장음표시 사용
INTRODUCTION. iiovon in their si agment the Greel play Sho a masten ostechnique hic li a the natural QSult os Wo conturios os dramatio noti vib. For the SpreSSion os oon distinctions and os poli Ahod it no langu age Could e a more perseet instrument than the language hieli ad osen resine and colored 3 tho grout master of Greel thought. It was curious haneo hiel lod tho Roman os tho hird contui 3 tos00k in his comodb , ros ned und Witt3 and philosophical, lasein sentiment an in destis, the modo sor heir national
3. Tho Soconi influone Whieli assecto Roman comodycam Dona the partialty developod germ os a native litorature, RSSOCinteu, RS a the early Greel drama, With thusong anilianees os village estivals Lira , VII. 2, in describin the means usexto avert a pestilene in the ear 364, revise Ws tho early iistorbris tho drama. o ab A that it be-gan illi ho introductionis playors rom Etruria, hocin hisb ea performed in Rome a Solomi mi moti danu ; that tho Roman in imitationis them invented the uersus Fescennini,
alternatoly in dialoguo that tho sati rad Was a surther ad-Vanee, ein inplet modis an descripto iam ad tibicinem
Though his is not olos in ali dotalis, and though Liv is Certainlb Wron in supposing that ali indigenous poetita asderivod rom an Etruscaniano introduco in the ea 364, it is stillilain that this account, talion probabib DOm Varro,
lax against libello a Song. and by the orsistonue os thedialogia sortii in the literary Satire e. s. HOr Sat. II. Lq. Theso tW lino os develoi ment, the oroigii and thonativo, ero brought togetherib Livius Andronitus, a Gr00ksrom Tarsentum 'Vlion his tib M a talion the Roman in 272, heiodam the properib of the genera in Command M. Livius Salinator, as rought y him o Rome and madetulor to his hildron. in D in favor in his position, he wasD00d and took his master' nam in addition to his xvii. In th year 240 40 pro lueed and himself aetod in a translationos a Gr00k play, abundoning the sol in os the satura in ordorto introdue amnis odilol. Elthor osore or astor his timuli translatsed the dyssob into Saturnini Verse, and it Wasin usu as a school-book a lato a the time os Horaeo. Bythis and by his play ho Won utili genera savor a tocload tolli ostablishmon os a guit os scribae et histriones in thotomple os Minerva on the Aventine. Ho iis stili livo intho seu 207. Though nothin in tho fragmonis os his poenis contradiet the SSertion os Cicero that thoy sero not vorti a soconi rea ling, and ali ho indientions tiro that ho vas only an ordinary edueated Gr00k and notis senius his placo in Roman literata histo cis an important one, and thea Si quis occentauisset siue carnion condidisset, quod infamiam faceret flagitiumue alteri Aug. Ciu Dei, II. f. Hor Sat. II. 1, 82. The dato is nivo by Cicero, Brut 18, 2.
Liv. VII. 2 8, qui ab saturi aristis est primus argumento fabulam Sererg.
Epist. II. l. 70. Liv. XXVII. 37 says that he rote a hymn ior public orshis in
cedo qui veStran rem publicam tantamininis iis tam cito 3 proveniebant Oratores novi, Stulti adulescentuli,
nitu uim ionem et Addi etiam O teli iam quandam, cuius nune uti hi noui en non ut Petit, In Pi Silino una SeripSisse Vario se plerique alii memoriae tradiderunt, Cum, PQQuniuonnii, quam in operi urtisicum Scenicorum P0Pererat in Orcatibus perdita, inops Romam redisset et Ob quaerendunt iu- tum ad ei reum agenda molaS, quae truSatile appellantur, operam testor lolaSSel. V hi account hoWs that Plautus
Festus, p. 289 M, quia inber Sarsinas erat, a pedum Planitie initio Plotus, postea Plautus est dictus B ut it is quite a lihol that it was asam it nam se, liho Rufus, Varus, Paetus, Scaurus, give originalty O theroason sintsed by Festus, neeordin to the Ommon Italian Custona. On tho chronolog of liis period. 0 IlitSChl, IJ Aetate Plauti, Par-erg. 47 ff. Ribboch, Rom. Tragodie 194s.
