Select letters [microform];

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consulto, quod te reserente factum est, tibi decernit, ut regem reducas, quod commodo rei publicae sacere possis; ut Xercitum religio tollat, te auctorem senatus retineat. Crassus re legatos decernit, nec eXcludit Pompeium censet enim etiam X iis, qui cum imperio sint Bibulus tres legatos e iis, qui privati sunt. Huic adsentiuntur reliqui consulares praeter Servilium, qui omnino reduci negat oportere, et Volcatium, qui Lupo reserent Pompeio decernit, et Afranium, qui adsentitur Volcatio. Quae res auget suspitionem Pompeii Voluntatis, animadvertebatur Pompei rio familiares adsentiri Volcatio Laboratur vehementer inclinatis res est Libonis et Hypsaei non obscura concursatio et contentio

renti a decree providing that the proconsulos Cilicia hould restore Ptolemy.

a. Quod . . . possis, Soriar asIO can

do it without injur to the state. O themood, p. Madv. 364, Obs. 2, an for theabi commodo, Ad Fam 4 2 4 quod tuo

commodo fiat. Ut exercitum . . retineat, ' so that

while, do whhout an army, in obedienceto religious scruples the senate liould retainyo a manager of the usiness. For theomission o an adversative conjunctio be- fores retineat, se Madv. 437 d. Obs. 3. Legatos, ' commissioners. for therestoration o Ptolemy. 4. Ex iis qui . . sint . . sunt Thechange of ood is curious. In the rst clause Cicero probabi intend to describe actass, in the secon to state a fact. Tromsuch as may be invested wit, 'imperium' . . fro me in a private station.' esenb. read sint in both clauses. r. . . Yonge follows leyn in preferring sunt in both. Pompe was noschie commissionersor supplying the capital Wit corn. p. Ep. 2o. 7, and OmmSe 4 2, Pp. 3O3, 3O . 6. Servilium . . Servilius Vatia Isauricus supporte the go vernmen against the insurrectionis Saturninus in the earo B.C. Wa consul in 79 B.C., an serve with distinctio against the pirates. e generallyacted wit the optimates aut vote so the Manilia law. e reconcile in Metellus Nepos o Cicero in 7 .C., an is ostenmentioned in Cicero' letters Cp. Pro Rab. 7, I Pro Leg. Man. 3, 6 Post Red in

7. Volcatium L. Volcatius Tullus coninsul in 66 B.C., is sal to have littende toresus an voles hic shouldae orire sor Catiline a candidate so the consulfhip. erematiae neutra in the civit a bet een

9. 9, 2.

Lupo P. Rutilius Lupus, ne of the tribune so this ear, is mentione Ad in F. 2. I, I. He a praetor in B.C., an atfirs supported Pompey, ut asterward wentove to Caesar Cp. Ad Att. 9. I, 2. Referente. I seem doubtia is a tribune could force a question to a division in the senate in spite of the opposition os theconsul orither presiding magistrates Fronisii os the following letter, stomad Fam. O. I 6 I and rom Pro Sest. II, 26 3I, 68:32, 7O, We might inser the amrmative butthe statemen in Caes. Beli. iv. I, I seems inconsistent initii suci a supposition. Thelast passage resers, ho ever, t a session in hic great irregularities ere certainlytolerated, and o the whole the amrmative appears most probabie For the date of themotion of Lupus, p. I, 2 of the ollowin letter. 8. Quae res periphrastic sor quod . in the relative referring to the content of a Sentence, see Madv. 3I b, Zumpti. G. 678. With the account here ive o Pompey's bellaviour, p. Cicero' remark in ΕP. 2Ο, 7. Heraeem to have expecte peoplerio divine his thought when not expressed, and to have

Io Laboratur . . res est Pammo ,

having regar to the word laboraremus ' at the end of the letter, incline to agre with Manutius, who saysi laboratur, 'dissicultas negotii non sine quadam animi sollicitudine ostenditur, and of inclinata res est that the expression is sed heia thing aliter se habent ac volumis. Pros Nettieshi treais both words as militar expressions and would thin nearly agre with Manutius. II. Libonis L. Scribonius Libo, nowtribune, an consul in 3 B.C. Was intimate


omniumque Pompeii amiliarium studium in eam opinionem rem adduXerunt, ut Pompeius cupere videatur; cui qui nolunt, idem tibi, quod eum ornasti, non sunt amici. No in cauSa auctoritatem eo minorem habemus, quod tibi debemus gratiam autem nOStram eXstinguit hominum suspitio, quod Pompeio se gratificariis putant. Ut in rebus multo ante, quam Prosectu es, ab PS rege et ab intimis ac domesticis Pompeii clam Xulceratis, deinde palam a consularibus eXagitatis et in summam invidiam adductis,

ita versamur. Nostram fidem omnes, amorem tui absentis praesentes tui cognoscent. Si esset in iis fides, in quibus summa esse odebebat, non laboraremUS.


I dispute between Marcellinus and Caninius revente the senate seo comingio an decision o the I 3th, ut a speech of mine made a great impression in yoursavour. Nextia par of the proposa of Bibulus as approved a that o Hortensius

ii Cicero, M. Varro, and M. Brutus, ut Cicero does no seemo have thought wello him. His davgliter arrie Sextus Pompeius, and e commande a fleet in the Adriatic against Caesar in the civit War. eis ster ard mentione a correspondingwith his son-in-la Sextus Pompeius. P. Acad. Post I. I, 3 Ad Att. 8. II B, a 9. II, 4; 6 4, a Caes. Beli. iv. 3. 6; Hypsaei. . Plautius Hypsaeus, quaestorto Pompe in the Mithridatic ar, ad pro- mole Cicero' restoration rom exile. p. Pro Flacco 9 Ad Att. 3. 8, 3. e Wassubsequently a candidate for the consulfhipin a B.C. but a convicte of riberyand exiled cp. sup P. 47 APp Beli.

Concursatio. Forcell)ives as an equivalent for his ord discursio petendi

a. Cui qui nolunt, and those ho dono wishaim eli, that is, Bibulus an his friends. p. bove, Q. Forceli explains nolunt non faventes' cp. p. 98 l. 7,


6. Ut in rebus . . ita versamur, We

have o deat illi a case embittere longbe re ou departure by the in himself, and by the intimate associates of Pompey. an asterward thrown into confusion opent opposed, J. . . and ut in an odious light y men o consula rank. Wiel explain exagitatis pushed on. 'hitetig etrieben; Forcell. tractatis.

δνερω-.τ.λ. Cicero ives a lighil disserent account of his conduci in his matterto his brother Quintus. p. Ad in F et 2, 3 nos et ossicio erga Lentulum mirifice et voluntati Pompeii praeclare satis secimus.'Io In iis . In sommo Pompey's friends o in Bibulus and his associales 3 Manutius says videtur consulares indicare. O the indic. debebat, π EP. 4. I, Ole.



I. CICERO S. D. P. LENTUL PROCOS. Idibus Ianuariis in senatu nihil est consectum, propterea quod dies magna eX parte consumptus est altercatione Lentuli consulis et Canini tribuni pl. Eo die nos quoque multa Verba secimuSmaXimeque UiSi Sumus senatum commemoratione tuae voluntatis

5 erga illum ordinem permovere. Itaque postridie placuit, ut rediviter Sententias diceremus; videbatur enim reconciliata nobis VoluntateSSe Senatus, quod cum dicendo, tum singulis appellandis rogandiSque PerSPeXeram. Itaque cum sententia prima Bibuli pronuntiata esset, ut re legati regem reducerent, Secunda Horio tensii, ut tu Sine exercitu reduceres, tertia Volcatii, ut Pompeius

reduceret, postulatum est, ut Bibuli sententia divideretur. Quatenus de religione dicebat, cui quidem rei iam obsiSi non poterat, Bibulo adsensum est de tribus legatis frequentes ierunt in alia

in addressin and mahin request to individuals.' Cp. Forceli sub Occ. 8. Primari sed adverbially. p. adv. 3o b. 9. Pronuntiata esset, ' ha been readout so discussion. p. orcell. II. Divideretur should e submitted in separate votes. In this case the questions wouldae: I Are religious scruples t pre-vent the employmen o an arme force Τand a Are three commissioner chosen hom me no investe with imperium, torestore Ptolemy Cp. Pro Milon 6. I and Asconius note. I 3. Frequentes ierunt in alia omnia. rejecte the motion in adult house, orperhaps, i a large majority. The pre-sidin ossice in submittin a motion to the senate, sed accordindit Pliny Ep. 8. I , I9 , the solio ing ords, qui haec sentitis in hanc partem qui alia omnia, in illam partem ite, qua sentitis. Thos Who erein favour of the motion ent to the fide os the move Pthose Who were against it to theother side thus ' in alia omnia ire' ecamea technica expressio sor votin against amotion. p. orceli sub voc eo and Festus, 26I, Mulier. I. Consectum, ' setiled. Cp. Ad Att.

