장음표시 사용
the lectui ei and that three of them e deme an
6. That nevertheles the profesSor may, illi theconsent of tho Vice-Chancello for the time eing, admito his lectures an person Or erSon Who an produce sufficient testimoniales of his o thei regularand sobe deporiment uring the w years last a St. 7. That the professor hali receive uel gratuityhom his earer a the trustees hali rom time totime thini reason able. The sum to e immediatelyreceived rom the student in physi to e for thefirst eoui se Whiel the shali attend three guineas, Orthe second Oui se two uineas. Such student a shallhave attendest two Ourses t l, after ard admitted gratis. Other auditor to a three guineas for very course whicli the shali attend. 8. That, is the professor hali negleet, after duenotice giveti, O enter ut On Such cours o lectures, heshall, upon the information of three student in physic ho halliso have gone through more hau three courses, the information to e made to the iee-Chancello on or efore the las da o Michaelmas tertia, and by him notised to the trustees, that the were ready and desilaous to attend uel lectures, forfeltone hole ear stipend to e applied to the use of tho Radelisse infirmary. 9. That the professor Shall, sor ver lecture Whichii shal omit, forfei sive ouuds, o be applied to theus mentione in the las article. Io That in the caseis itiness, necessar absence
o continuet infirmi ty, he hali heri appotiit a deputy, who hal be approved o by Convocation, and halli, subjeet to the fame rules asae himself,ould have been subjee io, is capable os performinitiis diity. 11. That, is it shalla appen that the professor shallincti the penalty of expulsion roin the niVersity, Orshall, far desert the profession o physic as peril to
monished by the Vide Cluincollor uni Proetor sorneglect of uty, shul again offend in like ianiter, itshal then e in tholower of the Vice-Chancellor, illithe consent of Convocation, o remove hi in froin his Oisce, stud, ster duo noticu gi ven to proceod to the
12. hut the ou er gi ven to the trusiles anted by lori Lichfeld of Dial in rules ordors and directions for this foundation e uni is here hy, reservet in itqful extent anil mea niti g. Ν. B. student in physic' in the bove statutes sueti person are intended as hali ave completet two years in the Universi ty, and shal have sig
Requiation approned by Convocation, Apri 29, 1825.
I. TH professor hal be a letis a Master of Arisor Baeholor in Civit La who hal have regularly graduatsed in the Universit of Oxford. I. The professor hal froin timeri time be iseelsed by the hancellor, Masters, an Scholars of th suid Universit in Convocation assem bled accordinito theusua formoni manne in hieli meers of tho aid Universit are elected. 3 person hal hol the mee o professor formore than five successive years, o b reelecte to thesa id me unti aster se hal have been ut fisside
4. ver Such professor hali e requiret to eadiri fuit term uring any one or more of the Duracademica ternas in very ear, in a placeo beappotiate by the Vie0-Chancellor so the time eing, coui se of lecti es ii politica econom consistingos in lectures a the east, an also uring very
year O prini and ubi isti ne os uel lectures at
5. ver Such rosessor hallisive noti te, in themanne usual in the ense of the public lectures in the sali Universi ty, of the time proposed O the commencementis ever inta Ourse, lectures. 6. Three person ut the least shali e requiret to constitute a clas ut inch course of lecture respectively. 7. vel Such professor h Shall, during nyyear Or earS, neglecto give Such Otice Or, On theattendane of a clas8, o read an Such coui se flectures during the time and in the anne asoresaid, oro print an publisti ne os uel lecturos a theleast shal for ver suci neglect 0rsei the whol of his stipend or salar for the ea in hieli uehneglect hali tali place and the amount of very sueti forfeitur stiali e laid ut in the parti amentarystoclis o fund in the nam Of the stad hancellor, Masters, and Scholars and the interes of such stocliso fund shalli applied to the augmentation of the professorship in future 4. BoDEN PROFESSOR OF SANSKRIT.
