Constituimns and Canon Golosiastices. VII.
370 Constitutions and Canon Eoolesiasticat. VII.
him ut of his palaese, o to pol him o ali his principalitios, o to seget aith in tho hildron o God, o tooroe in thoi hearis a tabornaclo se Christ, and the olyGhost; hieli aro ni tho poculiar and propor action Ofour aviour Christ, as se is ou spiritual ing, and fao St. Potor and the res of tho apostlos, illi ut thoi successor in thei dogreos, an a tho aro his spiritualministor. ho doth greatly err. IX. I uti man hali affirm undo colour o any thingiliat is in tho seripturses, citho that tho externa callings 35
a6C6. Constitutions and Canon Eoolosiasticat. 37l
Constitutions and Canon Eoolosiastical. VII.
16o6. Constitutions and Canon Eoolesiasticat. 873
371 Constitutions and Canon Eoolesiasticat. VII.
16o6. Constitutions and Canon Eoolesiasticat. 375
376 Constitutinis and Giton Ecclesiasticat. VII.
ropollinio Satan or o noua isti faith, o to continuo hor igning o Christ in an mon f hearis o that it is notan implous and a prosano assertion or an man to se nil, 35 that illo voapons and armour of this spiritust avarsare,