M.T. Ciceronis In Q. Caecilium divinatio et In C. Verrem, actio prima [microform]

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carus erit Verri qui Verrem tempore quo vult accuSare PoteSt. JuvENAL II 53 4. Cicero summo consilio videtur in Verrem vel contrahere tempora dicendi maluisse quam in eum annunt quo erat Q IIortenSius ConSullaturus incidere.

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TH two speeches containe in his book representwith more or es exactnes the whole lead in os Cicero in the amous impeachment os erres Each suntque , iis hind, and the pat wel together hileth sive book of the Accusatio, sterward published by the orator, are noth in more than a grand literarye Xercise an involve a tedio us stud os iniquit indet ait Henc the present editor liope that thenneed saymo more to justis thei choice os subject Thoughthe notes on the Divinatio have been writte by rHeitland and thos o the Actio Prima in Verrem byM Cowie, the work was essentiali done in common. The books clites used were the solio Ningr


hereve hel pias been obtaine Dona annotherso urce it has been tit achnowledge in the Noteso Appendices, ut e ma here recor oti thani sto Prosessor olin E mayor sor indi surnishing


Introduction Ρlan and al,stractis the Divinatio DIVINATIO IN MAECILIUM Appendices to the Divinatio Variations ron Hatin's textis the Disis alio In lecto notes on the Divinatio . Abstractis the Actio privia ACTI PRIMA IN C VERREMVariations stomaumpi's textis the Actio prima In lecto notes on the Actio prima PAGE

viii xiii





I the ear BC o the con Sulfhi os Gnaeus Pompeius and Marcus Crassus, Cicero a the equest os ne ari ait the Siciliancilies undertoo the prosecution os C erres, ho ad been praetor os Sicil in the ear BC 73-7I Cicero ad been quaeStor os Lilybaeum, ne of the wo administrative divisionsos Sicily in 73, and ad Non the confidorice an respectis the Siciliati by his equitable government an a moderation and integrit that were raret displayed by Roman ossiciat in the

provinces Plutarch ic , pro Planc in Verrem 34, II in Verrem scis) Besore proceed in to the tria it sei and

the event immediatet connected herewith, it illi necessaryto tali atrie furve of the politica circumstances of the time. The ear o is marhed by the overthrow of the Sullan constitution Ten ear of misgovernment ad shewn that thesenatorial ligarchy established by Sulla a ulteri incapableo rule Thei seebl and inefficient conductis the wars against Sertorius Spartacus and the pirates, and the notoriou corruptiono thei tribunals lia convince every one but the mos extremeoligarctis that resornas in the directio os a more popular ornao government could n longe he resisted. The two lites re- fornas demande were the re-e,tablishment os the tribunicianpowe and the restoratio of the law-couris to the equites Thepremature insurrectio of Lepidus 77), and the more sormidabie

rebellio os Sertorius, ha in dee been crushed, but the popular part wer no in a position to achicue by legat resorin halthe had alle to in by revolution The had gaine ove tothei fide the wo mos powersu me of the time, Pompeius and Crassus, each at the mead os a victorious armY The


senate reluctanti allo e Pompeius the honour os a triumphan permission although he was unde the legat age, an hadneve been aedile or praetor, o stan sor the consulfhip see note o I in Verrem gus). He was elected with Crassus as his colleague. The proceede to carr a bili hicli restore theprerogative os the tribunes, and the went on to attac thesenate' monopol os the law- couris originalty the agitationhad been directe to the complete exclusionis the Senator and the restoratio of the sole tenure of the equites. ut apparently owing to the accessionis Crassus, Catulus I in Verrem 44), and other of the more moderate optimates, hi resormultimatel too the formis a compromise the lex Aurelia, hichwas passe late in thesea 7o, enacting that the ollis jurymenshould consis one-thir os senators, and wo-third of men os equestria census, ais of hom mus have et the ossice os tribuni aerarii. The agitation hicli precede the passin os this la was in progress hile the tria O Verres a going on

