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발행: 1890년

분량: 247페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 문학


LXTRODUCTION. xiii 29. ho Trochai Septenarius is, aster the senarius, the

an iambio elose, it is subjuot to the fame laW a those hiuligovorii the fifth and fixit sese os the senariuS, and there arealso limitations in rogarduo ord-endingS. EXcept so this, reSolutions are permittod reoly Without distinctio botW00no id an ovon 00t, uni the metre is a lively uni effective one. 3O. Otho metres are Sed Chiossy in the cantica ThuΙambi Octonarius Oeeur only bout 300 times in Plautus, and as Sed by him ha themaeSura regularly aster tho ourthsoot this divides the verse evenly, and aut halnis lilio thosirst halsis the iamb. septen. The aeatalectio dimeter quaternarius is soland occasionalty, and is the samo as illior halsos the octon. The catalectio dimeter is Sometimes used a R

bination o tW catalocti tripodios in Pseud. 259, 126 Ps., 1302.


INTRODUCTION. XXV 574-594, 1285'. must simply bo accepto a the standrin

35. Hiatus is sermitted n has been aid in hos Verses Whicli aro dividod into Ko qua or early equa part bydiaeresis o caesura at tho nil os a mot that is, in septenarii and octonarii, and in Bacelline an Creti tetrameters. EXamplos in the Pseud aro 191, 56 597, 946, 1244, 126 a, 1293, 32 T. A this Lindis verso-9auso permit also syllaba anceps, the hiatus is videntib' more apparent thun reat. Hiatus occurs si sequently here there is a Change of SPeakers, ascin 31, 79, 338, 448, 25, 846, 1079, though lision is stili more frequent. Further, a long monosyllabio unde tho ictus is genoralibi not olido besore a hori voWel, ut is hortenod. Som cum ea 72 qua ego 203 ut amaut 313 num istuc,

318, 25, 337, 376, 15 549 650, 880 1024, 1120 1171,


XXVI INTRODUCTION. Dieus, tu OS, NOS, dies, sicus, the dissyllabi sortiis os is androgii larly When Wo vo vel are brought togetherib composition a in Pro in proinde T9, 1197, dehinc, deinde, quoad 622, as et a in many ther ortis. Xamples in his playare mei , ne 316, meam 344 496, ut 6, 11, 378 tu 293 tuos aue. 552, uo 234, 11 suae 175, ei 58, ea 55, 2, eorum 40, eo 184, 858, rarius 201, 33, 23, quoius 210, illius 109l also istius, ipsitis, te.), dies 241, 1268, m 58, lib. 1120, aiebat rogularly aibat, sciam 1120 eo, eam ire

39. In reSpeet to certain consonanis, tho pronunciation Ostli time os Plautus ascios prouiso than the pronunciation Osthe Augustan age. Finat s was o uali that it id notmalae position illi a consonant in the noxi Word, ovon in the


INTRODUCTION. XXVi1 The ound of n and n Was ealionei in the common ordes

iude, unde, nempe 353, 189) so that tho si si syllabi is Ahori, and ille, iste ore also hortene by frequentis into te rate es ortu te).qO. The mos important disseroneos etWeo tho prosodb os Philatus and that os Vergi an Horae are produce bb thenoeent. It is probabie, On the ne and that the langua gestit sol in effectis tho early accent laWS, Whieli, b ulloWing the accent to sali pon other syllabies than the penult



AS. The Pseudolus is ne os the se plays hicli an beexacti dated A the time hon the comedios euam thesubjectis critica stud certain dotalis in rogard to date and

repreSentation ere recorde in the mss. in imitation OsSimila διδασκαλια in tho Greek. The Ambrosian alimpsest Α has presseruod a se fragments of these ineludingili solioWinito the Pseudolu : M IVNIo Iu Ρα URBA AFrom th didascaliae to the plays o Terenee, hic arepreserve in fuit, an to the Stichus' it is apparent that this musti the nam se of the meia Who presidemove tho gameS. Fro Liv XXXVI. 36, it appears that after the ringingos tho tono of the Magna Mater Idaea to Rome the consorsos the ear 204 made contracis o tho bulldin os a templo, and tredecim an=his post quam locata erat i. e. in 191 B.C. dedicavit eam M. Iunius Brutus, ludique Ob dedicationem, eius facti, quo primos scenicos fuisse Antias Valerius est auctor, Megalesia Vpellatos The aut that there ere no


XXX INTRODUCTION. consors in meo sor 191 and that tho consuis ore illi uidiam account so the dedicationis the templo by lis praeto)

SI IS J. The Pseudolus a therosore presente in the ear 191 B.C., at the specia MegaleSi an gameS, lastin SeVeraldab S, upon the occason os the dedicationis the templo toth Magna Mater. 44. The Seene os the play, Si more thanaal the comedios, is Athon 202 270). The stage presente three hou ses 952). A Ballio' hou se a the foventii rom the harbor-side the est, and the allo belWeon that ous an Simo'sWas tho si xth 597, 960 Dom themate, Ballio' hous musthave been on the right Simo' in the iddie and Callipho'son the est. Tho time os the Gree original, hicli is est unchange in the Roman play, a tho da besore thegrea Dionysia festival 59 L in Maruli April, Domnoon to tho millille os tho astornoon 630, 664, 1157 s).g5. h Pseudolus has more than the sua number os inconsistenciosis plot. In , Pseudolus knows nothingis tholove troubles o Calidorus, though e is his considentia adrisor 16 and the wholo toWn i gossipin about the matter 415 L). In 225 1s the threat against Phoenicium is indiroo contradiction to Ballio' expectation os sellin herilia fame da so the nexi ab ). In 344 ff. Calidorus is surprised an indignant ut earing that an agroement ad boen made to et Phoenicium, though his aut has besenknown to hi hos militos dies 9, 1 T srom the letior. In 385 s. Pseudolus astis sor a helper i8tutum, doctum,


INTRODUCTION. XXXi cautum et callidum, hut is, a lave immediately aster hoastis sor a certus amicus, an this consuSion i repente lin tho sesene illi Charinus, licis. In 50T-21 Pseudolus telis Simo that he illis vindie him ut o tWent minae, ut ii sui ther notiue is alien os this threat, nor is it at ali carrie Moutib tho illingua ment of tWen ' minae 1313. In 551. Callipho, at the earnes requeS of SeudoluS, PromiSe Sto sta in toW an se the matter through, ut he cloe notappea again in the play. In 699 1s. Pseudolus an Charinus lino nothingis ach thor in spite of the intimae os achwilli Calidorus. Seones III. 1 and 2 767-893 are Superfluous, though not absolutoly contradictor of anythin in thores of the plot. Some os these contradictions are do ubilessdu to late interpolations an some of the paSSage RI SOmarked in the texi, ut nough remai to ho that Plautus care les for tho mali virtuo os consisten ub than or theimmediate comi effect iapon his noritica audieneo. Inspite os thes desecis the Psseudolus antis igit among the play os Plautus, and as even in Cicero' time a favoritemith the publie. δModori imitations os tho spudolus aro seW. Reinhard- Stoetiner, p. 39, ive a recor os the presentation os theplay in obur in 1599, at tho Rathau on the Gregoriussest by the ektor and scholars of the gymnasium. The Danish

hous os information about ille plois. Certain ther contradictions in the Pseud , explain able, I bolisve, netthe by the genera earetosSneSSO PL, o by tho hypothosis of Oubie recension, Ouid require OOmuch space so discussion here Philipp. II. 6 15, Pro Rose Amor. Vii. 20, Vii. 50.