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δρία me Xcusationem ne acceperis Cura ut omnia Sciam, Sed

32. ATTICUS AD ATT. V. 16).

I. I rite hastily, whil actuali on the oad. a. orrive in his miserable province on the las da os las month, and hea nothing ut complaint os exaction, and find many races of m predecessor' oppreSSion. 3. The nhappy communItΙeSare, however, relieved by the moderatio an seis controi hic I practis myselian enlarc upon, ossicers, an m popularit exceed ali belles. 4. Appius has retirexto the most remote part of the province No authenti news bout the Parthians Bibulus stili delay to enter his province Pam hastening o m camp.

CICERO ATTICO SAL. Etsi in ipso itinere et via discedebant publicanorum tabellarii et eramus in cursu, tamen Surripiendum aliquid putavi spatii, ne me immemorem mandati tui putares itaque subsedi in ipsa via, dum haec, quae longiorem desiderant orationem, summatim tibi perscriberem Maxima eXspectatione in perditam et plane eversam in perpetuum rOVinciam no Venisse scito pridie Kal. Sextiles, moratos triduum Laodiceae, triduum Apameae, totidemio dies Synnade. Audivimus nihil aliud nisi imperata πικεφαλια

3. In ipso itinere et via, while Pam

Tabellarii, the messenger sent home by the publicani They are frequently mentioned by Cicero. Provincia governors sed them in orde to spare the r own officialmessengers, statores. Supne. p. Ad Fam. a. I9, 2 Note C, P. I 2I. 5. Mandati. 'sour charge to rite wheneve I could. 6. Dum . . perscriberem, Conj., Sintimatin design. Cp. Madv. 36o. 7. Maxima exspectatione, ami themost ager expectation. Cp. Madv. 257.9. Laodiceae. his Laodicea stoodo the Lycus in Phrygia, ea the hordersos Caria, but was annexe politicali tocilicia. Apameae Apamea was also in Phrygia, at the junctionis the Marsyas and Maeander, nonh-east o Laodicea. IO. Synnade. Synnas, O Synnada Wasin centra Phrygia. Cicero ives disserent accounts of his alis etfewhere. p. Ad Att. 5. o II Ad Fam. 5. 4, a. επικεέγάλια, poli axes. The ordεπικες αλαιον occurs, Arist. OeCon. a. 5, 3. Cicero describescit, Ad Fam. 3. 8, 5 acerbissimam exactionem capitum atque ostiorum. Appian Mithrid. 83 says of L. Lucullus in Asia τέλη δ' ἐπι τοῖς θεράπουσιν καὶ ται οἰκιαις ωριζε, and Hota understandsthears word a describing a pol tax. ut Uihin that the might mea a tax o therich, proportione to the extent of their est lishments.

Solvere non posse , ωνας omnium venditaS, Civitatum gemitus, Ploratus, monstra quaedam non hominis, Sed ferae nescio cuius immanis. Quid quaeris p taedet omnino vitae Levantur tamen miserae civitates, quod nullus fit sumptus in nos neque in legatos neque in quaeStorem neque in quemquam Scito non modo no 5 Menum aut quod de lege Iulia dari solet non accipere, sed ne ligna quidem, nec praeter quattuor lecto et tectum quemquam accipere quicquam, multis locis ne tectum quidem, et in tabernaculo manere plerumque itaque incredibilem in modum concursus fiunt X agris, e Vicis, e domibus omnibus mehercule oetiam adventu nostro reviviScunt, tu Stitia, abstinentia elementia 4 tui Ciceronis ita opiniones omnium Superavit. Appius, ut audivit nos venire, in ultimam provinciam se coniecit Tarsum usque ibi sorum agit De Partho silentium est, sed tamen concisos equites nostros a barbari nuntiabant ii, qui veniebant. 1s Bibulus ne cogitabat quidem etiam nunc in provinciam suam accedereri id autem sacere ob eam causam dicebant, quod tardius

I. ωνάς, properties, to e sol in orderto nable the owne to panthe taxes claimed. Hota. ut Andocides de Myst. Io Ia seem to se the wor a meaning contracis sor armin taxes, etc., an perhaps this pas- Sage a mea that those ho ad madesuch contracis ad to et id of themat a sacrifice,-as r. Jeans has hindi suggested

io me.

2. Monstra quaedam . . immanis, certain accounts of virageous deeds, notos a man, but os some wildaeast.' 'Quasi leo Marathonius aut per Calydonius in eas grassatus esset. J. F. Gronovius, P. Boot. Cp. In Verr. a. Act. 3. 73 I7I, sor a similar expression. 3. Taedet omnino vitae. Thesemord may either refer to the sussering of the natives of the province Manut. o tolli distres the causexto Cicero. 4. Nullus fit sumptus . . in quemquam 'the have notrio incurran eXpense for me o sor in legates, quaestors, o any one of m train. O the repetitionis thenegatives, p. adv. 46Ο, Obs. 2.6 Lege Iulia. One of the law of Caesar' firs consulfhi sorbade provincialgOvernor When travellinxto claim anythingwithout compensation, ut ood, sali, and hay. As Cicero specifies Wo items, his meaning seem to e that, a Dom laiminglia o the ther supplies allowed by the Julian law, he id not even claim Ood. For the orce of non modo . . sed ne quidem,' p. Madv. 46 b. Cicero refers also to the Julian law, In Pison. 37, P. 7. Quemquam ' any of m ossicers. 8. Et in tabernaculo. Et in but. Cp. adv. 433, Obs. a 458 c. 9.manere depend upon scito. II. tiam adventu . . tui Ciceronis, in m ver arriva the seem to derivestes lis seo the justice, sorbearance, and clemency Dyour frien Cicero.' Adventu'is the ablat of time. p. EP. 8. II, note. Wesenb suggest 'iam ' for ' etiam ' and,sollowing ayser, reviviscunt: iustitia, a stinentia, elementia tui Ciceronis opiniones omnium superavit. Ia opiniones, expectations.' Appius Claudius Pulcher Cicero' prede cessor a governor of Cilicia. I . Forum agit, presides in a cour os justice. 15. Qui veniebant, Who come homSyria, Where C. Cassius, in command of theremains of the arm os Crassus, obtainedsuccesses against the Parthians. p. omni-Sen . a 338, 339. The rumour of disasterto hic Cicero reser feem to have been unlaunded. Bibulus a sent a proconsulto Syria I B.C., and too the command hom Cassius. p. Intr. to Pari II l ao; a 3. The imperiscis, sto nuntiabant tothe en of the letter feem tote epistolary. 17. Facere ob eam causam . . de Ceinde re. The omission eum besore facere' seem an irregulari Madv.



PAR II. vellet decedere Nos in castra properabamus, quae aberant bidui.

1 io have muta news to ear For instance, C. Marcellus has been electedeon es andi Dolabella quindecimvir. herias event has been a great diSaPPOInt

CAELIUS CICERON SAL. Invideo tibi: tam multa quotidie, quae mirere, isto Perse λruntur: primum illud, absolutum Messallam; deinde eundem condemnatum; C. Marcellum consulem actum L M. Calidium

o Obs a. Bibulus delaye entering his province because e Wishe no to have oleave it socioo as ouldae necessar i heenterexit at the prope time. Accordita to decree of the senate, mentione Ad Fam. 3. 3, 2, X-magistrates ere o hol their

. Messallam. M. Valerius Messallawac electet consul for EL B.C. after an interregnum, to old ossice at once. me was accused of bribery but the supplicatioso Caesar' victorie interposedo preventhis ieini brought et triai. and h. heldossice so the alter pari os 3 B.C. illi Cn. Domitius Calvinus. Cp. In tr. to Part

asteraeing once acquitted , he eem to have been convicted, probabir unde Ilii Lex Licinia Pompeia de Sodaliciis Cp. Rein, Criminatrecht, p. 73I, 732. Me Was probabi aster ard a legate of Caesar in the

5. C. Marcellum son os a C. Marcellus, and cousin of the wo Marcelli, ho ere consul 5 and 49 B.C. There are letters to him, Ad Fam. 5. I and II. M. Calidium Calidius is mentionedas an eminent Orator Brut. 79 27 . e

discussion of the senate o Caesar' recali, when e pleaded sor moderation cp. Caes. Beli. Civ. I. a .