Divini ty, and tho rogius professor o Hebrow or, incas of ithor or otii of thos professorships uingvacant, the placo os tho regius professor os Divinit isto bo supplied by tho Murgaret professor os Divini ty, and tho place of rogius prosossor Os Hebre by the
Vacat in tho professorship subjecto tho provision heroinastor ad in eas of his inabili ty, and also sub-j0c to a doduction sor incidental Xpencos, the representatives of tho profossor buini in casu of his cath)entillud to an apportion montis tho stipon duo to hi mat that time.
v. supra, p. Γmulation ori ined by queen Victoria in lettera
I. III professor hali hericosortii reside in urUniversity of Oxford for si monilis in the intervalbetw00n the rs da os October in very ea and th si si ny of Jul in tho MiloWing year, excepi incas of ill ealth or ther sufficient cause to e al-lowed by the Vice-Chancello of ur sat University, and certised by riti niunde his harad. a. Wo Solemn lectures at seast hali e rea by Our professor annuali in ut term in a public placet be assigne by the Vice-Chancello of ur aid University and suci solemn lectures hali e ii Some subject of modern histor o politica biograph and the admission hereto hali e re toal member of ur University and the time and place of giving tho sat lectures hali 0 noti fie insueti mann eris hali Or the timet usual. 3. Our professor Ahal give, in soni public place ob hom tim to time assignei to in by the aid Vice-Chancellor, o within the walis of his college,
book of modern history one in acti O two ternas in very ear, aster and Ac ternis bellaifo this PurpOse alien asine term Providei that, i in thejudgmentis otii prosessor Some Other mode of teaching
his earer on these No courses o lectures hali befound by experieiice tome more expedient, he shal beat liberi to usu suci modes s howeve that themtinber o lectures in these twO Ourses hali no beles than wo heret, prescribe, that ach of the nidcourses shal consistis no les than ighteen lectures. Provided that our professor may, i he hal thini fit, divide the scholar attendin his sati catecheticallectures int tw or more classes in hicli casetwelve lectures at least shali 0 given to eaeli clas in the term Providet also, that our Universit shallhave powerito determine Dom time to time the greatestani least number o lecture t be gi ven in any one weel. and that ou professor hal be a liberty, fh shal thini prope so O do, to et subjecis Or
4. ur professor hali noti bound to admi to hissa id catechetica lectures an person Wh have notpasse the rs public examination nor an PerSOnwho is no recommended by the ead Vicegerent, or an of the tutors of his college, hall. 5. Our professor shali require no igher De Domperson attendin his sat catechetica lectures hanthe sum os ne ound for ach course, O Such thersum a ma froni timeri time e permitte by decreeor statute of Our University. 6. Our professor shal give due notie of tho timoand place of deli ver o holdin his sat catechetica lectures in uin anne as hal for the timo bellig
7. In case of necessar absence Domiti University,
TH complete sum of two hundredicundito beluid annuallyri a professoris rura economy who hali both Sherardian professoris botan conditionalty vi κ. that he tho salil professor, hali rea in acti terna apublic lecture on rura economy, and shal appropria tesome partis his garden to the culti vationis sueti planisa are,sed more particulari in agriculture and thoaris. Anil hould e the sat professor, neglectoo read ither his public oriri vate lectures, he is to homulcted oriunis hed in the fame manneris the inerian professor of la in the sat University Anxit is expected that th said professor halliso pursu or ook
after the prosit arising roin the practice of physic, but give ut his time for tho benes of tho publie in
the lecture o book and in the instruction sisti dention the subjecti professes Andrior furnishingilio sati professor illi prop0 book I do devis anilboquentli the rema inde of the renis ver an aboveth two hundred ound to e ai to the yrosessoro rura econom for the urchas of book on the subject of botan an rura economy the professor maining a lis of such book ache udges mos usesul, and submittin it to the garden committe annually,