Ia I9. tu . . confice de columnis.

3. Caninii L. Caninius Gallus asone of the tribune so this year. e was a friendi M. Varro and of M. Marius Ciceropleaded for hi in 55 .C., but does no Seemto have approved his conduci a tribune. evas Praetor in F 3 B. C. governed Achaia, per-haps combine Mith Macedonia, ext ear, and die in B.C. p. Ad am 9. 2, Q

A., Zumpi, C. E. a. OI-2Ο2. Nos quoque Cicero here means im-set alone, but diceremus in the nex clauseseem to reser to the senate a large. 5. Itaque . . diceremus, and o nexida it was resolved that our opinions houldhe expresse briefly. This ould e in favour o Lentulus, hos friend destre aspeed decision It does no appea whethera forma vote is implied in placuit. 6. Nobis, doso an me. 7. Dicendo, durin m speech. Cp. Εp. 2Ο, 6, note But advig Advers. Crit. II. 33hthinks that the sens here requires that 'in ' shouldae prefixe to db


Singulis appellandis rogandisque,


2 omnia. Proxima erat Hortensii sententia, cum Lupus, tribunus pl. quod ipse de Pompeio retulisset, intendere coepit, ante Se

oportere discessionem facere quam consules. Eius orationi vehementer ab omnibus reclamatum est; erat enim et iniqua et noUa. ConSule neque concedebant neque Valde repugnabant, diem con s

sumi volebant id quod est factum perspiciebant enim in

Hortensii sententiam multis partibus plures ituros, quamquam aperte Volcatio adsentirentvi . Multi rogabantur, atque id ipsum consulibus invitis; nam ii Bibuli sententiam valere cupierunt. Hac controversia usque ad noctem ducta senatu dimissus St. Io Ego eo die casu apud Pompeium cenavi nactusque tempus hoc magis idoneum quam umquam antea, quod post tuum diSceSSumis dies honestissimus nobis fuerat in senatu, ita sum cum illo locutus, ut mihi viderer animum hominis ab omni alia cogitatione ad tuam dignitatem tuendam traducere quem ego PSum cum I 5 audio, Prorsus eum libero omni suspitione cupiditatis cum autem eius familiares omnium ordinum video, perspicio, id quod iam omnibus est apertum, totam rem istam iam pridem a certis homi-

I. Pro X ima erat, stood ex sor discussion. For iis substance, se 3 of the precedin letter. a. Quod ipse . . . retulisset, iecause he had himself opene a debat o the question hether Pompe should go. Perhaps Lupus had ahen his sterito ard the lose of 57 . C., aster the consul for that earhad departe for thei provinces, heu eknow that he was active in the senate Hemight on his round claim priorit for themotion o Volcatius, as havin been rstbrought e re the senate. p. 4 of the precedin letter Ad Q F. 2. I, I. Ros in his note o the present passage says, Lupus claime the privilege os dividing the ou seupo his question, becauseae Was a magistrate, helare the consul dividexit upo that

o Hortensius, Wh was a Private senator.'

Intendere coepit, legan to maintainstrongly, - contendere. Forcell. 3. Discessionem facere, to dividethelouse, sat of the presidingissicer. P. Philipp. 4. 7, 2I. 4. Ova, unprecedented. 5. Diem consumi volebant. O theconStr. CP. Madv. 389 Obs. 4. The con- suis ished the dant be perit in a debate,no conclude by a fres division. 6. nim reser to volebant. 8. Adsentirentur. The conjunctive is used ecause the word expres the view of

the consuls Cp. Madv. 369. Rogabantur, Were asked their opi


Id ipsum introduces an addition to theprevious proposition, and that too.' p. Madv. 484 c; Zumpti.G. 698-9. eseiab. inseris ' non' eire ' invitis, supposing IPresume, that the consul were glad of thedela caused by the debatem Lupus motion. 9. Valere cupierunt, Were ager sortii succes of A par of the motionis

the sense here requires cupierant. SO. ΟΟ, Wesenb. The powers of the consul and tribunes in controlling the debates of the senate domo seem to have been accuratelydefined. Se a previous note O this section, an one o 6 3 of the precedin letter. II. Hoc magis hoc is here the ablative 'so much the more. It corresponds to quod . . fuerat a se lines below.Ia Umquam in ullum. Discessum. youes departure so Iour province, whic seem to have ahen placeloward the lose of 57 .C. for Cicero. writin to his rother in the December of that ear, mentions a meeting of the senate, in term implying that no consuis erepresentis it Ad in F. a. I, I.

I 6 Cupiditatis, of selfis ambition.

18. Totam rem . . corruptam, that

the whole affair has been ruine by certainpeople. Cp. Sall. Iugurth. 6 res familiares



nibus, non invito rege ipso consiliariisque eius, SSe corru Ptam. Haec Scripsi a. d. XVI Kal. Februarias ante lucem : eo die Senatu erat laturus. Nos in senatu, quem ad modum spero, dignitatem nostram, ut potest in tanta hominum perfidia et iniquitate retine

bimus; quod ad popularem rationem attinet, hoc idemur SSe consecuti, ut ne quid agi cum populo aut salvis auspicii aut SalVis legibus aut denique sine vi posset De his rebus pridie, quam

haec Scripsi, Senatus auctoritas gravissima intercesSit cui cum Cato et Caninius intercessissent, tamen est perScripta eam adio te missam esse arbitror De ceteris rebus, quicquid erit actum, scribam ad te, et, ut quam rectiSSi me agatur, Omni mea cura,

opera, diligentia, gratia Providebo.

I. The audiences to oreignisnuoys have been postponed, and C. Cato has proposedio put an endri the govemmentis Lentulus a Milo appeare o the and and againon the th Pompe wistexto spea in his delance, ut the proa ratSed by Clodius partisans drowned his voice, and a scene of rio an confusion solio ed. 3. O the ththe senate passe a resolution censurin some of these proceedings C. Cato ratSed me, Whil inveighin against ompey and the lalter, in replyin to im attackest Crassus and saidae would tali care of his own lila. 4. I underStan seo Pompeythat Crassus an other are supportin Clodius and C. Cato against him. I Prepariniso delance and many eopte ili comesseo the country both to Suppori imandri oppos C. Cato' attacus pon Lentulus an Milo. have promiSed mysupporcio Sestius, who has been indicte both sor riber and tot The senate is

corruperat. 76 praeda corrupta. Cicero insinuates that Pompey a playing an under-

hand gamea means of his friends Cp.4 3 of the revious letter. I. Consiliariis Cp. Ep. 29, 2.

