Select letters [microform];

발행: 1881년

분량: 365페이지


분류: 미분류


Os works hicli a be es known to Englisti studenis, Iwish to mentio the edition os ali the letters in chronologicalorderi Billerbech ohatis the letters to Atticus by Boot, illi

Latin notes and thos os Selec letters, with Germa notes by Hosmann and Stipfleu also the work of A W Zumpi, Suringar, Drumann Ahehen, Rein, and the Onomasticon attache toorelli' edition. The copious reserenoes give by Drumann and Suringar have been os great service I have caresulty verisiedalmos allis them y, and have give the ource hence havetaken the ver se that I have been nable to veri . The editionis selec letters illi Latin notes by Matthiae an Militeris, I belleve, tolerably wel known to Englisti studenis That with Germa notes by Fre has coincide with mine es thanthe ther edition mentione in the letters hosen, an havethere res unxit les usesul than might otherwis have been thecase. The irst volume os the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum published unde the superintendenc os Theodor Ommsen Berlin, 863), ill e found very usesul in determining omequestions os chronology an M. Boissier' Work, Ciceron et Ses

Amis 8vo Paris, 1865), ives a very livet an interestingsketch os Cicero' public an private ise. In my selectio os letters have been principalinguide byconsideration os thei historical importance or of thei value asillustratin Cicero' character. Notwithstanding the absenc os an letters os the important yea 63 B.C., and thei comparative paucit for the ear 56Q a B.C. Cicero' correSpondenc sur-nishes, Pthinli, the mos delaile an trustworthy commenta on a very interestin periodis Roman history, and the materials whicli it provides sor an estimate of hi own character are o

The Philippic rations os M. Tullius Cicero wit Englis notes by the Rev. I. R. Κini Clarendo Press Series , 8vo Oxsord, I 868; Secon Edition I 878J.

abundant that thei ver abundanc causes dissiculty Hischan in states os in are so accuratet reproducedon his

letters that it is dissiculto forma udgment illi confidenceas to the motives hich had permanenti mos influence illi

letters of Cicero are naturali his the works, speciali his speeches Though notis trustworthyrus his letters illi regam to alter os laci, thenare stili very valvabie both a supplementin andis illustratin hi CorreSPondenCe. Nex in value to these I should place the writing os Caesar,

and the epitomes os the os book of Livy, o sar a theyillustrate the lis os Cicero. The Catiline os Sallust thoughit historica character has been seriousty questioned cP. P: Q),ma be addes and the second book of the historno M. Velleius

Paterculus, though the alter feem to have been ather pre-

' Lahe writerq; suchis Appian Dion Cassius, Plutarch, and

Suetonius, are os courserio be sollowed with cautio excepi henthe name thei authorities. They had access, however, o inde

sormation; .g the public Acta tost letters o speetae os Cicero, and of his correspondent and the work os Libo , io, Onotus ' Pollio' Tanusius Geminu ' an OtherS. . M introductions an notes ill hew that I accepto the

main Prosessor Ommsen's vlew of the Parinstrumles os Rome cluring the last centur os the Commonwealth's existence donot however agre with allii judgments Pon Persons. Reserences to the content os this book made in the notes areeithe to the pages o to the number o letters ors sections os Introductions and Appendices in his edition. Buto notes othe antroductioni an Appendices, here reserence are ery


numerous, Phave, to void conlasion, reserre uniforminio theletters as arrange in the ordinary editions.

Pwish now o achnowledge nobligation to the Delegates of the Universit Pres sor undertaking the publication os mybook, and speciallyrio the Dean o Christ Church, an to the late Canon hirley, sor suggestions o Various potnis andio the Rev. . L. Hiclis, Fello an Tutor os Corpus Christi College, sor his notes o the letters of the Murth period, and Comments Pon passages in the remainder of the work I ad hope that r. Hichs ould have been able o give me his valvabieni t a stili greater extent, an regret very much that the state of his health, an his ther engagements have maderit impossibi sortim toto So.


TH textis this edition does not differ stomahat os the secondedition excepi that ome error have been corrected. I have added however, parti in the notes an parti in the lis of

addition an corrections, ome various readings derive immsources mentione helow.

