장음표시 사용
sNTRODUCTION. Lancaster preod ut his and to protect yclis. Rui theo the bio si alnei do via i Wyclis, and to desend imself e rote the second undi hiri book of De Civili Dominio. The consequenc is that unlike thes res book, the seconi alveady has a polemica character, although the
olentic always remalia moderate. No teaches that the secularrulo of the olei gy shou be abolis hed of hatever sor it might e, that hvrch-properi must e sequestrated or enti rely confiscaled undredistributed. Naturalty doctrines hicli ave the tempora power theright to tali to theniselves again the property hicli their ancestorshad given to the Church ad the wors impression on the rich ordei s. Benedictine monti ut Oxsord, or perhaps ne assiliate. to the en dictines, for it scenas it Nas a mendicant friar, illium adford, accused Nyclis os blasphen , scandat, aughtines and heterodoXy. Inorder o defend himself Wyclis a compellet to follo, up the instvolume of his orti on civit overtament illi a se cond. e liouldhardly have ad the alter ut for that circumstance, as in subject a Pretiy et exhausted. He resumes at the siXth o the theses condemne by Gregory I, of hich he had realed in the 35 h hapter os his sit si book that the secular uter are justissi ei in tal in away romthe Church her orldly goods, scille go astray. There have been ex amples. How was it illi the Templars As it could appen to ne ordei it could e applied to all. f the clerque have strayed vom the right path
O quam sanctum et sertile foret regnum Anglie, si ut olim quelibet pur-rochialis ecclesia haberet unum sanctum rectorem cum sua familia residentem, quodlibet regni dominium haberet unum iustum dominum cum uxore et liberi cum pro porcionali familia residentem tunc enim non sterilescerent in Anglia tot terruarabile nec rarescerent ex defectu conomi tante caristi artificialium pecorum terre nascen cium, sed regnum habundaret omni genere huiusmodi bonorum, adessent que Servi atque artifices labori debito per civiles dominos mancipati. Nunc vero
INTRODUCTION. is ver estate in the and ad a just wner vin there illi his family; the there ould not e so much rabie and lyin salio , there ouldbe no lac o coria and Catile, and there Ouid e plent O servanis, sarin labo urer an artigans. ut no there re ni tenant bearing therule of the clerg hardly they care not for the illage of the round , as it is no theirs the live by thest, a there is obod lo ook aster them, and in their antonnes they disturi, the ingdom. The Clergy. OVerbur lene With orldly goods, se et to equa the splendour of thelai , o to surpas it. How different ould ali ha be ere hos e
temporalities in the possession of Oor o ners more homes ould bes Ounde l. the population, and with it the state, ould groum ut the priesis Could devote them solve to an disying life a be rome them They, ould no ne ei to ea that after the oath of ne master the nexi ould belli affected o variis them They could live et O alms. These are Wyclis theories concerning the utiligation o Englis hChurCh-Property Against suci vi sollere rose adversaries nisi fides. Even eople ho ther vis favo ured im could not ut o C at hina, Other again scol ted hi in violently Callin him a book rom heli. rLut they id not resely ith any o uti arguments a the CCumulatin o lan in mortinain and iis attendant ex iis ero toc apparent. Wyclis nexi attaclis ere directed against the principi of the matter. B means O quotations frona the Bible, Roman Englisti and canon
of the lundering of the monastery at vestiam by the Ear of War via'smen in uly 376, at singliam, Hist. Angi. I 322. Hec sentencia licet a quibusdam doctoribus si deris et ab aliis verberata. dicendo quod sum liber inferni, a nullo lamen e ficaciter est impug nala.
