장음표시 사용
an Phoen. besides, without this 1037 is ver abrupi.
IO41. ACectonienSem, in ther places in the play alWay Macedonius. So l. Se Leinnen8la, Babyloniensis to fuit the S. Rentem ei. 321, te faciam . . . laetantem. 1O- Gout read desedisti ' quam diu illi the mss. tam diu is an early conj.
are frequent. FIFTEENTI SCENE. - Aster Simia an Pseudolus have one off, tali ingPhoenicium to thelous of Charinus, Balli appear at the door of his house.
warned him against Ps. 896Ἐ. The question sed conuenistin hominem ' ould Decessarii referri a meetiti SubSequent to the aru-ing, and could uot be anSWered by a description o the re violis m00ting of hieli Simo Would certaint have been informed by Ball. in the forum. ii thesearound Kiessi in regarit theS VSS.as an interpolation by Some theatre-manager tor a later repreSentation, and the are so marked in the text.1OB1. Why iussiing hould conside nugas theatri un-Plautine I do uot know io tho character of the leno in comed cf. 975.1OBG. infitias ire and the allie suppetias ire betonito colloquialor plebeian style Auct Beli. Alriin, Apul.).1OBT. qui est quo must referri 1066 irom hieli tris som0What, idoly separated even alter 1079-86 are ut out One ould expectant eas a sed, o resume the conversation ut the potui hereit Was interrupted by the stipulatio. 1O95. Dona ficte, illi dicis dixisti), Capt. 890, Aul. 772, Pers. 485 Poen. 439. The rupi o Ball. refers to his clauo tedged
character a niatus et cele8tu et peiurus.
11O2. niat ut C f. n. on nisi quia, 107, to hicli his is parallel, though it clus irequent. Transi. Ulut letis at h. Bosido the interpolations ire ad noti sed, vss. 1093 and 1098 arono iro the origina text. It we ad to thos facts the separationo 108 iroin 1066, it bucomes vident that this cene has for Somereason ussered peculiari from changes in the text.
11Omi Nor is there anything good about thum, 'ut hutiext s. is hin intelligibie. The dissiculi is illi aliqua re se tenere. In Merc. 016, qua se lege teneant contentique sint, it appears o meano by Whicli the are o b controllud, ut that ives litti holp
1121. melius quam ut So Aul. 76, neque quicquam meliust=nilia, quam ut . . . faciam , quid meliust quam ut, Rud. 189, 328, Men. 833. In genera ut aster impers phrase is very common in PL 4OC, i. e. ostium. ecquis hoc aperit 1Γ39. and osten.
Asin. 308, iam deuorandum censes, si conspeXeris i ita enimuero.
recens, in his sense, o fresi fisti, Sin. 178. The mss. have duincalet dum datur Α.), o duin datur dum calet Pall.), Without homo. Goet throws ut dum datur, on the ground I suppose, that it is a
glos upou dum calet, and Supplies homo ' good emendation. 11 31 f. hosce, men ille his one. -luCrifugas, a CoinedWord, ei lucripeta, Most urg. 6, turpilucricupidus, Trin. 100.
3.134. Lor compare Trin. 352, quando equidem nec tibi bene esse pote pati neque alteri Vith quibus est se bene. 1136. OA anybod in the ousu With thes Woriis Harp. begin to kn Oeh. - Te Cta . . . re Clam uiam is tautological, ut no more than an instanee o sq. etymol. i. 966, adit recta, 10 51. Trin. 868 ad nostras aedis hic quidem habet rectam uiam.
pori or his sense i ibo. The ex is notis ure. - Caeua, innomen. Varro, L L. VII, 97 id est sinistra, quod, quae Sinistra Sunt bona auspicia existimantur. V Also Stich. 673 Cas. 893 895Uss. 810, 8l Gepp. the interveniri uerbum uetus refers to the prover hac lupi, hac canes, notato scaeua ).1139. qui ctetietur, ,hat o ou aut ther standing PhraSe Even here o money a involved a in lil. 42l Trvc. 261 cs also Trin. 93, isti tibi quid homines debent, quos tu quaeritas 11g1. Compencti, ei. 605. Save oui self the troubi of 00king. Capt. 965, feri dicta conpendi uolo, Bacch. 183, conpenditierba multa iam faciam, Sin. UT, Pers. 71 Most. 60 Poen. 351, Truc. 377. the fame nature re lucri facere, Pers. 668, 13, Most. 351, etc., damni facere, Mere. 4l 9, praemii mercedis, dotis dare, ali appositiona predicat gen For quaerere ei Men. 211,
Operam . . . Sunian quaerere, Aul. 339, Operam perda poscere, te.
