Records of the Priory of the Isle of May

발행: 1868년

분량: 195페이지


분류: 그리스도교


Si Rober Sibbald states that in thologinning of the


tum manSione, et hortis, portubusque, aut With his provision, hieli herunsettiod times alled for proviso tamen quod quoties contingat bella et guerre SSe inter regnum Seotie, et aliam Xternam nationem quamcunque, eo quod profata insula in via maris hostium in eursionibus exposita quamdiu hujusmodi bella durauerint, prefati Johannes etc. , non tenebuntur ad soluetonem leti annue census et canonis sed sunt immunes et liberi a solucione earundem. '


ΡREFACE. iiii out 6 in materials of the ruine i monastery a convenienthous With aeeommodation sor a family.

signurn consensus et a8sensus dictorum dominorium OStrorum Superiorum et

patronorum.' Among the Witnesse is Rober Colvit o Cleisli, a political adherent of the prior os t. Andreius, horaecam his Master of themouse-hold.- Chari. Os PittenW0em in Adv. Lib. S. Sibbald' Hist o Fila, p. 100 - Dominus domo utitur satis commoda sibi et suae familiae cinia enui locus cereViSiarum Octioni aptus, culinae, etc. - Gordonis traloe in laeu's Atlas os colland p. I.)' Sinclair' Stat Ace of Seotianii, ol. iii p. 84 uitiae illic crescunt


struetur of the coenobium.

at iis norit, ud. The Ven i qui te a modern interpolation, but the loelior, toWer, and 11Orthern appendage a re of Ome age, and haVe Vidently been contrived for defensive

Pam glad 0 be abierio recor the succes of a recent application tolli Troasur so the grant os a sum to oin the walis an clear ut thelaundati0ns of this venerable fragment. These operations have jus besen



complete unde the caresti directions s r. Robert Matheson o H.M. Ossice of Works, and w may no hope that St. Adriati's Chape Will e re-SerVed for many years a a memorial of the interestin associations hieli Surround the early histor of the istand. Aecordinit a baseles tradition os ver modern date, the fragmen os astone cossin no in the tomer of the church of Austruther ester, at ne time formost par of this omni in the hapsel f the V, and was arrie ossior accordinito another version, it stoated acro88, homulie One placeno the Other. The cossi in St. Adriati's hapel may probabi be of the hirteenth century. The fland is suppossed to belon ecclesiasticali to the paristi os struther Vester, hieli, considering the histor of the priory, ould e a natural restat romuli early connectio existin belween the laces. It would 400m that 'si re the Reformation PittenW0em Was in the



Many of the desed in tho chartularius consist O seu chartur Os tenement in these toWns grante to thoiruassat by the priorS. The manufacturo O sal suem to have oecupio a considerabi position in the trade of the toWns, and there re frequent grant O Salt-pans On the round toWard the ea. The descriptiones of thes are osti in the samo ternis the subjectiein generali represented as a

Salt-pan, OuSe, and alt-girneli, Volgariter an sal patinset With hous and girnall. In ne eas thor is granted una alia domus Si V camera neen contigue cum granali salis prope dictam Salinam et ii quarruli a Wyn et communem viam publicam ad boream nec non et quedam alia domus si V tenementum cum Ort ejusdem jacens prope dictam Salinam Subtu rupe terrarum usbanda

lium domini de ottiuWem et usque ad Summitatem et cacumen rupium ad fines et limites de te rigg ndis ter rarum et aliarum usbandalium predictarum ad boream te quarret haWyn ad austrum domum fabrilem ad oriontemo grauale salis salino magistri etri Strang tune difieate


l Viii PREFACE. ad occidentem per nos a fundamentis respective OnStructaedificata et reparata 'In Some cases to the alt-pati there is added a righto coals Una cum carbonibus sumetentibus ad usum huiusmodi saline in carbonario nostro do Petti Wem jam per nos aequisito et illo deficiente cum plena potestate ipso Thome heredibus suis et assignatis infra scriptis cum aliis suis collegis salinarium infra dictum nostrum dominium pro tempore posseSSOribu aliud arbonarium Seu carbonaria quociens Opu ejus fuerit in aliqua parte Seu partibus dicti domini aequirendi lucrandi et carbones ad sum dicte saline pro confectione et deeoetione Salis duntaxat et non alias Aut propriis sumptibus effodendioxcidendi et ad dictam salinam ducendi et transportandi.

. . . Reddendo inde ammatim re coloros ali nomine firme canalis siue cane ad duo anni terminos festa

videlicet purificacionis beate Marte virginis et ad uincula Sancti etri Wigariter amme per equale medias

may add rom another charte a deseription of the hvsbandiand a preserviti Some interestin loca bouudarieS:-Αe etiam tote et integre terre vocate te husbaudiandis eXtendentes in quindesiim aera vel ocirca terre arabilis olim occupate per dictum quondam Johannem Walsouu et Margaretam Strati ejus Spousam una cum te heWes Subtus