. Pro redempcione Richardi capta est tota lana monachorum alborum et canonicorum, Uin clam relatorum anuli, Vasa, cruces, calices cum auro de feretris
Sanctorum abraso sunt conflata. De Civ. om. I, 9 and anulph Higdens Polychr.
be talion a va frona the cleril also is the accumulate it in an avari icius manner, ut et the oor, sor hom the money a intended, unger. Nor must suci properi intendet for the oor e sed for Costlybuit lings. For ha purpo se do es the Church ant these riches It hecould et o in overt in the days of Sylvester and Constanti ne sit cando O no v No emperor ad n right to mali the Church ich. Wh nthe church was endo vel it a dono in ordei a the sanae timerio renderservice to tho state. O is that to e reconcited illi in presentinisus of thos endo iuments ven is no ere o say, no ali montis a re ad tho ius a re punished illi ille uniust, is they elon to the Same genus. Just solae in g, and Vor Other ocular dignitary, o Sestiis office is hi sal into in rem ining in oni in ame, o also the Pope. At tho moment hen e roto tha - 377 - Wyclis a stilli ar frona condem ning the papa y in principie; that is a later phasebeginning oni in the eighties; ut a in the 1rs book, o also in the 9 h hapter of the second book, he emphaticali states that under Ome Circumstances it is allowe to punish even the ope, and o hy hould no the insul clerg be subjecto the secular couris The fac that he
POP Crown emperor mus no te ad in to the conclusion that hestand hi her than a monarch; Certaint he would do so ere e stertii coronation to asti the em peror' se et It is vident that in perors
have the right to punish and depos popes. He ho asseris that thepope ma not he punished is a ichei man, attributin to tho ope in fallibilit like o God. In England there exist the right to punish the olei I under certain Circumstances, and that right is no in Opposition to the Rible. Christ id not isti to mund a tempora governnient, ither Orhimsel or his postles there re it is no allo Ned to contend for arthlythi nil such a temporals Stris is in contradiction to the Christian a vos loving one' - igh bour, and lens nil may the ope ei et thei Sumptuositas in . . . edificiis facit torpentes in religione Christi . . . Herebegin the right against the montis palatia bulldings. The cnd was the torminios
the cloister by the Hussites. De Civ. Dona II o. Non intendo . . . in dehonoracionem Vel dedecus flatus papalis quicquam SSerere.
INTRODUCTION.s vord a Plai resereno to Gregory XI. . hos Nar against the Florentines a raon mos violently. But jus that war against Floren e brought the ope into sinancialdifficulties, and necessitate his maliing the Englisti clerg contribute larget Vfor the Church V. No demand o paymen is allo vel to rema in uiam et for more than wo ears. Nobod holdin a benefice in Englandi exemplorona payment, illi the exception of the cardinals Andrius aiiliis moment, heia the distres of the Cui in then ne salix the ChurchV was O great, Cain the calicio consis cate the Church- property that Sotii cesrom hicli the papa 3 obtained the means for the defen e of iis POSSCSSionS. Now oudi res ound doli ery of the Minorites: The Churchinii St be oor, as it was in the nys os the postles It is asy mimagine illi ha bitternes suci ories ero eard at cimo And heyappear again emphati catly nough no v also in the hird Look De Civili Dominio. e must here confine ui selves to these genera rem artison the content of this book for delatis refert in to the wor iis eis. ewil only ake sonae important rem arkS. Anybod who has read the extrem ely passio nate attactis hic li Wyclis made at a later time on the eggin ordei so thos secis V is his standinieXPression, hora in his ulter contempt i ii in the highes degre he astonis hedat the good hings e nys of them in os of the sections of this book. Hut that is intelligibi enough. When e egan his part there ad notta ken place the condemnation of the wel known nin te en theses extracte dfrona the sit si volume, nil so his attactis e re directed oni against me member of tho propertiet Orders, lici assai ted his te a Chings concern indili ad vant age of Seculari gin Church- property so e still keeps a lihi attack on the papa ry, a he even opines that the ope hi in soli Should tali in and the necessar reformin of the Chui Cli, and intrustlaymen illi the anagement of the Chiarchys property. He ad as uel right o re the Churchorona the norinous ui de a Sylvester in conjunction illi Constantine ad to lax it n. incei or the single passages see v Studien gur engli schen irchen politi kV, p. Iob A papa mandate says: Mandamus quod de fructibus, redditibus, proventibus et aliis bonis et iuribus quibuscunque . . . ultra duos annos de solvendis illis ei aliquam non concedas dilacionem. Dominus papa abba ordinis christiani potens obligare Suo Subdito . . . exoneraret eos ab illo officio, ut redeant ad vitam liberiorem secundum statum primitive ecclesie.