I in Verrem Da), the term of the propose bili ad howevernotoc been published II in Verrem vaci 78 cum primo Dere

coepimus lex non erat fremul ata . In Severat passage Cicero diuelis pon the caseis erres a involving the continuance ortos os the senate' tenure of the Couris, accordin a the jurygavera righteous o a corrupi verdict. Himself a senator an db no means friendi to the ultra-democrati Party though convincedis the necessit os reform, he entreat the jur to retri evethei tost character, an to hew by a Strihin example thala Senatorial court could condemn a wealthy criminal Theguit os erres a s notorious that a verdictis acquitial

in public lis was in the ear 83 as quaestor o Gnaeus Carbo, the Marian eader. Verres ent vero Sulla carrying the

renegade illi some of the properi os proscribe Marians, buthept him at a distance an resused to emplo him in an ossicial

Cn Dolabella the praetor o Cilicia, and asterwards, in the



deathis the quaestor Malleolus, heiecam pro-quaestor Asterbeing the hie agent of Dolabella in his misdeed an exto tions, he tume against his patron hen accuSed by Scaurus, an contribute materiali rio his condemnation In chebecam praetor urbanus by mean o prosti Se ribeo, a Cicerohinis His maladministration in that office is describe in the firs book of the secondictio. the expirationis his year ofossice, the province of Sicilyaeli toti by tot His career thereis sui indetaile in the las soli book of the seconi Actio, andit is unnecessar to enter suli into it here His tenure of omcelaste three years 73-7 i), a hi destine Successor u ArriuS, was etaine in Ital by the Servile ar II in Uer I g I, Liv Epit Q. On his return to Rome e t iace egan totali meaSures to deseat the prosecution, illi hich he was threatene o the charge of reserundae. His great object asto ge the tria put of tili the nexi ear, he tw of his clites Supporters, Hortensius and Quintus Metellus, Ouidie consul s. The profit os ne of his ear os ossice secure him their Support, a Wel a that os arcus Metellus, ho ould reside nexi ea a praetor in the ouri e re hich he was to ebrought, os Lucius Metellus his successor in Sicily, and therso the extreme ligarchi party secure imsel stili surtherhe went on to interrupi the ourse os proceedings by puttingsorwar a too os his, ne u Caecilius to contest illi Cicero the right os prosecution his a done in the divinatio, thenatur of hicli is explaine in Appendix A. this interruption e we the speech nown a divinatio in Caeciliam , whicli is no ni interest in stom iis eing the ni o ne of the hin that has come down to us but is mos likel a firSt-rate Specimen o Roma forenSic orator os his description It is clear an convincing, and breathes a tost scoria sor the speaher'sworthles opponent Oinex to a et grounde assurance of success Caecilius Niger, a the scholiast alis him, asaccordin to the Same authorit a Sicilia by birth. He musthave been a Roman citigen, o h could not have latine theright o prosecute se on diu in Caec DII, Φ, an he was accordin to Plutarch ic o Deedman's son ὀπελευθερικος ανθρωπος libertinus It has been conjecture with great probabilit that his sat he had been enseanchised by Caecilius


Metellus, hos name he had accordingintake the Metelliwere pareoni of the Sicilians, and a Ricliter remarkS, CloSelyconnected with erres There canae no reasonable doubi that Caecilius, ad he been appotnte to prosecute, ould have proved salse to the cause an played into the and of the de iace praevaricaro. ut his design was thwarted by the appotnimenti Cicero. He ex contrive a ne means o delay. He go Somesenator whos nam does no appear to institute a prosecutionagainst nother sor allege miscleed in Achaia Cicero adashed sor II day to collec evidence in Sicily this man os straxv demande Io so the fame purpo se in Achaia. Butas Cicero SayS, he neve went surther than Brundisium, andas Cicero go through his or in s Jay an returne to

electionis Cicero to the aedileship but he was returne at thehead of the poli. Even no Verres didio despair. The triali id nollegi tili the sth of August, and great par of the rema inderos the ear ouldaei cupied by variolis ludi, during hicli thc

expecte to e able to protraci the tria illi January, vhen thematter ould come without rejudice sinu ram in to theliand of his Dien Marcus Metellus and an almos entiret ne vjury. His opes os bribin the present ur ha been dashed by the result of the sortitio an reiectio iudicum si in Ver Di 6 .