3. Erat epistolar tense, est.

4. Ut potest, c. fieri, a sar a is possibie. Forceli. Persidia et iniquitate. Is the doubt- sui polic os Pompey' friend reserre tost Cp. of the precedin letter, an note. 5. Opularem ratio Rem, the la ofbringing the question elare the eoplerentertained probabi by Pompey's adherenis. Caninius, one of the tribunes, was hostile to Lentulus cp. inst. 6 4; p. 26, 3, note , an C. Cato proposedo deprive Lentulusos his imperium.' p. 23 I, note Thelalter, however, oes no seem to have been a friendis Pommy. Hoc videmur . . posset, I hinc e secured that o meastire houldie broughtbelare the eopte ithout violation os thelaw or disregar os the auspices, nor evenwithout a reach of the eace. Cicero means that he and his friends ad secured

tribune to veto any suc measure, an other magistrates to declare se servaturos de caelo '-o whichii, er P. p. IO, , Ote. The tribunes, whomae mos relie were,

apparently L. Racilius, Cn. Plancius, and Antistius Vetus. p. Ad in . . I, 3. Onthe pleonastic se of ut ne, P. Adv. 37 a b se ais P. 5 I, 2. Ole. 7. De his rebus, o these potnis, i.e. possibie irregula proceedings in the assembly. 8. Auctoritas, resolutio of the senate. The term as sed hen a tribune' veto had revente a regula decree,

26, 4.

9. Cato, C. Porcius Cato. Cp. p. o I,

tryindito hec popular corruption 6. O Feb. II, I defende Bestia, and too the opportunit os sayin Something in prais of Sestius. 7. Thus ara,rote o Feb. 2. M position is influentiat, and Lowecit in great measur tofou devotion PhaVe hiredyo aiouse, ut hope ou own illae ready in a sew monilis Goo tenant have talien that in the Carinae. I have not ad a letter since that ou rote rom Olbia Be caresul of your health, and remember that ou are in Sardinia.


Scripsi ad te antea superiora ; nunc cognosce, POStea quae intacta a Kal. Febr. legationes in Idus Febr. reiiciebantur eo diere consecta non est. A. d. IIII Non. Febr. Milo adsuit ei Pompeius advocatus venit; dixit Marcellus, a me rogatus honeSte discessimus. Prodicta dies est in VII Idus Febr. Interim reiectis legationibus in Idus reserebatur de provinciis quaestorum et de ornandi Praetoribus; sed res multis querelis de re publica inte

ponendi nulla transacta est C. Cato legem promulgavit de imperio Lentuli abrogando vestitum filius mutavit. A. d. VII.

I. Superiora the evenis os Dec. 57B.C. and Jan. 56 B.C. p. Ad Q. F. 2. I 2 2, and Intr. to Pari II, a. 2. Legationes, A the audiences give tosoreigia enuoys, an discussion of thei re-

Reiiciebantur disserebantur For- celi. ere put ossi The imperfeci is sedio describe hat was actuali passin On

Eo die, in the firs of February. 3. Res, ille question ho hould restore Ptolemy. Cp. Epp. 2I 21. Adfuit, comparuit in iudicio' Forisceli. , appeared to stand his triat.' p. sup. p. I 36 an sor ther notices of Milo, see

4. Advocatus, as a supporter, one Who

Dixit, spolie in his defence. It does notappea to whicli of the Marcelli Cicero refers.

Honeste discessimus, we go honour- abi out of the assair. Manutius thinks theword mean 'dest the place of tria without suffering insuit: ' hereas on the ex da os the ouri' sitiing there a much di sorder. Cp. Ad Att. a. II 6 Ad Q. F. a. 4. I. Asproceedings in a criminal triat, andio in theseuate, are referresto the technical meaningo discedere' seenas ut o place here. 5. Prodicta dies est, the tria Was ad-journed. the expression diem dicere. whichris frequent in Livy, soraivin notice

of a triat. 6. De provinciis quaestorum, to hicli provinces the quaestors hould beassigned.' e rea else here os an alloMment of provinces among the quaestors, butperhaps the arrangement depende very much upon the senate. p. In Verr a Act. I. I 3, 3 Pro Muren. . I 8 Philipp. a. 2o 5o. Accordita tomommsen an Mar-quardicit is no stricti accurate to spea os the provinces of the quaestor a the hadno imperium. p. note B. P. 2 . De ornandis praetoribus 'Provin

ciam ornare is a more Common XPression.

meaning to suppi Wit the proper ossicersand orces. The meantia appear tot thesam asci Cicero had writie ' de provinciis

praetorum ornandis.' p. Ad Att. 3. 4. I de consulibus ornandis. The praetor Seem

to have had thei provinces alloite early in thesear Cp. Ep. 6 5 Ad Att. I. 5 I.

7. Multis querelis . . interponendis, a many complaint on the position os assair intervenes, abi. Caus. 8. Legem promulgavit . . abrogando, laxe notice of a proposa to put an en to the command of Lentulus. This proposalis calle 'nesaria Catonis promulgatio Ad Fam. I. Da a The consul Marcellinus interposexto prevent iis bein carrie out. 9. Lentuli. So the S. Baiter substitute Lentulo. The dative of the personis certaini more common aster rubrogare, but p. Liv 22. 25.




Id. Febr. Milo adsuit; dixit Pompeius, sive voluit: nam, ut Sur

reXit, operae Clodianae clamorem sustulerunt, idque ei PerPetua oratione contigit, non modo ut adclamatione, Sed ut conVitio et maledictis impediretur Qui ut peroravit-nam in eo Sane sortiS 5 suit, non est deterritus, diXit omnia atque interdum etiam Silentio, Cum auctoritate ' peregerat-, sed ut peroravit surreXit Clodius

ei tantus clamor a nostris-placuerat enim referre gratiam , ut neque mente nec lingua neque ore consisteret. Ea re acta St, cum hora sexta vi Pompeiu PeroraSSet, Sque ad horam VIII.,

Io cum omnia maledicta, versus denique obscenissimi in Clodium et Clodiam dicerentur. Ille furens et exsanguiPinterrogabat Suo mclamore ipso, qui eSSet, qui plebem fame necaret. Respondebant operae Pompeius. Quis Alexandriam ire cuperet. Respondebant: Pompeius. Quem ire vellent. Respondebant: Grassum. 1 Is aderat tum Miloni animo non amico. Hora sere non quaSisigno dato Clodiani noStros consputare coeperunt: Xarsit dolor. Urgere illi, ut loco nos moverent factus est a nostris impetuS; suga operarum eiectu de rostri Clodius ac nos quoque tum

Spinther, ho was augur in 7 .c., and after Caesar' murde supporte the part os Brutus and Cassius. p. Pro Sest 69, 44; Ad Fam. a. 4; a. 5. eos sal by

Dion Cassius 39, 17 to have been adopted

by a Torquatus Manut. Mutavit L i. e. as a sign Os mourning.

a. perae Clodianae 'me ire partigans os Clodius. See Ep. 6 3, Ole. Perpetua oratione, laurin his holes ech Cp. Madv. 276, Obs. 2.3. Non modo ut On the positio os ut, cp. Madv. 465 b, Obs. Adclamatione, outcry. Cp. Ad Q. F.

2. I, 2, Where the word maXima adclamatione senatus are used of the receptio givento an unpopular motion.

4. eroravit, 'conclude his rapeech. Forcell. 5. Dixit . . peregerat, eister dixiv or peregerat seem superfluous Lambinus ould infert semper besore peregerat, whic does no mend the construction, butmahes the sense Plainer. Silentio, without interruption. 6. Sed ut resumptive, When, I.Say.

7. A nostris, i cm partisans.'Referre gratiam, iron. to retur his favours, to anhim ut. Cp. De Amic. I 5 53- Ut neque . . consisteret that he wasmaster either of his senses, his Oice, nor his countenance.'8. Ea res acta est, that scene laSted.'. 9. Ad horam VIII, tilliearly two 'cloch. See Ep. Io I a note. Io. Cum omnia . . dicerentur. On

29, I 5. Exsanguis, Pale. In clamore fi pso, in the idst os theoutcries against him.

Ia Fame necaret, i .e byleepin backsupplies of corn ora neglectin his uties a commissione sor supplyincit. p. Ep.

Madv. 479 d.