ab repulsa postulatum a Galliis duobus P. Dolabellam XV.

virum actum. Hoc tibi non invideo, caruisse te pulcherrimo spectaculo et Lentuli ruris repulsi voltum non vidisse. At qua Spe, quam certa opinione descenderat quam ipso dissidente Dolabella et hercules, nisi nostri equites acutiu VidiSSent, Paene fi concedente adversario superasset. Illud te non arbitror miratum, Servaeum, designatum tribunum pl. , condemnatum, in cuiu locum C. Curio petit. Sane quam incutit multis, qui eum facilitatemque eiu non norunt, magnum metum; sed, ut Spero et Volo et ut se fert ipse, bonos et senatum malet totuS, ut nunc est, hoc oscaturit. Huius autem voluntatis initium et causa St, quod eum non mediocriter Caesar, qui solet infimorum hominum amicitiam

I. b repulsa, aster his deseat, probabinas a candidate for the consulfhip. Helia been praetor in 7 B C. Manut. p. Post Red in Sen. 9, 22, an for his sense Os 4b, cp. orceli., and Liv 44, 3 ab his praeceptis.' Galliis duobus . . and Q. Gallius apparently sons os a Q. Gallius, homCicero defende in 6 B.C. against a Chargeos ribery brought y Calidius. p. rvt. 8o: Ascon orat in Tog. Cand P. II 3. fragmentis Cicero' speec is extant. Gallius is also mentione among the friendsos Alitony Philipp. 3. 2, 26. P. Dolabellam. Perhaps the fame Whoasterward marrie Tullia. p. Intr. to Pari II, 46. XV virum. c. sacris faciundis Theseossicer kept the Sibylline books, and presidedat the ludi saeculares. p. ac Ann. II, II; Hor Carm. Saec. o. Originalty the ossice was discliarged by two men, necessarilypatricians: ut these ere increa sexto ten, sive patricians and five plebeians, in 36 B.C. cp. Liv 6 37 and 42 , and aster ards, probabi by Sulla tori Reen cp. Smith Dici os Antiq. p. 387 . 3. Lentuli ruris L. Lentulus rus Was consul 49 B V, an a Stron Opponento Caesar Aster the batile o Pharsalus h fel into the hand of the government of Alexandria, and was putri death. p. pP.

q. Descenderat, c. to the place otelection.

5. Nostri equites. The equites stomtheir ealth and stron clas feeling, ad great influence at elections. Nostri, Per-haps, refers to thei attachment to Cicero, of whic he ne boasis Cp. P. 9 8. Manutius remarks that Caelius sather, like Cicero's, hadiso risen above the position ofan eques. Cp. pro Cael. 2, 3. Acutius vidissent, ither ha beento clear-sighted so that, or ' more clear-sighted than Dolabella.' p. Philipp. 2. 5, 39 plus vidisse. I cannot discover hythe equites ere so bitte against Lentulus. Paene . . superasset, he would have succeede almos Without opposition rom Dolabella. 7. Servaeum A man name Servaeus is mentioned Pro Font. 5. I9 as an ossicero Fonteius. The condemnatio of theone here mentioned ould revent hisentering pon ossice apparently. 8. C. Curio : p. p. 3O frs note. Sane quam, certainly' valde quidem. Forcell.

Facilitatem, hic dociliu χ good


9. Ut spero . . ipse to judge stomm hopes and wishes, and sto his present

Io Malet, he wil preser o support.' rare se of the word. ΗΟ scaturit, he verssows it this seeling, or perhaps, a Manut. Mithisage nes tot tribune. The wor occursiere Only, apparently in a metaphorica sense. D. Huius voluntatis, ' of this dispositionis his. II. Non mediocriter . . valde contempsit, has hewn great contempt forhim in no ordinar way. SO MetZg. render ' mediocriter. O valde ma be Iesumptive aster the intervening Words. Benedici, p. Suringar ad loc. Manutius saysthat Cicero add the wor valde, ' ortasse ut magis augeat. For his sense of contemnere, cp. Pro Muren. 7, I 5 contempsisti L. Murenae genus, extulisti tuum




sibi qualibet impensa adiungere, valde contemPSit qua in re mihi videtur illud perquam venuste cecidiSSe, quod a reliquis quoque usque eo est animadversum, ut Curio, qui nihil con Silio facit, ratione et insidiis usus videretur in evitandis iis conSi'iS, qui se intenderant adversarios in eius tribunatum Laelios

et Antonios et id genus valentes dico Has ego tibi litteras'

eo maiore misi intervallo, quod comitiorum dilationes occupatiorem me habebant et XSpectare in dies Xitum cogebant, ut consectis omnibus te sacerem certiorem Ad alendas Sext.

io usque XspectaVi. Praetorii morae quaedam inciderunt Mea porro comitia quem eventum Sint habitura, nescio opinionem

quidem, quod ad Hirrum attinet, incredibilem aedilium pl. comitiis nacta sunt Nam M. Coelium Vinicianum mentio illa salua,

Id genus valentes. Influentiat or

energeti people of that fort. Manutius explain valentes ' as animo et vigilantia praestantes.' p. Ad Att. 7. 3, 5 tribunos valentes.' O the constructio of id genus. - eius generis, cp. Madv. 238. 7. Occupatiorem me habebant, hept me employed more than usual. For the two accusatives, P. Preceding Section, Ole. 8. xitum, the result of the comitia. Caelius was ni abierio repor that os theconsula comitia. e was himself a candidate so the curule aedileship. II. opinionem . . . incredibilem, Wonder sul hopes o success. Cp. Ad Fam. I. 6 non fallam opinionem tuam. The word oes O seem, however, to e ostenused without a qualibin epithet to denotegood expectations. I a. Quod ad Hirrum attinet, o saras the opposition o Hirrus is concerned. C. Lucceius, o Lucilius, Hirrus recommendedi 53 B.C. that Pompe should e madedictator Cp. Ad Q. F. 3. 8, 4. e id not

for Pompe in Ital during the civit War. Ep. 49 Aedilium plebis comitiis, at thetime os electio of the aediles os the plebs.'

I 3. M. Coelium Vinicianum Thisma seems ni tot mentione here and Beli. AleX. 77. Mentio illa fatua, iis stupi suggestion, that Pompe shouldae made dictator. The proposalsi Hirrus and Vinicianus seemto have been made in the fame ear, and were not popular Cp. Merivale, I 535; Drumann , 538. I. Adiungere amicitiam, to in thestiendship f.' p. Pro Muren. O, I

adiungit benevolentiam. a. Illud refers to ut Curio . . videre

Perquam venuste, vernneatly Uerquam maxime auget.' Forceli Cp. De

Orat. a. 49. 2oI perquam breviter perstrinxi. venuste seem raret to occurin the earlier Latin writers.

time. Meseub omit them. 4. Iis in eorum probably. p. Madv. 3I Mesenb suggeSic eorum, o consiliariis. 5. Qui se intenderant . . tribunatum, vho ad prepare themselves tooppose his election to the tribuneship. For

the doubie accus se . . adversarios, P.

some o Pompey's hips in the civit War, p. Caes. Beli. iv. 3. 5. an IoO. e is also mentioned Ad Att. II. 7. a. 6. Antonios Three brother of this familfare mentioned-Marcus, the triumvir, Caius, an Lucius. I cannot find thateither of the two last ought the ossice of

tribune at this time, unies the three brothersare reserrexto Ad Fam. a. 8 tres ratres sumis loco natos . . quos vide dein ceps tribunos plebis per triennium fore. Perham the plura is se of One person, sin ac Ann. I. Io ' interfectos Romae Varro tres, Egnatios, Iulos. Cp.,.also, Iuv. Sat. I, IO9 IO IO8.


quam deriseramus olim, et promulgatio de dictatore subito deiecit et deiectum magno clamore inSecuta est inde Hirrum cuncti iam non aciendum flagitare. Spero te celeriter et de nobis, quod sperasti, et de illo, quod Vi Sperare auSu es, auditurum. De re publica iam novi quicquam X Spectare desieramus Sed cum senatus habitus esset ad Apollinis a. d. XI Kal. Sext. et reserretur de stipendio Cn. Pompeii, mentio acta est de legione ea, quam Xpensam tulit C. CaeSari Pompeius, quo numero CSSet, quoad peteretur ' Cum Pompeius esse in Gallia, coactus est dicere Pompeius se legionem abducturum, sed non statim Sub omentionem et convitium obtrectatorum inde interrogatus est

de Successione C. Caesaris, de qua hoc est de provinciis placitum est, ut quam primum ad urbem reverteretur Cn. Pompeius, ut coram eo de succeSSione provinciarum ageretur nam Ariminum ad exercitum Pompeius erat iturus, et statim iit. Puto is Idibus Sext. de ea re actum iri. Prosecto aut transigetur aliquid,

I. Deiecit, deseated. Forceli., hoquotes Livy. 2. Insecuta est. his is ver hars asapplyin to promulgatior I the wordsare to e translate a the stan theymus mean de to his ein greeted illioutcries aster his deseat. Ernesti suggeststhe insertionis ' plebs. 3. Non faciendum, should o beelected.