It was hopeles to attempto corrupi them, and the residing praetor, ' Acilius Glabrio, as a man os integrity. At hisessoris there re inere directe to securing the protractionis thetrial to the new year. his, the ratio' hicli Cicero frequently mentions S adopte by the Uerri ne party, he des eate by the stratagem consilium o dispensi nil illi the customarylong opening speech, and aster a bries introductio of the Cas and explanations os the reason sor adopting this Course the rst Ac in , o proceedin at once to the productionos eviden ce an examination o witia esseS, a CourSe he hewSto e no without precedent. The stratagem a completely



wMIur m Verrem e conre eraetempora tacendi aDisse quam in eum annum quo era si Horientius consuI Iurus incirimen The evidence a so verwhelming that Hortensius practicallvthre u his bries by rem sing to ross-examine an os thewunesses II in Ver v I 33, Orator Lia no3Afro mHiari reo summus orator non respondis orientiu Verres retiredae reth verdici to voluntar exile a Massilia, and was condemnedio utlawry aquae et ignis inferdictio an a fine os truice ortwo an a at times the amount os his extortions Cicero unwilim to os the ruit os his diligence, and with the obiectos lungin Verres in stili deepe insanari published the vebook of the secondoctio, hicli,ere neve spolien, cast in thesori os a speech delivere aster the comperenae auior adjourn-ment hich oo place in ali trial de res fundis B his complete succes in his tria he Suddent leapi into the position os he oremos forensi orator os the time: Hortensius hilherio

to iel to his ounge rival an to tali the secondilace se Brutus 3i9 soll). Verres live a Massilia ill the secondtriumvirate Rhen, a Plin relates hist na XXX iv a), he was proscribe by Antonius sor resusing to give umsonae vesseis os Corinthian ronete hicli the lalter desti e to get possession os He et his eath ith sortitude Seneca Suasor e Q, an no unti he had ad the satisfactionis hearing os the murde cis his

Exordium j I-9, quibus rebus adductu ad cauSam ac

S accusatorem esse Phere

3 quod vetus consuetudo ius uulumque maiorum sibis rugietur declaresque se illentem accuSatorem fore, f6I-7I. Peroratio j I-73. Se eum ne cui tanta causa commisti possit, neques sine Iursim fine e iudiciorum periculo posse Caecilium sibi anteponi



ABSTRAC O THE Divinatio.

We We no Oni t our Subjecis, ut o Rome thin of the deman sor honest an able prosecutor an a pure administration o justice tha that hicli is the subjectis the presentoutcry and uret a Roman an senators o must admitthat he ourse I am ahiniis that os dui and patriotism. B. Probatio se Io-7I, arbitrati sunt. Divisio oo Justified, I hope in m appearance here, Iwil ventur to propolin the principie, that in granting the righto prosecutin a jur Should follo the wishes os the injured

liave sonae eight illi ou They see to e thei rightsthrough the a meant for thei protection, but the can on lyplea by deputy the abhor Caecilius an long or me may

thei ruini

th conduci os the case betrays his opinion, even a themanoeuvre os ortensius he that he hopes of the delance




Would no justis yo in orcing ourselfin the Sicilians. TheyWant an advocate no only illinibu abierio plead thei cause. Avenge ourseisin Verres is yo will but let thema preserredi yo so the present. A so the wronidone o by Verres, it a aster ait o more than an annoyance na more, it a ac redit o Verres' have thwarteMyo in Our iniquit sor Once. An besides o have maderitis long ago; to bring it magainno She S that ou ei ther ech to play salse illi inmor,iththe Sicilians Perhaps ou ill urge that ou serve unde hi ma Quaestor. A very good reason sor sorbearance, nolint ali sorattachin him. 3 In truthin his late uuaestor o ought tot rejecte atonce Al precedent hews his to have been or generations a good reason se rejecting a prosecutor The relation belween Praetor an Quaestor is ne is almos paternat CloSeneSS. Moreove the elance os the provincials o public round issa more honou rabie alia the doin it to satiss a private grudge. Such as the opinionis Our sathers, a Roman historyshews to the undertaking of such cases by able me onhigh grounds that is no cauSin Such alarin amon thoSe intereste in maintaining the corruption of the law- couriS. But I maintain that he honest conductis prosecutions i oneos the greates need os the state at the present time. C. Peroratio lo quamobrem-73. How is his to e secure in the present caseo I have reputation to kee u and opes os distinctio in the future: Caecilius has either I canuive securit sor my good aith, Whichine cannot Choos then the citer man and I manendb Warning ou gentiemen, of the grave SuSpicion attachingio ou order, o hicli ou ill en colour is ou choose CaeciliuS.