the ope an simply de prive a pri est os his benefice. ithout so muchas even aising the question of his capaci or incapaci ty, he may like-wis restore thei domatias to the laity. Is here Wycli is referi in toan incident in his own life as e se enis to e nam et that in thechurch at incoin the ope deprive him o a benefice and conferre dit on a oun foret gner alienigena diota j, yet it oes no dimini hthe respect he has for the ead of the Chureli. O the contra hestili repented ly uses expres ions hicli leave no do tibi as to hi devotion to the papa cliniici That devotion receives it sit si hochthrough the condemnation of his inete en theses in the ear 377. Andeven then or a long time e distinguishes et e en the present opeand the papacy. Not unii the eighties is his reacti illi the papa cycomplete, at the time heia his si hi inith the se t V is at iis ei stlit.
Nox in his book o Civili Dominio e say only good hings of the
mendicant si tars It is the who most early a proach his ident os Christian clergy for imitat in the wal o Chris and his postles theyseelio attain to the reates perfectio on arti, He is stili far romadopting the tone of his contemporar Chaucer toruar is the eggingmontis. Hut is ne ook more clos et v. ne se es the frs fraces of the oleat age elis en Folis and the mendicari fricti s. hicli ou ex orso on e amo oo wide to e rid ged ver. In his book e indoli proposition there sit Ouid e ni one order, tho ordei os esus Christ. Mur ab Lot cis Christ, land noli stri test sens he was Oor.
3 Si dominus papa potest committere alicuique diote, sine hoc quod ministret in suo beneficio secundum aliquod officium clericale potestatem et ossicium spoliandi clericos non convictos ex inhabilitate officii, quin a maiori potest tradere laico potestatem et iniungere sibi ministerium auferendi bona ecclesie a quocunque clerico
Et fidem istius sentencie vellem cum humilitate michi imprimere, cum dominus papa dedit michi prebendam in ecclesia incolniensi et facta sollicitudine ad colligendum sibi primos fructus quadraginta quinque librarum contulit uni iuveni transmarino eandem rebendam per viam reservacionis abdite, non facta inquisicione de inhabilitate persone me nec facta instancia ex parte mea pro UiUS- modi dispensacione Bu cf. Cal. o Entri es in the Papa Regi si res V, i 3. Ideo absit Romano pontifici imponere hanc avariciam. Ut preter qUeStUm . . . . Abbas noster fuit summe pauper And et in the foui th hapter of thethird book e stili calis the order of the Minori te venerable . Exhinc enim Venerabilis ordo de fratribus minoribus non habent sic aliquid in proprio vel communi civiliter De Civ. om. III, p. 7.
lNTRODUCTION. O the mendicant friars o likes the Minori tes est, ut e says also
secular pries could attain to their excellen cies. In the surther ourse of his rem artis e spe alis of the mutuat relations etween the secular and the ecclesiastica power. In respect Oecclesiastica matters the ope is ab ove the em peror, in referen C to secular ones the emperor is igher. The forme has to et ali secularpo wer lone, the alter has to heli him in ali orid ly matters Thepopes mus obe the ings in ali secular affati A must pay taxes et t. In Case os excommunication ne must in tho ast instanc obta in tho advice of the ospel. hould, sor example the ope excommunicato tho Engli Ahand Pron Ounce an interdici pon their ountry, b causo the would notsuppi him illi ny nancini et se, England would avo o pason to
sa dis obedience to the OSpel. Is it e said that he Church has a right also to temporal O er, for he has augii that right an exercise it, it is an error And then, whnt Church is spoke of O the universa Church the Roman ne isoni a part a much A the Englisti ne is . Neve minit though opes and cardinals do spea in that way. Is it then certain that the them solves are even Christians Have the no perhaps been reprobates Dometernit praesciti) Here ire ady e sinit the fundamenta dogma of yclis theology The Church is the totalit of thos destinet to bos aved the et Ct. To-da it is aid the montis have a right to seculargo verninenti A Onk' tace,' ac ordinet orat Petor, should e bathedin te ars, he is to spe ali in si glis, his sare is to e scanty, his te epshori, his prayer long his alli moral, his demeano ur humi le . Arethos the martis os a man exercisin civi power II ould e bes loco; scale the estales elongin Io the convenis. The Civit authorities silo uidnot omit o lay and o them. ut the no more prayers ould eos red ut for the Munder of the convenis And is it asti Wyclis, Sosiare that hos prayers always avnil Do no tro ubi abolit the pope' spei mission In ali England it is nown that in the acquisition feni thly good the montis have gone beyond the righti meas ure, therem re
