장음표시 사용
6 doath against me. ' Aul. 700, de capite meo sunt comitia, Truc. 819. 1234 L no Spectetis, addreSSed to the Spectators ita res gestast the paratacti ita; the usines has one o badly I shallcom home by the ac streets. 1237. Emortualem Coine to correspondo natalem, Meath-da insteadii birthday. ' Lor. gives Xanimalis, Rud 221, coemptionalis, Bacch. 976, esurialὶs, C t. 68, uapularis, era. 22, all
123B. tetigi, se n. o 120. Simo muniis that he had Ottonth botterii Ball. ecause of the stipulatio in 1078. 12 2. his is the promis made in 535es o in the lacuna alter 545. ut in moneycis ot ai to Ball. a Was implied in b36, quod dem lenoni. 1244. olum Troianum, the carryingi of the Palladium, not
124P. f. Most. 330, iacentis tollet postea nos ambo aliquis.
uolle ut occurs bout 10 times in Pl. 922, Bacch. 77 Most. 32 0tc.), an about 20 time in epi to a question containing uolo 321, 660, and osten alter numquid uis f).1249 pergitin pergeres alSO, in Sing. Poen. 433 so that thisis notrioa talionis a drunken repetition, ut ni as an extremecasse of duplication Cf. 339. - mihi, dat inster seruire Foumus do a I Want Ou to; V Lor. icti mus schon immerhinnaeligebon, 'takiniit astu the gerundive his ould munii thattho 00 got th belle o Pseud. that he fel down, ut a correcistho idua os pergitin cf. P. Ricliter, de Su Partie. Xelam. Argent.
1253. unctitiis, elegance,' a in 173, uot simply neatness; this is the usual ii no tho invariabie sense in L 1255. amVages, ni here an Cist. IV. 2, 1 in L, ut ci. Nugas curam, Oblivia agere, ete. equiValent O nugari, curare. hyshould I mali many ord about it, hy go round about γ' hoc, hic in hoc, hoc ali anticipatu the infinitivos in 1262Ἐ.1259 61 roa the construction, an interrupi the thought, leavin the insin propinare, etc., Without a Ver to dependisson. The relate to ther matters than the eatin and drinhing hieli Pseud has been enjoying. They are thereiore ut out oi the textb Uss and OetZ. 12624. Tho ex is quit uncertain Goet read uicissim amicitiam, ut manu candida demand amicam oculissimam is a Conjecture i Spengel. That Onu's dearest mistres with whito haud should givo ne a sWeet cupii ine. V or his ense of propinoci Cure 3o9, propino magnum poclum ille ebibit also Pers. 775, hoc
mea manus tuae poclum donat ut amantem amanti dare decet. - Scanmanu candida cinth-.126 . morologis, μωρολογος, houldae equivalent to stultiloquos, Pers. 14, ut both here and Pers. 40, odio me enicas. l . . . turimorologus fio, it is almos precisely equivalent to molestus. So mortis an molestus togother, Trin. 669, Men. 571. Influence of morosus f)
parce promi l uictum ceterum. 126 Bi ctiem sumpsimus, o Ad. 287, hilare hunc sumamus diem more frequently in- con-)sumere. - Tothyme, προθυμως S musice, basilice, pancratice sic ue athletice, graphice, and ther Greeli advS.
1272. Corcti . . . PAequentis, tollo in thei inclinations and destres. antino opsequi, Bacch. 416.1273. actiun moctum, and belo sic hoc modo ere illustraled by the action, so that the deScriptio Serve to introduce a datice, a Someti me On the modern Stage. - illi, adv. Cf. 758.12Tq. iscipulina, the early forin 1 the ord also Most 151. Whil in his ord, as e g. in aetemplo the Syncopaled formae- came the revalent ne in ther ordS, poculum, periculum, thestior formons Sed ni in verse. - qui the particle, o the Pron. Cf. 73 n. - IoniCam, Se discipulinam, a in o datices Whicli mustiave come ove to the Roman ironi Somemori colony
cinaedicus, Stich. 769. 1275. palliolatim amictus, ,rapping my pallium around me. For ther adus in im se Neue, II. 666, an for the se of tho pallium S a means o representin the character more fully, i. Fronto, p. 157, Nab. ut histriones, quom palleolatim Saltant, caudam cycni, capillum Veneris, Furiae flagellum eodem pallio demonstrant.1276. Parum. i. e. more V ut notis etfewhere. Cipam tim perlinP παλιν cf. Trin. 705. J
213, quote in Lex. 1279. paene in the sua sense, is contradicted by 1281. Butei Capt. Prol. 61, nam hoc paene iniquomst, comico choragio conari desubito agere nos tragoediam, ulteri uniair, mil. 409 f., ne tit edepol stultitia tua nos paene perdidisti . . . absumptu'S paene, hereth contexi hoWs that it cannot be almost but o quitu), Anaph. 521, nequiter paene e edivit prima parasitatio, hicli oesno mean that o as ulmos beaton, ut that his attery adulteri failed. i. also nimis paene Rud. 1201, nimis paene inepta et Odiosa itis amatio Pers 114, and paenissume Aul. 46b, 668 3ὶ. Tahen together thsese potiatrio a meant ni quite, actually,' et theras an origina Sen Se oris a ColloquialiSm.
12B1. posivi, the regula torui in Pl. and Ter in compotand as ei as in the Simple verti. posui first in Ennius.12B3. Commemoratum, Sed by iv XXVII. 4, 10 Tac. An n. II., 8, etc.. a a technical ord ior Propositi a troab.