De rostris It would seem then that thesorum ad been the scene of the revious occurren es. p. inst. D, sup p. 36 and Lange Rom. Alt. a. 5 3, who hinks that Clodius, as aedile, prosecute Milo elare the comitia tributa.

fugimus, ne quid in turba Senatus vocatus 1 curiam ; Pompeius

domum neque ego tamen in Senatum, ne aut de tantis rebus

tacerem aut in Pompeio defendendo-nam is carpebatur a Bibulo, Curione Favonio, Servilio filio animos bonorum virorum os senderem. Res in posterum dilata est Clodius in Quirinalia pro sa dixit diem. A. d. VI Id. Febr. senatus ad Apollinis fuit, ut Pompeius adesset Acta res est graviter a Pompeio. Eo die nihil persectum est. A. d. V. Id. Febr. ad Apollini Senatu con-

Sultum actum est, ea, quae facta essent a. d. VI Id. Febr. contra rem publicam esse acta. Eo die Cato vehementer est in om Iopeium invectus et eum oratione perpetua tamquam reum ac

cusavit de me multa me invito cum mea summa laude dixit: cum illius in me perfidiam increparet, auditus est magno Silentio malevolorum. ReSpondit ei vehementer Pompeius Crassumque descripsit, dixitque aperte se munitiorem ad custodiendam vitam is

I. Ne quid in turba, sc pateremur. Pompeius domum, sc. ivit. Cp. Madv.

79 d.

3. Carpebatur, Was attached, pro

babini his inconsistency in aviniformerly patronized Clodius, and for his ambition auddissimulation Cp. Ep. 22, 3, Ole. . Bonorum virorum, of the optimates. p.rap. 6, 3. 5. Res, the discussion os these utrages

in the senate.

Quirinalia, a festiva in honour of thedeifie Romulus celebratedis Feb. 7. Pro dixit diem : se note Oncio.

6. Ad Apollinis . his temple of Apollo

he had latetmbuit sor himself in the Campus

Martius, and was reluctant to enter the

urbs on account of the prevallinidisorder. Cp. Manutius ad loc the genera constitutiona question involved, Notes, E P. I 23; and F. Epp. 5, 4, note 35 I, Ote; 44 4, note; an aso Pompey' house, Plut Pomp. 4o, an Long's note Smith Dici os Geogr. 2 834. Roma ; Becher and Marquardi, I, 16, note 3o2. Manutius thinks that Pompe was 'legibus solutus 'released stom ordinar restrictions See his notem Ad Fam 8 4. 4. 7. Acta res . . a Pompeio, Pompeyspoke with weight. 9. a quae facta essent: p. lis of this letter. But we hould expect vii Id. here, havingi notice of any disturbances ashaving taken placem vi Id. Contra rem publicam facta esse. The sua sor adopte by the senate incensurin an proceedings as seditious or

I3. Cum . . increparet: p. 6 2, Ole.

Illius, o Pompey, who ad belrayed Cicero to Clodius in 584 C.

Magno silentio malevolorum, amiddee silence On the par of m ill-wishers.' Cp. O the ablat. Madv. 257. hose howishe to estrange Pompe sto Cicero ould naturali abstain rom interruptinga speech whic seemed likelyrio serve their

I5. Descripsit, 'gave a description ofwithout aming, ' allude to. Nagelsbach

137, 397.


PAR II. suam fore, quam Asricanus suisset, quem C. Carbo interemiSSet. Itaque magnae mihi res iam moveri videbantur: nam Pompeius haec intellegit nobiscumque communicat, insidias vitae suae fieri,

C. Catonem a Crasso sustentari, Clodio pecuniam suppeditari, utrumque et ab eo et a Curione, Bibulo ceterisque suis obtrectatoribus confirmari, vehementer SSe providendum ne opprimatur contionario illo populo a se prope alienato, nobilitate inimica, non aequo senatu, iuVentute improba. Itaque e comparat, homines X agri arcessit opera autem suas Clodius confirmat: io manus ad Quirinalia paratur in eo multo Sumus Superiores ipsius copiis; et magna manus e Piceno et Gallia exspectatur, ut etiam Catonis rogationibus de Milone et Lentulo resistamus.

A. d. IIII Idus Febr. Sestius ab indice Cn. Nerio Pupinia ambitus sest postulatus et eodem die a quodam M. Tullio de vi. Is erati aeger domum, ut debuimuS, ad eum Statim venimus eique nos

totos tradidimus, idque fecimus Praeter hominum opinionem, qui

I. Africanus, the Ounger. P. Ep. 3, 3 note . e was son O L. Aemilius Paulus, the conqueror Os Pydna, and was adopted by a sonis the eide Africanus. For an account os his death, CP MOmmsen 3 PP. IOA, IO5. C. Papirius Carbo a tribune m 3IB. C, an succeeded Ti. Gracchus as ne fili leader of the popular party. e sosten mentioned by Cicero. Interemisset, orat. obl. Cp. Madv.


a. Videbantur is, Pthinli, the epistolary

Curione, by the lde Curio, homCicero ad denounce in I B.C. for supportinet Clodius Cp. EP. 7, 5, Ole.

6. Confirmari, areaeing encouraged. Forceli. Ne opprimatur, c Pompeius. 7. Contionario, frequentin the assembsies. The wor feem noto Occuret sewhere, ut p. p. 8, II, contionalis hirudo aerarii. 8. Iuventute improba, while theyoungore so reckless. See erivale .pp. 97, 98, and the reserences there given. Se comparat a rare XPression, ithout mention of the object for hic preparations are made. Copias comparare is

more common.

Confirmat, is increasing IO. In eo, in regard that flair, thetria o Milo. Ipsius, sc Clodii Cicero seem to meanthat he an Pompe could oppos Clodius

successsully, Without an unusual Xertious,

but that to oppos C. Cato it was destrabiet summon om os the countryaeopte to

Gallia, Cispadana probably Cp.ap. I,

2 note Cicero perhaps means to include

in it the Vager Gallicus' etween Ancona and the Rubicon. hicli is osten mentionedi connection it Picenum. Cp. In Cat. 2.3, 5 De Seneci. 4, II Liv 23. I 4 Polyb.

2. I.

I a. Rogationibus That bout Miloseem to e ni mentione here that about Lentulus has been mentione in oof this letter. I 3. Sestius P. Sestius, tribune sor58-57 .C., ad been mos active in promoting Cicero' restoration rom exile, and Cicero asterward defended him. p. of the ollowin letter and Intr. to Pari II, Da. Indice, the informer. CP. Ep. I 3, 2, note. Pupinia, is the Pupinia tribe. It wasone of the I 6 ores original tribus rusticae. O the ablat. cp. Madv. 275, Obs. 3.I . Postulatus CP EP. 35 I, Ote. M. Tullio Albinovano. Cp. In Vat. I, 3. Is Sestius. I 5 Ε i. nos totos tradidimus, placedm services altogether at his disposai.'

no ei iure succensere putabant, ut humanissimi gratissimique et ipsi et omnibus videremur, itaque aciemus. Sed idem Nerius inde edidit ad adligatos Cn. Lentulum Vatiam et C. Cornelium ' ista ei. Eodem die senatus consultum factum St, ut Sodalitates decuriatique discederent, lexque de ii ferretur, ut,

qui non discessissent, ea poena, quae CSD de si tenerentur.

A. d. III Idus Febr. dixi pro Bestia de ambitu apud praetorem Cn. Domitium in soro medio, maximo conventu, incidique in eum locum in dicendo, cum Sestius multis in templo Castoris

volneribus acceptis subsidio Bestiae SerUatu eSSet. Hic προω co Ioνομη TMad quiddam ευκαιρως de iiS, quae in Sestium adparabantur crimina, et eum ornaU Ueri laudibuS, magno adSenSu omnium.

Res homini fuit vehementer grata quae tibi eo Scribo, quod me de retinenda Sesti gratia litteris saepe monuisti. Pridie Idus Febr. haec scripsi ante lucem eo die apud om Is

I. Iure succensere. Perhaps Sestius

Ut . . videremur. The conjunctive hereeXpresses consequence rather than design, and depend on decimus praeter opinionem.

other accused. MetZg. Ad seem rarelyto have quit this sense in Cicero's Writings cp. owever in Vat. 8, o also iv 24. 45. For his sense of adligati, cp. Pro Cluentio 3, 39. an Pros. Ramsay's Ole. t adlegatos a read, it ma mean ' to thei . uties appotiate to receive informations.'F ineli. Meseiab. suggest ' edidit alligatos, 'rted a implicated.' n. Lentulus Vatia seem noto bememto exelsewhere. Cornelius a tribune in 68-6 B. C. t ught in bilis for removin abuses inlbe procedure of the senate and of the praetors couris, hicli,ere carried, and therswhicli ere not. Thus e incurre the enmity of the optimates, was accused in 65 . C., Ad defendeda Cicero. p. Ascon. iii Cornel. 3. 4. Ista ei. reli suggesis itaque rei sacci sunt.