at the mistahe. - curuo a disse ult oi d. I bellevo that it contains sonae colloquia metaphor the origin and mean in os hichcanno no b Iecovered. O the numerous conjectures to hichit has iven rise corio, duro, diro Curtio, Thurio, crucio the onlyone hiuli deserves attention is crasso A. Mulier), i liud. 33, quid est quod caueam l em, a crasso infortunio. Se revie by
b classe With the ther contradictions and obscurities of the plot, lili th disappearance o Callipho. 1149. leCtae numeratae, liched an colanted. Solito in payin money a Phras is Sed to declare that tho coin ars of ull eight probi numerati, Pers. 37, 26, ei Bacch. 971, lecti sine
115O. hoc this,' the money, butio not suppi argentum. Theus os hoc an id illi referencerio a sum Dinone or to a definite number o objecis, hicli is ver common in L and Ter. is sal lya more important phenomenon than it appearcto ne a customedio the Englisti languag0, ascit is an early ste in the breahi nido no the system o inflections. So Asin. 90, uiginti minis . . . id, Most. 98l, hoc . . . triginta minae appoS ), PS. 279, quod . . . id
. . . minas ut ginti, Trin. 405, mina quadraginta . . . eo, etc. Foundalso in Cic. Epist. andii V. 115O iubeo alie either infin or ut clause, it ma in the
uni egulated language os comed tali both together, ferre, ut mitteres i. quin illiciti diu and iiiipv. 89 l. 1154. uera memoras, cit is the truth that ou re speaking, hardi more than Uyoti re quite right. V o illi omnia, mira Oileu), e. g. MOSt. 70, occidi, si tu uera memoras . . . t quid mihi sit boni, si mentiar ' In tione of theSe cases Dor in the impu. memora 7 8 cases does the veri, mean remember, recali, in might e suggeste by reri meministi 1156, but alWay Say, State, assert
an it is doli bisul hether here is a single case in i in hich
1165. quict malum ' The sua explanation o this Acidal. Div. in Ps. VIII , p. 363 is that the sentenc has Wo mean ingS,
So titio donec Rud bli Cist. I. 3, 40, de dum Mere. 57, 76, Amph. 470. Asin. 328 ulmos limite irio early Latin.
11γ3. ices. For the tense there S tio Sure Parallel Poen. 63 1 . si benedicetis . . . si ilaledicetis, re interliolated Caec Stat.
2 has si male dia is in ne in s. Mil. Glor. 43 styulsa dices Ribb. LX. has dicis in the mss. ut the cases of this proverbia phraseu hieli or quote troin the Greeli ait have ειπγὶς Or ρεις, undes dono thinii tho iuture impossibi here The Pres is requent.11P4. altero. the Secondi ironi the time os stat ting. 117S. Tli ou ly Poin is the intimation that Harpax as a crimina an diad Orn iron on his antiles. 11VB. Cin qui loquar. you know What Also in aposiopesis. Sin Ti 3 scin tes dicam Pers. 296.11B2. ilicedit se ire licebit, a conjecturo os Studemund ior ire licebit oi uiss. i. Capt. 469, ilicet se ire licet parasiticae arti
gar quaestus as an early instance of the en fori in us Forconstructionisi Most 1107, quia ii quaesti sit. 12O1. aetemplo illi adueniens a Mith quom clauSe ei. Oen. 652, adiit ad nos extemplo eaeiens e naui), and 490, note
satin con idit nequam nugas haud est meditatus male, Sayinii note, merSum corruptum, de quo despero. Ss. 1205 120 ar givenii themss. Pall. alter 116 as et achere. I have marhed 12041212 as belonginito a secon recensionis the play Introd. , ra), bellevin that they ero intende to horten his long cene bytaking the placo i 1162 1203 and to connec 1213 ith 1161. In the lacuna implied by nam illam epistulam Stood Some S. containing the substanc o 1200 1203, as 12l0 - 1199, 121 - 1198 in substance, and 121 - 119 6. The revisse omitte tho ridiculo ofHarpax, and condense 1195 1203 in reversed order. 1213. nisi mirumAt also Caecil. 255. The more common X-
pression is mira sunt ni 1216, Trin. 861, Bacch. 450 Capt. 805, nisi Amph. 283, 31, Poen. 39, or mirum est ni at impi tho affirmative, lihe Engi. I should n 't,onder ii. 1215. perfrigefaCit, ni here an probabb Oined. i. contabefacit, 21. 121BAE. Simila description are ound in Rud. 314 317 f. Asin. 400 f., Merc. 639 f. in hiel the Same Ord are Sed rus id)us,
uentriOSus, subnigris oculis, truculentis oculis, rubicundus. The otio
abolit magnis pedibus, hicli stili continues in circulation, alien inconnection illi tho uaning of the nam Plautus, te some of the early commentator to thin that theseoss. ere a description 1 Plautus himseli.
1224. Ruferen auferesne. - praemium in the earlios Sense,
booty, Vir mone frona the sale o booty. Somen. 136, ecqua pars praemi ecqua praeda, Verg. en XI. 78, in connectionWith praeda, o boot talion in batile. The roseretice is to the hast promis os Ball. 1078.