6. Ad Apollinis p. p. 23, 3, Ote.

7. De stipendio, about a vote fmone for the troops. For a notice of a simila vote in Caesar' favour, P. P. 26,

Quo numero esset, What place itheld, i. e. Whether it a rechone tobelon to Pompey' or Caesar' army.

Niel. Billerb. p. Philipp. a. 29 7 ' quo numero fuisti; Ib. 3. 6, 6 homo nullo


9. Quoad peteretur, 'sorio long iis

services ere demanded.

Esse in Gallia, sc. dixisset. Cp. Madv. 79b. The repetitionis the nam Pompeius aster dicere' seem strange Resenb. Suggest quae cum esset in Gallia, omitiing the firs Pompeius. Io Sub mentionem . . obtrectat Ο-rum, jus after inis an abusive attacks madea Caesar' traducerS.'I2. De successione C. Caesaris, asto the appotniment of a successor O C.

Caesar. Cp. Appendix 6, 4. Placitum est. p. Ep. Io 7, Da Cic.

I4. Coram eo. ither Pompe might be released sto the restrictio of the la s. o the senate might be held without the pomoerium, so that he might atten itwithout forsettingat 'imperium.' Manut. Nam explain 'reverteretur,' ' sayshould have returned sor. Cp Εp. 26, 2,


Ariminum, the rs important townsout of the Rubicon. Pompe seem tohave assembled a force there; hether forservice in Spain or in Ital seems oubisul. Cp. Drumann 4 53 a. I 5. Erat iturus, was about o depari, o the da of the debate. I 6. De ea re about the appotniment os

successor to Caesar.

Aut transigetur . . intercedetur. either sonae arrangement illi made, or

there ill e scandalous oppositio by tribune, ,hic Pompey, b his threat me

tione in the nexi sentence, eeme to anticipale.




aut turpiter intercedetur. Nam in disputando coniecit illam

Vocem Cn. Pompeius, omnes oportere senatui dicto audientes eSSe. Ego tamen sic nihil eXspecto, quo modo Paulum, On Sulem deSignatum, primum Sententiam dicentem Saepius te admoneo

si syngrapha Sittianan cupio enim te intellegere eam rem ad me valde pertineres item de pantheris, ut Cibyrata arceSSaScureSque, ut mihi vehantur; praeterea nuntiatum nobis est et pro certo iam habetur, regem AleXandrinum mortuum quid mihi suadeas, quo modo regnum illud se habeat, quis procuret, dili- io genter mihi perscribas M. SeXt.

I. Vour acquaintance, C. Sempronius Rufus, has been declare gulit os bringinga malictous charge; ossiste in his discomfiture a M. Servilius has been charge wit extortio an corruption hesore the praetor M. LaterenSis, ut 3.owinito the ignorance of that magistrate no decision has been come o pon his case, an hecis est ather discredite to stan another trial. 4. The senate has adopte various important resolutions bout Caesar' Provinces, after ascertaining Pompey's ishes in the matter. I sendiso copies of a decree and of three resolutions. a. Decree That the consul for nexi ear hal bring orward the question

I. Coniecit. Rare ithout mentio of he person against hom the expression is directed. Here it seem sinapi to mean

ultered. a. Dicto audientes esse ' obtempe

rare. CP. In Verr et Act. 5. 32 85 Livy5. 3; Zumpi, L. G. Ia. 3. Ego tamen . . dicentem, there is nothin to hic I loo forward it soni uch interest a to earin Paulus ivinghis opinion rst in the senate a consul

eleci.' L. Aemilus Paulus, Consul inra B.C., seem to have been a manis smali capaci ty. Caesar purchased his suppor sor a considerable sum. p. Intr. to Pari II, Da P Suet. Iul. 29; Mommse 4. 3, 354. 5. De syngrapha Sittiana. . Sittius seem to have ive a billo Caelius, and ma no have been in Cicero' province, rhave ad fund there. Sittius sterwardsdi Caesar good service in Africa, at thehead os a Mauretaniau force. p. Beli. Afric. 3, 9, Mommsen . a 4 3. Ad me valde pertinere, 'interest me

6. De pantheris Caelius ante toconciliate the eople, it a vie to his electio as aedile, by providing il beasis for a combat in the arena Cibyratas. Cibyra was a town o theborder of Phrygia and Cilicia. The ord Cibyratae is here probabi used of huntersseo Cibyra, ho out be ante tocatch the panthers Cp. Ad Att. 6. I, I

alienum esse existimatione mea Cibyratas imperio meo publice venari; also Ad Fana. 8 9, 3- . - ,

8. Regem Alexandrinum Caelius refers to Ptolem XII Auletes, restored by Gabinius in DB.C. Cp. Intr. to Par II,

Quid mihi suadeas, what Steps nurecommend me to talae. Perhaps theruinghaxowed Caelius money. 9. Quis procuret, 'who administers his property. Pothinus, an eunuch, id so. Cp. Plut Pomp. 77 App. Beli. Civ. 2 844 Caes. Beli. iv. 3. O8.

os the Gallic province o March I, and pressest discussion in very way. 6-8. R Solutions. I Thatio ne interpos an obstacle to the discussion os his question in the senate: a That the laim o Caesar' soldier to a discliarge e roughtheire the senates: 3 That provision e made so the government of Cilicia and of the ther eight praetoria provinces by me os praetoria rank. . Pompe Say ne wit no hesitate aster Marcho to id in provid in Caesar illi a SucceSSor; and other expression os his ine a determination to resis the interserenc os tribunes Heris clearly on ad term Willi Caesar the lalter is anxious sors compromtSe ana Io Curio is preparin to resis him. I have to than Curio sor ome Africanpanthers; et me have ome lio Asia, too I hope ou ill attendo m claimupon Sittius.


Etsi de re publica quae tibi scribam habeo, tamen nihil quod

magis gavisurum te putem habeo quam hoc scito C. Sempronium Rufum. Rusum, mel ac delicias tuas, calumniam maXimo PlauSutulisse. Quaeris qua in causaὸ M. Tuccium, accuSatorem Uum,

post ludos Romanos reum lege Plotia de vi fecit hoc consilio,

quod videbat, si Xtraordinarius reus nemo accessisset, Sibi hoc anno causam esse dicendam : dubium porro illi non erat, quid laturum esset. Nemini hoc deserre munusculum maluit quam Suo accuSatori. Itaque Sine ullo subscriptore descendit et Tuccium

I. Quod . . gavisurum. This accusative illi gaudeo seem rare, excepi in Caelius letters It is ound howevcr, withother verbs of simila meaning Cp. Madv. a 29.2. C. Sempronium Rufum For an account of this an and of Vestorius, P. below, and Ep. 38, Io I the secon Rufum a genuine, it may Xpres surpris Orplea sure Rufus, I say.'3. Me ac delicias tuas, you D-vourite an darling. This is apparently the ni pass:ige heres mel cis sed in ametaphorical senses classica prose

author. Calumniam . . tulisse, has been con

victe of bringin a calumnious accusation. Η - Wiel. Billerti Forcellini' explanation hardi fuit the sense of th s passage. Maximo plausu, ami the rea test applause. p. on the ablat. Madv. 257.4. M. Tuccium This an seem notto be et sewhere mentioned. Accusatorem . his ord seem to beuse of a plaintiron a civit charge ome- times Partit orat. 32 DO. 5. Post ludos Romanos. The Romangames seemo have asted rom the th to

