Two satires [microform];

발행: 1892년

분량: 75페이지


분류: 미분류


peian aintings,here Omen ure represented a sente la tabi aro doubiles Greeli subjecis Lipsius ould have read cena sed ei.

with Tyria purpi and ther costly artietes Oi ress. In Val. Max. V. i. 1 the Senate granis to ille Other i Coriolanus purpure veste et aureis uti festinentis, hieli Icapi' and liver rongly interpretris redinticula Sidon. ΛΡOd. viii. Ep. i. calis them crepita'htia, and mentions with thom Tyrian purpi and embroidory. In Sat. i. 89 thonare iound ornamentiti a crudie. ServiuS, Om- monting on the ori monile ad Aen. i. 654, ornamentum gutturis, quod et Hymentum dicunt, ut Iuvenalis this passage segmenta et onyos habitus.' Licet se=mentatas vestes bellulothos dicamus ut isse vi Sat. 89 et segmentatis dormisset parvula cunis. V romat whieli, maninior that seymenta meatis fringe, V asthe etymology Ouid Suggest, and that certain monilia, ornamonte i With fringe-like pondanis lilio hos figuredin Mus Borb. i. l. 40, ero also callo fringes. 'dammon. A flame-colored et woria by bridos Theword is pelle. Witti ne in O two aecordinito tho derivation adopted irona tamen or irona flamma Those who derive it romylamma rogard the color a intended


Stolen the eleven Othors ere made so recisol similar

o iis prurient association S.

129. tractitur. So Tae. v. n. 40. Augustus ii iam

suam equiti Romano tradere meditatus est. 130. galeam QuRSARS, te By hahingiuis hosti in angor Tlie alea was a leat hora etinet. viii, iii. F. 2, oves Mars the cassis O meta easque. H. Oulit eadgerram O terram. In reoli γερρον means in hielit. Vandi mulie Mars clast shiel Land spea together, quite lilio an nolent German. Unfortunately, erra is notLatin save in the lili irat, hen it monias non sensu. V Ii Juvonal ad osen borrowingo Grook ord, hichine, o ali mon the mos Roman neve does, Xeest in Corn ho ould no hau mado a Latin seminine Singularitatos a Grook nouteres iurat. 131. Patri That is, Iovi. raro constructio ofqueror, hielicis usuali sollOWed by cum, pud Or d.

This is a eas of substitutod syntax si 13 n.), queror standinisor dico, or implyiniit, jus a loqit is implied

in tho construetion illi cum. Vncto. sed by tho oot in tho sens os an im-p0sing threatening OP therWis impressive adVance. It eum to have been used even in Cicero' day sor eo


t ad transbites παγε.

132. campi Sed Marti Cp. Hor. i. d. viii. . Quom neglegis Hor. i. d. i. 35 36, sive neglectunt Venus et nepotes Lespicis auctor. Omotum. Λ osten olso vhure, socia diity, Vwhieli a the ni diit generalty observet in the Romeo tho Empiro. Juvenes has the word in times, and not ne in the old Ciceronian Sense. In Persius, holias it twido it rotain tho ob meaning Thus the lamguago isset rodord th soariu demoraligation o Romo during tho sit A centur Olisur ra.

133. vallo Quirini. monilo ad Hor. i. d. i. 46

s00m to have read his, colle Quirini, pr0bably nesi his conje tures sine I lino no uelib. I in the SS. Aecordinito Burgess Topog on Rome this valle disevidod th Vimina ironi tho Quirinal, and I rem inclinedio boliovo that tho phaeo is hoson to the salie of the contrast assorded by the heroic name lie V. . seemst impi the sume honino say ad invidiam dixit. ut it was a fashionablo quarter here stood the templo and grove o Quirinus and accordinito Sterbini PlanIconographique de Rome nolenne 1843), helouses of Propertius, Plin the ounger, and Crassus Dives ero in tho immodiato eighborhood. 134. Qui Quaeris Pon apologeti question stillidiomati in tho Romane languages and in German. It is osten accompanie by a significant tiru of the