Since in publication os the secon edition os his book ourknowledge os three important MSS has been much increased. 1 ah Turonensis contains Ad Familiares . 1 o 7 32 me conferri. except the portion rom a. 16, 4 hac orbis terrarum to appareat cum me co' dicis hept in the librarnat Tours, and has been collate a Paris hy o sor M. Charie Thuroi, who has iubiished the collation illi instructive comments. M Thuro assignitae S. to the lalter partis the Iath century, hut argues that it cannot have been derive seo the edicean Μ) Both are derived, e ininlis, rom a common riginal. Readings sto the Turonensis are quote a stom a. Har-leianus 268a contains Ad Familiares Ῥ-I6, apparenti onlywanting the fragment Parmenses miserrimos inici Balter calis II. 3 b. F. Rulit Rhein Mus XXX, 1875, p. 26 and 1353 assigns it to the oth centu It is quote rus E. Har-leianus 2773 contains Ad Familiares . t 8-9, 3 puto etiam si

ullam spem except the portion etween I. 9, 2 aster Xarsi'

and ci ci a dignitate es consecutus. his is quote a B. F. Ruli assigns it to the Iath centurn ut it, as ei as , is state in the ritisti useum Catalogue o elong to the Ioth. Lowe to the indnes os a selen a very caresul repor o thereadings os both MSS. in a number os passages. My nowledge os S readings is derive mainly, Xceptinere the fources are specified stom the Adnotatio critica os

have also mentione some suggestions os . . obet in Mnemosyne 8. 8a-2oo I 88o), an os rosessor Tyrreli.


M obligation to Prosessor Tyrreli, o r. G. E. Jeans, andio M. Hosmann and Andresen ill appea frequently in thenotes, butes,ish to acknowledge them here also. have read illi great interest ome notes bym. Cobet in

Mnemosyne II 1875 o Cicero's Philippics, the generat dristos hichris to hew that the friend of Antony were much more influentia in the senate during the waris utina than would begathered by a hasty reader of thos orations. I do not in itneediu to alter hales have sat in the Introduction to Par V; but M. Cobet' remark deserve to e caresuli considere bystudent of the perio there referre to. paperi L. Guriit discusses at ome tength the natur os the collectio os letters Ad Familiares. He belleves that all

thos to Atticus, sorm partis one single collectio made by Tiro, os hicli large portions have perished 'hat the event letters mentione Ad Att. 6. 5 5 ere probabinali containe in thethirteenth book Ad Familiares; and that the collection asprobabi publishe aster the final reach etween Antony and

OctaUian when attach upo Antony ould n longe give offence to the part dominant in taly. nee hardi reser o r. roude' 'Caesar an to r. Troilope'siis of Cicero Pam glad that writer os Such established popularit should have employe themselves in ahing the reat ames of Roman histor more familia to Englisti readers. These two books have furnished, holi or Parily, occaSion sor the appearance os articles in the Edinburgh Reviewsor October, 1879, an in the Quarteri Revie so October, 1879, an October, I 88O, hich must regar a valvabie contributions to Roman histornwithout professin comPlete agree-ment,ith eltheris them. I an hardi leave nnotice the very able an unSparinglyhostile criticismos Cicero' career an character prefiXed by Mr. Pretor to his edition os the rs book of the letters o Atticus My introductions and occasional remarks,ill shew that Ι domo altogether agre withir. retor AS a more generalcommentes ill here ad that ver candi reade must allowthat Cicero as ain, excitabie, egotisticat, an osten antingi penetration and oresight as a statesman But it should also,

l thinh be remembere that his private lis an his provincialadministration were pure that the state os public flair threwextraordinar difficulties in the way os ne ho whil sincerelyattachedias I belleve Cicero to have been to the old constitutionos the Commonwealth, could noti blin to the seisistines and impracticabilit os most oscit supporters that fine as egotiStica an exactingae as also ready to exert imselfin elialios thers o bellais, sor instance, os member os in deseated part during the governmentis Caesar and lastly that in morethan one important politica crisi he hos the more angemus but honourable fide hen e tot have secure Saset and

influencei submission.