Passed 89 B.C., an provide that triat sor vis nee not e suspende on estivals. Cp. Pro Caelio I. I. It was supplemented

6. Extraordinarius, a defendan whose tria would claim precedence Pother uiis.'Trials de vi seemo have laime this precedence Forceli explain extraordinarius ' a sat of thos de quibus nihil est lege constitutum. But this passage learly implies that a man accusex de vi ' ouldbe reus extraordinarius; and there eredesinite statutes bout ' vis. Hoc anno. Perhaps Sempronius Would preser a ne praetor perhapsae a merelyanxious to gain time ithout an definiteliopes. 7. Quid futurum esset, .e that hewouldae convicted. 8. O . . munusculum, this litile favour, o a prosecution. 9. Sine ullo subscriptore, Without annone to suppor his charge. The subscriptores' ere the subordinate advocatessor the prosecution cp. p. 3. 3. note; Div. in Caec. 5 , an to appear Without Such suppori, though in accordance with old



PARTHI. reum fecit. At ego, simul atque audivi, invocatus ad subsellia rei

Occurro Surgo, neque verbum de re facio totum Sempronium

OSque eo perago, ut Vestorium quoque interponam et illam sabulam narrem, quem ad modum tibi pro beneficio dederit, ' si quod Liniuriis suis esset, ut Vestorius teneret Haec quoque magna

nunc contentio forum tenet M. Servilius postquam, ut coePerat, omnibus in rebus turbara nec quod non Venderet quicquam reliquerat maximaque nobis traditus erat invidia, neque LaterenSiSPraetor eXpostulante Pausania, nobis patronis, V EA PECUNIA I PERVENISSET, recipere voluit, Q. Pilius, necessarius Attici nostri,

this case have been thought to he 'eata

I. Invocatus . . occurro. Phasten to

Present mysel uninvited Forcell. at theside of the accused. For his sense of Occurror cp. Philipp. I. 4 9 Liv 3I. 9;36. 24. Caelius apparenti only wished toanno Sempronius. Ad subsellia rei. A space at the endos a basilica was et par so judicia bust-

semicircle projectinifromone or both theend of the uilding. The praetor' seat wouldae in themiddie of this pace the subsellia rei' ould probabi run roundone fide of it. See p. 24, I, Ole, and Smith. Dici os Antiq. sub v Basilica, Pp. 98, 99.

a. Otum . . . Perago. Peragere reum is properi to prosecute to a Conviction.' p. example in orcell. his Passage perhaps means, ' Paccuse Semproniusso uncompromisingly. Manutius gives eXagito,' vexo' as equivalent sor perago. Onthe adverbia use of totus an simila adjectives, p. ΕP. I, 2 note. 3. Interponam, introduce.

Illam fabulam, the old story. Cp.

ha been invite to setile the dispute by

Cicero' arbitration. e then seem to have made it a savou to Cicero that he orboret oppos thecius claims of Vestorius. 4. Quem ad modum . . teneret, hoWas a favour tofo he allowed Vestorius oretain Whateverae had possession of to the injur of Sempronius. In substanc homMan. Hota reads iniuriis suum esset,

Wesenb. si quid iniuria ipsius Rufi esset,' Victorius ' si quid iuris sui esset, in Whiclicas I suppose sui Mould reser o e


5. Iniuriis, simila to ingratis in construction.

Iniuriis suis. Si quid esset suo damno suaque iniuria quod Vestorius teneret, quasi

ademptum sibi aliquid ac teneri a Vestorio diceret quod aliqua istuc iniuria ieret.


Haec the following. 6. Forum tenet, occupies the attention

M. Servilius Oreli. sayche Was tribunein 6 B.C. There ere both patricia and plebeia Servilii.

Ut coeperat . . turbarat, had carried through alliis career the extravagance Withwhic he hadaegun. ' Conturbo is more common in this ense. Cp. Ad Att. 4. 7. I. 7. Quod non venderet, unsold; or Perhaps, as r. Jeans renders, ,hic masno sor sale. the conj., cp. Madv. 364. 8. Maxima . . invidia, and ad beengive meos a client Wit a very bad reputation. For the ablat., P. Madv. 257. Laterensis: P. EP. I, 2.9 Expostulante, in spite of the representations s. Pausanias seem noto b else herementioned. osm suggest that he may have been agent for the Asiati provincialso the tria o C. Claudius. O perhaps hewas one of the creditor of Servilius. Nobis patronis, whil was counselso the delance.

Quo E PECUNIA PERVENISSET reci Pere, 'o receive a deman for enquiry

,hat adiecome of that money V:' .e.whither the njust alias of Claudius ad gone. The word printe in capital seemtoae a regula form denotin the objec os

legat inquiry. The Lex Iulia de Repetundis of 59 B.C. allowed the injure partiesto require restitutio sto any one hoWas provexto have profited by aovernor'sunjus gains Cp. Pro Rab. Post 4. 8.Io in ilius. Probabi connected with Atticus by marriage. eris ni mentioned

de repetundis eum postulavit magna ilico fama surrexit et de damnatione serventer loqui est coeptum. Quo vento proiicitur Appius minor, ut indicaret pecuniam e bonis Patri pervenisSe ad Servilium praevaricationisque causa diceret depositum S. LXXXI. Admiraris amentiam : immo si actionem stultissimasque 3 de se, nefarias de patre consessiones audisses' Mittit in consilium eosdem illos, qui lites aestimarant, iudiceS. Cum aequo

numero sententiae suissent, Laterensi leges ignoran Pronuntiavit, quid singuli ordines iudicassent, et ad eXtremum, ut Solent, NON REDIGAM. Postquam discessit et pro absoluto Servilius haberi io

I. De repetundis, c. pecuniis,' sorextortion or misgovernment. The fuit was rought so the restitution o moneysai to have been illegali exacted butcharges os oppression in generat,ere introduce by the prosecutor is the speeches against Verres are a fair specimen of thepleading on such occasions A permanent cour so the tria o such cases a firstestablislied in I 49 B.C. Eum, sc Servilium It seem lihely that Pausanias ishe to prosecute Servilius ashaving hare the njus gain os C. Claudius, and that when the praetor refused toentertain the Charge, in Pilius prosecuted Servilius directi sor repetundae. Cp.

tum est aera coeperunt.

Quo vento proiicitur, Vis impelle by that rumour. Forcell. 3. Appius minor. Younge son fC. Claudius an nephew of . Clodius. Manutius on this passage suggest that hean his brother may have been adopte by Ap. Claudius Pulcher, consul inra B.C. I ut Schiit doubis this C. Claudius overned Asia in 55-5 B.C. cp. Pro Scauro 3I-35 , and seem to have been dea a the time os Milo' tria sor the murderi Clodius inra aB. C. Cp. Ascon Argum in Milonian P. 43. 4. Praevaricationis . . Causa Themost natura sense of these Word wouldie, that Servilius was the accuse of C. Claudius,

and promise to etra his clients. ut perhaps it fuit the genera sense belle tosuppos that Servilius received the moneyto ribe the accuser an hept it imselfinstead. Praevaricati, was the legat term

for collusion o an accuser it the d fendant.