12B5. exciet, o the 2 conj. S cret, conciet, ut also concias,
12BP. Cum Corona, o Men. 403, Menae lanus cum corona eaeit foras, aiter R SUPPer.
129 O. actioquar Subjunct. deliber. not ecause of the indirect quest. It was in part through the influence of such constructions that the subjunct. ecam the regula Inood in iud quest. 1292. A . . . mihi, ii there is an hope for me in him,' i. e. , in Pseud. o Trin. 2 suspirios in pectore alieno sita, dies in depend upon other eoptu's Way of thinhing, ' Stich. 53, in patris potestates situm. The Se of hoc in neos of the money an intho nextii Pseud is omeWhat unusual, ut Pl. is ire in his usoo pronouns, and the sense hicli or implies, Urii here is nyhopuli savinithis, ' the money, Seems to me impossibi for in hoc
1293. uir malus, PSeud. uiro pl. Simo. i. Most. 19, quid agis y l hominem optumum teneo. 129Α. The sudden an comi change i tono on Simo' part is expiat nudi 1295 hahae eXpresses a drunken, hiccoughinguaugh. 1295. Cur . . . actntCtor indicates that Simoiad pustio Psoud. violently way rom him, cf. Aul. 632, quid me adflictam Most. 332, cedo manum nolo equidem te ad licii, tu hur hy falling.
129s interctius for the more frequent interdiu, Asin. 390, Aul. 72, Capt. 730 MOSt. 444, Rud. Prol. 7 also in nudiustertius, allironi ius se dies in the hortene diu heraeus Oi dies is holly
larit is tost, an it mean completely, fully, rom radito last. VS Truc. 11 Amph. 99, Mil. 875, 1165, etc. 1314. at negalaas, in 10. ut has Simo donio Was that Pseud. could choat him ut of the money. Lator in the sameracone he agreexto panthe monenti Pseud. could cheat Ball. anxit is in sulfilmsint of that agreemunt that he is no giring the money. Psoud di no carry ut his duclaratio in 507Ἐ., and this s. stricti considero involves a contradiction in tho plot. 1315. The money a carried in a a Which Was uia fromthe nec or lioulde by a cord an a the w0ight oi 20 minae 8360 in silvor ould be considerablo it was customaryrio asti the
1325. alae tergum, i. o. you nee nos threaten InmIOUr StaVe and of oua se ou an punis me. Bacch. 365, si illi sunt uirgae ruri, at mihi tergum domist.
1326. age. As Simo Speah thi he turn to go Way. - rect1 quia, Se Inti Od. gh40 Φ2.133 i. Somost. 163 the ather says neque illi his Son iam Sum iratus neque quicquam e Suscenseo, cf. Triti. 118li. 1332. OC , to the Supper. So at the en o the Men. an auctior is anno unced, to hicli the Spectator are invited. 133 f. A calicior applause, Sometimes polieti by the cantor Hor A. P. 155, orie cantor uos plaudite dicat), ut in Men. , Mere. PerS. Poen. Stich. Truci, and here by the las actor is theregular clos to the com0dy. Here it includes an invitation to come to the theatrocior the Dextiay's performauce Introd. λάδ), in substitute orithe invitation to diuuer.
a lenone 203 735. Abi in i e 616. Abstractis Ouns in ptu. 4, 172. Abusive term s 360i. Aeeus ester prohibere 13. Os compas and Xtent, 38. ad se apud), Arg. II. b. adeo donicum, 1168. Adj and adv. 591. adstiti, 459. Adverbs in pred. 159.
aduenat, 1030. adiitescentultis 871. aetatem 515. aetati meae 111.
Agathocles, 532. agninis 329. aliquis With plia verb, 1284. Allitoration 3, 64i.
an, 28. antidhac, 16. apage te, 653. apud te, 694. Grgentarius, 105. atque 106. Attractioni notans, 404 528. auctor 231. audes 78, 1323. audin, 172. aurichalco contra. 688. beatus 666. bitere 254.
cacula Arg. I. 4, IL, 13. Caput 132, 175.
cauere 474. caiisa illi gen. 12 l. cautiost, 170. circum re, 899.
Colloquialis ins 61 ff. 179, 359 694.eXaggeration, 134. 970 1017. redundancy, 410 1136. repetition. 467, 502, 523, 11.
Condition contrar to Taet. 274, 286.without si 863. Without apodosis 749.
condi ι' 608. confitentiast, 763. conligatis uasis 1083. conpendium facere 605. conpendi 1141.
consignare Arg. I. 2. contabefacere 21. criti mare, 853. crumina, 18 15. cum. 12. 168.
curuo 1l43. danunt 767. dare uerba, 909. Dative, Predicate, 39. vitii nomen St, 89. Deponent S 87. dicam 106. licere ut 611.
Diminutivos, 61 706 87l dimissis pedibus 84 l. disciplina, 1004 1274.
ecflictim, Arg. II, 2. ecquid inperam 383. ecquid te pudet f 370. ecquis 482.
face, 18. facere essecto 224. facti optumum iit 185.
y ctus fullonius 78 l. frugi, 339. fui oblitus, 171. uit 285.
Iurcilliare, 631. Fut 4th conj in Du 174. Gon in di, S. in Psor ii 11. OfierS. Pron. 6, 185. partiti ve 266, 3bl. gradibus in ilitariis 1046. V sphicus, 519. Vratiam facere 1322.
gutta consili 397. habere, absol, 936.with persate , 602.
harae rem gere 195. harpagare 139. Harpage, OQ. 665. harunc, 69.