Unde postquam preceptum est in regno nostro religiosos in acquisitione temporalium supergredi proporcionalem et prosperum statum regni, ordinaVerunt evangelice vel ocius legem evangelicam ab oculis eorum absconditam promulgarunt,
Hy O means an Auch Oundations a tho se of whichingland ali eadylia toc many should e made in future. et obody belleve that eventhe greates number of masse so the ead thos e re ad for the reposeos a potentate, et se them more is done by the prayers of the oor. It is belle for the estate of a doceased person to e divide Damon the oor like drops of r in V. Even a man like Bede in ne of his letters calle dili gis is made to the Church by English ings Oolisti. Havin Suchossicia intercessor only bring us into anger, for the m ke the richhaught by inspiring them illi too reat Considen C in the power of theSe prayei S. These prayers have aliae only he tho suppliant is a Northy disciple of Christ. Gisis to the Churchoi up property in mort-ma in inste ad os leavin it to the oo the increas the number of
thos e seles alms-beare res h bring the state into Confusion et verum an o live a noto ne e these mediatores, since Christ is his mediator. illi his appea end the trae on ivit overninent, i Ch in Ord RS in thoughtS.
quod non permitteretur redditus devolvi in manus religiosorum, ni Si prius diligenter notato, Uod dampnum cederet regi et regno ex redditibus sic mortificatis, ut vel Sic fiat regi vel regno ante licenciam recomponSR. . . . Here, Oo, e See o v exacti Wycli was informe dis to the ecclesio politica Struggies of his century. Se LOSerth: Engi. irchenpoliti k, p. OG. I have been a brie a possibio, in orde to ive the reade a clear vie
The ins and seconi book of De Civili Dominio re to e ound in Cod. 13 1 of the Vienna Cour Library. As Regina id an Po olegives an exac description O this S there is no ne ed O say moreabo ut it here. I id not copy the ex of the se Cond book myseis, ut ii sed ei Zber Franker copy, hicli a placed at my disposa by the Wyclis Society. ut las October ad an opportunity of ookin atthis S and that of the hird book. The ex of the seconi bookbegins at folio 1 53 Code I 3 I. The mos important Observation SeemSto me to e that the arrangement of the tra is the Same a in Cocle I 29 q. Seo De Ecclesia, Introduction XVII. So the op may be by thecopyisis foliis S that is Nicolaus aut iis and Geor vota nyelini gin England in the ear I O7, or as appear more Probabie O US, Sthe writin to ali appearance is a different ne it a copi ed rom copy ma de by these No Andrio S. 34 has the Same Character. Inali re found simila bries epitomos in the margin With sign to hora to vhat in in the ex they refer. Jur Supposition is correct na moly that De Civili Dominio belong sto tho se ortis hi Ch ivere copi ed by Faulsis and Knyelini Og two oungestu denis, Ouid explain the flagrant mistat es occurring in the S. Itis in the sit si place evident that the copyisis ad to Contend with great difficulties, a the earn ed termino logy mund in Wycli caused themtroubie nough. e have o means of estimatin the degre in hichthei difficulties e re increa sed, lien they set to orti no at X- ford, no at emerion ne a Te kesbury in Glou Cestersitire se De
i o in vigilia Uurificationis sancte Marte Xonii per Nicolaum aulsisset Georgium de nyelini CZ. Not ni the content presented dissi culties sor me studentes, ut perhaps also the externa forna difficulties Ot ea sit overcome, ut it is plain that the were in to great a urr to Correct the ex properly,
evidenti desii in to talae a much a possibi of Wyclis iuritin home
I the studenis copu ruas copi ed agni in Bohemia, there ouldbe more istat es in the alter than there e re ali eady in the forme r. It is much to e regretted that o Manuscript o De Civili Dominio have been preservet in Englandi a the would have enabled us Oobtain a more corre C printed ex than is no possit te. Orsi fuit is the condition of the S. of the hird book that a ali ea lymentione d is in Codex 34 of the Viennam Our Library, and Con Cerning hicli a sexu ord may hero e sat d. Codex 34o frona line O6)COnt in De Civili Domini fol. 1 - 266'. At the op to the bottona there a re brie margina notes of the contenis. Incipit Ut supradicta de lege Christi in genere plus tu CeSCAnt. The writin is froni the XV century, frona the si si de ades of t. In many places the ex is ritten on cratched parCliment, and theres Oretes legibi e Durin in sta in Vienna too the opportunit mys et to
that in the op placed a the disposa of the Wyclii Society' editor
there are anting thos numero iis notes hic li are to e found in themargins of the text.
