
발행: 1918년

분량: 171페이지


분류: 문학



loguo fit tho amo time, monodies, Sun by the autors, were devoloped, and these Music-hali songs,' a tho havo been calleli, are apparently the immediate redeoessors filio distineti lyristat sentica o Plautus, in hos play the more refleetive Or emotional assages, speciali thos insolito tu forni are resented in a Variet os meters. η Thelaborest stylo, Whieli osten haraeteriges thes in contrast

With the asylo of the dialogue is probabi duo to thodisti uult os adapting the thought to the reoli forna. Te

Enee, after ne experiment, Wisely bandone tho more elaborat lyrica mensures.'9. Tho dialogue o Plautus is teli fuit, and spontaneouSin iis diction, provin the author O be a perfeci master of the artis Xpression The grammarians an erities of the republica period, ho ero in amueli bello position hanthei Sueues sors of imperia times to appreciat th disieulties, in respeet os langungo, hieli confrontei the early writers sp0ak of the style o Plautus in illogisti ternas. Cieero compares it illi that of the est Gr00k poets, in exhibitin iocandi 'enus testans, urbGnum, insteritobum, rece- tum' and Aelius Stilo, hos opinion sed tot quoted by his pupit, the learnsed Varro, is sal to hau declar0d that this Would have h00 th style followed by the duses them-selves had the spolien in Latin .si10. As to th dramatio artis Plautus, e have ali endyseen that Horaeo's uliginent a distinetly unfavorabie. He accuses him O bein caretes aud stipshod,

Securus cadat an recto Stet fabula talo Epist. 2. 1. 176 Se Lindsay, Introd. to his editionis the Cuptivi p. 58 London, 1900).

FO a good Xamplo Da musical monody se Trinummus 22 275. The Andria alone of the playsi Tereiice hoWs Dactylie, Cretic Or

De Opiciis, I. 29. 104. . Quintilian X. 1. 9.


xviii INTRODUCTIONati it Wout be asyrio bring formar evideno in support

Postquam est mortem aptu Plaut , Comoedia luget, Scaena est ueserta ac dein RiSUS, Ludu Ioe que, Et numeri in umeri simul omne conlacrumarunt.

res of the Augusta poets ad certain standard o literar form Whieli ere larget divoreed rom the popular Speeoli, hereas Plautus and Terene modeled thoi lant vage mainlympon the speech of everyda life In his sermo cottidianus e have o re hon illi the influseno of ordaeeent, a Contra Stest illi quantity, to a uel greater extent than in Virgilia VerSe.12. Thus ord aeuent an verse ictus ' larget coincide in Plautus and Terene an seldom clash, as in Virgil, in thoimportant ord O a verse. The metristat tresS, in faet, Commoni indieates the ordinar aedentilatio of ord in

G0ll. I. 24. Q episti amma Plauti, quod dubitassemus an Plauti foret, nisi a M. Varrone positum esset in libro de poetis primo BahreuS, Fras. Oet Romanorum, p. 296 assignes ita Varro himself. For ictus so tho definitions in the various grammarS.


tho final e eo ut d b dis regariled cf. nec anu neque, et und

21. es, frona sum, is alWays long in Plautus, and thorai sisyllabie of seri, serem, Oto. at the enixos iambi and troelia iuversos is long. 22. The pronouncino the ad veri, hic is hori. Simila lare is i and lsic a nominatives. The adjeetive r urins

retatus iis origina long i in 1130. 23. In ord derive froni tho Greeli, inaymali positio in Plautus Thus horai si syllabio is long in Achilles and Acheruns cf. 525). The orii Philippus, Sthe nam O a coin, econis the rst syllabis as in tho Greeli and has the seconi syllabie horf, e. 9. at 152 1158.



is duo to the influeno On Ceent. 24. Addente monosyllabies eudin in a long Owel ora diphthong, are meret Ahortene before a folioWing hort

25. HIATUs. - Aside froni the ases jus given hiatus is ver common in Plautus occurs





froin the number of individual 00 Whioli aeli in contains. In Greeli poetry, hoWover, these meas ures are basedisponuntis of dipodies, o combinations of tW feet, hene a lineo four feet is known as a dimeter, ne of ix eo as a tri


XXIV INTRODUCTIONPlautus substitutions and resolutions are, illi stertain X-ceptions alloWest in any Ool. 30. In readin Verse, a metrioa stress ictus metricus is

. . . . . In an nentaleoti Verse hOWever, the final oot

in nefer e substituted for the iambus. 32. IAMBIC SENARIUs Trimeter catalectic).-This sono of the commones motor in Plautus Most of th playsopon illicit, and in the Trinum musit is used in 535 verses, forw-sive per cent of the hole. The VerSe admit caeSura,


INTRODUCTIO XXV mim erat, in a simila position in th fourthdoot Tho latior

Ami cum castigar se ob meritam n6Xiain

35. ny of th substitutions allo vost for the iambio in


XXV INTRODUCTIONlilio tho Milo Gloriosus, it is ronti in exeos of iis iambicrival A tho alter is tho favorite verS for pening play so the trochai Septenarius is generali usu a the

P6 pudere quam pigere praestat totidem tittieris. Edepolitium uirtiit dicam, pater, et maiorum et IIAMulta bona bone part a habemu bene Si amico siceris,Nsi pigeat focis3 e) ut potita pudent, Si non feceri S.

37. TROCHAIC CΤONARIUs Tetrameter catalectic). - Α singio instando of this verse is found in the Trinummus, ViZ.: at 251, in a lyrica systum. Th lino in quo stion has four