Depositum, ha been placed in theliand of Servilius. H. S. L XI. Probabb LXXX in octogies, but the sum feem ver large more hanae 7o Coo. Cp. however, In Verr Act. I. I 3. 38. 5. Immo si 'ho much more ould

Actionem, his pleading. 6. Confessiones, of his own and his ather' misconduci in Asia probably. About imself such confessions ould be olisti obout his fallier, unnaturat. Mittit in consilium, C. Appius. Ite allows the fame judges ho ad assessed his sather' fine to ac in his case. Thismus suret be an exaggeration it shardi likel that recisely the sanae Odyof judges Would have actexi two disserent

years Manutius suggest that the tria for praevaricatio would come extra ordinem, as a supplemen to the tria os theelder Appius. Forceli say the phras ' mittere in consilium ' was used of the residing magistrate 'ut the passage he quotes stomIn Verr. 2. Act. I. 9, 26, shews that i may also apse to the parties o the conclusionos the proceedings p. also Pro Cluent. 3O, 83. For the phras ' lites aestiuaare, ' torax the amount toae repaid by the defendant. cp. Pro Muren. In Verr Aet. I. 3, 38 It corresponde to the Atti τίμησις, and was mos important in triat for X- tortio an peculation, and of course in alicivi sulis. 7. Cum aequo . . fuissent, When thevotes of the whole ouri ad been equallydivided, though very likel a majorii in

two order had acquitte Servilius. 9. Singuli ordines, the senators, equites,

and tribuni aerarii. Cp. Intr. to Pari I,4 5a

Ut solent, i.e in cases os acquitiat. Io. NON REDIGAM, Pshallio requireth restitutio of the money. These ordswere very lihely the regula sor sor declaring an acquitia in cases of repetundae,




coeptus est legisque unum et centesimum caput legit, in quo ita erat, QUOD EORVM IVDICVM MAIOR PARS IVDICARIT, ID IVS RATVMQVE ESTO, in tabulas absolutum non rettulit, ordinum iudicia per- ScripSit postulante rursus Appio cum L. Lollio transegit et se relaturum dixit. Sic nunc neque abSolutus neque damnatus ervilius de repetundis saucius Pilio tradetur. Nam de divinatione Appius, cum calumniam iuraSSet, contendere ausus non est Pilioque cessit, et ipse de pecuniis repetundis a Serviliis est postulatus et praeterea de vi reus a quodam Suo emisSario, SeX. Tettio, actu S. 1 Recte hoc par habet. Quod ad rem publicam pertinet, omnino multis diebus X spectatione Galliarum actum nihil est aliquando tamen, Saepe re dilata et graviter acta et plane perspecta Cn. Pompeii Voluntate in eam partem, ut eum decedere post Kalendas

but I anno find hem lsewhere in his Sense. p. ho ever, Div. in Caec. 7, 56 bona vendit, pecuniam redigit Postquam discessit, C. LaterenSis, after he went home. I. Legis, Iuliae de repetundis ' probably. It would appea that this a require an absolute majorit of the whole our foracquitialis conviction, and id not provide for the caseis equa division. 3. In tabulas . . perscripsit, di notrecor an acquitia in his register, but roteout the verdicis of the different orders.' . Postulante rursus Appio, When Appius rene ed his charge, apparenti onthe round that Servilius ad o been acquitted. Cum L. Lollio transegit, soli., astera conference it L. Lollius, Laterensi4 saidhe would recor Servilius as acquitted.' But the word ' neque absolutus neque damnatus ' seem to impi that he di no do soat Once, o that the proceediti Was considere informat L. Lollius seem to beoni mentione here. For ' transiges as a neuter verb, P. In Verr a Act. 2. 32, 79 qui cum reo transigit.' 6. De repetundis . . tradetur. willpas With a damage reputation into thehand of Pilius sor prosecution o a chargeo D reperundae. Nam, I say os Pilius, sor. Cp. Ep. 9,

oath that he had good round sor his

prosecution. The defendant might require the prosecutor to tali such an ath. p. Smith. Dici os Antiq. P. 235. Contendere, to dispute the oint, 'to come into court.' a8. A Serviliis. Probabi the M. Servilius os his letter, an sonae relation. 9. quodam suo emissario, by a certain py of his own.'IO Recte . . habet, this at is elimal claed. Cp. Pro Muren. bene habet, Ep. 77, I minus belle habuit. Forthis sense os par, cp. De Opt. Gen. Orat. 6, 7 gladiatorum par nobilissimum 'mor. Sat. a. 3, 243 par nobile ratrum. II. xspectatione Galliarum, be- cause eopte are attingo see hat illbe done bout the Gallic provinces, where Caesar' term o government a dra ing

Aliquando . . placeret, at tength, aster frequent postponemenis, an serious discussion of the question, hen it ad been clearly ascertaine to be Pompey's isti that aster the rs of Marcii the senate liould decree Caesar' recall. o the conj placeret, CP Ep. 26, 9 note, and in eam partem,' sc inclinante, Ad Att. 16. I, 6 has scripsi in eam partem ne me motum putares. As to the facis, the Lex Pompeia Licinia os 55 .C. probabi provide that the appotniment of a successor o Caesar


Martias placeret, Senatu consultum, quod tibi misi, factum est auctoritatesque PerScriptae.

S. C. Auctoritates tr. Kal Octobres in aede Apollinis scrib. adfuerunt L. Domitius Cn. f. Fab. Ahenobarbus, Q. Caecilius Q. f. Fab. Metellus Pius Scipio, L. Villius sL. F. Pona Annalis, C. Septimius T. f. Quirina, C. Lucilius C. f. Pup. Hirrus, C. Scribonius Q s. Pop. Curio, L. Ateius L. f. An Capito, M. Eppius M. f. Ter Quod

M. Marcellus cos. V. s. de pro Uincii consularibu S, d. e. r. i. C, uti L. Paulus C. Marcellus COSS., cum magi Stratum Ioini S Sent e X Kal. Mart. quae in suo magistratu futuraeessent, de consularibus Provincii ad Senatum referrent, neve quid prius e X Kal. Mart ad Senatum referrent, ne Vequid coniunctim de ea re referretur a consulibu S utique eius rei causa per dies comitiales senatum haberent sSenatusque cons. facerent, et, cum de ea re Senatum referretur a consulibus, qui eorum in CCC iudicibus

I. isi epistolar in mitto. 3. Auctoritates : CP. p. 22, 4, note. One decree and three resolutions follow. . Scribendo adfuerunt. c. senatus consulto. here,ere present at the draWing up os the decree.' p. Ad Att. 7. I, 7 Ad Fam. I 5. 6, 2 PQ 2. 29, 2.

On L. Domitius and Q. Scipio p. ΕP.

Madv. 275. Obs. 3. he Other tribes mentioned are Pomptina, Quirina, Pupinia, Popilia, Aniensis, Teretina. 5. L. Villius, oni mentioned here Thesurnam Annalis probabi dates rom theyear 8 B.α, heia the ex illi Annalis passed. Cp. Liv O. 44. 6. C. Septimius perhaps a praetor os 57 BC. Who supporte Cicero' restorationstom exile. Cp. Post Red in Sen. 9, 23. C. Lucilius . . Hirrus, perhaps the Hirrus mentionedip. 33, 3. I seems doubt- fulcis his nam was Lucilius o Lucceius. 7. C. Scribonius . . Curio ἰ CP ΕP. 3o,

S. L. Ateius . . Capito. Ont herementione b Cicero Caesar pardone an Ateius in Africa Cp. Beli. Asric. 89. Μ Dppius serve unde Pompe in thecivit War, and was pardone by Caesar in Africa Cp. p. 5o, Beli. Asric. l. c. Quod, ,hereas. 9. M. Marcellus : p. Intr. to Pari II, II 7 Epp. 3I, a note; O, 3 AEL; Io I. V. f. - verba fecit, sat of a magistrate who laid a question efore the senate fordiscussion. De provinciis consularibus: p. Ain

D. e. r. i. C. - de ea re ita censuerunt.'

Io L. Paulus : Cp. EP. I 3, 2, Ole. C. Marcellus: P. EP. 33, I, note. 13. EX Kal. . . essent,i.e hom Marcha,

I4. Coniunctim, in combination illiit. The question was to bearought besore the senate simply, Withou havin an otherbound p ith t. The orce of coniunctim ' may be see by a reserence to the account of the discussion of the Licinian Rogations Cp. Liv 6. 39. 15. Per dies comitiales Aster theenaciment of the Lex Pupia Urs mentionedi 56 B. C., it seem notrio have been usualto hol meetings of the senatem days Onwhicli the comitia couldae held. p. Ad. in . . , AG a. 3, 3 Ad Fam. I. I; Caes. Beli. iv. I. 5. The author os the Lex Pupia a probabi M. Pupius Piso Calpurnianus, consul in I B.C., though Some assigia it to a Cn. Pupius, tribune in

I ccc iudicibus. Probabj cccin is



essent, eos adducere l1ceret. Si quid de ea re ad populum plebem V lato opus esset, uti Ser. Sulpiciu M.

