Records of the Priory of the Isle of May

발행: 1868년

분량: 195페이지


분류: 그리스도교


Doughtrio state that tho present volum is in result os a suggestionwhielira made to the Societ for pristin the esse chartularies stili in manuscript sua a thos os ambushenneth, Incheolm Cupar, Pluscardine, May, and talos8. The suggestion a adopted an a resolutio passe tocommene in series it the Charier of the Prior of May. In Dugdale' Monasticon vol. v. p. 60, 2 the charter Nos. i. i. iii and xii are printed rom the fame record. Se page of sacsimiles fronting the ille age. See p. . and lxxvii.


Generat mutton, in the librar of the Societ of Antiquaries

1 See late os laesimiles at p. lxx. The las leue inoccur in the ordc Omnibus, ' the other three Do the ord Universis,' ive various fornis


THE ing's Charte here resorrod o besides the sua ad tres tollis bishops, abbois, aris, herist A, prOVOStS, and miniSter Orohanes, salso directe to themillesers of Clucmunec. V have frequent instances in ur earlies recoriis, of Witnesses Whos Christian ames attest the popular reverene sor ne or ther of the ainis suchos illa-coim, the servant of St. Columba; illa-adamnan, the servant os t. Adamnan milia-peter the servant f St. Peter Gilla andres, the servant of St. AndreW; illa-comghain theservant of St. Congan; illa-patrate, the Servant of t. atricli and Killeseri or illa ser0 the servant of St. Sers. δThe term in question, hoWever, oes no referri an individual, but o certain officer in the sitire of taeniannan, lino vn a thes 'servants of St. Ser V and it is the ni instane of hiel Pam au are heresueti a designation occurs in a Scoteli charter.


lxxii NOTES.I SOme cases e have charter addresse to the eopte elong- in t a certain chureli. Thus a rit o Darida, relatin to thepamen O custom due to the ch et o Dunserinline, is addressedio Constantino the Earl- Et omnibus pertinentibus ad ecclesiam Sancte Trinitatis hominibus. V In ther the eople of a districtoecur a in a Writ f in Maleolm IV. Whicli is adciessed long Arith certain person by name - Et omnibus probis hominibus t0eius d. V 2That the district around Clachmannan a connected With St. Sectat an early period ei therias lyin Within the territor of his monaster at Culr08S, O O some religious hous Dunde by him, eem plain Dom

V en St. Ser me St. Adamnan a Inchhelth, he is representeda askin him,- Quomodo disponam familio et sociis meis' TheansWer' ,- Habitent terram is et a monte Britannorum usque ad

montem qui dieitur O sit. Ι cannot say What hil is meant by the mons Britannorum; ut it Seem clea that the temtor thus described comprehended the est ofFila along the has of the Ochiis. In this districtiost of the recorded