장음표시 사용
INTRODUCTION. 111 15. The harsh uliginent hic Horae PaSSes Pon early Roman literature and pon Plautus in particula is eliknown, ut ther competent Critius estimato Plautus Withlus bias. Cicero, de orat. III. 12, 45 reproSent L. CraS-sus a sayingis his i se' mollior uelia, ann sic audio, ut Plautum mihi aut Mettium ιidear audire, and Pliny, Epist. I. 16 6, ab S s Some letterS, utS by R Oman, Plautum uel Terentium metro solutum lecti credidi, callingilio ritur doctam solitamque Is his CompariSon e ro-
Versed a it a lairly be, it is igh ruis to say that thostylo os a drama rosembles the Poechis a cultivnteit Woman, Whieli is ob on qu0stion the persection os colloquia langu age. Varro, quote by Quint. X. 1 99, adopis hophras of Aulius Stilo, Musas Plautin sermone locuturas fuisse, si Latine loqui uellent. The judgment of Varro, Cicero, and lin is decisivo us to tho stylo os a Latin
allei good comedies: - Alia Phitruo, Aulularia, B:iechides, Captivi, Menaechnii, Mite GloriΟSuS MOStellaria, Seudolus,
16. The interest soli 3 philologist in tho language of the latiline comedios is duo os to tho kill illi hieli Plautia Writos, considerable a that is, than to the suo thathe reproduceS, Probably With great Xactness, the Latinspolion in Romo at the eginning of the Seeon centui . Bosor the oar 240 writin had beon emploSed chiossy sorrecor' and sor meiat ui poses, and Xe09 as it ad eunused in debat an in extemporaneolis versifieatio the langvage had received titile os the polisti hieli comes rom literature. It would e incorrecto represent the Latin os Plautus time asin rude and wholly uncultivate dialeel, ut it Would e qualty incorrect to consus it illi the a more sinishod instrument Whicli Vergit sed During the li&-timeos Plautus segan tho remari ablo divergone os the litera froin the polien language, a Phenomenon hieli appear insomo orni in tho peooh os very ighli civilige race, ut Whieli is more mari sed in Latin han in English. Just atthis timo tho Roman took sinat an complete poSSOSSionos Itali , and tho Latiniocame, in consequence, in language
INTRODUCTION XUtho Republic Apuleius and Martia an some os tho Christianoriter continuo the de velopinent. Whilo tho litorai Latin etiam the vehiel so tho latitudes of Lucan and Silius Italidus an sinalty cum to iis deuth in tho sedantiu Ciceronianism of the humanisis, the spolien Latin has ut notimo consed to e the vin mean o Communieation o tWeen men paSSing ver b Sio an regula developinent into the Romane langungeS. No Plautus givos o sim lyly thorarsi connecte specimo nos the Latin angvage, ut also the only specimen os thepurei natura language. He rote usi a this long diver-genee a beginning, hile the langu ago as S et unit)ssuenee by logiua regulations and the Latinis his plays istho oure both of the spolion and of the literar language. For his reason the sage of Plautus must e the Stai ting-point os ali historica in vostigationis tho Latin It is harillyan Xaggeration to Any that ali stud3 o Romano philolo leadsistoli tollautus. His langvago, therofore, is toto studiod
INTRODUCTION. XVII tions os inflectionis ore noto et o desinitet siXed a thoybeuam in the regulatet language. In S sur the variation iiset is a furvivat rom an earlier Stage Os evel-
19. In construetion an phraSeolog the Same tendenuiusto rotain the old and accepi the ne RPPear. The Se of tho cases are in the main lilio hos of the Classical period. The se os a nou in apposition instoad os a gen. =Haaetoria par8 homines is an illustration o para- taxi in nouu eonStructionS utor it aec belong to early Latin ad is sed in the sensu os apud in libertates ad patrem in patria, os ad terram illi r a terre); in is used with the abi. Os timo Within hicli an VentieeurS, cum undab have peculiar SeS, and the reedom With Whicli reposition may be X9reSSed or mitte muSt e regarde a a sui viva proin the adverbia Stage. In the ood truces os parataXis that is, of the connectionos Sentenoes by coordination or juxtapositio instea os by Subordination, aro toto soland ove Where. So a Seconii independent sontone is uso instoad os a result clauSe la88um reddiderunt uiae eminebam sor ut uiae eminerem. In the Same ab a clauSe illi ita sollows a clauso hicli in logicalarrangement ould Xpres the result Thuli ae is sed With tho suturo or illi ho subjunct. Without q/t, an certumst illi tho suture. Thos aro the more obviolas illustrations of the samo natur is the frequenti prevalling use fili indiu in clausos here the classica usago roquire the Subjunet. e. s. in certain iud os indirect question and in