Marcellu COSS. Praetores tribunique l. quibu eorum

videretur, ad populum plebem ves errent: quod si iis non tulissent, uti, quicumque deinceps S Sent, ad POPulum plebem veri errent. i. n.

Ρr Kal Octobres in aede Apollinis scrib. adsuerunt L. Domitius Cn. f. Fab. Ahenobarbus, Q. Caecilius Q. s. Fab. Metellus ius Scipio, L. Vinius L. s. om. Annalis, io C. Septimius T. s. Quirina, C Lucilius C f. Pup. Hirrus, C. Scribonius C. s. op. Curio, L. Ateius L. f. An Capito,

M. Eppius M. f. Teret in a. Quod M. Marcellus cos. . . de

provinciis, d. e. r. i. ta, Senatum X i Stimare neminem Ο-rum, qui potestatem habent intercedendi, impediendi, is moram adferre Portere, quo minu de . . P. R. Q. ad senatum referri senatique consultum fieri possit qui impedierit, prohibuerit, eum Senatum X istimare contra rem publicam secisse. Si quis huic s. c. intercesserit, senatui placere auctoritatem perscribi et de ea re ad a senatum populumque reserri Huic intercessit

the right number. p. p. 59, 2, note; Veli. a. 76 Plut Pomp. 55. Billerb. thmks the firstis senatorial decuria os judges, asconstitute by the Lex Pompeia of 55 . ., is referre to. The object of the decreewas to malae it a sui to summo such senator a belonge to this od seo theeouris in hic the serve to attend the

senate' debares.

I. Si quid . . lato opus esset, ras nyenaciment mere required. Cp. adv. 66, obsoAd populum plebem ve, by the peOple assembled by centuries o tribes. The expression seem to have been retaine homa time at hic oni plebeians vote in the comitia tributa. See, among ther a sages, Liv a. 56. Mommsen Rom. Forsch. I. I94 soli. , referring especiali to a quotation stom Laelius Felix in A. Gellius N. A. Is 27 maintain that plebs in suc passages a the present is equivalent to not comitia tributa, aut concilium plebis, anassembl of the tribes rom,hicli patricians mere exclude and the only one convoked

by plebeian magistrates Cp. p. O, ,

a Ser. Sulpicius, an eminent urist, a consul Mith M. Marcellus Cicero hada very high opinionis him. p. Ad Fam. 4. I-6 Philipp. 9 and severa passages in

the orationis Pro Murena. 5. Quicumque deinceps essent, their successor in thos severa ossices.' 6. I. n. - intercessit nemo. The tribunicia veto could no legallyae exercise in

discussion about the consula provinces, as

a Lex Sempronia C. Gracchi sorbade t. Cp. De Prov. Cons. 7, 17, an Appendixi,

I9. Auctoritatem . . referri, that

ΕΡ. 3 .I EPISTOLARUM AD FAMILIARES VII 8 assC. Caelius, L. Vinicius, P. Cornelius, C. Vibius Pansa,

tribuni 'L

Item senatui placere de militibus, qui in exercitu C.

Caesaris sunt qui eorum stipendia emerita aut causa S, quibus de causis missi fieri debeant, habeant, ad hunc ordinem referri, ut eorum ratio habeatur causaeque cognoscantur. Si quis huic s. c. interce S Sis Set, Senatui Placere auctoritatem perscribi et de ea re ad hunc ordinem referri. Huic s. c. intercessit C. Caelius,

C. Pansa, tribuni pl. - 0 Itemque senatui placere in Ciliciam provinciam, in

VIII reliquas provincia S, qua praetorii pro Praetore obtinerent, eos, qui Praetore suerunt neque in Provinciam cum imperio fuerunt, quo eorum e S. c. cum imperio in provincias pro praetore mitti oporteret, eo 15 sortito in provincias mitti placere; Si e e numero, quos ex s. c. in provincias ire oporteret, ad numerum non e S Sent, qui in eas provincias proficiscerentur, tum uti

I. of the our protestin tribunes onlyC. Vibius Pansa seem to e mentionedelse here Cicero spealis of him as a friendAd Q. F. 3. 5 5, and Ad Fam. 6. 2. Onhis conduci aster Caesar' death, p. Intr. to

Madv. 32I, and Obs. Stipendia emerita . . habeant, have completed thei time os service, o have therpleas sor discharge. The sul number of campaigias is sal to have bee twent fortite infantry and te so the cavat ry. P. Smitii, Dict of Antiq. sub voc. Exercitus,' P. 499. Causas, quibus de causis. O the Pleonasm, p. Zumpi, L. G. 7 3 also Ibelo , note The causae Wouldie pleasso discharge, such a sicliness, and Perhaps, distinguished services. discliarge obtainedon the ground of sichnes was callex missio causaria. Forcell. The object of this res lutio probabi was to hol out inducemenisto Caesar' soldier to desertaim. II. In octo reliquas These Wouldae I Sicily a Sardinia, illi Corsica 3. Macedonia, Wit Achaia 4 Asia 5. Africa; 6. Crete 7 Cyrene; 8. Bithynia. p. MOmmsen Rechisstage, Pp. 45, 46. Cilicia

Was to e a praetoria province aster theexpirationis Cicero' termis ossice. 12. Praetorii, Vmen Wholad been praetor , an analogous term consulares.'IDObtinerent Wesenb has obtin erJent. Eos qui . . mitti placere, that stomthe number of thos who have been pra tors, and have notinouerned provinces, suchas Ought, accordin to the decree of the senate, to e sent to over Provinces aspropraetors hould e sent by tot. Thesecon eos ' and the secon ' placere ' seempleonastic. In provinciam . . suerunt. O the accuSat. CP. In Verr. 2 Act. 5. 38, 98 in potestatem futurum: Ad Att. 5. 4 quo die in Tusculanum essem futurus, accordingto the Medicean S. WeSenb. ho ever,

suggest ' in provincias . . iverunt.'Iq. EX S. C. - ex senatus consulto. For

I 5. os sortito the pronoun eos is resumptive aster a parenthesis Cp. Madv.

89 a.

mero. Cp Εp. 32. 2, note. I7. Quos plural, as referring t a nounos multitude Cp. Madv. I 5 a.

Ad numerum non essent, there ere

not enough. Forcell. p. Ad F. 3. 3, 2, II, a Bait. ad numerum iudices ha


I 8. Tum uti . . proficiscerentur, then

the praetor of the solio ingaears should be




quodque collegium primum praetorum sui S Set neque in

provincias profecti essent, ita sorte in pro Vincia proficiscerentur; si ii ad numerum non es Sent, tunc dein

ceps pro X imi cuiusque collegii, qui praetores suis sent

neque in provincias profecti essent, in Sortem coniicerentur, quoad i numeru essectu e S Set, quem ad nume

rum in provincias mitti oporteret Si qui huic s. c.

intercessisset, auctoritas per Scriberetur. Huic S c intercessit C. Caelius, C. Pansa, tribuni pl. io Illa praeterea Cn. Pompeii sunt animadverSa, quae a Xime con sfidentiam attulerunt hominibus, ut diceret se ante Kal. Martias non posse sine iniuria de provinciis Caesari Statuere, PoS Kal. Martias se non dubitaturum Cum interrogaretur, si qui tum intercederent, diXit hoc nihil interesSe, utrum C. Caesar senatui 1 dicto audiens futurus non Sset an pararet qui senatum decernere non pateretur Quid, si' inquit alius et consul esse et Xer

citum habere volet ' At ille quam clementer: quid, si filius

meus fustem mihi impingere volet λ' His vocibus, ut existimarent homines Pompeio cum CaeSare SSe negotium, effecit; itaque dio iam, ut video, alteram utram ad condicionem descendere volt

6. Is numerus . . quem ad numerum. O the repetitio of the subst. Cp.

7. Mitti oporteret, sc. rectores Theimpor of this decree eem to e that is there,ere notisine praetorii os sive ears standing the deficiencyrahouldie made good by takin successivel 'praetorii os four, three, and wo ears standing. It objectWas by assigning as an provinces aspossibi to praetorii, to diminis the number of province disposable consulares, and o to strengthen the arguments for Caesar' recal in orde to provide so such consulares a might Wis to over provinces. he combinatio of the indic.

fueru ni in the early partis the decree with conjunctives in the res of it, a perhapsbe accounte foro Caelius quotm theactuat ord of the decree in the wordsqui praetores . . fuerunt, an giving the restis it in his own wOrds. Io. Illa, the ollowing demonstrations. Cp. Madv. 485 b. Confidentiam, confidence that there

was an understandin belWeen Pompe and the optimates.' It is more osten sed by Cicero in a bad senserior ' eifrontery. II. Ut diceret, ho h said. Cp. Hor. Carm. I. 9 I; Madv. 356. I a. Sine iniuria: p.ri , Ole. I 3. Si qui tum intercederent, Sc. quid faciendum esset.'I5. An pararet eum, sc tribunum. Billerb. O the omissionis a demonstrative, cp. above.16. Quid si the ellipse, p. Madv. 79 d.