It is true that these margina notes are o by Wycli hi ins eis, ut possibi the a re by sonae person connected illi im, and there foreno to e vertooked on the ther an in many a se they Serve Asa mean o Correctly undet standin passages in the texi, hicli ere Obs Cur CXPTCSSed, or are Corrupi. Here just ne ample of theseo missions Page I in 7 of the ab ove mentioned ex re ads: Omnis lex bona est Christi ex omnis ordo bonus est Christi ordo. Then in thesirst two columns there re also the followin notes: Chri Stus est prior . . . ordo quid sit et quomodo Christus Continet in Se ordinem . . . Christus Prior esus. non tempore Sed dignitate . . .
INTRODUCTION. Christus minister . . . Religio in proposito . . . Forma religioni in Ctu, Forma religionis in habitu. These notes hin throughout the whOle volume. Regrettabi as itis that the a re anting the time require t for collatin the Manu scriptane and Copying the notes ould e ut O proportion to the result.
The collation os page 377 of the texi illi the S. appil showed that
at eas the ex has been et copi ed and o mos of the mistakes it Contain are to e ut dorun to the account of the old Copyisis Thetexi end on folio 26od. The many mistat es in the SS. 34 and 134 malle the edito stasti a very dissiculi ne There re passages in the ex now hi lii Arethoroughi corrupi, e it that the copyist miscopi ed single ord of the ex the had e re them, i or omitted ordes, o portions of
There is no a page of the S. 13 hi Ch there are Ot ne or more su Ch mista kes. e earn to understand their nature by comparing the texi illi quotations froni the Corpus uris canonici, the ather of
the Church, the Bible c. In sonae places the missing ord might ea sit bei ill p. 3 l. I Varia in Stead os vana p. 4 l. 12 tercium instead of Orcium; p. 6 l. 27 Suo instea. of Ua p. 7, . 38 quo instead os quod p. 8 l. 29 ego inStead os ergo; p. II l. 4 caritatem instea. o caritative l. 8 percuciuntur insteado parciuntur etc. . . . In numerotis places the wor Assumptum has been mi freadas cither argumentum Or SSertUm.
Severat ord a re antin p. 23 l. o p. 25 l. 2. Here,e ill refer on lycio a se suci cases III, p. 1 5 he quotes Decretale Exiit qui seminat there it realis rem sic declaratum que insteadi rem, Sitque declaratum
. . . . abstractioniblis instea. o obtrectationibus . . . . depravat instead of damnaverit . . . . dicimu que inStead os dicimus Uod .... quamquam inSteadi fritiamqUe .... inolentas inStea of Olente .... ac vi te ipsorum lutos instead os ac vita exempla in eos facti cum ultimo non potest carere vita mortalium instea. o facto et ultimo tamquam necessario, licet primis carere possit vita mortalium . . . . Verum condente Sinstea. o verum condecen . . . . Sponte dicit instea of Sponte devovit .... Thisone example suffices o ive an de of the corrupines of the text. How difficult ould e the emendation of the ex is e ad notoli Decretale at an ii. Ill p. 96 there is a long quotation rom Hieronymus There e readredemi ci veri inste ad os redempcio anime viri mone non diviciis instea ofmammone id est diviciis erogare cepero instea. of egrotare cepero Christus aut