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Vindobonae, Carolus From me lypogr. C. et . Aulae.
O in Contonis 1 in De Civili Dominio.
Among vclis numerous orks, even among tho se hi Ch aliento ether malae ut his Summa Theologiae, a prominent place is occupie db his De Civili Dominio, a trac in three books. his is es ori in tociis Contenis for in intrinsic orth it is surpassed by the books, es onaccount of it forna, hici, is ather awkward than hecauserit has ali eady crossed that line at hicli Cyclis opposition to the then existing
entire Occidental ChurCh. Almost twenty years ago Reginal Lane o olein the preface to his edition of the sirs book reate of it Contenis. Si years ago mys et discussed the genesis of the whole traci and iis importanc in the devolos ment of Wyclis reformin activity; and no v shali ake the liberi to give an epitome of the rem artis the made, whicli in Englisti circles have heco me litti lino n. Wyclis book De Civili Dominio in iis origin is mos Clo Selyconnected illi the great agitation os men' miniis hich was rough abo ut by the proce editans of the ood Parii ament 13764, and whicli ave a ne direction to Cycli s life and work I ad e, in his ea hings and writingS, kept to the Same oui se a he id in the 1rst two book of his Summa Theologiae, the book De Mandatis Divinis and De Statu Innocentiae, itis ardi likely the hierarchy ould ver have found C Casion O Pro CCCd against im hateuer page rue ma turn shali vaini Seelii Johannis Wyclisse Tractatus de Civili Dominio liber primus, preface P. O Seqq. J. LOSerili, tu die gur irchenpoliti England im XIV. Jahrhunderi, I. Teii Bis Um rosien Schisma 1378). Sitgungsbericlite de Wiener kademi e Phil. Hist. lasse LXXXVI I seqq. Vienna 897.
lNTRODUCTION. sor an reformin thoughis But rom the time folle ood artiam nitie egan rom his chair at the university to defend thos principies whicli ad been advocated, and doubiles also attacked in the debates of that parti ament, and e gave ulterance O liena in his books. In them re precipitated hos ideas by hicli the ood Partiti ment asnoverned these and dogma denying the Church ali tempora rulo M any of the theses Aeem actualty to have been alien non the welli norun Long ill of the ood Partiament, Or Xample, hen e Complain of the oppression of the Englisti Church by the Curia, of the
provisions exemptions demand for money and the frivolous appeals formerly unusual -- or of the conseri in os Englisti bishopric onincapable persons, ho ould no perform their pastora duties. The De Civili Dominio, like the proceedings in the ood Partiament, made great Sensationi despite the eat 3 Style in hicli it is ritien, o the Reformer is stili burdened illi his hole heau Scholasti armo ur, and that malae the book hard to read. In the seconi and third bookshesides e return to his forme arguments and so there is no lack of the repetitio of ne and the fame hing. The 1rs book consist o Mur hies paris. In the si rest e supporis the thesis that o maia that is in a state of in hould old ossice, rhave dominion It is a mistat e to ut temporal rule into the and of the uniust Nei ther a lineses' evidenc nor a jud ge' judgment, either
material OSSCSSion nor inheritance, XChange nor donation ives the
them tile ver thers. et the series must be no the aster, ut theservant of his socii He is Commissionei noto rute, ut to eaCh andio reach. He anno at ne and the a me time e master and Servant.