I SI Di vestrum, iudices, aut eorum qui adsunt forte 1 miratur me, qui tot annos in causis iudiciisque publicis ita siue

sim versatus, ut defenderim anultos, laeserim neminem, subito nunc mutata oluntate ad accusandum deScendere,

i. I. With this exordium Ricliter wel compares Quintilian X tria

nam sine diιbio in omnibus statim accusationibus hoc vendum est, ne ad eas libenter descendisse videa-vιur, and Ivo D 9 here the passage is loosely quote as an instance of the figure πρόληψις Whichis ratio Gutandi quae videntur obstare. Cicero goe on to arguethat in accusing Verres heris reatly defending the Sicilians For ille odium attaching to the positionis ProSecutor se Brutus I3o, de orato Det 26, an sor Cicero'sown Views o the subject de is

sem in plurimis cautis et in principibus patronis quinquennium fere Persatus, tum in patrocinio SPLIiensi maxime in certamen venis aedilis consule Hortensio. designatus

cuna designato causis iudiciisque I hol that Ricliter is right in ahing theseword tot asai ascina et 5, 3.


IS, Si mei ConSilii CauSa in rationemque Cognoverit, una et id quod facio probabit, et in hac Causa Profecto neminem 2 praeponendum mihi esse actorem putabit. Cum quaeStor in Sicilia fuissem, iudices, itaque ex ea provincia deCes sissem, ut Siculis omnibus iucundam diuturnamque memoriam quaesturae nominiSque mei relinmerem, factum est uti Cum Summum in veteribus patronis multis, tum non nullum etiam in me praesidium suis fortunis ConStitutum esse arbitrarentur qui nunc Dol ulati atque vexati cuncti ad me

publice Saepe Venerunt, ut Suarum fortunarum omnium causam defen Sionemque Susciperem me Saepe esse polli-

una. . . et . . et Principalis divisio huius causae bipartita St, ut mim recte Cicero accuSet et utrum Caecilio sit anteponendus Schol. 2. qua tor in 75 B C. decessissenI in ve ProPer Sense

remarkς that this is an exaggeration, a Cicero a QuaeStor at

Lilybaeum and could oni have gaine lavour illi the eopte of the westeri hal of the istand. The origin os the ouble Quaestorshi in Sicil se II in Verrem II DII, pro Plancio g 65 is probabi tot seen in the fac that t

When the whole fland came tohe dormessi into in province the Roman Mere probabin inductab iis importanc as a Source of their com-supplies to Mund another Quaestorshi so the districti Syracusie, Without SuppreSSing the onealready established a Lilybaeum: cum tuniri in imin a modest os expression Cicero hasbrohen the constraaction illi asorced antithesis The wotas stomctim to etiam are thrus in andit is nolint once lea that in me. . .

arbitrarentur is ali that directly dependMupon factum est uti. Ieribus J suci a the Marcelli. M Claudius Marcellus too Syracus in I a C and thus decided the secon Punic War in Sicily. His moderation in the liour os victor endeare him to the Sicilians; andi and his fami lyaecam theratroni os the province in mei e satrono recenti.

populati Tischer remarks that though Cicero se the deponent no the active sor of this verb, he reat the past ParticiPl dirus a P Stye, an always sit Seems)joinscit it vexatus. Compareg , II in Verrem III DI 22. cuncti enuoy seo ali hestates. The statement i to Strong.

gateS. Compare Plautus Stich 9- at ei oraclores populi sunt, summi viri Ambracia veniunt fluc

Verrem I g 37 a Syracusanis prorsus nili adiumenti neque sublice neque privatim exsectabam, pro Plancio hetet, and note ona et

citum, saepe ostendisse dicebant, Si quod tempus accidisset

quo tempore aliquid a me requirerent Commodis eorum me non defuturum. VeniSS temPUS aiebant, non iam ut com 3moda sua, Sed ut Vitam Salutemque totius provinciae defenderem : sese iam ne deo quidem in suis urbibus ad quos confugerent habere, quod eorum simulacra sanctissima Verres ex delubris religiosiSsimis sustulisset qua re luxu

ries in flagitiis, crudelitas in suppliciis, avaritia in rapinis, Su

perbia in contumeliis emcere potuisset, eas omnes Sese hoc uno praetore per triennium PertuliSSe rogare et orare, ne illos supplices aspernarer, quo me incolumi nemini sup-95CeS SSe oporteret. 2. tuli graviter et acerbe, iudices, in Aeum me locum adduci, ut aut eos homines spes falleret, qui opem a me atque UXisium petiSSent, aut ego, qui me ad defendendos homines ab ineunte adulescentia dedisSem,

tempore atque ossici Coactus ad Ccusandum traducerer.

