장음표시 사용
II. The eandidates hali e undergraduate nember of the niversit of Oxford, who halliso have exceeded thei siXteentli term DOm thei matriculation inclusiVely. III. No person hali e received as a candidate without in consent of the ea of his college rhall, o the consent of the vicegerent in the absence of the sat head An sueti consent, as et a thestandinio the candidate, hal be expresse in Writ-ing, an signe by the sui head Or vicegerent.
scholar hal keel by residence two academiculterin in achbear. The residerice of ver scholarshali 0 certisied in writin by th head of his collegeo hall, o by the ieegerent in the absene of thesuid ead. The trusteus howeve ma dispense Withthe residetice of the scholar, in eas of mnes Misther Ver urgent cauSe, ut certised i and approved by them, nud recorde in a book open to inspection in tho Convocation house This dispensation hali neve begivei more than Once to the Salii scholar. V. The dividend of the suid fou thousand ound stlire per cent consolida ted ani annuities, and of ait ther stoel herea ne to e urchased pursitant tothese regulations, hali e payable to the trusiles heret, appotnted. VI. These trustees hali e ve viet the Vice-Chancellor the two Proctores, the provos o orie collegeris the time eing, and the dean o Christ churelifor the time eini; ut lieneve either the provostos Oriel college or the dean o Christ chureli stiali bo' iee-Chancellor then and in that case Only the mastero Ballio college for the time ei nishal be a trustee
1. o receive the dividendes froni the University. 2. O discli arge ut expenses inciden to the nisi, and tota the Scholars thei salaryin thei producing the requisite certificat O residelice, utiles dispensed with unde the limitation a bove mentione in regulation IV. 3. To keel an account of montes received and paid. . o lay ut the rema inde of the dividentis either in present of money o books for meritorious though unsuccesssu candidates, O in the purchas of
stocli in the nauises of the nid hancellor, Mastersand Scholars, o b employed in proa noting the generalobjee of the institution a suci, times and in suchmanne a the sati trustees hal thini expedient. 5. O submit thei accounts annuali tora audited by th delegates of the Universit accounts. 6. To appotnt for uel election o a scholar, threeeXaminers, ho hali examine the candidates undelec the scholar.
7. Each of thes examiners hali 0 at east Master of Aris, a Baehelo in Civilia . 8. Thes sam individual hali neve be appointelleXamine more that twice consecutiVely.9. Wo examiners halliso he of the fame collegeo hall.
VII. Eramination V eandidates and electio of
I. Ont One seli lar hali 0 electe in ne calendaryear the mone accumulate in consequetice fvacanetes hal be employed a directed by regulation VI. artici 4. 2. The fit si election hal be in the fuit term im mediatet succeedin the completion of the founda
3. Aner the si si election, ever subsequent electionshali ake piae annuali in Leti term. . A notice of not les that twent days hallbe iven by the examiners of the time nil placefixed by thom for olding the examination; hi elinotie is to e affixed to the oor of the Convocation ouse, and to the ulter door in ea et collegean hall. 5. ver candidate hali signis his intention fostering himself, b delivering to the examiners thecertificates of his standing, and of the consent of the head or ieegerent of his college or ali, w daysat eas besere the commendement of the examination and without sueti certificates the Xaminers hali notproceed O Xamine an candidate. 6. Al the thro examiners hali ne in the examinati , and vote ut the election.
In ther respecis the examinution Sh ut be est entiret to the discretion O the Xum iners. 7. When the exuin iners have elected a schol ur, the shal certis the election to ille Vice-Chancellor, who hali enus it to e annotinood to the Universi tybna paper uili Xed to the oor fili Convocation ii Ouse. VIII. The utention of the munder aviti been expressed in the tres uni seconi of these regulationS, the subsequentisne have been devi sed for thelui poseo givin due essecto it But as, after XI erietice of thei operation, Oine alteration os them a befound expedient, the trusteu fhal be ut liberi withthe concurretice of the Dunder,hile e lives, uni os Convocationis ali times iocinali suci, alterations ascircuiristances may require. The alterations howeverthus permitted hali no extendri therars anil secondregulationes, Whicli contain the original uni permanent
intention of the founder but shal be applied ni tolli Subsequent regulations, eing the means devised fortiving effect to that intention
Extrae from a cheme for the muture an mementunc penulation of the oden forensiretion, appronereanta sanctioned by order of the our of chancery Februar 13, 1860, comprising o much f the
vacane os one or more ears situlli vacant again at
324 Appendiari. VIII. ho solio tarshii is to se tulistion subly undipso acto Oid Ist, is tho felicitur' num bo no constanti on th book of somo coll0go ora ali in Oxsord; 2ndly, is tho seliola bo non residunt ali ho turans in
tion of mathematica studies, vi g. tW Senior Scholar-
School, parentage, O pecuniar circumstances O thecandidate.
