장음표시 사용
rapacit also Men. 2l2, Poen. 1292, Rud. 1124 so uolturius, Capt.
BSq. Mithout havingsour claWctie together hile ou cook the supper. V constringere in literat Sense eeur Severat times in Pl. ibut constrictus, Umbridged, ut Sliori, V appear tot oni late. B55. tu voc. oi addi es a in heus tu, 296 no repente by ana, coluthon in tibi spolien to his attendunt. BST. The sens of this A. is lain nough, ut habere in oculis
B63. Atalait This soli early formo conditional interrogative sentence Without si, cf. Eun. 251, iegat quis nego ait, io, Ad. 18, 120, Mil. 663 i. Amph. 995 amat sapit it is no toto explaine here by supplyin si, ut iis se is ad paste by the pre violis conditions illi si. B6B. faciam te ould properi be complete by a secori obj. or a clause, ut the sentenc is brohen by the long comparison, and thun faciam te is opeated illi item - sortiitione, not elso here in Pl. has tost iis verba fore entir0ly, and is sed iis troth,
B69. Accordinito the common logon Mode refused to carryo ut her promis os restorin Pelias to lis and youth. Cicero, Cat. Mai. XXIII. 83, tamquam Peliam recorerit, refers to the rejuVenn-tio of Pelias, and acho is hardi likelyrio have made an error insuch a matter, it is probabi that thure a more than ne formiithe legen in circulation. i. the conflictili accounts in the ni g. to tho M0d0aii Eurip. BTO. uenenis, magica potions,' an origina sense se thedefinition ironi th Dig0st quote in LeX.
explanation tu te erue n. Ina Come in illi more Orce perdoces,
with resere ne to the immediate ivture, 'io much, illoo charget give me thorough instruction in his ne indit cooking
sunt iube ire accubitum. B93. Aulalingulo, itider-distilicher V ound ni here, i Subballio, 607. Lowe, Atiat 170, compares subregulo S a Secondary forti ior subregulus, ii Om a glossary. - The Se VSS. are Polaenis
anil Lyenuerunt are unu sua eXpression to comedy Lor.), and givea solemn ton not infrequent in the cantica, ci Trin. 820 i. Baech. 925 si tum is osten sed a corret to si LeX. S. V. I. M.)ἰhore the tim0-force is also present, boginta in With umquam and continuet in quom The regular se elow 9l0, illi tum clausepreceding. BOB. Sumne . . . inSipiens, qui . . . his form os question occurs also Ierc. 588 sumne ego homo miser, qui nusquam bene queo
quiescere Men. 852, Most. 62, Rud. 181 Pers. 75, 471, ali insolito tu and with the effect i nonne Bacch. 91, illi the sub-juvet. is disserent in ense the res have the indici, audes havsino hesitate to adopi the conjecture o Cam. loquor o loquar
s0nger. The poliat of the cene is that Simia insist iapon playingliis part even eiore Ballio appears, Whil Pseud is anxious tocari y ut the tricli eiore the real Harpax returias, and et satraidis osseudin Simia, pon hos good aith h is compelledio depend. 923. ille is osten sed in his hind of wish Most. 398 Amph. 26 461 Cui c. 27 Cic. H. Cat. XII. 29, etc. It was originalty accomPanie by a gesture. The n necessar repsetition o ille in 926- appea to have a johin resere ne to the fit st. 925. numquam . . . erit, in realit the apodosis to ita faxit ut adsiet, ut expresse paratacticali With the wish est in iis original
92B. in timorem alao, ei Capt. 62, in ruborem te totum dabo, malle o turn red rom ead O OOl. V - actuenam is a poeticWord, Sed te re an Aul. 106 in parody. 93O qui potest Uio can thati γ' impers as in non potest,
potin ut . 931. OCCicti me, an eXPreSSion o annoyanee at a oolisti question o Men. 922, occidis fabulans, Aul. 150. In the Same wayperdis, Most. 979. Stili more frequento enicas, Merc. 157, 493,9l5, etc. Engi Sian yo mali me ired. ' occidisti is sed more seriousty heu the Speahe is distreSSed by bad ne s. io-minem epictum, ali-ironica fluiter to Lee Simia tu good humor, continue through the cene, except so the bi ea in 38 9. 933. ut ACias, a parentheticina clause I saymo in orde thalyou ma lino it. V o Mil. 1192, ego adeo, ut tu Scias . . . abibo, Trin. 497, and ui 1075 below.93g. For a reply hicli changes the mean in olla isti or more osten, a curSe, Se 37, 251, note . 935. halaet, absolute an impers. Epid. 696, bene hoc habet. But in L and certaini in Ter. se habere appearctoae more common. -- Esto, good 'mor Sat. I. 6, 9, IL, 1, 83, 3, 65, etc., ut Phau nos found an other eas in L o Ter The versification
good Xamplo of tho numeri innumeri otii 93P. o Trin. 1152 di dent tibi, quae uelis, Hor Sat. I. 9 5,
93B. quantum ignu's s Asin. 149, ne id quidem me dignum esse Tistumat, Phorm. 19 di tibi omnes id quod es dignus duint theaee o compas and Xtsent hicli is o largoly used illi Deus. sing. pronii in early Latin ctent, dependenti parataxis poneaeoptem. Do not suppi ut This s. and tho ex are spolion aliasido. - tun id mihi shows that Sim. parti overtiears liat s. hassai and is a separodri reson it. 939'. o Dona faciam ci Poen. 1216, multa bona uolt uobis
946. uti esse Ceris, se Introd. 41. BAT. Such descriptions o promise supper are ather frequent,
e g. IBacch. 1181 lepidis ictibus, uino atque unguent S. 949. CCipiA, Pres in Spite of the precedin futurosae ause thoinvitation is present; soli promise me amice reception. VBSO. Iid do not carr it tin ough, then receive me illi a rossand renixecutioner. V ut the texi S uncertain cruciabiliter carnu-
sus pos that Sim. ha this meanini in minit. --CTEcto . . . At,
parataxis, hiel develope into recto . . . esse on the ono Sido and parentheti credo on the ther. - animo, Aectilaus both dat. i. Cas. II. 2, 0, quid est quod tuo nunc animo se gres ' nam quod tibi aegrest, etc. Rud 429, tibi operan ludo et deliciae dabo, Cas. II. 5, 29, quis mihi subueniet tergo aut capiti aut cruribus 8 In these cases the perS. Pron correSPOnd to aedibus here, and the ther ord,
capiti, deliciae, to animo. The phras animo male est rem ill , faint, ' is common, Amph. 058, Curc. 12, Epid. 201, etc., an insulter forin Mil. Glor. 1331 animo male factumst ut . Rende Ith in th horis is uel in illi. V954. mala merciat, te Maia tot, poor piec o good VFO merae, mercis, merce8, i. StirpS, StirPi8, tirpes, fruae, frugis, fruges.