Et consul esse . . volet. Ille positionos Pompe himself incta .c., heu he Wassole consul an his legates 4overned the Spanisli provinces, was more commandingtha that here suggeste for Caesar. I7. At ille, Pompeius, sc respondit. Cp. Madv. l. C. Quam clementer of course ironicat. Quid, si . . impingere volet, Mither absurd, should hastis such resumption. I9. Negotium in inimicitiam. Forcell.

2o. Descendere in se accommodare '


Caesar, ut aut maneat neque hoc anno sua ratio habeatur, aut, si1 designari poterit, decedat. Curio se contra eum totum parat; quid adsequi possit, nescio: illud ideo, bene Sentientem, etSi nihil effecerit, cadere non posse. me tractat liberaliter Curio mihi suo munere negotium imposuit; nam Si mihi non dedisset seras quae ad ludos ei advectae erant Africanae, potuit Supersederi Nunc, quoniam dare neceSSe St, velim tibi curae Sit,

quod a te semper petii ut aliquid istinc bestiarum habeamus, Sittianamque syngrapham tibi commendo. Iibertum Philonem istoc misi et Diogenem Graecum, quibus niandata et litteras ad iote dedi eos tibi et rem, de qua misi, velim curae habea ; nam, quam, hementer ad me pertineat, in iis, quas tibi illi reddent, litteris descripSi.

Appius has been accused by Dolabella. I hopeoo wili ho the sincerit osyour reconciliation,it Appius by doin What ou an in our proVince o Promole

these alternatives, ister o remali in his province Without laimin tocte allowed tosve so the consulfhi this year, o to leave his provinceri he an secure his electio asconsul. ut . . decedat, ep. P. 26, 9,

I. Hoc anno These ord cannot mean in his present ear, for the consulareiection was atready ver Cp. 6 5. Itwould seem mos natural to reser them toso B , as Hosmann oess ut Monamsen, Rechisstage, P. 3. an note, understands

5 B.C. says that Pompe was anxious ut Caesar Id. Novembr. decedat.

Sua ratio in sui ratio: cp. De Off. I. 39 I30. The phrase rationem habere Masused of the residing magistrate at elections, When e accepte vote so any one a acandidate. It occur frequently in Livy. a. Se contra . . parat, reparingliis hole strength to resis him.

3. Bene sentientem . . non OSSe,

posed a burde by his gist. i.e the burdenos addin to t. Caelius remarlis justineto that he nee no have exhibite an wildbeast at ali ut so the present he had

the panthers.

8. Aliquid aestiarum p. adV. 285 b. istinc. stom Cilicia. 9. Sittianam syngrapham cp. p. 33. 5. It probabi Was the res de quamis ' mentioned jus below.Phidon, o Pessinus in Galatia, a rees

manis Caelius. Io Diogenes: p. Ad Fam. a. a a Diogenes tuus, homo modestus, a me . . discessit.'FEBRUARY So alter Suringar in his edition of the correspondeiice belween Ciceroand Caelius suggest Marchis the probabie date, guide by a combination o Ad Att. o.




his interest. Dolabella has separate Dom his is during the proceedings. a. Pre- member our partin instructions, ut hin youaad etterae silent on the subjectat reSent. 3. Pompe is sal to e anxious sor Appius. Al trial have ende in acquitials lately, and there is great politica apathy. Curio is quite inactive. . ehea that Bibulus has tost om me onmount manus. P.S. . Curio a gone Overo Caesar' fide an is much abused Let Appius no that I have maderepresentation to ou on his bellais. I thin you ad belle no decide bout Dolabella.

CAELIUS CICERONI SAL. Non dubito quin perlatum ad te sit, Appium a Dolabella reum I

sactum, Sane quam non ea, qua eXistimaVeram, invidia: neque

enim Stulte Appius qui, simul atque Dolabella accessit ad tri

bunal, introierat in urbem triumphique postulationem abiecerat, 5 quo facto rettudit sermones paratiorque Visus eSt, quam SPOraVCrataccu Sator. I nunc in te maximam spem habet. Scio tibi eum non CSSe odio quam elis eum obligare, in tua manu Sta cum

quo si simultas tibi non fuisset, liberius tibi de tota re esset. Nunc, si ad illam summam veritatem legitimum ius X egeris, io cavendum tibi erit ne parum simpliciter et candide deposuisSe inimicitias videaris. In hanc partem porro tutum tibi erit, Siquid volueris, gratificari nemo enim necessitudine et amicitia te deterritum ab ossicio dicet. Illud mihi occurrit, quod inter PoStu-

I. Reum factum os ambitus and maiestas: ' P. Epp. 38, Io, note 4 a I,

a. Sane quam P. P. 33, 2 note. Non ea . . invidia, Mithout so much

note .

Neque enim . . Appius, c. fecit: π.Ep. 34 9 note at ille. 3. Accessit ad tribunal, preferred his charge. 4. Introierat in urbem. y thus

entering the cit Appius lai down his imperium, and shewed confidelice in his

cause. p. the caseis Caesar on his return

5. Rettudit sermones, has talae theedge orgossip. 7. Odio. The word seems to mean serious and lastin halred Cicero and Appius had early quarrelled, ut Cicero as placable. Quam velis . . est, it depend Onaour set to place im unde an obligation OuWish: 4.e 'an sei vice o do hi no will e much valued. Cicero ould have many opportunities of suppressin evidence

against Appius by using his influence iththe inhabitant of Cilicia. p. the etia-

viour of L. Metellus a successor to Verres, In Verr a Act. 3. 53, 22.

8 Liberius, sc eligere quid faceres. 9. Si ad illam . . exegeris, is oumake your ell-known and rigorous justice the standar of you lawsul privileges: Misyo mahe exact justice the standar of your exercise of our legat powers. Cp. For- celi sor his sense of exigere ' also Livy34. 3I. The sense is, is yo willio stretch potnt in a friend' interest. Veritatem Veritas in justice: cp. Pro

Quinctio a Io. Io. Parum simpliciter et candide, with a want of Danknes and sinceri ty. II. In hanc partem . . gratificari,

pected os partiality. I 3. Illud ' the solioWin laci.'

lationem et nominis delationem uXor a Dolabella discessit. Quid mihi discedens mandaris, memini; quid ego tibi scripserim, te

non arbitror oblitum. Non est iam tempus plura narrandi. Unum illud monere te possum si res tibi non displicebit, tamen hoc tempore nihil de tua voluntate ostendaS, et XSPecte quem 5 ad modum Xeat ex hac causa denique invidiosum tibi sit, si emanarit porro, si significatio ulla intercesserit, clarius, quam deceat aut X pediat, fiat. Neque ille tacere eam rem poterit, quae uae Spei tam opportuna acciderit quaeque in negotio conficiendo tanto illustrior eritu cum praesertim is sit, qui, Si Perni Iociosum sciret esse loqui de hac re, vi tamen Se contineret.

Pompeius dicitur valde pro Appio laborare, ut etiam putent

alterum utrum de filiis ad te missurum. Hic nos omnes abSolvimus et hercules consaepta omnia Meda et inhonesta sunt. Consules autem habemus summa diligentia; adhuc senatu con is

Postulationem . . delationem. Thesrsi or means properi the applicatio sorleave to prosecute the last thetars ste in the actua prosecution: .e the repor of the defendant' nam to the magistrate howould reside at the triat. I. Quid mihi . . mandaris, Myourpartita instructions a to findita a vitablehusban sor Tullia. p. Ad Att. 5. IGA Fam. 7. 32, 32. Quid . . scripserim. Caelius adprobabi mentione Dolabella' disagreement illi his is an suggested him as aliusbandrior Tullia.