LXTRODUCTION. viinearly Complete and the fragment of another. Wo os homoan bu Xuotly datod rom the romain os tho Didasculino in the Palimpsest Stichus 20l, Seudoltis 191 ; ut tho rost
Laelius and the 3 o ungor ei pio. His si play Sho famighersinisti than hos os Plautus, and a Close dependenee Pontho Grook original, ut re os vigoroia an les Roman. Torone dio in 159 and with hi in the dramatio perio' amoto an enu, and the Roman Stage Santi gradualli to the conditioni0plorodi Horace, Epist. IL, 1, 182-207. B. The relations existin during the contur os dramatio productivitb betWeon the poet and the aediles orither omeors Who gaVe the games areanown maint through the prologuosos Toroneo and tho Didascaliae. The play a sol by the
See esp. Heu Prol. II. 1 27. Especiali tho prologiae of Ambivius Turpio to the Hecyra, illithe comments of Donatus.
tho tolli os plays in the hand of the dominus restis in lay one soldiaSSed entii ely ut of the contro os the writer. In this ab it a me abolit that, hei the oriod os dramatio altivi ty eum to an nil illi the dent his Tere nee tho man- ager turn ed to thei Stoel os id play to satisfy tho stilleontinuin demand and the play os Plautus, hiuli had consuperseded sor a time by tho comedios os aeuilius and Tor
pioeos hieli ho ound attributudo Plautus in ali lisis landi, combining the varying roa ling os disserent notors copiosi se Cas prol. 14 ff., whieli implios in the word seniores and itiniores aporiod Dabo ut livent years set Ween the tW reprosentations. For instaneo the roserenue t seat and a permanent theatro in Capi prol. 11 f. and olse here. R Servius, introd. to Aon. says, Plautum alii licunt ut 'iliti et unam fab-tilas scripsisse, alii quadraginta, alii centum and Gellius III. 3, 1, pulstho number at 130. Six ritor os suci lisis indices ars lino n. Beside the wentyone, Varro elected a largo number of Others laici, on inisernat viden ob hold o b genuino so that probabi log than hal of tho ork of Plautus has beon prosorved. Se Gell. III. 3, and Ritschi, Parerg. 73 ff., Di Fabula Varronianae.
leave os an early manuscript In the time of tho Antoninos the soconi contuita of the Christia era the texi as again Workod ove and moderniZed, and rom hi socon revivaldato the motrica argument presiXed to the piab A.'
s. aking the periodos a Wholo it is probabio that in
originalit Nasevius and Plautia Sinni at ne Xtremo and Terenue at the ther; linteVer, heres ore i Common to Plautus an Tereneo, ab be talion a representative os the comoedia palliata in generat. Tho prologue os Plautia are in a se cases rought into
Plautus ad largo Se of tho prologiae a re mean os eX-plaining tho pio an Siluation. Without Ome ueli Xplanation it ould bo impossibi sor the audione to distinguishJupitor an Morout v in the orna of men rom the rea Amphitruo an Sosiari similar Xplanation Ouid e requiretisor tho Captivi and the Menapelimi In generat, the pro
Not perfecti consistoni, sine lio inelude in many Cases Wo conflictin texis e. q. the doubie enit in os the Poenulus. The separation Ofthos conflictin teXt is tho purpose of the so-calle Highor Critieisin os
For descriptions an classis eationis tho mss. the studon is referre t Ritschl' Prologomena salso in Opuge. V.), OetZ, DitiO- graphien im Plautustexto, Baior, de Plauti Fab. Reconsionibus Ambros. et Pal. Brio description ars give in severat Englisti editions.
x INTRODUCTION. logitos os Plautus relate to the Play the prologues is
ompi sor a moment. In ille Seud. 573 b, tho tibicen playod an intor ido hilo the autor Were os the Stago, and the samo k in i sinus may have QCurredia ther Plub S. 11. The only signifieant division of the plays is intodi uerbiis and cantica Tho liuerbi mn is a par utilion in iambic sonarii and spolien probabib in a conversationa tono and with realistic aelion. The cantica aro os Wo in is, both hau in mustea neeomptini mont Tho partes rition in trochaic septenarii ore doctui med or hante' to tho solandos tho ipse like the recitativo os a modern opera tho
appropriate ancing. In Torone the wo inris os cantica togethor oecu 93 about ais the lay, ut in Plautus the pro
Se Don introd. to Phorm. diverbiis facetissimis et gestum desiderantibus scenicum alsori Eun.
INTRODUCTION. is that tho tota essectis sueti a play a notauia liko that os a modern comi opera, Sce9 that it ad n ultoriis Thecantica re no limite in number, ut the enarii, thetro huic eptenarii, and the lyrica partes are arranget in agenerat,ab into sive grou9S, Whieli are dolabileS Connected With th chora division os the drama os the time os Pericles. Tl aut in his edition re marked in aecordane With this principie. 12. Thero existe in the time o Plautus no permanent theatre in Rome A temporary ooden stage a bulli soreach performance, and the pace in front, perhap On astopin hill-side, as enulosed illii a stoeliade Thero
tho mallest possibi number os actors, ather than the malles number consistent illi OnVenien e.
tho timo os Plautus, ut falso beariis and air an various kiniis os patiat took thei Plaeo sum eiently Tho ceneos tho lay is alWay in a Greel City, frequently Athon S, and the time is in genera contemporary With the Groeli
Comoedia palli ita, to distinguisti it rom tho comoedia togata, in hichtho dros of the actors a Roman.