Tempora authorit he anno have spiritual et Ongs to ver Christian in his way very Christi an is a pries and ing. There are secularrulers appotnted sor corpora governinent, and there fore Gregory the Great callei himself no holies fallier, ut servant of God' servantsthus prono uncing ord that uited his office. In spiritual overtamen heis the igher vilio serves his eigh bour most, und the ricli est he homost despis CS Orid ly goods. All overtament must rest on the basis of
love St. Pauloeaches s o no v iis qualities and by that xv c an sceis a uter ans vers to iis Conditions. Tlie second par dis Cusses the relations et v eon divino and wo id lula . The forme suli sui lices for the overtamen os the worid, heres ore beside it either civi non canon lax is nee led. The thiri part reat o politica questions. ingshil is necessarysor the cari ying ut of the laws for keeping the state in ordor, and sordesenditi it against rebeis. The in must overi in accordance illi
God' law, must re vard the promo ter of that law, punish nomi es and preserve Cace sor the country. To that nil e must nox God' la , i. e. the Bible. It would e best ruere the worid overned ni by that Iaw; orse is the overtamen os ings, ors that os priesis, hos refer heir hypocritica tradition to God' law. The question a to vhether ne may bey a ad prince, has ali eady been answered by Christ. y this e may se lio improperly and avarici ausi otirpi test resis Our secular vinces, heia the alter demand subsidies and tentiis for the protection of the realitas There is no dou t ut thalit is heir uty to contribute toward the defence of thei Country, andas they a re culled on to bear the ther burdens es than others, theymus in the sirs instance ive of their ori diviso ad s. Froni the precediti it is clear that Wyclis adoptet ideas hicli ad been rought
forward in the partiamentary procoe lings. The pri est must notoroubleabout arthly goods must Ot, V say Wyclis, murmur against the laymen heia they exercise their political rights. V Aster avingspolien ab aut heredit ry and elective monarchy. he dra his conclusion in the foui th pari For the reater par they a re concerned illi thesecula rigation o Englisti Church-property. Since illi aut doutit in parti ament great tres h ad been laid on the Church' tways retaining the property hicli ad been ivei her, Wyclii teaches that there isno ivin for at time; at the privileges conne ted illi his matter arevoid. The question of the consscation os Church-propertu is discussedat tength and in severa places the Connection illi ulterances made in partiament ecomes Clear. f the Clerg mi sus their property, it is theduty of the ait to tali it way rom them. I the possession fearthly good hinder them in the performance of their uties, the mustbe alien way. The decision a to hether or no that is the case,iththe Church must e mado by the politicians, ho mus have the welsare
INTRODUCTION. ib the state at eart. VI, Continues Wyclis, prono in re thes trullisoni conditionalty, and represent them a possitile, ut leave the testingos the question to the secular ulers V. God approves of the possession f
also ille right to the possession There is no do ubi ab Out that, for the nrighteous posses unlawfult what the do possess. There re,on ain f evertastin damnation the in is bound o take way romthe clerg thei tempora possessions, wning hicli the have ecomeliar lene in vice. f he o no do it he is a ratior o God he wortis for Satan and is the enem' of his own in dona. Is it e nid that the Lingwho so acts ould be excommunicate be cause e is orkin a thedestruction of the Church, for hich so many oly martyr have shed theirblood, e must res ly Only that an an e ex Communi Caled h loses God grace. XCommunication is a ord that Cripture do es notono . On account of earthly good nobod mustae excommunicate d. obodycis made a martyr by the deprivation o temporalities; ut on the ther and thei Conffiscation is an excellent means for damping the unbridled age of the prie sis e, V say Wyclis, must live in humilit and overty, and give to the oor at that is ver froni clivi Ch- properi and suCh asis et si de for the relie of the oor . e se it is the question Osthe secularigation o Church-pro per ty, ,hicli is here discus sed a tength.
