장음표시 사용
Nexulation approned by Convocation Iune 6, 1844.
CURATORS. THE curator tora three in number no unde thedegre of M.A. B.C.L. O B.M.
Tora bona fide resident in the University. Toto nominate by the Vice-Chancellor, pro-Vice- Chaucellors, and wO Proetors, o the majorit of them, an a prove by Convocation. To mali rules hom timori time for the peningan closing of the alteries, an for the admission ofvisitors. Member of the Universit in thei academicat ress an friend accompanyin them, to eadmitte withou De. To appoin the eeper an his assistants, and is nee be, to remove them. To superintend the whole Stablistiment.
The keepe to reside constanti Within the buit ling. To receive an annua stipendis .f100. To have the charge aud custod of the alteries and thei contenis, unde the directio an contro of
H. Conditiona et fori in the ood Vim of tho
en fomologica collection, librar of natura hi tory, latex, Grai ing3, and ther articles andos et of the reverent Frederic milliam Hope, latet Augu8 4, 1849, approned by Convocation ri 23, 1850.
1 THA a suitable uitilinior roonis halli pro videt within the Universit for the reception of thesuid collection, library, articles, an effectS, RS OOnas conveniently ma be arranged, either at the Xpense of the sali University o by means o contributions
et That the sui collection, library, articles, and effect shali e made praetieatly usefui, as a means of extendin and improvinia knowledge of the entoniologica deparimen o natura history and that fortha purpos the fame Ahallis at seasonabi times befree o accessu member of the Universit an other Pea SonS, Speciali to leurnei naturalisis and therscientificiei sons os foreigi countries subjectioweverto sueti regulations a the curator for tho time eingshali hinkit an itieiniherob deelare tora thewisti an desis of th sa id Fredericli illiam Hope, that, sociar as may be mundii acti able an convenient, the sat collection hali e pene duily, etween thehourio ten in the orniniand thre in the afternoon in inter, an ten in the momin and Dur in theasternoon in summer Sunilay and HOlyday excepted. s. That the iee-Chancellor the Wo ProctorS the Deo. Con. regius professor of edicine, the eeper of the Ash '. δὴ molea museum of the sat University, and themope professor, and thei Successor in the fame severat offices for the time eing, and also the reverendRichard resWol of oreester college, B. D. and Henry entworth eland of All ouis college in the sat University, D. M., and thei succeSSOr to
os them, then a ne v curator o tWO De Cura tors,
a the case in be, hali ho nominated by the sui vivinior ther curators sueti nonii nation to euppi oved by the Universit in Convocation nil sofroni time o time, as osten asinia vastanc shali Occurii an or ei ther of the non-ossicia curator. it oing the int0ntion that here ballislway be twO thercurator in addition to the fi ve ossiciat curatores. 4. That the cura tors for the time beluishul have fui powe and authori ty froni timerio tune, a theyshal se sit, o frame ules an regulationes for thesala custod ani preservation o ali the property, and for the manu gementis and accesso the suid collection, nil for the iis of the library; ut in the evento a manugin curator Or inspector belli appotnted for the eiter custod and preservation of the nidcollection, the consent of the sat Frederiel 'illiam Hope urin his lis time hal be necessar to sucti
obtaining the consent theret of the nid Frederiel William Hopo durin his life time, an after his deceas of their own authority, to dispos o any duplicates in the sentomologica collection to any
in sueti manne a the shal thinli proper but that this power halliso extent to the disposinio any other specimen comprised in the sat collection. And with a vie to prevent an infested insectieingaddet to an injuring th said colleetion, no additionshul be ad thereio, utiles previousi appr0Ved sby the suid rodericli illiam Hope or Ome comPetent person unde the authorit of the curators. 6. That, i a ne Universit museum hali oestablishod in Oxford, and a librar formed in connection illi it the cura tors hal have power toplace thes hole of this collection in uitable oonisto bo providet in uel museum ut the library
Theiope collectionS. 313 and the lates and lagravings hali in an case eunde the sentire contro of the cura tors, Wh may dispos of the fame in an way hicli the shalle insider mos conduci ve to the stud o natura histor With in the Universit as,ellis to the iis of the fame in connection,ith the entomologica collection. 7. That in ali the more important proceedingΗ relative to this collection, suchos the fram in neWruleio regulatioris, the appotniment of curatores, and the disposition o duplicate or of the library the concurrene os four at eas of the curator present at meetinito e callet for an such purpose hali berequisite.
b. Ne ulation contained in an indenturo ad I 05, 1862 belloeen Elian Hope, rei toto and solo ecutriae of the reverent Froderio IVimam Hope infra one puri, and the hancellor, Masters
Ν. B. The recitat of the indentur spealis of the indentur os Decembereto 186o, relatin to the ope professor o goology, and mentions Dr. elleste asine of the Hope curators.
