장음표시 사용
proper the aid books to e caresuli proserve in adistinet par of thes library for the professor of botany But, in eas the nid professor of bota nyshould no fulsit the uties expected of him, a publie Universit election a tali place, and an graduatewho is a Master of Aris r os a superior degre maybe elected by the Universi ty, after the anno of their usual elections to the professorshil O rura economy, provide he has directed his attention to the studies of natura history, and oes no engage in the cur offouis nor in the profit os medica or legat practice; in hiel eas it shali e considere as a formitur of the professors his, an a ne in election hali tali place.
maintonanco illiin tho Universit os a prossessor of modern history to e stilod Chichole' professor os modoria history.' Al tho provision o clauso 43, 0- latinito tho oloetion deprivation, resideneo, functions, lutius, and emoluments of the professor of international la and diplomacy, .... shal oxionii and boapplicabio mutati mutandis to tho sat profossor of modern history, a i repeato in his clauso.
philosopli by tho hancellor of tho niversi ty, tho visitor and tho residoni of tho college, theregius profossor o Divinity, and the regius pro- fossor os Civit Law, sor tho imo uing, o tho major par of them. Τho profossors of homi str an mineralog bytho haneollor of th Uni v rsity tho visitor and president of tho college, tho prosident of th royal Society, and tho prosidoni of tho roya colleg of physicians for tho timoraeing, o the major par of
Tho professor o physica geograph by the
Chaucollor of the nivorsi ty th visitor nil president of the collego, the prosidoni of thoroya society, and the astronomor royal, for thetim buing or the major par of thona.
unies provious leave os absonce or a subsequent dispensation in respect of tho dotauit, hali avo songi ante to im on account O sichness, or an Other
abi negligene or misconduci in his ossico, grave immorality, o non-Observance of tho statutos relatinito him, o vh shal contumacioiasty ceas to confornicio
M 10 000 neu ae per cent annuitie trian erreuhy r. Hope to the niver3i . I. THER shalli sor ver hereaster a professor, tobe callo the Hope professor o goolOgy; V and the dividentis arising roin the suid sum os 40,000 eis L per cent annuities hali rom timeri itine, as and when the sameraecome due, Hiai t Such professor, subjeci as hereinane provided. a. The nomination of therars and ver subsequent Hope professor, during the lilatim of the aid Fredorie. Villiam Hope, hal bo ad by the aid Fredoriel Miltiam Hope. 3. very Subsequent ope professor, after thedeath of the aid red0riel 'illiam Hope, hali 0 elected by the eurators for the time belli of the Hope collections o by a majorit of thos present a suci, election; acti curator avinione vote, and the Lin- acre professor O physiolog for the time einishallhave thu fame right of votinius iste were a curator; an in cases of an equalit os voles for two candidates, the Vice-Chancello for the time eing hal have
4. The Hope professor hali 0 admitte in C in
vocation in the Same manneris Other proseSSOPS.
5. The ope professor hali a the time of iis admissioni at leas a Master of Art O a Baeheloros Civilia o Medicine. 6. The ut of the Hope professor hali e to
give publie lectures an private instruction Ou ZOO-logy, illi specia referetice to the articulata, ut such times as hali e rescribe or approve by the ni- Versity, and ais to superinten and arrange the Hope collection o annulos animais, ando tali charge of thes natura histor portionis the ope library. 7. The ope professor hali reside in the niversity for the termi eight monilis in every academicalyear belween the rs of October and the fiftoenth fJuly. 8. The ope professor hal retain his ossee during good bellaviOur. 9. In case of liness, o unauoidable absene of the HOpe profeSS0r, the Ope curator stiali ave theordinarylowerri appotiit a temporar deputy.1O. In case of permanent inabilit of the opuprofessor o per rin the uties O the professorshis, themope curator shal have the Ordinar power toappoint a permanent deputy, with Such stipend ut of the ope professor' emolument a to tho ope
11. The Vice-Chancello an delegates of appeales in Congregation, O the reater par of them, hallhaveto verrio proceed against the professor in casti fmisconduci, in the fame mann erras is provide by the statutes respecting the mora philosopli professor an other professors, sanctioned by her Majesty; an in thesevont of thei findiniit necessarnio remove
1 a. he ope professor hali e titille to receive rom his auditor such Des oni ais hali 0 Xed by the niversity in addition to the dividentis arisingfroin the said 40 000 ne L per cent annuities. 13. Theiope professor halliso holit an other professorshimor readerstiti in the University.
Stati titi. VI, VII, VIII IX.)
or continuiti to sit asine of the si pro SSOI S, O the istitit as
' counci by roason o anything containe in the statutos of his solandation.
Congrenation of the Universis. 307
6. Tho monabor of the hebdomada coiincit. 7. ho ossicors nam sed in seliedulo A. to this
XVII. Evor statuto ramo by the hebdomadal ADto pro- coundit hall, aftur duo notice of the content thereos V Liuiosi.be promulgate in Congregation, and shal also e proposed hero se aeceptane or doctio after an interva o sevon days, o such thor intervalis the Universit by statuto ma appoint, an is accepte by Congregation hali 0, after an intorva o murteondays, o such thor intervallas ilio Universit l, statuto