Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis

발행: 1866년

분량: 382페이지


분류: 그리스도교


any on or mor of thes officia elector declino aet-ing or is tho Te o professor a reade bo vacant, tho trusteus hali appotiat an elector or lector fortha timo in his o thoi stead.

. very candidato hali signis his intontion fossuri nihim sol by doliverin to tho lector a cortificat of tho consont of tho h0ad or vicogorunt of his colleg or hall, togothur,ith a cortis dato of his ago,


3. The subjects of the examination hali 0 geo- log generalty With so muchis experimenta physics, chemistry, and biology, as is requisit for an under- standi in of the principies nil applications of geologica Science.

4. The scholarship shali e pen to ali member of the Universit who a tho imo of the lection hall

seventi terna.

5. The trustees for the foundation hali 0 tho Vice-Chancellor the resident of Magdalen college, and the regius professor of edicine for the timeb0ing. 6. Tho examiners hali e the professor of eo-logy, ne ther professor of the Universi ty, and oneother person beluia member of the University, Whether a professoris not the last two examiners shalli, nomina ted by the trustees, and propOSed for approbation or disapprobation to Convocation. In case frejectionis ne nomination hali e mado. Should the professor o geolog be revente Dona discha inithis tity, a professor in Some Science cognate togeology, is possibie, O some ther member of the University, shal be appointexto tali his place in themanne prescribe a bove with regari to the two ther


3 32


Γmulationa approve by Conrocation, une 2 1825.1. I is proposed for the encoura mentis Theologica learning in the University, to estabiisti, under the solio in regulations an annua prige O twentyguineas for the est Ennish essa on Ome doctrineor ut of the Christian religion or On Ome of the politis ori,hicli, differ Doui the Romisti chureli, oron annother subjecti Theolog which shalli deemed

s. That the resident of agdalen college for thetime ein and the regius professor o Divinit fortli time ein and tho ad Margaret' professor of Divinit for tho timemein Shali e the three udges,

vented by sicliness, o una voidable absene froni the


Appendia G.

him in his eliciis providei that the three judgesu ho ward the rige e in ali cases, is praeticu ble, member of three disserent colleges Orantis.

5. hut is at an time hereaster the resident os Magdalen college hal bula layinan or happen in beeither regius o the ad Margares professor os Divini ty then, an in that casu only the aster os Universit college hali et a judge, instead of such

6. That a disseretice of opinion among the judges Ahalli decide by a majority. 7. That the subject of the essu shali e pr0Ρosed in ichaelmas term in his ear, an in Act

II. Thatis oneri Whom the prige shal have been ad judged shal again osse himself as a candidate.


3. The candidates orae member of the University, who, at the time the subjec is announced shali avupassed thes public examination for the degre of H.A. . The judg0 to e the professor o poet , he public orator, undis hird, appotnted by them xvhos hali 0 a Master of Aris, o Bachelo in Civilia ψ, or Baehelo in Medicine, O a gradunt O superior

5. The rs subjeci avin been declared by the founder, the subjecis tot afterward seleeled by the judges,lio hali ave a varde the las prige, and tobe by them announced, and the init o poena to epreserit,ed, ut the time of the announcement of the

6. The composition to b delivere to the registraron or bufore the rs of December, and the rige tobe adjudged on the sue eedinisrs O June. 7. The Successsu composition noto be recited; but prin te copies to e sent by the author to the Chancellor, ead os colleges uni halis, the two Proctores, the judges of the compositions the profes- sors the founder of the rige, and to the Bodleian library. 8. In the event of there ein no compositionentillet to the rige, the amount of the rige to e investei and addet to the fund. S. ARNOLD HISTORICAL ESSAY.



thseir matriculation.

3. That the udges e the regius professor of

Diodern history the regius rosessor of ecclesiastica history, and the auiden professor os ancient history for the time eing or substitutes appotnted by the trusiles hereinane mentioned for an of these professors h ma decline to et suci substitutes bella graditates of OXford of the rank ut eas of

4. That, after the present ear, the subject for theessa in the succeedin year be announced by the judges before the lose of the Lent terni the subjeetto e connected illi ancient and with modern

histor in alternute earS. 5. That tho truStee o mala ager of the institution e the iee-Chancellor of the Universit ofOXford, the provos of Orie college, the wardeti fΝe college, and the residentis corpus Christi college Oxford for the time boing in caseis an equalityo voles the Vice-Chancello havini castinivole. 6. That the uties of the trustees bove mentionedberio receive the dividend. audit the accounts pay fori guineas acti ea to the successsu candidate of the ear malle resonis O books, at the recommendation of the ud ges, o meritoriou though unSueceSS- fui candidates, or appi an accumulation to the inereas of the trus fund appotii substitute forun of the professor declininit ac a judges or οan other acts inciden to the trust. 7. That the trustee Shal have o ver o mali nnysi ordinate ille or e-laws for the puri os of


carryin these regulations into esseet; and that theConvocation shal have powerint an timeri alter theregulations thenaseives, ut ni in such ways asstiali appea calculatet to promote the object of the institution, amely the encoura gement of the study

Regulation decreed by Convocation, December 14, 1855, and amen led by Convocation December 6, 1864.

I. THE rige to consis of a book or o books, staniped with the arnis of ear Statiliope, the founder of the prige On the ne cover, and with the aruis fili Universit On the ther over, an to e of the value of Ε20 th cost to e defrayed by an annualgis of that amount froni the sat ear Stantiope durin his life an after his deceas frona a rent charge by his ill on a certain state therein described.

composition in proSe.


8. These regulation to e subjecto alteration om timeo time, b decree o Convocation, ut not vi thout the sanction of earl Statiliope urin his 5 THE GAISFOR PRIZES.

1. THA the riges e in numbe two, O equalvalue, O Greel composition, ne in prose, the therin verse; the lalter to e recite at the encaenia. 2. That the verse rige e foris translatio into any of the metres commoni used in dialogue by the tragi or comi poets, O foro OP O VerSeS, either original or translated in heroi Or elegiac


3. That the prose rige e either for an originalcompositionis a translation. 4. That the examiners e the dean o Christchureli, the regius professor O Greel , O two mem-