unde his influen e the forme resolutions eremi mally revolied tho se persons hom the ood Parii ament ad removet iso in thei offices ereresto redo them. The siluation of the clergy exposed to the neci taxation a by no means a fortunate one; ut it e came desperate
hen Cyclis bio ius alnei down pon them. At his time it is that hes1rs Comes forwar more oldly, and it is he who in the struggle imWykeliam leniis his en to the Duke of Lancaster. No he is no longersatis si ed illi his qui et stud land his universit chair froni hicli to
proclaim his theses. Nox in a populari intelligibi sol in the are si readbroadcas among the eople, and the Londo Churches a re hos en asthe Cene of the struggles It wil be noti ced that the ast hapter os the si si Oo Contain sonae severe ord abo ut the Church. They stando ut like finget post in an interminabie lain. t is ust these dogmas, whicli a the chi ef things, te picks ut, and whicli, Oubiles s in popular Orm e pro Clai med rom his professor' chai and rom thepulpit These re his ighteen theses. The are ali directed against thepreVailin Church-governinent. The sirs sive theses reat of the lawso inheritance and of property, particulari With regari to Ortinain, The rights of property and inheritance do not unconditionalty oldgood, ut they depend on God 's ill and grace. The referen Ce Ochurch-property e Comes stili more lai in the succe edin theses Theentire emphasis is laid o the secularigation of the Church. These theses Wyclis defended ei ore his pupil in the autum and winter of 376 at OXlord He fore sari that the would no rem ain unassailed but he would have liked the dispute to rem ain a puret academicat One: ut Crysoon 'it e came the talli of the own , and so earn ed opponentS, ecclesiastica an secula dignitaries, ear of t. The forme entangi edhim in a iterar dispute, hile the alter ought to et the roya Censor against ini; ut e re commende himself to the tempora authorities by his lively attaclis o the tempora possession of the olei gy. Thias egan or Wyclis a time os extraordinar literary productivi tu, hicli ended only illi his de ath He certainb destred that o me of his
theses hould e ut into practice One of his hies ne runs thus TheChurch must be oor, as Once in the da ys of the postles Theres reli stili is a friend of mendicant si tars, and it is they hom Lanca Sterappo inis to defend the old man. However much Wyclis, in the Ommentary he addet to the eighte en theses may assure S that it a nothis intention to urge in the secular authorities to Cons1Scate ChurCh-
De Civ. Dona. I, 2 5 I, Seqq. Fasciculi iganniorum, P. 24 Seqq, Ista et plura alia isti errorum magistri publice ad id ei nostre subversionem asserunt et affirmant, in tantum quod domini et magnates terre et multi de populo ipsos tamquam sanctos prophetas reputent quia tantam poteStatem ad auferendum temporalia a viris ecclesiasticis ipsis attribuunt. Higden Polychr Appendi X.
INTRODUCTION. property the ea tendenC is qui te apparent. In his sense e says: sthe possession Os the Church e re in the and of laymen, o v differently they could e divide l. t ould e best for the state O provide every ter man with ood and lothing. Is there is no overtament hi h is est ablis hed for at time, ecclesiastica foundations anno Le m de sor ternity consis cation is the fate hici, ill one d y vertat e theestates of the proud bbeys. What wonder is it that he hurchauthorities resiste theses hicli threatened their possessions and that is the re ason hy sud lenivoli hierarchy egan to oppos the professor, who it then ad been litile nota illi regat de l. In London such doctrine so On gained round very here member of the aristocracy oine i Wyclis the eo ple liked to ear imspe ali and in many London churches te appea red as a Celebrate d reacher. ut the mos annoying thin Alsingliam telis us was that clii proclai med his theses brieli and luntly a he had ritiei them, without in ny vise limitin them. At London a fuit of his fame nuti cir a long time the isti ops Ouid not ear, and the archi, is hos lay
in a de ei fleel V. The 1rs that rose against the old man were member of the possessin Order of montis, Or hom Cycli s theories could not ut Some day be Come angerous They found Allies also among ther ordei S Oxsord montis egan the conflicti and introduced in to the olentic that
summo ne i Wyclis to appen a St. aur on February 0 h. t was a Thurs lay. He Appe Ared astor Ones. i. e. after 2 'clo Ch. The is sue of the assair is et known Wyclisan tende iacies arere Cognis able in the threaten in in Ord whicli an Caster addi essed to
Fas c. Zi Z. 239. Loserin, Studien ur en glischen ii chenpolitii. , p. 96. Lech ler hin ks that the sit ring ook place e fore o 'clock. ut i do notunder an how e reconciles that illi the fac that efore the procedding at St. aur on that a me day a siti in os parti ament hicli l an castor attended ad laticia place Lech ler id not se that the hora by vhicholio chronicie rectioned re horae canonicae, o that the Non is at 12 'cloch, hicli akes verythinis in in the moria in sitiin os parti ament, in the alternoo me etin a St. aut 's.