... M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis, libri tres

발행: 1910년

분량: 354페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류




Oh explanator aelous.


VI TITHIN a comparativel recent periori and Sine the ap- earance of an American edition the ex of the De Om-ciis, as ellis os the ther philosophica Writings Os Cicero, has been horoughi revised by On1 Os the abies Germancrities. That O Baiter in the auchnit series, publishsed in 1865, is here presented, illi a Ver se change made, a theresultis a comparisonis it illi the recensio os relli' edi

paratio of the Notes the aim has been to furnish such aid severy k in for the interpretationis the texi and uel only, asstiali meo the real Wants of the pupil Without supersedin thenecessit os horough stud o his pari. The have been chiectyderived rom the annotation O Heine and J. on ruber both

publighod in 1866, and of Holden, in 1869, hile considerableus has also been ad of the olde commentaries o Bonneli, A. . Zumpi, illerbeck ed by Crustus, and eier an Oeensionali Garve's German version illi notes an discussions and Gernhard have been consulted. Due achnowledgmen is madein the Notes of the Murcos Dom hiel the have been ahen. As in the ther volumes of the series, parallel grammatical reserenem are made to thetave manual nos in se in different Institutions an sections of the country, ad ut ne of hic iliave also been ius to the public so the firs time, O in Ovise editions Within about pight yearg. FO a Correet under- standis os peculiarities Os constructio an usage the largermork of Madvi and Zumpi have been very frequently chediand in many age quote so the benes of thoge ho have not


vi PREFACE. time or opportunit so the stud os hos authorities. For a similaraeason it has boeia thought best nodito omit entiret expi nations os biographica and historica allucions and of thos tolli custom and the jurisprudence of the Romans, hicli ars sonumerous in this reuiise A the stage Os stud at whicli it

Some things respecting the author his Ork, and iis content s.

to hicli tho attentionis the pupi need tot callod, and WhieliotherWis Would have been distributed through the Notus hav0, simpl sor conveniene and to VOid repetition been rouglii togothor in the formis an introduction, hi licis os course designei sor Stud a much as an other portionis the Notos. The 'Synopsis V os the realise has been repared Domin compari Son is umpi' Conspectus illi themuttine os J Von ruber and the Margina Analysis os Holdon, in connection illi a caresul read- in os the essa iiseis. Corrections os error os an hinil Whicli teacher or thersma at an time discove Will e thanksuli received by the

oditor. ΑΜΗERAT COLLEGE, Mare 24, 1873.

I this edition the Notes have been caresuli revise and grammatical reserences made to fuit the latest editions os the foui Latin Grammars no in us in different paris os the count .

E. P. QAMHERS COLLEGE, December, 1882.