Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis

발행: 1866년

분량: 382페이지


분류: 그리스도교


ber of Convocation deputed by theni Severally, andone ther member of Convocation appotnted annuali by the Vice-Chancellor. 5. That the subjecis for theiriges be propose notiate thun Michaelinas term and the compositiorissent in to the registra ori or e re therars Satur layo Enster terin and that ali undet graduates hostiali oncilia da have ulready commetice reSidetice, audiso completei thei seventeenti term be allowedio compete for the riges. 6. That the examiners, after adjudging the riges of eachbear, give notice of the subjecis an metres forth priges of the ensuin year.

b. Regulations decreed by Convocation, April 7, 1856.

I. That the afores id sum of L 1200 be invosted in the ne E per cent stocli in the nam of the Chancellor, aSters, and Scholares.

et That the dividentis arising thereisoni o aid in qua portions to the two successsul candidates. 3. That, is in an case ne ni oriseither of the riges hali 0 adjudged the portion Or Ortioris o lenis appropriated hal be investe in thesum stoel for the future augmentation of the

. That ach candidate, on seudin in his composi tion to the registrar, shal also sen in a Seale noto, bearinion the ouiside the fame motio hiel, he hasgiven to his composition, and containing ithin ithis nam and the nam os his college, hall, together With th da of his matriculation, and that of the


two years notice ei nigi venis the subjec prop0sed. s. The rige hali e pen to ali member of thse University and shal consistis a gold medat of the value o ten guineas, avinion the obverse an emgyof r. JOhnson, an On the reverse a representation Ofthe adclisse observatory togethe with so uel of the dividentis noli stoeli as hali remali after the

natura philosophy, the professor of experimetital philosophy, and the adclisse observer, o the timebeing, shali e trustees of the rige. The Ordinaryduties of the trustee Shali e to propos the subjecto the essay, and to appoin judges of the compositions. The judges hali noti seu er thain three iu


6. In eas the rige e no a Warded the proceed so the fund theu lenin appropria ted hal be invested for the future augmentationis the prige. 7. The trusteos hal have OWero mali sub ordinate illes O by-laws for the purpos o carryingilies regulations into effect and convocationishallaiway bo ut liberi to alter the regulations prOvido that the main end of the rige bo est in


I. The three artiole contained in the 36α

prayer, an administration of the Sacramenis, and

III. That I alio th book of articles of religionagreed poti by the archbishops an bishops of both provinces, and the whol clein in the convocationhoiden a London in the ear of ur Lor God ne thousan sive hundred fixi and wo and that Iacknowledge ali and very the articles therein contained, ein in number uine and thirty besides theratification to e Greeable to tho ordis God. 2. The oath re alleg iunco. A. B. do sinceret promis and su ea that Pu illi, faithful and ear true allegia ne to ex Majestymeen Victoria. Soaeli mo GOD.


So helmine GOD. 4. The oath a the matriculationis a privilege l

For the monitio a the matriculationis a scholar, se p. s.


Absentium admissi ad graduS, 13 .

Academicus annUS, . melioris notae ceremoniis et canonibus ecclesiae conformes se praeStent, . muse cuStOS, 34. --- delegati, 55.

sive scholasticus habitus sive vestitus 161. Admissio absentium ad gradus, 3 . ad bibliothecam Bodleianam, sorma declarationis, 133,

Studendi cauSa 229. - graduS, 32 3. - regentiam 86. comitatis causa, 37.

in aliam domum, O. 45. collegi et aulas, . post matriculatio infra quindenam, . laici ad privilegia niversitatis 5 343. matriculandorum, s. principalis aulae, a58.

sive domus privatae, . AEdituus sive clericus Universitatis et scholarum 2O7. Aldriel et Tomitia professor anatomiae 25. - praelecto chemiae 38. professor Medicinae 27. Aliam domum admissi in Io I 5. Allegi antis et fidelitatis uramentum, qa. Anatomiae demonstrator, 26. - professor, Omlin et Aldricli 25. Anglicanae ecclesiae qui extra sint, candidatorum examinatio, ira 8. juris praelector, iner 32. Anglo-Saxonicae linguae professor, RaWlinson, 3. Annexae aedes 8. Annuorum debitorum loco commutationis schedula 2 2. Annus academicus I. Antiquae historiae praelector, Cainden, 22.

Appellationes in judiciis, 2 7. Approbandis de concionatoribuS, 79. Arabicae linguae professor, Laud 29.

---- - regius eleemosynarius, 31.


Armis de non gestundis, 68. Arnold priZe 335. Artibus, acculuiarci in lecturis rosessoris lebrate rogii intendant 2 . - - tempus et exercitia ad gradum 64. - - gratia, 24 Supplicati, 28 praefientatio I 3 l. magistri in tempus et exercitia nil gradum 69. gratia, 24 Supplicat ., 28 prpESsentatio, 3 i.

Artis diplomaticae prose88or, si chella 49 299,

Ashmolenni muSei CuStOS, 23 . Assessor curiae Vice-Cuncellarii 2 o. Assisis et sessionibus scholares ne intersint, I 65. Astronomiae professor SaVile, 5.