5. Sodalitates, lub forme se influencin elections probably. p. in Cic. de Pet. Ons. 5. I9 Pro Plancio I 8 I9; De

Seneci. I 3. 4, Mommse 4 2 3I7. TheyWere originali religious o socia clubs Cp. P. O5, note on l. 7, o Collegia. De curiati Men organized-perhaps in companies of ten-sor corruptio an intimidation. p. Pro Sest. I5,3 Pro Plancio 18. Discederent, c. de campo. millerb. 6. Tenerentur obnoxii essent, should bestiable to the penalties os.' Forcell. 7. Bestia L. Calpurnius Bestia is mentioned Philipp. II. 5, II. 8. Cn. Domitium Cn. Domitius Calvinus a consul 53 B.C. e commandedone in os Caesar' arm a Pharsalus, and was sterWards, at theaeadis a rathe miscellaneous army, deseated by Pharnaces. p.

Ma X imo conventu, 'amid a great con- Course. On the abi. cp. gQ of this letter, an note. Incidique in eum . . cum 'I came in m speech to the topic of Sestius escape. Cum quod . Cp. De Frii. 3. 2 9. The

wit,aesorehand; odi ac Manutius Says, tanquam bonus causae Sestianae gubemator praemunivi quiddam opportune. I 5. Haec, thus far. The postscript appears to egi Wit 'cetera sunt.' ut



Pontum in eius nuptiis eram cenaturus. Cetera Sunt in rebuS nostris huius modi, ut tu mihi fere dissidenti praedicabas, plena dignitatis et gratiae quae quidem tua, mi frater, Patientia Uirtute, pietate, suavitate etiam tibi mihique sunt restituta. Domus tibi ad lucum Pisonis Luciniana conducta Si Sed, ut Pero, paucis mensibus post K. Quintiles in tuam commigrabis. Tuam in Carinis mundi habitatores Lamiae conduXerunt. A te poStillam Olbiensem epistolam nullas litteras accepi. Quid agas et ut

te oblectes, scire cupio maXimeque te ipsum Videre quam Primum. io Cura, mi frater, ut alea et, quamquam est hiems, tamen Sardiniam istam esse cogites. IV. . MartiaS.

I. Sestius has been unanimousi acquitted, and during the tria I inveighed illeclyagainst his enemy Vatinius, mi genera applause. I hin Sestius must e quite satisfied wit me. a. our Son Quintus is purSuin his studies, as et a I. ould wist, unde Tyrannio. I hope I have sorme a satisfactor engagement sor Tullia with Crassipes. The seriae Latinae are at an eno, but to-da an to-morro arestit considerediolidays.

Pridie to cogites' a writte o the Iath, and that Cicero id notran a mes- senge tit thera th. Pomponium Atticus inould properly have been calle Caecilius no . p. Ad Att. 3. 2Ο. e married Pilia, horas notunfrequently referrex to in Cicero' 'ater


I. Cetera sunt . . praedicabas, hyposition in ali particular no here reserredioris one of the fame dignit an influence huiusmodi asso osten tot me it ouldbe when I as incline to distrusi our statemenis.' p. Zumpi. 53I, L. ., Ole. Huiusmodi reser to the account give os his positio earlier in the letter Cp. Madv.

4. Suavitate etiam. Etiam expressessu rise Quintus a naturali hars and passionate. The good qualities here pratsed mere probabl shown in negotiations Ithuarious politica leader sor his rother's recali rom exile. Domus . . conducta est. The ouseo Q. Cicero on the Palatine a noWJeingrebulli Cp. Ad Q. F. . , a P a. 4, a. s. Ad lucum isonis, nea the Pleain

spotono cand discove the meaning os Luciniana, sor hic Lucceiana an Licinianahave been suggestexas emendations. 6. Paucis mensibus. I does no appear hether these monilis ere calculat edfrom the date of the letter, o sto Jul I, whic seem to have been an sua term sorhouse-letting. p. Suet Tib. 35. Perhaps Baiter's punctuation is in savour of the lalterdate, and so are the word ante hiemem in of the nexi letter. In tuam, to Fouriwn o the Palatine.

7. In Carinis. The Carinae as ne of the fines siluations in Rome ora theralope of the Esquiline. Mundi habitatores Lamiae, respect- able tenant of the famil of the Lamiae '8. Olbiensem, stom Olbia in Sardinia. This place was siluatexo the eas coas Osthesisland notria hom iis north-eas corne , an ha a good harbour. It is nomca' ed

IO Quamquam . . cogites, though itis inter, and theresore the leas dangerousseason, remember that our istam residenc is in Sardinia, a notoriouslymahealthyisland.


MARCUS QUINTO FRATRI SALUTEM. Sestius noster absolutus est a. d. V. Idus Martias, et, quod vehementer intersuit rei publicae, nullam videri in eius modi cauS diSSensionem esse, omnibus sententiis absolutus est. Illud, quod tibi curae saepe esse intelleXeram, ne cui iniquo relinqueremus Vituperandi locum, qui nos ingratos esse diceret, nisi sillius perversitatem quibusdam in rebus quam humanissime ferremus, Scito hoc nos in eo iudicio consecutOS Sse, ut omnium gratissimi iudicaremur; nam defendendo moroso homini cumulatissime satis fecimus, et id quod ille a Xime cupiebat, Vatinium, a quo Palam oppugnabatur, arbitratu nostro concidimus Iodis hominibusque plaudentibus. Quin etiam aulus noster cum testi productus esset in Sestium, confirmavit se nomen Vatinii delaturum, Si Macer Licinius cunctaretur, et Macer ab Sestii

subselliis surrexit ac se illi non defuturum adfirmavit. Quid quaeris homo petulans et audax Vatinius valde perturbatus is debilitatusque discessit. Quintu tuus, puer optimus, eruditur egregie hoc nunc magis animum adverto, quod Tyrannio docet

I. Quod reser to the solio in sentence. nullam . . esse. P. Madv. 4 9. ast example. 3. Dissensionem, 'disserenceis opinionamong the udges.' L lud refers to the sentenc ne cui . .

locum a

Io. 29.

9. Ille Sestius. Vatinium. . Vatinius appeare as a witnes against Sestius, and Cicero ookadvantage of his appearance to attach imi an invective. hic takes iis place mong Cicero' speeches a the ' Interrogatio in P. Vatinium testem. Cp. Intr. to Par II,

O a. I . Arbitratu nostro, as ne could Wisti. Concidimus. Forceli explain concidere as evertere. II. Paulus. i. Aemilius, consula B. C. 13. Licinius Macer feem to e onlymentioned here.

Quintus tuus. The younge Q. Cicero,a out o good abilities, but passionale and changeable Cp. Ad Att. 6. 2, 24 IO. 4 5 and 6.I7. Tyrannio. Usuallyridentifie with teacher of Amisus name Theophrastus. and surname Tyrannio sor his verbearing demeanou to his fellow pupil : p. Suidas Gaissord, 3639 Smith, Dict. o Biogr. 3. II96 Strab. 2. 3, 17; 3. I, 54. e asarought prisone to Rome by L. Lucullus, here e taught in nobi families, and became rich. e is osten mentione in Cicero' letters o Atticus. Accordin to Suidas, a corrected by uster, he die in 58 B. C., ut Clinton, Fasti Heli. III on IB.C. P. 65, and On 8 B.C. P. 85 haspointed ut that the ne here metitioned




apud me. Domus utriusque nostrum aedificatur Strenue. Redemptori tuo dimidium pecuniae curavi. Spero no ante hiemem contubernales ore. De nostra Tullia, tui mehercule amantissima, Spero cum Crassipede nos consecisse Dies erant duo, qui post Latinas habentur religiosi; ceterum consectum Latiar erat.