135 acthi hol. Λ in Sat. v. 16, neglectum adhibere

clientem jociare invite. ' He has a very seleel

party, in deserene to public opinion Contrast his illitho feret prelum 136), a prophec of the non future. liceat, etc. I is a mere question os imo hen thesethings illae done penly.


evor the ea liniis ather uncertain.

horror relato. in tho artior par of tho satiro to thomuch les horribi degradation of the arona. I bellevethe versos to havo been originalty ritton to stant for 200 210 in Sat. viii. and o have been transforrod heremor thristity than wisely. ii hora Juvona o by Someearly editor Our poet usa conceive, frequently madeul his satiros froni eat tered memoranda in vorso. See Introd. to Satiro I. That thes versos are OrrOWed, and no an origina par of the poeni, also appo ars lihelywhen o considor that i Gracchus is a mero nam foran nobio, ascis onerali held, it is inero libi that illo Same nam e houb have been sed in the fame satiret represent two so disserent fornas of infamy. erothere o ploiity os ollior nobi Damos a the oot' disposab Hasino no usu lithor 3 ut in disserent satiros Gracchus might wol ropressent disserent vicos II inferone froni his is ibat the versos ore rejected ironi Sat. viii. and that this sntire is, or at an rate these VerSe ure, Consequently posterior in composition to that satire. Ribbook 0j et tho passago altogothor. I have

retalia ei it in vise of the habit os ur poet spolien sabove, ando thinii that Dicit dotis no mean that thesaultis sighting in tho arena is groator than the crimes spolien os bosoro. ut that tho impudono of this publicdisplay ad novo boon qualed - u Oint alSO Oretuli mori sed ut in viii. 200 206.143. Graeotii That noblomon sough in tho arena in the reis nisi Domitian is linoum torus from tho historians


ΝΟTES SATIRE IIas et a frona ur author. Cp. Dio Cassius luit. 34, ix. 10 lxxii. 19. Some later emperor dii this thomsolves Didius ulianus Hist. Aug. id. ix. notwithout reproach, Commodus ib. Comm. i. ove intho res of an magon and fulsillinito tho lotio thoprediction o Juvenal as to the excesses, cupient et in aet referri. Gracchus appear in the costume in retiaritis, Wh personated a istierinan bentin catellingtho sisti hieli his opponent usuali a Gallus, i. e. gladiator armed like a Gaul Wore ori his crest. Forthis ui pose e carried a casting-net, hieli ho n-deavored to throw ove the ea of his adversary, anda fish-spear a trident called fuscina frona hieli ho Fronoli foti in in the fame sense). Λ aishorma howas lothed in a mere tunic. Cp. Sat. v. 49, herea fishorman is spolien os as remeae nudus and se noteon verse 1. Aiter fallita in his cast the retiarius, bemc defensetess, a force to talio to si hi hilo gathering ut his et O a ne east This is the mean- in o lustravit fuga, the ver carrying the ense Oigoin through very partis a place, a Was dono in holustratio, o purifieation of the elds, etc. Baumeister, Dent mater, p. 2101 fig. 2352.145. Jah brae et ait botwoon et Marcellis and minoribus, ahing one verse ut of the two. H. etainsboth, ut illi Catulis and Paulli Cablorinus realis Paullis, and conjectures that there ero tW branchos o Paulli, tho maiores, hos ancestor et a Cannae, and tho minores descended ironi the conqueror o Perseus A the alter a the sonii the former i is not asylo se ho the ean alie two ranehes in the sene o any etde brotherri Macedonicus. ΝΟΤΕ SATIRE II

Capitolinis. Suet Galba , Galba . . . haud dimbie nobilissimus mayn et vetere prosapia ut qui statuarum titulis PRONEPOTEM Q. CATULI CAPITOLINI Semper adscripserit. ΜRTCelliS. Λ cognomon of the plebeian Claudii. O this family a M. Claudius Marcellus, hocin B. C. 222 took the spolita omni from an Insubrianaing, and who ook Syracus in the seconi Puni Wis. nother Marcellus a the subject of Virgil pathotio vel Ses, Aen. i. 861-887. No Claudian Marcellus appear intho consular fasti astor B. C. 22.146. Catulis. A cognomen os the plebeian gens Lutatia. hieli furnished severat OnSuis etWeen B. C. 242, hen C. Lutatius Catuliis osseatod Hanno os tho Aegates, theret, en ling the fit Si Punic War, and . . 78, hon Quintus of that nam suppresso the populari evolution, O Whieli M. Aemilius Lepidus a tholendor. O the ea lin Catuli it ma Wollas obj0oted that thos havo allaeady been amed in the Capitolini.

