
발행: 1890년

분량: 247페이지


분류: 문학


NOTES. 163

a separate pomer artibus an give to the Windler a separatu oy; but th pilingis o ter trina triplicia tria is intentiona non sense, an ali att0mpis to bring Sense in to the Ss by emendation remisdirected. VOS illa ello, tho letter. - pauSillulo, doubie diminutive see Introd. D23.

ironi tho iragments of tho Ne Comed cannotio duo to anythinguiore than accident Spualis in tragi style.

TOB f. continue the parody. pariter oes closely With contra. The iis of salutem suggest the personification of the Dext f., Are

queStion illi utrum . . . ne . . . an is not frequent in Pl. Thuparilest formii disjunctive question consiste SimplDona questiono anylind but speciali mitti ne or Without an particle, followed by another question illi an n. o 28). As uel a pat os question offered an alternative, utrum, ,hichii th two was inalty prefixed, and this ecam in classiua Latin ne of the most ire quont fornis of the disjunctive queStion. - Salutem jusSiVe. TIO utrumque. The litera Johe, ho are ou Both 3 qui titii su actumst, ho goes it illi ou What avo oudon Thomss. give quid times, hiel Goet retains, giving the whole speech o Cal. 711. attuli is properly used Ont of things, and is thereiore corrected to adduaei. It is put in to the peech o Cal. ni in orde toliave Ps. correct it, and the ohe is ather flat Bettur Iil. 27, elephanto . . . praefregisti bracchium. quid bracchiwn il illud uolui dicere femur, ' Mil. 18, sorbet for tertit, MoSt. 830, dormiunt forconiuent, and below. It f. T12. A usuali happens illi Gree Word in L this phras is much confused in the mss., ut it appears to e a litora translationi gratiam illi facio, turne into Greel for the salie of the punxa ριν - Charinus. It implieS, a doe tam gratias in the nexi s. a polite refusa io accepi an osser, MoSt. 1130, de cena facio gratiam si irin uenit In euge PS. notini greet Charinus, ut also liniis tho good omen i his name.


164 NOTES.

jus a much ob god, lased otii in refusal, ho that the expre8Sion is ne likel to aris in an langu age, and there is thereiore

sum uor sum os Silbleuere ossuciis Trin. 558, etc. Nonius, . 4b, SayS, tractum a genere lusit, quo dormientibus ora phiciuntur, hi clima be a correet Xplanation. But ει cus, ossuciae are osten sedo trichS. V2O f. i. 388. Lor quotes Poen. 550 i. omnia istaec scimus iam nos, si hi spectatores sciant horunc hic nunc causa haec agitur spectatorum fabula . hos te Satius est docere ut, quando asses, quid agas sciant. The last s. contain the secret oi a partii ille successit Pi as a play-Writer.

V22. qui nunci agimus ' his is a livetior formis questionthan quid agamus, and is to e distinguishe also rom tho fui. quid ago reat the immediate future a present. Somost. 368, Men. 844, and in many ther questioris in firs person, Most. 771, eon uoco huc hominem 723. tu latio adv. in anSWer, Amph. 575, egones t tu istic, 747 no a pron equiv. to ipse, a thi PaSSage ShΟWS. io Caputo ego, o Epid. 95 Aul. 26, si hoc caput sentit, i. 175 D. In tho Same a hic homo m ego osten. - uiuet. The fui. cf. Aul. 426, above is duo to the influe iaceti ampleae bere ani inuenietis. V24. facie in ali mss. ut it is uia natura that Cal. hould askabo ut the appearance of the an anted an in factis ans erat he question ascii ita ad been 'tiata inclina mares V No passagetias been to unxi suppori aries in that Sense, an no good substitute forci lias bHen SuggeSted.