vered by him a Lilybaeum on theoccasio of quittin his province,

an on earlier occasion duringliis tenureis ossice Haim. accidisse La word generalty used os evit, an here not without specia significance. See rosessor Mayor' note o Philippi I DI 7. Ricliter quotes ad tam III Ioa et nollem accidisset te usus. quo tempore so the emphaticrepetitio of the substantive towhichahe relative refers see Mad-

eorum no suis, a Cicero is himself reporting the reportis his Word made by the delegates. 3. ne eos quidem compare I in

Verrema I delubra omnia Sanctissimis rellionibus consecrata de- sulatus GL deum denique nullum

Siculis qui ei paullo maris ad abre

atque antiquo arti cis factus Me-NDt reliquis. So Juvenal VIII Io6

Vitiis for the specia sense of the wor compare Tus disprava

73 eum D ae libidine agat curare quicquam quasi vero ipse non tragier libidinens tanta sagitia et faciat a dicat. triennium Verres ha been ap- potnte in B 73 and was to have been relieve in due oum at thebeginning os et by Q Arrius; ut

his SucceSsor a delaine by the flave-riSin unde Spartacus and Verres a accordingi continuedin his ossice for two ear more. Note the purposed juxtapositionis hoc uno praetore and fer triennium. illos notue hecause of the rela l

ii. . Dcrιm standpoint', position', herem alternative. Maim. de issem dedi issem. Ricliter Compares pro Rosc Amari quum hic se vitae rusticae dedisset. The construction illi ad is rare. tempore the pressure of circulm stances Seeii 5. traducerer a this inord in later


dicebam eos habere actorem Q Caecilium, qui praesertim quaestor in sua provincia fuisset. Quo ego adiumento Sperabam an a me posse molestiam demoveri, id mihi erat adverSarium maxime : nam illi multo mihi hoc facilius remisissent, Si istum non nossent aut si Ste apud eos quaestor non fuisset adductus sum, iudices, ossicio, fide, miseri-

Cordia, multorum bonorum exemplo, vetere On Suetudine inStitutoque maiorum, ut onus huius laboris atque ossi uno e meo, Sed ex meorum necessariorum tempore mihi Suscipiendum putarem. quo in negoti tamen illa res me,

liave been a very savourabie ordat an time. See o desce=rderes I.

adulescentiam traductam e Danter.

dicebam Pthis passage is referre lio by Quintiliano et g 59 as an

instance of relatio, hicli is nostrorum diuortim factorumque imitatio. qui praesertim man to whoha been Quaestor in Sicily'. See o D I. raraenim throw em phasis ponsui in sua gravincia, is genuine must he ahen stomthe standpoint of the Sicilians, asHalm says. I he might reflectethatthe had been Quaestor among them.

out that an adversative conjunCtion is tot in Latin attache tolli relative. Here e liould in Englisti suppi but'. Se ona 8. hoc onus defensionis Haim. remisissent Would have been more ready to hol me excused Domitiis. So II in Verrem IIIa et I9

verum o quoque vobis remitto.

iste Caecilius, in this speech. 5. obscio as Orme Quaestor an nou patronus of the Sicilians. sile, as in honou bound by his

PromiSe misericordia, sorte saysahove tuli graviter etc. multor umbonorum ex sto, Seeri 66-7I. fere consuetat ine, Se g 66 Iem- foribus optimis.