In preparin either the secon or the thir edition I have been indebie in various way to Prosessor etileship to incRev. M. Creighton os Merion College, to the Rev. . . Boasean to r. H. F. Pelliam os Exeter College, to the Rev. J. R. Κin os Oriel College, to r. A. O. Prichard os New College, to the Rev. w.M. Merry an to r. w. . Fowler os LincolnCollege, to the Rev. . Loc os Magdalen and ebl Colleges, an to the Rev. . ordsworth, r. C. B. Heberden, and

Mr. F. Madanis Brasenos College.

have read with pleasure a friendi but discriminatin noticeos the secon editionis his or by Prosessor I aea Mulier in

C. Bursian's Jahresbericlit, I 874-5 P. O5. The ollowin are, I hinli, the mos important alterations in

the thir editionis compared with the firsi re aled frons theserand thos in the notes , E, and F in the notes taenus,' p. 194, 1.3; Aristotelio more, p. 214; lex curiata, p. 17; Transpadani, p. 222 l. the intercalar monili, the punishment os flaves p. 476 l. se note the mention os the lex Iulia municipalis, i. 49a; and the alterations in the welsili Appendix appearinae sol in the Vird edition the ulter accountos the Saturnalia on p. 483, and the increased number o lenulios the notes o Par U generalty especialty illis triumviris,' p. 556 on the dates os letters 13 and 14o, se 9p. 59 and 594; and o the positionis Cularo p. 593.



Presace Explanationis Signs and Abbreviation . . orderis Letters in his electio . . Names of correSpondent . . Lis of books sed Chronologica listis Cicero's ritingsi able of the principat event of Cicero's lise

Introduction to Par I Letters I I9 and notes os Parta Io6-57 .c. Note A. Optimate B. Provincia C. Roman Letters and means os Correspondence D. Origin os the collectionis Cicero' Letters is the meaning of the words Imperium and Imperator'

Appendix State os the Roman Empire bout the time os Cicero' entrance into public lis . . II. Campaigns of Pompe in the East III. Ibis os Atticu A IV the Legalit os the execution o Lentulus and his Accomplices, Cicero'sistates and other Propert . . Introduction to Par II Letters et o 45 and notes os Par II. 57-4 B.α Note F the Commissio grante to Pompe in September,

Appendix L the legat question at issue between Caesar and the Senate is VII. Distributionis the Roman sorces at the beginning of the civit Warietween Caesar and Pompey


29 I

Introduction to Par V Letters 1o5-I 8 and notes os Par V. 44-43 .c. Appendix XL State os the Roman provinces and armies rom thedeath os Caesar to thatis Cicero . . XII On the meaning of the word Colonia, Municipium, anx Praefectura'


4924975 15

6 8663




I hews that the word enclose are considered by Baiter to e an interpolation. Italic are sed in the text where,ord Orsyllabies have been added by Baiter. I have referre to the Latinaram mars of Madvig and Ramshom, and occasionalty to that os C. G. Zumpi meret by the

App. appendiX. App. Appiani Alexandrini. o Beli. Civ. - De Bello Civili.,. Mithr. - De Bello Mithridatico. - Parth in De Rebus Parthicis A spu iou Work, an apparenti in great meaSure almost a litera transcriptos Some chapter of Plutarch's Liseo Crassus Cp. Long' note onPlut CraSS. 5. Pun. - De Rebus Punicis. Syr. - De Rebus Syriacis. Ascon in Q. Asconii Pediani commentarius in Ciceronis rationes, in relli'scollectioni Scholiario Cicero. Those portions of the Commentar Whic areno considere genuine I have quoted

Cic. - M. Tullii Ciceronis. Brut m Brutus sive declaris Oratoribus. Div. in Caec in Divinatio in Caecilium. Divin. de Divinatione. In Clod et Cur in Oratio in Clodium

Curionem. Pro Dom o De Dom. Oratio Pro Domo Sua. Fam. ori Ad iam in Epistolam ad FamiliareS. De Fin or Fin. - De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum. Orat. - Orator. De Orat. - De Oratore. Pari orat. Fartitiones Oratoriae. Prov. Cons. - De Provinciis Consulari

Ad Q. F. in Epistolam ad suintum


Pro C. Rab or Rab. - Pro C. Rabirio, perduellioni reo. Rab. Post in Pro C. Rabirio

Postumo. Rhet ad Herenno Rhetoricoriam ad Herennium.

Somn. Scip. - Somnium Scipionis, in De Rep. 6, 9. In Vat. - Ιnterrogatio in P. Vatinium testem LQ. Cic. de et Cons in Q. Ciceronis de Petitione Consulatus liber.

Cori. - conjunction or conjunctive ood, accordinito the context.

