장음표시 사용
rupes habentes ad occidentem limites aucti Monani usque ad fontem eiusdem Sancti Monani ad orientem. The hist0r of the bulldingsis the monaster o Pitten-
i, Dund in an Ae of the Scottisti partia metit, date 5 th
monasterie, With tho cellaris enoth an lostis boue tho Samm fratere an dortour, and si lyk of tho ostri es of thesa id monasterie unde aud aboue, With thair pertinentis, and of the haptour chalmer of the Same monasteri an cellair
The notices in ther Wo charter are also si ome interest:-On d September 1542, in prior an conveni grante a charte to Alexander
Acts of the artiament of Scotland vol. iii p. 52. A fragment of the conventuat uildings stili subsisis, and Drmed the residene of the late venerable Bisho Low. Carte Prioratus Insule de May, p. 3. Se reserene to orsaeus, antea, P. X. Munimenta Sanete Crucis, p. 21. Edin 1840. ' Liber Eceles de Seon. p. 108. Edin. I 843.
Robori Formaticis Commendator Of ittenWeem, A. D. 1522.3
and When the scribo a referrinito it possession in eoi-land. of this Chartular no trae has been ound after OVeryattemptrio discove it. It is a consolation for the los of this volume that atranscript os ome of the more interestin original doeument Wa made ut an early period Whiel, is no preserved