ontis laboris thicis the genitiveo more specific definition ex

Compare D causa necessim finis, pro Murri et virturibus continentiae gravitatis iustitiae, g 3 nomen votas alis, nomen Catonis, Philippi is causam amoris and the note o Pro Mayor onthe passage. Ad II in Verrem IVDII 3. V g et , pro Planciog et 7 72, an se ona 59 of this Speech. incit service', the pleadinisor the Sicilians. causae atque incio tuo, pro Mura et in hoc osscis. non ex meo Cicero a at this time candidate so the curule Aedileship and the underlahingo suci a case ould e ver inconvenient as a Seriou hindranceto im in his canuass. Se g et, in Verrem Det 3-2 .lem re season', en e convenience'. ori 6 pro Plancio 7 quid cuirιsque intersit et quid a me cuiusque te us o ac pro Cluentiori 13 illa oratio sotius te oris mei quam iudicii et auctoritatis fuit, decim C Pompeigo omne meum tempus amicorum temporibus transmiuendum putavi. camenJ quamvis ex meo tem I

tudices, Consolatur, quod hae quae videtur esse CCuSatio mea non potius CCuSatio mam defen Sio est existimanda. defendo enim multos morta es, multas Civitates, provinCiam Siciliam totam quam ob rem, quia unu mihi S aCCUSInduS, propemodum manere in instituto meo videor et non omnino a defendendis hominibus sublevandisque discedere. quodsi hanc causam tam idoneam, tam inhiStrem, amigravem non haberem, Si aut hoc a me Siculi non petissent aut mihi cum Siculis causa tantae necessitudinis non intem cederet, et hoc, quod facio, me rei publicae causa facere profiterer, ut homo Singulari Cupiditate, audacia, Celere praeditus, Cuius furta atque flagitia non in Sicilia solitam, sed

nsen potiris ... quam Richte wellremariis that thly nsen tam quam, an compares de orat Igal in qua non vis potius quam rathe rei delectatio postulatur. defensio sor the view of Cicero an other o the propriet ofpleading on the fide of the accused ather than o that of the accuSerrae note nari. Compare in particular de is I gD 9 - ξοwhere Cicero allows the partis accuser tot talienini aut rei sublicae aut ulciscendi aut atrocinii causa an cites his own conduci in this caseis an instance of the last. multos moriales Gellius XIII 29 et 8 cites the fame connexion OfWord sto the early historian Claudius Quadrigarius, and giveSthe commentis Fronto Quadrimarius cum multis mortalibus Me- tutam in Capitolium venisse dixit

tis hominibus' dixisset. As sarras can discover, Cicero generallyuSes mortales in his sense onlyWith omnes re sic t is stolam h might weli spea thus. The contexi here is ver disserent Dona that os omnibus Det. 6. idoneam as agreein wellwithis earlier Practice. uluSIVcm, a malain me the representativeos, hole province Haim. caustis here the word ear a very different sense DOm causamabove, that connexion', relation o Dieiadship'. o ad sani XIIIo D sed ea causa etiam cum aliis compluribus, fami a= itas tanta natino una hospite, de pro ConSD o quae sit mihi ratio est causacris Caesare, an perhaps pro Planciora et 7. Ricliter add pro

Quinctio 3 8 quicum tibi inruitas

societas omnes denique causae e necessitudines remae intercedebarat.

Most orth os note is pro Sulla et te a vae pro magnis cauSDrrostrae necessitudinis moram funa se etiam atque etian sum, hereth genitive achere is of the fame orderas laboris hyon which see note. rei publicae not meret patrocinii causa. See o D des/rsio. cupidi atri greed'. o pro Quinctiori 53 respirasset agiditas algate avaritia paullum II. scelere in abstraci Sense, eingliere connected illi abstracis. Ricliter. The only instances I canfindlare in Pliny, se nat hist XXV


in Achaia, Asia, Cilicia, Pamphylia, Romae denique ante

oculos omnium maxima turpissimaque nossemus, me agente in dicium vocaretur quis tandem esset, qui meum BCtum

aut consilium posset reprehendere a. quid est, pro deum hominumque fidem, in quo ego rei publicae pilus hoc tempore prodesse poSSim quid est, quod aut populo Romano gratui eSSe debeat aut Sociis exterisque nationibus optatius esse possit aut saluti ortutisque omnium magis acCommodatum sit popula ae vexatae funditus Versae proVin Ciae,

socii stipendiaris e populi Romani adflicti, miseri, an mia SH δ' in δ' PQR', est Ol Cium exitii quaerunt qui iudicia

Achaia, Greece Asia the Roman province In these and in Pamphylia e misconducted himself a Diutus o C Dolabella onthe way to Cilicia, hicli province the alter swit Verres soriis pro- quaeStor governe in B 8 and

nus in B 7 . These charge arestate in the rs book of the Secon speech or accusatio rit tenb Cicero. iii . . Ogulo Romano Ricliter apti quotes in illustration II inVerrem IIII et 7qurιva veroser iusprofligiatisque sociis vecti lia ostili

Romani sint deminum, rest umentaria, commeasus, cogiae salus urbis atqIι exercituum nostrorum in f Ieritatem istius avaritia λων iis is,

saltem populi Roma=ri commoda respicite. Se belowa 18.