Com. Nep. α Comeli Nepotis vitae excellentium Imperatorum.

d. at the eginning o letters in dicit atthe end datam dabam. des, defin. definitivus. Diog. Laert. - Diogenes Laertius de Vitis Philosophorum. Dionys in Dionysii Halicarnassensis Antiquitates Romanae. e. q. V m ego quidem, o quoque, Valeo;

Ioseph. - Flavii Iosephi. Antiq. - Antiquitates Iudaicae, 'Ioυδare ἀρχαιολογία. Beli. Iud. - Des Bello Iudaico,

Lamprid. - Aelius Lampridius, among the Historiae Augustae Scriptore S. Macrob. - Aurelii Ambrosii Theodosii Macrobii. - Sat in Saturnalia.

Oros in Orosii, Pauli, Historiarum adversus Paganos libri vii. P. and B. - Messrs Prichard and Bernard'sedition. H. m plebis. Pl. Plur. plural also plurimam in ad-dresses of letters . Plinx C. Plinii Secundi. H. . Historia Naturalis. Epp. EpiStolae.

Quint. - Μ. Fabii Quintiliani. Inst. Orat in Institutio Oratoria.

ress in reserenCeS. S. Sal. m Salutem. S. V. b. Ο b. e. - Si vales bene or bene est.

Sall. C. Sallustii Crispi . - at in De Catilinae Coniuratione. . Hug. - De Bello Iugurthino.

Schol. iob in Scholiast Bobiensis in Ciceronem. In Orelli' Collectio os

Seholia. sing. - Singular. Soph. - Sophocles. Stob. Joannis Stobaei. - Floril. - Florilegium ἀνθολογιον .Strab. , Strabonis. - Geogr. - Geographica. Suet in C. Suetonii Tranquilli. laud. - Claudius. Iul. IuliuS.

Val. Max. . or . - Valerii Maximi Factorum et Dictorum Memorabilium libri ix.

V. - Vide.

Varr. - Μ. Terentii Varronis. - L. L. - De Lingua Latina. R. R. De Re Rustica. Veli. - . Vellei Paterculi ex Historiae Romanae libris duobus quae SuperSunt.

Wiel in Wieland and Grater' translation. Zumpi, A. . C. E. - Commentationes Epigraphicae. S. R. - Studia Romana.

This lis does no compris at the abbreviations sed perhaps; ut I ope thatthose whic domo appea in it,illae easti intelligibie. I have generali referrexto Cicero' Works without mentioning the author' name




Ad Att.

I. I.

I. 2.

16. II

I. 2.

23 Ad Q. F.

29 Ad Fam.

38 Ad Att.

54Αd Att.

6 A. 6 I

9. I 2.


et 2

838 8586878889


Ad Fam. Ad Att.

9 9 7.9. 4. 6. 6.13. 4. 4 9. . 5. 6.9 I 2.

II 6

I 2. 22.

IO. 35.

Io. 23.

IO. 24.




I. I.

9 6 A.

I. 4.

9. 7.

9. .

2. I.

9. o. 2. 6.

9. 8. 2. 25.

3. 5.

4. I.

II. 4. 5. II.

II. 5.5. 6.

II. 6. 5. I.

II. 2.

7. II.

. 3.

8. II B.


63 6 465666768




I. I.

2 6.

II. I.

2. 3.

II 6

2. 6.

4. II.

4. 2.

IOIII. 3 a.

II. 23.

II. 27.

II. 28.

I 2. I.

6. .

II 86. .

6 7.

8. .

8. .

I 2. 23.

8. 6.

13. II.

9. .

9. .

9. 4.

IIII 4. .

9. 8.


IO. 28.

2. .



M. Aemilius Lepidus M. Antonius C. Asinius Pollio Q. Caecilius Metellus Celer Α. Caecina M. Caelius Rufus C. Cassius Longinus M. Claudius Marcellus P. Cornelius Dolabella P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther L. Cornelius Balbus Q. Cornificius C. Iulius Caesar

D. Iunius Brutus M. Iunius Brutus A. Manlius Torquatus M. Marius C. Matius L. Munatius Plancus L. Papirius Paetus Cn. Plancius Cn. Pompeius Magnus M. Porcius Cato

I 29. 5.