quit disterent rom tho later ono. The leXiCons Sometimes give the Plautitie mean in in iis proper lae ut tho hos dos the articieri ut the numerotis Caresul studies os artum ea ning in Langon' Leitriige Somo in fib in ali Ahori ho large a contribution to Latin exicography is stili tobo made rom Plautu S. 21. The various ornas os alliteration, hyme, and Mura etymolossica, o hieli referene is made in tho notes, elongproperly to the early Stage of the language, though their use continues in the classieni period. 22. It is the aut that lautus roto at a timo os rapidoliango in the Latin that malles these inhoritaneo si ominia earlier time o prominent the rem aining peculiarities of his langvago are the result oscit colloquia character, and their intores is psychologica rather hau historical Tho sordes Whiel th03 illustrat aro stillis Wor an may bo studio in colloquia Englisti. The langu ago os conversation tendes to Xaggeration. The Word ure not,eighe with care the Aeem to the Speatior an inadequato Xpressionis his thought o emotion, and hoendeaVor to emphasigo tho de by repeatiniit in a lightly disserent orni. So e in phrasses Eliu laetus lubens auctes asto, redire demto, probo eis teli et do et cum magna fde. This accounts for tho tautological se of mastis it com- ParatiVes, masti certius, masti auctius and so the similarus os adaeque adaeq/te γλ se) ior). In the Same a PatrSos Word are sed here single Woriis ould Suffce, Speciallyadvorbs os timo and placo liko illic ibi, tum ibi, tum istitur, - CL Engi. this here, V that thoro. V In ome cases ho
aro speciali liable to this abuso the German relaensi, tho Englisti awsul, ' and the school giri' lovely V are modern illustrations. Plautus usos lepidus asin ordis prais Without discrimination, an scelestus is the corresponding ordos seprobation. So perii is a mere exclamation, and ostsorm os curse have undergone a complete los os thei origina meaning. In frequently used question abi= ' secomes praeticatly equivalent to abi an audin ' to audi; in tu uero ' is lilio homo England bou don' sab LV m mere expresSion os Surprise. The diminutives, hic osten do notilissor in sensu rom thoi primitivos, and the frequentative an intensive verbs, at ver Common in Plautus, haVe undet gone both processes the have rSt been Sed in an exaggerateil Way, horo the thought demanuod only tho simplo Word, and then rom repeate iis have sunt bael into thoorigina meaning A se Worus havo tWice eo intensissedand tWic sexhausto of the adde sorce. 2ε. lung ordes, hiel, abound in Plautus, dissor Dom thosoregotia in that thoy ar usod ut si si With a moro deliberate and generali a comio intontion The toruis for heating
XX UNTRODUCTION. illustrato his eli admordere, ansere, intervortere, are
Livius Andronteus in his translation os tho Odyssoy and by Nauvius in the Bellum Punieum, a an adVanee Pon theSe. Ilaad a triet caesura, and may have been artly or hollyquantitativo; ut it Nas a tho est to rough and too monotonous for the drama. Both Livius Andronicus and Naevius, heros oro, though thoy liud niploysed it in narrative Poetry, turne to tho Greel sor modet for thoi dramatio
2B. Tho Iambio septenarius Greel tetrameter cataleotic)is uult more raroly Sod It is divide by a triet caesura, ii suntlb astor tho oui th oot, hieli permit hiatus an syll. an ei s. It admit ali ho resolutions and substitutions os
the senarius ut tho oui th modiis puro lilio the fixi of tho Senarius, and tho hirmis lilio thorasth.
Whother the facts are t be explainsed by supposing that the writer intentionali avoldsed cortalia Conflicis et ween Ord-aepent and CtUS, Orby the hypothesis of a nox dipod in andos an uni nisendod rosultis the avoidanc os a monosyllabi at tho nil of the verso Or et oro the