I. A competent person shal forthwith be appotntedio mali an perfeci ne or more catalogue o catalogues of the portraiis, topographica and therengraVings, presente by the ni Frederiel 'illiam Hope to tho sali University, and ais to mali and
perfeci ne O more complete catalogue o catalogues
properi classi fie an arranged of the whol biotagraphical, topographical, and fine aris librar of books presente by him to the sat University, andi tali charge of the sat collection o portraiis, topographica an fine ar erigi avings, and of ali future addition thereio, and of the sal biographical, topographical, and fine aris librar3.2. The person o to e appotnted hali e called 'thu keeper of the Hope colluetion Oengravings
and as Osten a a vacanc Shali Occur a Successor
5. The diit of the keoper hali in the si si instandob to mali an perfeci the sat catalogue o catalogues, and he hali persorii sueti further illities a tho Hope curatores hali reasonabi impos onaim. 6. The eeper hali reside in the Universit forsuch perio in very academicat year as hali e de termine uson by the Hope curators an he haliretain his office during good bellaviour. And thesaid collections havin been with the approves of thelat Frederici Miltiam Hope deposite in th biaild- in heretofore used a the adclisse libra , whieli is
no place unde the supervision of the Bodleian librarian, he hali exercise Such superintenditi controi ver the ope eeperis may be reasonable uenforcing compliance With ali genera rules an regulations for the mana gement of the sal bulldiniandili content thereos.
manently us circumstances may require an an allowance hali e made to an permanent deput out filio stipend heroinafter made payable to the keeper. 8. of tho dividend of the 10,000 ne L percent annuities o transferre by tho sat Elion Hos as a foresa id ne hird ballie ai as a stipendio the deper of themope collection os tigravings
present income, and the remaining one third shali opaid to the Hope curator o any tw of them, and shal be applied acto ne molety in Leepinius and increasing the sui collection o portraiis and a toth other molety in keepingis an increastu thesaid entomologica collection. 9. The Hope curator Ahalliave absolute discretionas to the portraiis and specimen to e purchaso in augmentation of the sati collections respectively; but in addin to the sat entomologica collection, the shal have regar to the opinion of themope
e en par of the dividend applicabie for the pur- poses of the sat collections respecti vel in purelia sing
l eme and by an writin unde her o thei hando haud to appotu another person aikeepe in his
12. Additions made to thessa id collections respectivelyshalli dul note and catalogued ut the catalogues no anil hereane to e made hal b so framed that sueti additions may alway be distinguishe and maynot e conmund0d with the origina gins.
13. In the event of the Hope curator no meetingin very year, illi Ortruit or spectui en sui table in their judgmen sor inereasing the sati collection reSpectively the ma invest anil accumulato any Surptu incoine, ut heeping separate accounts of suehinvestinentes, and with the obligation to appi ali ueh
intended foraeeping 1 and increusing the sati collections respectively, O an part thereos, o any accumulation thereos, e applied sor the personalbenefit of the estper the ope professor, O any
14. Prope book of account hali 0 hept by the Hope curators, in hieli fuit particulars hali beentere of the application of the dividend hereinbeforema de payable to them, an suci accounts hali beaudite in the moniliis October in very year. 15. In the interpretation of these present f the Hope curator.' hali mean in curator for th timebeing of themope collections and three of them hali
Nehulation approned by Convocation, March 25, 1859.
I. TH lecture t be n the LXX versionis the Hebre Scriptures, it history, it philologica character iis bearinion the criticismis the e Testament, an iis value a an evidene of th authentieityo tho id and e TestamentS. 2. The lecture to e iveu ne in acti tertii, Easter an Ac ternis belli counte aes ne tertii,)aster due notice, in sueli place a the iee-Chancellorshali appoint, an to e pen, ithout De to alimember of the University. 3. The lecture to e delivered by a person in olyorders, and of the degre of aster of Art a leastio e elected o tW years. The person electe notio e considere as a publie Universit professor or
. The person wh shali delive this lecture to echoseu by the hebdomadal councii Therars appotnt-men to e made in the ensula Ac term and the firs lecture to e deli vere in the Michaelmas term following. 5. The University, ut illi ho consent of the founde during his life to have powerri amen theseregulations fron time o time; so, nevertheless, that the main objectis the founder, amely the promotiono the stud of the LXX version, and through his, the jus interpretationis the et Testament, shal belli, wis se a Side.