I Do no suppose I value any one' criticism more than our s. styo must knowwhy I didio sen&yo m recantation, Lwas ather Shamedis it but the perfid os in politica associales est me no choice. a. ou advise me to tali m presentcourse, an I wis by this ope avoWal tostedge myselsior the future. The ealousyof the leaders of the optimates and thei evident exultation ver an misunderstandingbetween Pompe an me, reali absolves me stom an surther obligation to them Ivili choose more powersul protector in future. 3. Vo will say, I wishoo had doneso long ago Lachnowledge, folly. Tullia' dowr exhausis monen might have spentis travelling. I hope to visit ou oon. Vour flaves have made themSelves usesul in my library.

CICERO ATTICO SAL. Ain tu an me existimas ab ullo malle mea legi probarique 1 quam a te: Cur igitur cuiquam misi prius Urgebar ab eo, ad

I. Domus The houses of bothirothersvere, apparently contiguous o the Palatine, and were nowaein rebulli heiace Cicero'shope that he and his brothe would oon be

contubernales unde One OOL

Redemptori tuo, your contractor sortite bullding. a. Dimidium pecuniae, hal the sum agreed on. O the neut adj dimidium with pecuniae, cp. Madv. 284, Obs. 5. Curavi, C. solvendum. p. orceli. Spero . . confecisse 'Pliope, have setile her etrothai Wit Furius Crassipes.' Ι seems oubtia is a marriage ver took place Cp. Ascon in Pisonian. p. Iaan Plui. Cic. I. Cicero, o ever, calis Furius

'gener.' p. 29, 2Ο. On the betrothai, CP. P. F. 3, Ole. Crassipes as an adherent of Caesar. 4. Dies erant . . Latiar erat, to-day and to-morrow are stili considere holidays,

but the Latin festival ended yesterday. Thepres habentur is sed ecause the timeos composing the lette is no speciallyreserre to in that ord. p. adv.

5 Latiar, c. ' solenne. The festival

three others were adde aster the expulsionos the hings thears secession of the plebs, and the Licinia legislation respectively. The Latinae ere ' conceptivae, fixe by the consul every ear cp. milh' Dici os Antiq. sub voc. aeriae, p. 529 , and were probabi hel early a the consul could no leave Rome tit aster they ha been celebrated cp. Liv 2I. 63 22. I 25. Ia). In this ea the festiva was celebrate twice.

Cp. Ad in . a. 6, 4. The letter ends abruptly but I have no thought it necessa 'o follo Balter in adding a portio os Ad in F et 6 to complete t. The S.

has certero consectum erat Latiar erat

exiturus,' hich is hardi explicabie. esenb. doubis the se of ' Latiar as an adjective and thinks that ' confectum erat reser tothoietrothal. 6. Ain tus do ou spea in earnest 3 referring apparently to a lette in hich Atticus ad complaine of Cicero' notsendinthim a copy of the παλινωδία aster-ward mentioned. esenb and Boot omit

7. Cur igitur . . prius Atticus question is anticipaled.


quem miSi, et non habebam exemplar. Quid eti m-dudum enim circumrodo, quod devorandum est subturpicula mihi videbatur esse παλιν a. Sed valeant recta vera, honesta consilia

non est credibile, quae sit perfidia in istis principibus, ut volunt

eSSe et ut essent, Si quicquam haberent fidei SenSeram noram inductus, reli ctus, proiectus ab iis tamen hoc eram animo, ut cum iis in re publica consentirem iidem erant, qui fuerant. a ViX aliquando te auctore resipui. Dices ea tenu te SURSiSSe, qua sacerem, non etiam ut scriberem. Ego mehercule mihi necessitatem volui imponere huius novae coniunctioniS, ne qua omihi liceret labi ad illos, qui etiam tum, cum miSereri mei debent non desinunt invidere. Sed tamen modici suimus πο- ρωει, ut scripsi erimus uberiores, si et ille libenter accipiet et ii subringentur, qui villam me moleste serunt habere, quae Catuli uerat, a Vettio me emisse non cogitant; qui domum 5

who was to transmit the document, Whateverit nature, to Caesar. I. Exemplar, in Copy.'

Quid etiam cp. p. 6. 6, note , Isthere anythin more t say Τ es.'2. Circumrodo quod devorandum est, Lam gna ing round the morsei I shallhave o wallo . Subturpicula, rather hamesul. his

3. παλινωδια Cicero has been sup- posed by various scholarsa appl this termto I an addresso Caesar Xpressis regre so the past, and wishes for a bellerunderstandita in lature; a a poem in threea ooks, me Temporibus Suis' cp. Ep. 29, 23, note 3 the oration De Provinciis Consularibus, the oration ' Pro

Balbo. Valeant . . consilia, ' bi good-byeto traightforward true, an honourable principies 4. Principibus, chies me in the state. Cicero probabi refers to the leader of the optimates, mentione a 'quidam ' in p. 2o 8. L. Domitius Ahenobarbus, M. Bibulus, an M. Cato, ere prominent among

them. 5. Senseram . . inductus . . ab iis.

Ita thought that the nominative might beused a in Virg. Aen. a. 377, sensit medios delapsus in hostes, but r. Jeans has potntedout that there seem to e no instanc in prose of this sage cp. Madv. 4oI, Obs 3 anx now agre with Boot in thinhing that the sentenc is ellipticat I kne what

8. Resipui ' returne t m senses.'Dices ut scriberem, Myo Will saythat our advice ni suggeste the ourseo conducto hould ursue, o that should malae a forma profession o it in

Wriling. IO. Necessitatem . . Coniunctionis,

a necessit os adhering to this ne connection wit Caesar. II. Illos: the principes mentioned

I 2. ποθεσει. in m treaiment of the subjeci,' .e in m prais os Caesar and Pompey. Isocrates and Xenophon seem ous the word in this sense. p. Liddeli and

I 3. Scripsi probabi refers to a tost


esse here mentioned. Domum . . oportuisse, Who say I

ought noto have rebuit m house, ut ratheroo have sol the sile, i. e. o his retur frona exile, to relieve imself rom his mone difficulties. O the ealousyexcite by Cicero' fine hous a Rome, P.




negant portuisse me aedificare, vendere aiunt oportuisse. Sed

quid ad hoc, si, quibus sententiis diX quod et ipsi probarent, laetati sunt tamen me contra Pompeii voluntatem diXisse' inis. Sed quoniam, qui nihil possunt, ii me nolunt amare, demus operam ut ab iis, qui possunt, diligamur. Dices vellem iam

pridem. Scio te voluisse et me asinum germanum fuisse. Sed iam tempus est me ipsum a me amari, quando ab illis nullo modo possum Domum meam quod crebro invisis, est mihi valde gratum. Viaticum Crassipes praeripit de via rectaro in hortos. Videtur commodius ad te postridie scilicet quid enim tua sed viderimus Bibliothecam mihi tui pinxerunt constrictione et sillybis eos velim laudes.

I. Sed quid ad hoc a doso sayio this Τ 2. Si quibus . . dixisse, is, as strue the are leased that hos ver volesos mine hic the approve gave offenceto PompeyΤ' 'Si' - si quidem. Billerb.

For the facis, cp. ΕP. 29, IO. 3. Finis, no more of them,' .e such perversity does no deserve nother thought. Baiter read finis sit quoniam. But per haps a ver is needles aster finis, considering the excitement under hic thelette was evidenti Written.