gon Asemilia Lucius deleated Perseus a Pydna B. C. 168. Marcus, ho dised nobi a Cannas, B C. 216 istho Paullus nimae magnae prodigus imor. i. d. xii. 38. Fabiis Tho gens Fabia a patrician, and probablyo Sabino origin I furnishod o es than seven consul botw001 485 and 79 . . asso Fabius, in his third consulfhip B. C. 479), declare for the plebs, and j inod that ordor illi his sentire lan. Tho lest Romo in a bollyrio figlit tho Veientes and were ali destroysedat the rive Cremera, illi the exeoption os ne child


popular superstition that deifiei the deceased emperorsi, exelaim ing Ut isto deus fo.' '149. aliquos. Prop. IV. vii 1 Sunt aliquid Manes,let /m non omnia nit. Aliquos froni aliqui, o alia quis is stronger than ii the poetiad meret salil esse Manes It is here equivalent to quales umqtie, Somesor o Manes.' Cp. Ter And 883 884. an inhuminduxti tuom, quod cuperes aliquo pacto esse iundum

tibi, horo Donatus malles aliquo pacto suOqυ modo.

Horae has fabulaeque Ma=ὶes, et domus exilis Plutonia, i. d. iv. 16.150. Cocytum. I refer tho readin et contum, whielicis that os almos ad tho MSS. includin P. Itis a remini celace of Virg. vi Aen. 302, Ipse ratem conto subigit velisque ministrat, hiet was familia to very

so=iat quo 'mordetur gallina marito. Seo uiso Quint. Inst. V. X. 119, alioqui nec radidissem. nonctum aer lRVRntur. It is no certain udiether tho referendo icto hildron too oun to se the publiebath ut ad or, a tho V. S. has it to a custom nulloWing thos unde a certain age to athe gratis. Beelier Gallus Exe. i. to cono vii. was ut sirs of tho latior opinion, ut ehanget to the former agrosein With theviow of Seyssori Lex dor ΛΛ0rtunas unde art. Buder)and Rieli in milli' Diet o Class. ADt. Balineae).


NOTES SATIRE II154. Scipiactae. Metri grati for Scipis nes. Spoverso 65, and Lucrotius usu o Memmiadae sor Memmio Q. e. lie two Scipiones Africani, and perhaps the two who purishod in Spatii in the seconi Puni War. Falaricius C. Fabrielus Luscinus, the amous antagonistis Pyrrhus, . . 278. Camilli. M. Furius Camillus, the ero of the early par of tho ourth centur B in to hom Ome Wedh0 seeoni birili alter her destruction by the auis. His histor is tingod with myth, ut nough, i is certain to mali him ne i Rome' greateS men. 155. Cremerae Cannis See notes ii vers 146. 157. lustrari. I ii orde to purification, aiter Suelidostomunt. Tho lustratio a performed by prinklingand by fumigatin With certain substances hil Walliingaround the lae or hin to e lean Sed In Sprin-kling. a branchisi laurei laurus uda, v. v. F. 677 oro olivo was used O a prini ter similarito hat is linown in tho Roman Chureli as an aspergilium Greeli περορραντὶ ριον; ut See num eister, p. 58). hieli hasno nam in classica Latin although tho articio is hown in ortis Oilari, speciali on moduls. Se it illustrate l

158. Aulpura This usu i sulphur and of Water is mentioned by Homer, Il. xvi 228, here Achilles hir, fies his privat drin ing-cul sor a libation to Zeus