Sociis exurisque nationibtis the Ver Gom Prehensive or socii is here employed in a restricted senset denote the civitates feaeeratae et liberae in the provinces, hil natione exterae stand so the mere

da etc. The phrase then is ciui valent o socii tis radiariique Whichsollows. Maim. See on 38. In 66, have natione exterae a agenera term sor both. fulatae semona et Thericholias remark non a Verre tantum sed ab omnibus hoc enim vult intellegi, prodesse se velle rei publicae accusationis exemplo'. stipendiarii so Caesar B I 3O, 36, VII Io. Such subjecis pati a fixe tribute, and this oes notreser to the Sicilians, se II in Veietem III ciet inter Siciliam

ce erasque provincias in agrorum vecti sitim rationes of incerest, quod celeris aut impositum vecti ulcra certum, quod stipendiarium dicitur, ut Hispanis et erisque Poeno-r7ιm, quaSi victoriae 3 ae nium ac poena besti, aut censoria locatio Gustituta est, ut Asiae Die Sempronia. Siciliae civitates sic in amicitiam raraque recepimus, ut eodem iure esseta quo fuissenI eadem uou- ιcione opulo Mnaa=ro farere te qua Suis ara ea paruissent. See also

solacium in the convictio isthei oppressors. Compare a 48

8 iudicia the right os sittingon juries For the plura os the

manere apud ordinem Senatorium Volunt, queruntur C-cusatores se idoneo non habere; qui accuSare OSSunt,

iudiciorum severitatem desiderant populus Romanus interest, tametsi multis incommodis dissicultatibusque adsectus est, tamen nihil aeque in re publica atque illam veterem iudiciorum vim gravitatemque requirit iudiciorum desiderio tribunicia potestas magitata est iudiciorum levitate ordo quoque alius ad res iudicanda postulatur: iudicum

Sulla BC 81 the iudicia had been in the hand of the Senate, a the had been besore the lex Sempronias C Gracchus BC aet). Thelenit shewn in dealinil illi themat administrationis provincial go- vernor brought on an agitationsor resori in the constitutio ostiae cotiris, hichaadio reachedit height. Cicero dexterouStyWork upo the jury seci in toput them n their good bellaviour. But notwilli standin therapright-nes os the jur ivlii charied Verres, ille transfer as rought aliout in iliis very ea by the lain os the Praetor L Aurelius Cotta See Ram say' Rona an Aialii luities c XP 29 a 3, and note no in Verrem Da. Halm ad is i in Verrem

youia men of high hirthiu lackin experience, meret to gain popularity Sees et , 68, and Meri- vale' II istor of the Roman . iudiciolin sevo Patena strict administrationis justice'. o Pro Muracio pro amici periculo ora rieni in clanger'. semerita eva compare 8, etiando in Verrem =ιulla in Duficiis severitas, nulla r eligio,irum denique iam exitii Iaaritur esse iudicia. r=Icovamodis sto the oligarchic reactio under Sulla. Compare

requis uJ seel the want os like desiderant above. Sos I 8 7 I, pro Mur 6 i. Se II in Verrem V I63. tributinia potestas restorei ear-lier in his ea by the consul Pompeius. Ne Velleius II 3

ν at in Verrem gg- -45, Appian BC II 29. The agitation foro his had been supportelli Caesar see Suc Caesar 5 . Thei importancein judicia matters conSiSted, SHalm remariis, in thei right os bringinti e re the comitia tributa Proposition sor the inflictio os

in Verrem D 9 Velleius II a 3, the alter of hich gives a

singulari inaccurate statemen os the result. For the compromisewhicli as actuali effect c d cenote ono in Verrem Da.