II. Candidates for the senior scholarshipsistiali bemember of the University, wholare Bachelors of Aris, or have at eas passe the examination necessaryso that degree, and who have not Xceeded the twenty-fixili term rom thoi matriculation inelusively and candidates for the junior scholarshipsshali e member of the University, ho have notexceeded ight ternas frona thei matriculation inclusively Person matriculated e re aster term
l864, are permittet to osse themselves a candidateS, i the have no exceeiled in term froni their matriculation inclusi vely. III. Ench scholarshis a b heli for two calendaryears froni the da os election, providei that the scholai ' nam be n the book of Some college or hall, and that in the ea se of a junior schola he produce om the head risi egerent a certificat o continuedattention to mathematica studies. IV. The dividentis arising roui the tuck ulready purcha sed, or herea ine to e ui chased in ursuance of these regulations, hali 0 payable to the trustees hereby appotnted. V. These trustees hali e seven vig the Vice-Chancellor the wo Proetors, the a vilian profeSSorso astronom an geometry the edleian professor of natura philosophy, and the professoris experimentalphilosophy. In ca se of voles belli equali divided, the Vice-Chaneello Ahal have the castin vote and the presene of the Vide Chancellor, and of tW other truStees, one of them eiu a professor, shal be
VI. The uties of the trustees hal be, 1. o receive the dividentis froni the University. 2. o discliarge ali expenses inciden to the trusi, and o pay the scholars thei Salar on their producing the requisite certificates. 3. Oleep an account of moneys received undia id. . o lay ut the remainder of th dividendseither in presetits of money, inStrumentS, Orbooks for meritorious though unsucceSSful candidates, o in the purchase of stocli in thena me of the hancellor, a Sters, an ScholarS,
tot employed in promoting the genera objecto the institution, at uel times an in sucti
manne a the sat trustees hal thini ex pedient.
5. o submit thei accounts annuali tote audited by the dologates of the University accountS. 6. T appotiit for the election of the scholars
didatus, and oleo the scholai S. Euch of theseexaminor si nil elat eas a Master of Aris a
eXantiner more that twice consecuti vely.8. Wo examiners hali notae of the sume college, hall. VII. Ont two scholiti s lial be electet in ne calendar ear, ne O the Senior scholarshis, and ne tot he junior scholarshis; the ne electet to the sonior
of the trusteus in accordanee illi the provision fregulation VI. 4. VIII. The election hali tali place annuali in
house, an to the ulter door in ea eli college audhall. X. o person hali e received as a candidate with ut the consent of the hend of his colloge rhall, o the consent of the vi egerent in the absenee of the sat head aud uel consevi, as et a thestandiu of the candidate, ein expresse in Wrilingand signe by the a id ea orbi egerent, shal beexhibite to the examiners two nys at east e re the commencement of the examination, together illithe testimonia Or testimonials of the public Xa miners, hieli hali e produced by the candidate for the senior scholarshis, in ca se e halliso havetat en the degre of Hacheloris Aris. XI. All the thre examiners hali ac in the Xamination, and Vote ut the election. In ther respectes the eXamination shal be est en- tiroi a tho discretionis the Xaminei S. XII. When the examiners have electe a scholar, the shal certi suci election to the Vice-Chancellor,
who hali cause it to e annotincet to the Universitybyci paper aflixed to the door of the Convocation houSe. XIII. I aster experiene of these regulation any par of them hal betaeemed inexpedient, the trusteesshal be a liberty, with the concurretice DConvocation to mali suci alterations a circumstances may
Renulation approred by Convocation,
VIII. That tho luctor be the rogius professor os Divinity tho regius prose88or O Hebreu' and tho