NOTES. 165

726. Porro . . . teneat, , ill uti derstand the est i What holi acto do tithout belli told, of himseli. V teneat has also literat referetice to praehenderit, et holes holdsin. 727. i. Trin. 766, ignota facie, quae hic non uisitata sit, oi a manto b employse in a tricli Someth in like the ne here proposed. PSO a patre. Salappe quote Corn. NeP. Chabrias III. 4, neque uero solus ille aberat Athenis libenter, sed omnes fere principes fecerunt idem to illustrate the common habitis livingin a countryestate, iter at a distance Charinus is k00ping up thelous intown and 1 is evident ironi his scen that he has ut libortyii action. Carystus is aramal to ii in Euboea. With names Diowns an sinat istand in the sing. l. expresses trom V itherintho abi. O by abl. illi eae neve an other repos With ames inplur limitii motion is alWayS Xpresse by nee alone, a Athenas in ueXt S.; ut Sing. ames tali in or ace alone iurabo ut qual


166 NOTES.

rinam et quae id genus aestant potu dulcia.

uiro argutiam me O.

dicas, si scias quod est Scio.

PSO. quict Aese uelis se Whato oumant of him, halbo Uatithim for . sese is direct obieet and quid acu oi compas and extent; the combination is requent in Pl. and Ter Ex amplos in Leg. V 55. faciat is jussive though it i in a Subord clause, and X- acti likeferat an abducat.


NOTES. 167

756. Lor rightly tahes cuin ornamentis both, illi the precedingand with the ollo ing ords That is, the orde is that in hich

is a rongi Lati uige formeso Ato xis ς. The Same mistuli is madea Ter Adel. though hecis tu generat more caresul hau l. in uel detallS. TSB. illi adv. io the more sua illic, is Supporte in many places by the SA. notis here), by the metre, by Donatus o Adel. I. 2, 36, and by the mss. of Vergil in severa places. Socisti, istic. ocius is stricti a compar torua, ut has the compar fore at themos in only one lae in Pl. Pers 18L Else here, Curc. 276, Merc. 930 Most. 679, t. 353, Pers. 85 Poen. 709, Mith imp v. shure and with positivo orce Fraesdori. Jγ59. inCerti, amlaiguom. his stight caretessuessii expressionis entiret natura in colloquia Style. γεο liquet, elae Catumat. i. n. on 2 32. The two figuresare combine here. - perviamAt a good correction by Speng. iperuiast o the mss. o Aul. 38, in litera Sense, qui ne angulos

omnis mearum aedium et conclauium mihi perviam facitis, i. obuiam st) No the waycis clear. P61 ff. The figur is no froni a triumpha procession, ut roman arm marching ut to certain victory. - liqirido, Mith auspices distinc and ustrio my ind. V o Epid. 834. liquido eaeeo auspicio foras, aut sinistra. 263. ConfictentiaAt has verba forcu. o Mil. 230, conjidentiast nos inimicos pro figare posse. i. lubidost se lubet, certumst, Hlam determined,' spes est, suspiciost 562), etc. γε4. oneratio . . . PraeCeptis, a favori te figure illi Pl. Soonerare mendaciis, amoenitate, laetitia, malignitate, maledictis, benefactis, pugnis to beat) beside the phrases ille the present.


168 NOTES.

γε T. anunt se dant, irom a strengthene stem o dare. Thistorin not in an other pers or umber is found in the mss. o Pl. about a dogen times, an is supporte by the grammarians, hogive also obinunt, prodi nunt, redinunt Or obeunt, etc. Neve II.,

Urao, formXample Lam a flave here. TV2. praefulCior, a rare orit, found Pers. 12 er us meus manum abstinere hau quit tarnen, quin mi imperet, quin me uis negotiis praefulciat, hicli must cannot help using me a a pro to his assati s V Cic. Att. V. 13, 3, primum illud praefulci atque praemii ni, Malio props and sortificationito ensure . . . . V his cannot mean i0dg0d in Ulas in Lex. and it is necessar to adopi the early conjecture ministeriis Introd. D40 on prosodyhior 3 seriis of the mss. her Lam usu as a proprio suppori am compelle to periorm allisoris of uties; ' his corresponds et with the genera state-ment in 770. VPq. qui amet, Introd. D35. - nitictiusCule n. O 220.