4. Res, the proposai. 5. Et, sed: ' p. EP. 32, 3, note. Quem ad modum . . causa, ho Dolabella comes ut of this case, i .e ho aeacquit himself as an accuse of Appius. 6. Denique . . emanarit, in a Ord

divulged.' eseub suggest vide ne qua invidiosum sit.'7. Porro . . fiat, moreove is yo give any hint of your intentions the willaecomeclearer than ii sui ei ther our credit oryour interest, i. e. cit ill e divulged sor Dolabella has no reticence an it ili beunbecomin sorao jus aster Our reconciliation illi Appius to alty ourself,ith his accuser inexpedient to offend so powersu a man as Appius. O the tenses

of sit emanarit . . fiat, P. Madv.

8. Ille Dolabella. 9. Suae spe . . acciderit, wil come

so opportunelyrio surther his hope. It oesno appear hether Caelius reser to his hope of ettin Appius convicted, o to his genera politica prospecis. In negotio conficiendo, b helpingio essec his objeci. The marriage, and the succes of his prosecution, ould achmalae themther amous. Io. Cum . . i Sit . . contineret, and that speciali asae is a man who could not

sion, P. Zumpti. G. 38 I. I 3. Alterum utrum de filiis. Pompeyhad two sons, the lde named Gnaeus, the Founge Sextus. Both serve in the civil ars Gnaeus as illed shorti aster thebatile os Munda, DB.C. Sextus too animportant par in politic aster Caesar'sdeath, and was long master of Sicily. Horace calis him ' dux Neptunius ' pod. 9 7. e was ille in 35 .C. at the age of 30, an must there re have been about 24 when Caelius rote his letter. p.

Missurum i .e to intercede so Appius. Hic . . absolvimus, we a Romeare acquittin everybod who comes into

I . Consaepta . . sunt, everything baseand scandalous is et protected.'I5. Summa diligentia, ablat qualitatis. The word are os course sed in irony.



PARTHI.sultum nisi de seriis Latinis nullum sacere potuerunt Curioni nostro tribunatus conglaciat. Sed dici non potest, quo modo hic

omnia iaceant nisi ego cum tabernariis et aquarii Pugnarem, veternus civitatem occupasset Si Parthi vos nihil calficiunt, nos non nihil frigore rigescimus Tamen, quoquo modo Potuit, me Parthis Bibulus in Amano nescio quid cohorticularum amiSit.

Hoc sic nuntiatum est Quod tibi supra scripsi Curionem valde'

frigere, iam calet: nam serventissime concerpitur: levisSime enim, quia de intercalando non obtinuerat, transfugit ad populumao et pro Caesare loqui coepit, legemque viariam, non diSSimilem

I. De seriis Latinis: p. P. 24, a, note. A decree torax thei date ould emeret sormal.

seem onlyrio occur here in his ense. Quo modo . . iaceant, What lachness,

o listiessness, there is here. Cp. Ad Att. 7. 23. tota Capua et omnis hic delectus iacet.' Wieland remark on his passage, It was the dee caim e re theoutbrea of a terribi tempest. A modern reade ma remember the early summe os 187O. 3. Cum tabernariis, Mith the mallshopheepers. p. orceli., and Pro Flacc. 8, I 8. Perhaps those speciali are meant Whos trades require a good deal of Water. The may have bribe the aquarii, ormanager of the public ater supply, tofavour them, an have so require the interventionis Caelius as aedile Cp Smith, Dict of Antiq. sub voc Aedilis, p. 8.

oise.' p. Ad Q. F. 3. Gabinium . . calefecerat Memmius; Nagelsb. 27, 356. 5. Non nihil . . rigescimus, Me regetlinguather uli. Sine Parthis, withou having Parthians to fight. 6. In Amano. t. manus separated most os old Cilicia rom Cyrrhestica and


Cohorticularum. A diminutive only used here. sein poor cohoris.' n thelosses of Bibulus, P. Ad Att. 5. O. - 7. Quod . . scripsi, ,hereas I rote.

ardet ambitus Concerpitur, in dictis laceratur. For- celi. 9. Des intercalando The power of insertin intercalar months seem to have rested with the pontifices unde a Lex Acilia o I 8 B.C. Cp. Macrob. Saturn J J3; Smithys Oict of Antiq. sub voc Calendarium. p. 23o. Curio ma have belongedio thei dy. an intercalar monili hould have been inserte in 5 B.C., a there adno been ine in I. See Appendix viii. It insertio would have ivei Curio more time foraringin forwar his proposais, sit Mould have been inserte after Februarya 3, and it ad been arrange that the discussion in the consula provinces hould

lengthenedos it ould have been by the

insertionis an intercalar month. IO. Legem . . viariam, a law so the repat of the oads. Such in or mighteasit be made a reason sor the appotnimento a commission it ver large IOWers.

9 The similarit of the bili os Curio tolliat o Rullus may have consiste in thelarge powers hic it Would have conserred


agrariae Rulli, et alimentariam, qua iubet aediles metiri, iactavit:

hoc nondum secerat, cum Priorem Partem PiStolae Scripsi.

Amabo te, si quid, quod opus suerit, Appio acies, ponito me ei in gratia. De Dolabella integrum tibi reSeri eS, Suadeon et huic rei, de qua loquor, et dignitati tuae aequitatisque opinioni hoc sita sacere expedit. Turpe tibi erit pantheras Graecas me non


I. I am gladiso have arrive salal in Epirus. I. The successes os C. Cassius have been much exaggerated, and the movement of the Parthians are very threatening. Unde these circumstances, 3. Usea that the dispute etween Caesar an Pompeyma indirecti lea to the prolongationis, term os ossiceri and yo wem to have Some Such apprehension Ourseis. 4. ou letters domo reac me ery regularly Iwill do,hat Ucan or M. Laenius . Lam much oblige to ou sor hat ou old M. Octavius use the fame language in ali doubila cases My moderation and integrit are unprecedented, and ait Dossicers, excepti. Tullius solio m example.

6. At the bellinning os inter I put Quintus in charge of Cilicia in my inter camp, an seni Q. Volusius to Cyprus. 7. Ι est Tarsus o Januaryd, and rosse the Taurus m arriva in the districis beyond that ountain ad been ageri expected. I have relinquishe Des hicli ere a heau burde to ur subjecis, an Pallo noexpensive honours to besaid me . . The diStres cauSed by lamine has been greatly mitigated by m exertions Phave induce many hoidem os cor to bring ut heir stores. 9. I mean to devote three month to the judicia busines of my orther and westem districis and then to pendJune in Cilicia, and Jul in returning through myprovince Dought to leaverit o Julyeto, and liope myirother Wil consent to ac ason it proposer. p. App. Beli. iv. a. 7, with Cic. De Leg. Agr. 2 8-I3. Fro an allusion in Ad Att. 6. I, 25, it has been inferred that Curio' proposa would, is adopted,

have imposed a lacor tollis suchos tra- velle Mith a numerous retinue, ut perhapsthe reserence in that passage is to notherbili.

Si quid . . facies, ' Dyo do anythingsor the benefitis Appius. Cp. ad, a Isor the dat. Ponit . . gratia, et himanow horu have servexhim. Cp Εp. 3I, 6, an sor Cicero's anxiet to have his own services appreciate in a similar case, P. Ep. 4 I. 4. Integrum tibi reserves CP ΕP. 29,

Huic rei, ither the tria o Appius, Billerb. o A the marriage of Tullia, MetZg. 5. Dignitati . . opinioni, ' foraour dignit an reputatio sor airness. Cicerowould amage both by virtuali expressingapprova os Dolabella' conduci. p. noteon lis. Hoc ita facere, to manage the assairthus, i .e ' integrum tibi reservare. 6. Pantheras: P. Ep. 33, 5, note. Graecas, i. e. seo the Hellenige East, opposed to Africa, hence Caelius ad received panther as a present sto Curio.