955. Thisos is quote a in the ex by Varro de Ling. Lat. VII. 81 h say that it means that Ballio en secundum parietem transuersus, risidlin alon clos to the wall, and noletior X- planation an no beatven prouorsus is no found else here, butis implied by the adu prorsus, prorsum. - quasi cancer, lihe crab, ' ei. n. on 199, and o the hole S. CaS. II. 8 7 recessim cedam ad parietem imitabor nepam a crab).
957 ctum, seu on 336. Vith etiam it is sed ni alter negatius as in 1028. 959. ingrectere in uiam, aegii tho busines caretully,' i. Amph. 429, ingressus uiam, te sin tho trach. 96O hoo the angiportum etween Ballio' hous an Simo's. Progumum illi a porta, counting rom th gato. For the stagesettin See Introd. D44. his passago impli se that hero was an angiportum et eo each hous and the nox ono, and that thohous could e senture fro the angiportum a wellis from the
9Tq. philosophatur, cf. Capt. 281, salua res est philosophatur quoque iam, non menda modoSt, SPOken by a listener achere. 975. The leno is alWays represented as a mani the orsi character ei Rud. blin ., fratidis, Sceleris, parricidi periuri plenissu
So aliores Trin. 42 elius Trin. 430 Ps. 986 in Α). Other forinsonthi Stem, periurus, peiurus, perierare peierare are et atteste in
9γε. Si . . . mocto ei Capt. 996, quod male feci, crucior modo
9B9. Puru Putus, iure an simple,' agat in 1200, ut notelse here in Pl. an putus is in generalis rare ord 'Veli X-plaine in Harper' LeX. - The dat. illi nomen est, ither illi OrWithout a pron. is the more frequent constructio in L thoughth nom. is also sed. i. 744, Trin. 390, Lesbonico8 nomen, Curc.
76, etc. Ibis in Becher, P. 170, Π.J993. ita negotiumst so the matter lies, i. e. that is halmusti done. V o Bacch. 755 parenthetic, as here), Pers. 93, Mil. 521, ali in connection it an injunction to urry. i. the
Ver Common Se o negotium se res in colloquia Latin. 995. mortem Mequi, endure, Suffer, V apparenti a collin
1OOS. manu, i What thendor a men o action, illi a SUPgestionis dotibi mean in in salutem ascii 454.1OOT. opera, i readiri for oui seli. V o Trin. 26, operaevertus, by ac tua experienee, Napt. 425, Bacch. 387.
1OLO. An illa genuine harpari plura derer too. V i. Mil. 368, tun uidisti atque his quide u oculis.1O14. Tli variations in regari to the reet in are intentionaland not inconsistent. In 69 Sim has o reet inito throw Wayupon an unknown man, ut heia te is old that he is addi essing Lali 0 gives him 982 a reetin irona his master notario in gwhat th content of the letter Will rove to e. At ii si heresese m tote no greeting in the letter, and Sim iuvent a reason or
the eene. 1O2B. ne erus, e Introd. D35. erus refers to Simo praeda, Phosenicium.1OSO. actu enat for adueniat. So uenat, Trin. 41, Epid. 287, Curc. 39, Mil. 0l0, uenant, Epid. 32l, peruenat, Rud. 26, ali atthe en of tho s. These are ii conjug. ornas So Peri ueni)whicli ne existud by the sid of th fornasii 4th conjug. Introd. , 18), ut ere graduallyrarive out by the in creas in regularityof the language These e cases mere preserve by thei adaptabilit to the last oot of the S., aduenat.1O33. Conligati uasis, Mith iis aggrege pnched. olio sunt ver in his militar phras is colligere Liv. XXI. 47, 2, XXVII., 47 8, etc., and thoi is perhaps a comi intention in the usu of thelitura conligare, rite together.