4. Qui nihil possunt, i. e. the leadersos the optimates. 5. Qui possunt, i. e. Caesar and Pompey.

Iam pridem, C. Operam dedisses. 6. Germanum, reai,' genuine: osten

used in Cicero' philosophica work in his sense. Cp. De Off. 3. 7 69, lib. 8. Invisis, visit to ook aster it. Cicero rote rom the eighbourhood os Antium to Atticus a Rome. 9. Viaticum Crassipes praeripit, the expenses os ullia' betrothai to Furius Crassipes Wil require at the money might spen o travelling. Cicero ad thought of travelling unde the retexi os a

De via recta in hortos Boot hinks the word are a quotation Roma letter of Atticus to Cicero, askinthim on his arrivalat Rome de via' a come at once recta' to the ardens, hic Would e in the suburbs Cicero preserrexto pend therarsi night at Atticus' hous in Rome videtur

commodius ad te, c. me ire'), an to visit the ardens ex da postridie ' .For the expression recta, cp. De Off. 3. O. 8 Marius a subselliis in rostra recta. Io. Quid enim tu a 3 c. refert. II. Tui, yOur flaves o iseedmen Dionysius and Menophilus are mentione as en-gage in such ork. Ad Att. 4. 84, a re rence hicli I owerio Manutius. Pinxerunt, have ornamented. Forcell. I a Constrictione, constrictio in actus constringendi. Forceli Perhaps this means


I. Pam gladiso are satisfied Wit m conduci toward you, and pleased wit myletters o It is difficulto describe ho individual behave toward you but ouhave many ealous rivals a Phad. Hortensius, Lucullus, an L. Racilius are among

M. CICERO S. D. P. LENTULO PROCOS. Legi tuas litteras, quibus ad me Scribis gratum tibi esse, quod crebro certior per me fias de omnibus rebus et meam erga te benevolentiam acile perspicias quorum alterum mihi, ut te plurimum diligam, sacere neceSSe est, Si Volo is SSe, quem tu me SSe Voluisti alterum facio libenter, ut, quoniam sintervallo locorum et temporum diiuncti Sumus, per litteras tecum

MAY From learn that Cicerohad atready received Lentulus congratulations sent stoin Cilicia on his aughter'sbetrotha to Crassipes, hic too place on April th. p. Ad in . . . I, an See Guiraud Cesar et te sellat, P. 83.

3. Alterum . . facere refers ather irre

gulari to the actio suggeste by benevolentiam an to mahe the sense Clearer ut te plurimum diligam is adde ineXPlanation alterum facio refers in like manne to the action o Cicero' par implied in certior . . fias, and the folio ingword are again adde in explanation. Perhaps the sense of the whole passage quorum . . colloquar may be give asfollows butra must need love o i Iam no tot ungratelai, an it is a pleasuret converse with oua letter Onieitherground an I claim gratitude hom ou. 4. IS esse . . voluisti. to e orthyos the position hic I we to our id.




PAR II. quam saepissime colloquar. Quod si rarius fiet quam tu Xspectabis, id erit causae, quod non eius generi meae litterae Sunt, ut eas audeam temere committere quotiens mihi certorum hominum potestas erit, quibus recte dem, non Iraetermittam.

Quod scire vis, qua quisque in te fide sit et voluntate, dissicile dictu est de singulis unum illud audeo, quod antea tibi saepe

significavi, nunc quoque re perSpecta et cognita Scribere, ehementer quosdam homines et eos maXime, qui te et maXime debuerunt ij plurimum iuvare potuerunt, invidisse dignitati 1 tuae, simillimamque in re dissimili tui temporis nunc et nostri quondam suisse rationem, ut, quo tu rei publicae caUS laeSeras, Palam te oppugnarent, quorum auctoritatem, dignitatem voluntatemque defenderas, non tam memore eSSent Virtuti tuae quam laudis inimici Quo quidem tempore, ut perscripsi ad te antea, 15 cognovi Hortensium percupidum tui, Studiosum Lucullum, ex magistratibus autem L. Racilium et fide et animo singulari. Nam nostra propugnatio ac defensio dignitatis tuae propter magnitudinem beneficii tui ortasse plerisque ossicii maiorem auctoritatem habere videatur quam Sententiae. Traeterea quidem de et consularibus nemini possum aut studii erga te aut ossicii aut amici animi esse testim etenim Pompeium, qui mecum SaepiSSi me non solum a me provocatus, Sed etiam Sua ponte de te communicare

2. Id . . causae, ea causa. Cp. Madv. 285 b. 3. emere, cuivis,' to any one hooffers. Cp pp. I, 45 sor Cicero' cautioni this matter. Certorum, trustworthy. Forcell. 4. Potestas erit, I shal have at mycommand .' p. Ad Att. I 6. 6 Ε, I potestas eius rei; also the expression potestatem sui facere, o magistrates grantin acces tothemselves, P. I I note On l. II. Recte. Cp. Ep. Ο, I, Ote. Praetermittam, c. dare or scribere. 5. Quod scire vis, ' a tofou wis toknow. Cp. Madv. 398 b, Obs. 3.7. Significavi, potnted outri you. 8. Quosdam, consulares, videtur significare. Manut. I should hardly have thought the reserence O generat. Et maxime debuerunt, c. iuvare. O the order of the words, p. adV. 47 a. b.

Io In re dissimili. p. θ', gaudeo tuam dissimilem fuisse sortunam.'Tui temporis, your time os need Cp. Pro Planc. 32, 79.

I 2. Quorum auctoritatem, 'whilethos whos influence. For the omission ofa conjunction, p. Madv. 437, , Obs. IS. Percupidum This Word seem notto Occur else here. I 6. Magistratibus. n the applicatio of this term to the tribunes of the commons, P. EP. O 6, Ole. L. Racilium. ne of the tribunes sorthis ear CP EP. 22, 4, Ole. I7. Nam introduces an ansiners an ob jection I say nothin os myseis for-. Cp. P. O l. a note. 18. Fortasse . . . Sententiae, may seem to have more importanc as a dis-charge of duty than a an impartia expressionis opinion. mota. I9. Praeterea, ,it these exceptions. 22. Provocatus, invited,' dra n oui.'Communicare ore usualty active than neuter.


solet, scis temporibus illis non saepe in senatu fuisse ; cui quidem litterae tuae, quas proxime miseras, quod facile intelleXerim, periucundae suerunt. Mihi quidem humanitas tua vel Summa potius sapientia non iucunda solum, sed etiam admirabilis visa est virum enim Xcellentem et tibi tua praestanti in eum liberalitate devinctum, non nihil suspicantem Propter aliquorum opinionem suae cupiditatis te ab se abalienatum, illa epistola retinuisti; qui mihi cum semper tuae laudi favere visus est, etiam ipso suspitiosissimo tempore Caniniano, tum Vero lectis tuis litteris perspectus est a me toto animo de te ac de io tuis ornamentis et commodis cogitare. Qua re ea, quae Scribam, sic habeto, me cum illo re saepe communicata de illius ad te

sententia atque auctoritate Scribere quoniam Senatu consultum

nullum XStat, quo reductio regis Alexandrini tibi adempta

Sit, eaque, quae de ea Scripta est, auctoritas, cui ci intercessum seSSe, ut ne quis omnino regem reduceret tantam vim habet, ut magis iratorum hominum studium quam conStanti Senatu con-

I. Temporibus illis Cp. p. 23, 2. Pompe retire t his ous for sonae timet avoid the violence of the ollower os Clodius, andia also to attenda the supply

a. Quod facile intellexerim, as can asil understand, a modest expression. Cp. Madv. 35 b. O perhaps, in I couldeasit perceive. MetZg. Pompey's realseelings were not tways eas to interpret: cp. EP. 28 7 note. 3. Humanitas, courtesy, 'taci, J.Ε.Y.6. Liberalitate. Lentulus ad pro- posed that Pompe shouldae commissionedio suppi Rome illi corn. Cp. Ep. Ο, 7. Non nihil . . ab alienatum, ente taining a certain suspicion that ou adbeen estrange Dona im ecause omepeopte thought hi grasping. Pompeymight fancy that Lentulus hadaear reporis of his agernes tot employed in restoring Ptolemy. 8. Retinuisti. The word is arei used in iliis a without Ome ord to explainit. Cp. in communi causa retinere. Cum semper . . tum vero, bothalways . . and especially. Cp. Madv. 435 a, Obs. 3, and 437 d. 9. Tempore Caniniano, the timewhen Caninius as soractive. CP Ep. 2, Iand . e learn Do Plutarch .Pomp. 49 that Caninius proposed that Pompey hould restore Ptolemy, but Without an army. Io. Perspectus est. The impersonalconstruction ouldie more common. P. Madv. o C. II. Ea quae scribam, .e the whole passage sto Quoniam senatus to placere dixerunt.'