11. The word θειον is probabi derived accordinito Liddol Seoti, si otii θειος divine. Vforet Tho sortiis forem fores foret, fore ut for S- Sem, eto. Seem to Oecur in Juvenal ni si times, bosidothis verse, vig. iv. 48, 140 X. 75, 103, 263 xii. 30. In Persius ni in ne place forent , v. 107. Horaceoninusos foret, ut has his ut east twelve times, and Dino folios in the satires and episties. 159 illic Tho read in illuc, Without the period, adopted by Mael and ther on the theor that traducimur cannot o translated ithout illuc, leaves quidema et greatur dissiduity, sine quidem must introdue an objection hieli ho laus with sed is to ans er, nil itis ardo fini an sumeton con neotion etW00n the

conquest O Rome and the truism that, o aro allio undior anothor orbi. illi Ribbook' and Jatin's rea lingilio connection is clear, ii e translato traducimur 'obeconio a laugliing-stoeli, ,hicli is also the mean in ofilio ori in viii. 17, horo tho degenerato descendant squαlentes traducit avos. 159, 160. Rrm . . . Dromovimus. To tho brios notio of tho conques of the Orcades by Agricolii, A. D.


e uisum seditione domestic unum eae regulis gentis eae eperat . . . Saeses eae eo'udivi, etc. the pronoun eo grammaticali refers to unum e regulis, ho is Ialy

wo anno refer dileaeisse to Mnester, the whole contextiopbid ling. 166. OBSOS. Armenia a finali conquered by G0rmanicus, A. D. 18, ut Was Oileia temporarii reoccupied by the Parthians, und Was neve completet a pari filio Empiro. In these circumstances there ould ostent, Armonian hostagos a Rome Histor is silent a tothis particular ovili. 167. homineA. There is no example o homo sedas a contrasto puer. It is no eas to eo h itshoub bo a more objectionablo iis in Latin han in many modern languages, here the word correspondingio homo is also sed to signis a full-grOWn an as


longior Comparative os considerable degree. 168 indulsit. Moro strictly the ut peri is callo lsor. alii has a comitia alter his vord, but indulgeo in the silver age rojoicos in the construction of the dat. Pers et nec rei Draeg. Hist Synt. i. p. 404).169. mittentur. illi disearde l. V .' explanasion that the bracae ore sent to tho boysos iit sat Rome to corrupi thoir morat hardi sesem to calicior


i. 152. R CuSative, cognate i. ii. 3. aconita and aconitum, L 158. acta, ii. 36. ad calicem i. 57.

admoveo adnumero, si 148.

Ae ptius, i. 130. Afranius, i. 3, 20. αχουσα, i. 132. Alabarchos, i. 130. Amaron in art, i. 23. ἀναδωματα, ii M. ἀναξυρίδες, si 169. ancilia, ii 125 126. angusticlave, i. 106.

Antonius, i. 49 ii. 71.

aphrodisiaes, ii 128. Apollo anx Marsyas, mouP. i. 128.

Arabarchos, i. 130. Arachne, ii 56. arca, i 89. archetypus ii T. argentum, Silvermare, i. 76. armarium, ii T. Armenia ii 166.


92. Artaxata, ii 170. Arva Brethron, hymn of ii. 79. as, fractionat divisionis, i. 40. aspergilium, ii 157. atrium, i. r. atroae, si 12. Attius i. 20. attractio in tho predicate, i.

si .

Augustus, law of ii 37. Automedon, i. 61. Bacchanalia ii. 3. Bacchus, thes Oat acre t , i. 76 0--dres of ii. 84. Basebius, i. 35. balnea, i. 142. Baptae, ii. 2. ballis i. 142. Bebriacum, Bedriacum, Betriacum, ii 106. bis and duo, i. 169. bombycina, ii. 66.

Bona Doa ii. 26, 27 86 87, 110.

book of the ancients i. 5.boys. Seo praetexta batia. bracae, ii 169. Britannicus, i. 72. busta, si T. caelatores i. 76. calator i. 99.

Caligula, i 44, 8 ii 165.

Camillus, ii 154. campus Martius), ii 132.

Cannae, ii 146. ano ii. 64.

Capitolinus, ii 145.

capsa, si T. Carus, i. 36. Caininere hamis, ii. 7.