PB1. No satisfactor explanationii this s. has been given. Itrefers, o coui se, to the puniShment Whicli the bo expuet o thomorrow and possibi to the beatingit clothingi the fullones, butthe ninthin certain is that fructus and potandus cannot e Sed together. Aite 782 G. has comma I have put period connectingili quom clause illi heu, ci Capt. 995 Mil. 1358, Men. 305.

som par of the market here cook stood sortire. ut this, and ind00d the whole alterii hirin a professiona cook, must refer tocustoriis in resecem to Gree custonis just thuu eginti in to bointroducet into Rome against the protest o the conservatives. Cf. Livy, XXXIX. 6 8 186 B. C.), turn coquus, uilissimum antiquis

mancipium et aestimatione et usu, in pretio esse et quod ministerium fuerat ars haberi coepta. 792. The mss give nam ego si iuratu peiorem hominem quaererem, whicli illi the ext s. does no mali a posSibi Sense. OetZPrint a in Inss. sayin in note videtur aliquid intercedisse.)ΤRit. Lor. change to nam ego S iuratus pessumum hominem quaererem, i peiorem hau potiιi, etc., ut the changes are to violent.

have changed the ordo as in the teXt, For a Worse an ii I Were Seehing ior ne under ath; I could no hau found than hisone,' etc. For the separationi hominem rom cocum ci 768, 956,1103 for iuratus, unde Oath,' ci Asin. 23, Amph. 437, etc. PBq. multiloCum so Cist. I. 3, 1, o an id om an stultiloquium Mil. 296 cf. Trin. 222), uaniloquos Amph. 379, pauciloq/lium Merc. 31, 31, nugipalam loquides Pers. 703. I9Sin o eam rem anticipales ut esset Orciis, alWay in Pl. the o of the lower orid, Acheruns the place lost. 99, nam


170 NOTES.

me Acheruntem recipere Orcus noluit, and osten mortui Cenam is

and puri Subj. iten dependispon the impi or Peri. Where laterus age ould require the impi or Plupi. o Bacch. 352 689 Poen. 60l Cas. III. 5 41 Asin. 442 Amph. 45, etc. i. Brix on Mil. 13l, and tW dissertations by C. Rotho an A. irigie id. In the

Same a tenses of the indie. Succeed ne another Some What strangely. 799 At paCto, ci Rud. 1253, nullus erat illo pacto, i St. I. 1, 48, quo tu me modo uoles esse, al8 aliter, quemadmodum, an Oilenita, sic, o pred adj. Langen, p. 23. The omission Oi esse alter arbitror illi pred adj is irequent, e g. Amph. 52, SceleStissumum te arbitror.

BOT oo, ior his reason.' So 22, Amph. 251, 66, etc. OBSESSor, ei. Rud. 698, mi . . . aram obsidere, Ter Ad. 18, domi . . . obsidere. The noui is not ound in literat sense else here


Bos nummo This ord in L is use of two disserent coins,


172 NOTES.

835. So in a long fragmen froni Strato Me inek0 IV. 45 acook tallis in Homeri style, and the mali ho has hirediim do0sno understand at ali What is meant. B L. is octos, Uthe odor irom them; 921, haec ea occasiost, this is the hanc for t.' - ctimissis pectitiuA, another Alip illi longia in orde to bring in a correction, ei Tl an note . Froni Epid. 452, fugias manibus dimissis dominii, it appears that thephraso houldi manibus dimissis illi ali sp00d, V perhaps romth throwingitin hand orward and the other backWard in un- ning. Insis ad of this the cook says dimissis pedibus, and Ball. obj0et both to the employmonti aD such phrase 1 an odor, and ais to tho ron fori of the phrase. In his reply the cook cor- recis ni the alter. For an explanation o the readin o A, Whichias mans bus here the texi Pall. has pedibus an vice versa, se Langen, Pl. Stud. p. 36q. JBAB Foryatebr Se Introd. D38. B49. opera appareat, Shallae plain V o Ad 965, res apparet, ΙΙor Epist. II. 1, 221, cum lamentamur non apparere labores