9 I.


88. II 3.

O. 39.


C. Scribonius Curio Ser. Sulpicius Galba Ser. Sulpicius Rufus


86. I 27.

13598; IOI. Terentia M. Terentius Varro C. Trebonius

Q. Tullius Cicero M. Tullius Tiro Q. Valerius Orca The est os the letters includin par os the 66th, are rom Cicero to T. Pomponius Atticus.



AN OΤHER BOOKS USED IN PREPARING THE PRESENT SELECTION. TEXT. Epistolae, recensuit J. G. Balter vols. 8vo Lipsiae I 866-I867 beingvols Ix, is a complete editionis Cicero's Works by J. G. alterandae L. Vser, in II Vols TeipZig. I 86o I 869. Epistolae, recognovit A. S. WeSenberg, a VolS. Iamo LipSiae. I 872-3. Opera Volumen tertium epistola continens, curaverunt I. C. Orellius et Ι. G. Balterus, imp. 8vo. aurici I 845. Cobet, C. G. de locis quibusdam in Ciceronis epistolis. Mnemosyne 8.

Prichard Constantine E. the late, and Bernard E. R., M.A. Selectea Letters of Cicero, sor the se of Schocis Clarendo Press Series), Iamo. Oxird. 872. ROSS, Joannes, A. M. Epistolas ad Familiares edidit et commentario Anglico instruxit, et vols. 8vo. Cantab. 749.

Supsse, Κ. F. Epistolae selectae, te Auflage, vo. IariSruhe, 866. Tyrrei Rober Velverton M. A. Fello os Trinit College an Pro- sessor os Latin in the Universit os Dublin. The Correspond- ence of Cicero, vol. I. Dublin and London. 879. Yonge, J. E. M.A. The Letters os Cicero, Par I containing Book I, II and III. New edition, m. 8vo. London. 872. I have also occasionali referre to the notes of Manutius an to the editionis Schillig. TRANSLATIONS.Ieans Rev. G. E. M.A. The Lis an Letters o M. Tullius Cicero,' ein a ne translation os the letters include in r. alson's

London. 854. Referrexi in the Notes si andi.


Boissier, Gaston lcgron et se amis 8vo. Paris. 865. Bruckner, C. A. F. Leben des M. Tullius Cicero, vo. Gottingen. 852. Forsyth, W- .C. ais os Cicero, a vols. 8vo. London. 86 Gurliti, L. me M. Tullii Ciceronis epistulis earumque pristina ColleC- ione. Dissertatio inauguralis Fribergae Sax. 879. Middieton, Conyers D.D. Ibis os Cicero, a vols. vo. London. 823. Nahe Bruno. De Brieswechse gwischen Cicero und D. Brutus In

De Planci et Ciceronis epistulis in Jahresbericli liber a LutSen- stadiische Gymnasium in Berlin. Berlin. 866. Onomastico Tullianum, curaverunt L . rellius et L . alterus,3 olf roya 8vo. aurici I 836-I838. Quarteri Revie , artici on Cicero October 88o. Suringar, W. H. D. M. Tullii Ciceronis commentarii rerum Suarum; accesserunt annales Ciceroniani, 8vo. Ieidae. 854. M. Caelii Rufi et M. Tullii Ciceronis epistolae mutuae. Lugd. Bat. I 846. Troilope Antony iis os Cicero, a vols London. 88o.

Arnold, Thomas, .D. Histor os the later Roman Common ealth, et vols. 8vo. London. 845. Champagny, L Comte Fran de aes csars, 3hme dition, Momes, x amo. lariS. I 859. Cobet, C. G. Annotationes ad Plutarchi vitam M. Bruti, Mnemosyne, VII, I andisa 5 1879). Ad Epistolas Ciceronis et Bruti, ib. 262. Ad Ciceronis Philippicas ib. II 3. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, consilio et auctoritate academiae litterarum regiae BoruSSicae editum, vol. I, solio. Berotini. MDCCCLXIII. Drumann W Geschichte Roms, de Pompeius, Caesar, Cicero undilire Zeligenossen 6 vols. 8vo. MontgSberg. I 834-I844. Edinburgh Review artici on Froude's Caesar October 879. Fischer, E W Romischeaeittasein, to Allona. 846. Froude, J. A. Caesar a Shetch London. 879. Guiraud, aut ae disserendisntre 6sar et lemgnat Paris. 8 et 8.Liddeli, Dean Histor os Rome a vols. 8vo. London. 855.