Ia. Sic habeto, te assured. Cp Εp. 3o M also Ad Fam. a. IO, , an I 6 4 4 sic habeto neminem esse qui me amet quin idem te amet. For the orderis the wordsseo de illius to scribere, p. Madv. 467a, and 69. Obs a The indicatives exstat . . habet are Curious, taken in connectionwith ne perspicere posse. Perhaps Cicerobegins by using the actuat ord whichPompe would have sed in a direct address. and the passes into the oratio obliqua, writin ' te perspicere posse instea of tu Perspicere Potes. I 5. Auctoritas Cp. P. a. 4, note. The proposa os Bibulus, mentione aboveo pp. 66, 68, is perhaps referre to; ut in either passage is there mention o iis having been vetoeda a tribune interces

sum esse.

16. Ut ne quis . . reduceret These ord dependispon auctoritas scripta est. Tantam, 'only O much, 'so litile. Cp. Ep. 5 7, Ole. Ut magis . . videatur, a to seem to expres the part seelings of angr menrather than the fixed purpose os a consisteut



PARTHI. Silium esse videatur, te perspicere posse, qui Ciciliam Cyprumque teneas, qui essicere et quid consequi possis, et, si res acultatem habitura videatur, ut Alexandriam atque Aegyptum tenere POSSiS,eSSe et tuae et nostri imperii dignitatis, Ptolemaide aut aliquo

propinquo loco rege conlocato te cum claSSe atque Xercitu Proficisci AleXandriam, ut eam cum pace praesidiiSque firmariS. Ptolemaeus redeat in regnum ita fore, ut et per te reStituatur, quem ad modum senatus initio censuit, et sine multitudine

reducatur, quem ad modum homines religiosi Sibyllae placereio dixerunt Sed haec sententia sic et illi et nobis probabatur, uti

e eventu homines de tuo consilio Xistimaturos videremus: si cecidisset, ut volumus et optamuS, omnes te et Sapienter et

sortiter, si aliquid isset offensum, eosdem illos et cupide et temere secisse dicturos Qua re quid adsequi poSSiS, non tam 15 acile est nobis quam tibi, cuius prope in con Spectu Aegyptus est, iudicare. Nos quidem hoc sentimus, si X ploratum tibi sit posse te illius regni potiri, non esse cunctandum; si dubium sit, non esse conandum. Illud tibi adfirmo, si rem istam κ

sententiae gesseris, ore ut abSen multis, cum redieris abcto omnibus conlaudere offenSionem eSSe periculosam propter inter-

I. e perspicere posse. The apodosis os the sentence egius here, an iis structure changes to the indirect form, whenc the conjunctive ood is adopte init dependent clauses. Cyprum Cyprus Was annexed o Ciliciai 58 B.c. unde a de Clodia manui. p.

Intr. to Pari Ι, . o. a. Si res . . Videatur . . possis, is

3. Habitura, adlatura. Forcell. p. De Iov. Cons. adventus in Syriam primus equitatus habuit interitum. 4. Ptolemaide. Either Acre in alestine or a cit o Cyrenaica is referre to. The forme would e more pon Lentulus' rout to gypt the lalter eare to Alex

andria. 6. Ut eam cum . . firmaris, that, whenoo have restore orde there, and

secure the place it garrisons.' O thepositio of cum ' cp. Madv. 465i an sorthe Zeugma ' pace praesidiisque, Ib. 478, obf. 4, and Zumpta 75.8. Initio. Apparentisin a decree passed 57 .c., Providin that the nexi Overnor

9. Religiosi, scrupulous,' superstitious. The ing ould not appear at Alexandria ill after the arm had done iis WOrk, and so the oracle orbidding him tobe brought bach multitudine,' ould beobeyed in the letter, as e might trave to Alexandria ith a mali retinue.

is more common in this sense. p. Zumpi, L. G. 726. II. Si cecidisset . . optamus, Vis theissue ere suci as e isti and pransor.'o the lup. ' cecidisset,' Cp. Madv. 379. I 6. Exploratum, certain. Forcell.

sul. in ' Mouldae more Common. I9. Cum redieris ora the omission ofa conjunction, P. EP. I, 3, note. ao offensionem, an mishap. Cp.

si aliquid esset offensum a line or Moabove also offensionibus belli Pro Leg.

ΕΡ. 26. EPISTOLARUM AD FAMILIARES L . 85positam auctoritatem religionemque ideo Sed ego te, ut ad certam laudem adhortor, sic a dimicatione deterreo redeoque ad

illud, quod initio scripsi, totius acti tui iudicium non tam κ

ε consilio tuo quam e eventu homines esse acturos. Quod si haec ratio rei gerendae periculosa tibi esse videbitur, placebat illud, ut, si re amicis tuis, qui per provinciam atque imperium tuum pecunias ei credidissent, fidem suam praestitisset, et auXiliis

eum tuis et copiis adiuvares eam SSe naturam et regionem provinciae tuae, ut illius reditum vel adiuvando confirmare vel

neglegendo impedires. In hac ratione quid reS, quid cauSa, quid o tempus ferat, tu facillime optimeque perspicies quid nobis placu-7 SSet e me potissimum putavi te scire oportere. Quod mihi de nostro statu, de Milonis familiaritate, de levitate et imbe

cillitate Clodii gratularis, minime miramur te tui ut egregium artificem praeclaris operibus laetari quamquam est incredibilis 3 hominum perversitas-graviore enim verbo uti non libet-, qui

senate' opinion, and the religious dissiculty

whicli has intervened.' I. Ut ad certam . . deterreo, while exhortoo to eige any a se Opportunityos inning fame, dissuade ou earnestlysrom entering onis angerous struggle.' p. a se lines bove. Si exploratum . . Onandum. For his sense of deterreo,' P.

Ep. 5, 6. 3. Initio, i. e. in the eginning of this

Ex consilio, by the poticy, o objeci. Cp. Philipp. I. I, I consilium prosectionis

et reversionis meae.

5. Placebat mahes equali good senseis understoodos the epistolar Or a theordinar imperfeci. 6. Si ex . . praestitisset, is the king shal have sulfilled his promise to Four mends. The lup. depend on ' placebat.' Cp. MadV. 379. Per provinciam atque imperium

tuum, in the province unde Four govern ment.' p. Ad Fam. I 3. 55, 2 ' in tuo toto imperio atque provincia.'7. Auxiliis eum tuis. For the position tuis, cp. Liv 6. 26, 2 ' precibus

eventum vestris senatus quem videbitur

dabit: also Madv. 467, and 7 a. Auxiliis . . adiuvares, Place menand supplies at his disposai. Lentulus might connive a Ptolemy' raising men in his province, Without eing personali compromised. 8. Eam esse depend on om ver tobe supplied Trom placebat, and meaning

Regionem, the siluation. he wordhardi seem to e sed elsewhere in quite

lliis sense.

9. Ut illius reditum . . impedires, that ou aid would secure his return, and your neglect inde it. The imperfecisseem to have almos the force of confirmare vel inipedire POSSES. o. Quid res . . ferat, What themature of the case theling's interest cp. EP. II, I , and the ourse of evenis suggest. Supfle

Proposes to render res, the case in iiseis; causa, 'cit relation to the peoples' tem Pus, the risis. 13. De nostro statu. For an accountos Cicero' position at this time, p. Intr. to

exerte himself much in Cicero' cause during his banishment, an Cicero a no dolia his est to equite him. p. Intr. to Par I 23; P. 23, I, Ole. Levitate et imbecillitate, the un- principied, but futile efforis. O the meanisingis levitas, cp. supra, p. 53, note On l. 9.I . e tuis . . laetarici p. Introto Partu, Da 3, sor Lentulus services to Cicero; also Ep. 8, 2.

I 5. Quamquam, ' and yet. Cp. adv. 443.

I 6. Hominum perversitas: P. Epp.