Auditores publicorum lectorum, quomodo se gerunt,47. Aulae privatae, 63. de mutandis in publicas, 267. Aularia statuta 25 . Baccalaurei in Artibus lecturis reg. ros Heb intendunt 2 . tempus et exercitia ad gradum 6 .

- . Jure Civili temp. et exercit ad gradum. 2. gratia 126. Supplicat. 129. Prae8., 32 adm. I 33-- Medicina temp. et exercit ad gradum 76. gratia, 25. Supplicat. I 29. PraeS., 3 Iadm. I 33 Musica, temp. et exercit ad gradum, o gratia, 25. Supplicat. I 29. praeS., 3I S. Theologia, temp. et exercit ad gradum 8 I. gratia, 26. Supplicat. I 3O praes. I 32 adm. I 33. . nulli nisi presbyteri, a. Ballivus niversitatis, Io 8. Bamplo Joanne, concione fundatae a, 76.

Haronettorum filiis indulgentia 6 . Baronum filiis indulgentia 6 . Bedelli, O .

S. Theologiae concionatore praemoneant, . 78. O5.

Bolli et pacis juris professor, hi chele, 9 299.

Belima te, sive intinnabulariuS 2o7. Benefactorum publicorum commemoratio prae conciones, I 8 o.

Birhhead poeticae praelector, I. Boden prosessor, 7. 292.

Bodleiana bibliotheca, 22I.


Bodleiuna bibliotheca admissio ad forma declarationis, 33.

bibliothecarius, 22 I. camera studendi causa, 23o.

--- libri 229. numi Smata 227. ossiciarii 223. perluStratio 23 I. --- Stipendia, as

qui sunt admittendi ad studendi cu a, Bolanicae praesector 27. Burdett-Couit scholareS 33O. Burgensium electio ISO. Caniden praelector historia antiquae 22. Camera bibl. odi. studendi cauSR, 3 O. Campana magna Congregationes denunci et 8 . Cancellarius Universitatis, i 8 .

Candidulorum citatio ad examinationes, 66, 9 , II in Jure Civili registrum 75.

Cantab Univ praevia examinatio 89. Catalogus et ordo inceptorum 85. Chartae et munimenta Universitati S, I9. Chemiae praelector 38. Chichel professores, 49 52. 99-Chirurgia studiosi licentia ad praeticandum I I. litera testimonialeS I I. Choragus, eather, 18. Citentur candidati sid examinationeS 66 9 . III. Civitate Oxonii ossicium in 5. Classium et honorum series 98. II 6. Clericus sive aedituus Universitatis et scholarum, O 7.

Clinicae praelector, Litchfield 25 287.

Coercendi otiosi et male feriati scholares, 64. Comitatis causa admisSio, 37. Commemoratio publicorum benefactorum prae concionibus, i 8 Commissarius sive Vice-Cancellarius Universitatis 187. Commutationis schedula loco annuorum debitorum 2I2.

Computandas rationes delegati ad 152. Computatio temporis gradibus capessendis, 3. Concilium hebdomadale, IS9. O .

Concione', 7 . - fundatae a Joanne Bampion 176. prae commemoratio publicorum benefactorum I 8O- publicis de frequentandis, Ι 8a.


Concio lutina, initio crinini 2. Concionandum, licentia ad , 38. - - literae testimoniales, a 38. Concionatore approbandi i 77.-pi monendi a S. Theol. edello. a. 78. O .

- remunerandi 2. 8O.

Selecti 179. Conditiones ad petitionem gratiae, I 2 O. Conforme se praesten acad. mel notiae curem et canon eccleSide, Congregatio, denunci et Campana inagna, A. Doctores accedere nil, 57. habendarum tempus, 4. loquendi modus et vice servandae in I 58. magna Sive Convocatio I 4. negotia tractanda in 8 . - personae ex quibus constet 85.

Conventicula illicita, 69. Convocatio, sive Congregatio magna, 44. electione in Ι49. et Congregatione Latini diomutis usus in, 58. modus indicendi i 6. negandi potesta in I 7.

negotia tractanda in s 7. ordo sedendi in i 57. schedula I 6. Corporis Uni v qui non sint candidatorum examinutio 273. Coryphaeus Sive precentor, I9. Crmen Scholares 269. Cumulatio ad gradus, 3 O. 49 Cura Vice-Canc et Procuratorum circa responsiones, 69.

examinationes II 7.

Curatione terrarum delegati pro, 5 q. Curi Vice-Cancellarii 2 O. 17.

registrarius, 2 l. Custos archivorum 2OI. muse academici 234. Ashmoleant 234. Cyclus procuratorum, I92. Debitorum annuorum loco commutat SChed. 212. Declarationes, etc. 3 2. Decreta et statuta, 48. in proponendis linguae vernaculae usus, i 58.

gradus per I 46. 49. Degradatio, 56.

Delegati ad computanda rationes, 52. - exam candi d. qui non de corp. Uni v sint 27 . - negotia intra ni V. i55. musci academici, 35.