Records of the Priory of the Isle of May

발행: 1868년

분량: 195페이지


분류: 그리스도교


lxxiv NOTES. In tho light f man intimations in ur early chroniele and recordS, We a regar it a certain that, elare the perio of parishes, themonasti institutions o celli Alba ere numerous, and catteredthroughout the count . In theresore, the families V or conventualbodies in the est of Fila, ere est lished by t. Ser and his followers, and his memon 'a thus held in reverenee in later times by the 00plebeiongin to the churches DundeLon the monasti territories, the termo illesersis might be applied to the occupant of these lands, o tolli men lio, like the 0arbs and herenaelis of Ireland administered themonastic possession justius the ninistri, horare ais addressed in thecharier, ere the hane or steWard Who managed the demesne land of the CroWn.

The irandanes' os Bute, mentione by Forduit, a peOple O tribe O thalisland who seem to have been o Dame Do thei relation to t. Brendan, thegreat salutis Bute, an to have live o the land of themio teWard a natior, may have been os the Same character.- Seotichronicon, Ol. i. p. 315. Se also Orig. Paroeli., Ol. ii P. 10. Clachmannan a par of the demesne laniis novi early fovereigns, and it may have come into thei hauds, as in the case of the Boar-Chase of St. Andrem and other monastic territories, at the time,lien many of the early Celtie institutions beeame secularised 'V know that at least a par of the land originalty grante to t. Regulus, an afte ard seculariSed, as re-grante to the anon os t. Andrem by Alexander I. an his rother David I. an as e findorona the Chariesar os Cambushenneth that in David conveye to the montis os ambushenneth thechureli of lachmannan, illi fori aeres of land we maybe alloWexto conjecture that this uiso as a restoration, foriscelesiastica purposes, O partis the territor ofonem St. Serf' monasteries, the occupant O Whieli,ere no v as his servant orfollowers, Themille-Seres os laemanan. V- Registr de Cambi henneth, No. 573. Besides the grant to the monk of the Iste of IIa os commoni in his foresto Clachmannan, the hin conferredis the anotis of St. Andrem the right of akinglimber D theiraesidinifro the sanae forest. - Begistr. Priorat. S. Andree, p. 183.)We have later notices, in the public Recoriis, of the Par and FOrestis laekmannan, Whieli continue in the Crown forrupward o tW centuries after the time of ingDavid's grant. In J359 the herissis laekmannantharged himself With 46s. d. forfomage of the larest os laekmannan Chamberlain Polis, Vol. i. p. 324 pabout the fame timesit is recorded, lareus de Claemannane valuit antea lS., et foresta de Claeman-nane etc. Valuit . . nune pendo in manu dornini Roberti de Ershyne. - Acts of the Scottisti Partiamenis, Vol. i. p. 169. David II. confirmen Iohanni de Meneteth et Mari SponSe Sue, fili et heredi quondam Johannis de trivilyn militis, illa duo ossicia, vicecomitatus de Ciacmanan, et orestarii foreste ejusdem, quae issicia icta Maria in sua viduitate aesignavit,


una cum mansione forestarii, et tori is ad eam pertinentibus in dietasoresta, et pascua et pastura duodecim aestarum et earum Sequela trium annorum, sex jumentorum et eorum Sequela trium annorum, et Sexporeorum sertilium et earum Sequolatrium annorum, in et per totam dictam forestam, tam de nocte luam de die, annuatim,

cum ceteris animalibus in eadem pastis Transcript in Genera Hutton's Collectioris,MS. Adv. Lib. Rober II., on 23 October 1382, granted a charterrio illiam de Meneleth, son and heiris Mario os Striulyn, aughter anxii ei of the late Jolinos Strivelyn, nicti, of the land of ester ers and Alveth in the hire os Stirling, as also the ossices of Sheris and Forester os laemanan The Stirlings os ei rand thei Famii Papers by r. raser, p. 200).


lli tangis command . . . . t S.

tha da . . . . . II S.

Nicholas . . . . XX S.

Item, the lard da os uni in Craill, to the reistes


Item, O tho ingis osserand thala, at the iness, an on therare . . . . Item, that amyn a thairester, in Sanct Monanes, to tho hingis offerand xiiij s. Item, to the hingis Grandisii the brod thair xiiij s. Item, to the reistes and Dures thair xiiij s. Item, to the reis that an the es, bo the in s

command . . . . . X S.

Itom, in Mah to tho botomen that landit the menlarthis schippes . . . . . i S




comand . . . . . . VS iiij d.

1507. Item, the in da of August, to the heremit o Mai, xiiij s. Item, to the olemon that hed in the hin s dynar, and tho eukori dictit his mos in Mah iiij s. Item, to the botemen that hed th hin to Mai and


NOTES. lxx lx Item, to an othir boto that hod th hingi solliis to Mai and aganae . . . . . t A.

of the contree . . . . . R.


DernWay . . . . . Vii S.

croWni . . . . . . iii lib. X S.



Sinclair . . . . .

Item, to the riclitis and mas iis of Abirilene is

drint siluer . . .

Item, to the piparis of Abirilene' command Item, that nych to the latcineris in Inneroury the tangaeing in intree, to ther XpenSisItem, the i da of Octoberno the additis of Forres that dansit to the Ling . . . Item, to the madditis that dansit at Elgin, sietilio Item, to the madditis that dansit a DernWay Item, the XX da of October, in the canonry O Ros, to Jolin Goldsmythrior ursing of the organis to

Item, O an mani the ischorio Ros gai an hallito the ring . . . . Item, to the Dur Italien menstrales and the ore ta-brouner, to thei hors mei Item, to the Dryaris of Ardroster Item, o Robert Merioun to as Our the water With

Item, to the Bescho of Ros manis Bridi siluerΙtem in Tayn to the an that eris Sanct uthois

bet . . . a.

Item, to the lardi BalnagoWnis harper, e command Item, the xvii da of Octoberri an man to a totord Forbes illi the Lingis Wrilingis Item, to the nuris of DernWayae command Item, to the Dryaris of Ardrosior cumandiam again Item, the xi da of October to the se aris of SpeyItem, that amyn nychi in Strathbolg to the menstrales and th More t ther hors mei Item, the samo da io Alexander a falconer topas to inlater for an halli

xviij S. viii S.

x s. vi d. xiiii S.

iiij lib.

xxviii S.

xiiii S.

Yiiii S. iii S. xiiii S.

xxviij S.

xiiii S.


lxxxii NOTES.Item, the sirs da os November to the piparis in

raguelL . . . . . . XX S.

Item, the penuit da o Juli in Glonius to Sir Andro

Makbre . . . . . XX S.

Item, thecias da os Juli in Quhitherna Sir Androto diSpone . . . . . V lib.