Two satires [microform];

발행: 1892년

분량: 75페이지


분류: 미분류


uted by public unior to Julius Caesar Suet Jul. 9),

101. The speech of the disinensator nil a triabuno. Sed libertinus prior adest, ' a L v. With his usual good judgnient, has Seen is the Oet' parenthetiea introduction to the reeduiati's Objection. Whabove may be justi argued ironi Other facts I do notthinii that nobiseun prove anythin abola JuvenaΓssocia position a M. uni P QS. have maintaine l. At litoratur is fuit of uel expressions, hicli the author neve meantis to talis au ted de la effre. Itmight, ut most, e justi inferrei that Juvenal id notolaim toas a Troiuste α.102. libertinus Wo earn rom Suet. Claud. 24 that in tho oonsorshil of Λppius Claudius Caecus B C. 3a 2), an longinitor, libertinus meant,ilius liberti. In the litora ing tho oriis ore distinet in se athorthan in sense, the samo person ein libertinus o libertinu in respectis socia position, and libertus o libertα in relation to the forme master Thus Horae Spealisos himsoli a Libertino patre natus Q. e. o a fallier Ofth sodia elassis libertini Cp. Acts X. 6.)104. molles fenestrae. The holes in the ear-lobes for arrings. Juvena stigmatiges his Orionia habitas esseminate mollis). To-day the east nominato classes in solitheria Europe, hard Saliors and lawlossbanditii, assuet it the reali esseminate men have givenit P


brandi of th yens Valeria, ut ad seconio lilio so

111. Doctibus albis. Pliny, in a passage XXXV. N. . viii. Where e plaint alludes to Pallas cp. Tac.

thos flavos, Osseret for sale noli catasta, ho ere importe Macros Seas, Penslium trans mare advectorum

bori ad Euphratem ould bo thus mari ed. Cp. v. i. m. viii. 64 despicei sati crimen inane pedis.)116. CreDitat Tho seliolias expilain that tortis had thoi nost in tho tomplo os Conoord probabi on the

sidere Da good omen to a d welsin and iis inhabitant istho torti soluet it for it habitation, and to citi ne of thos bird is lookod pon in tardi an other lightthan a rimo. V Murray' Handbook of orthoria Germany 16lli ed. p. 20. Mael quotes Jolin os Salisbury, ciconia quoniam avis Concordiae est, concordiam invenit et concordiam facis.117. Summu honor M. talios the woriis litorally. i. e. O mean the consuls.' Tho V. . mahes them Dion sonators. V Pthinii that Mart. X. 10, quoted by M. and w., is eoisive sor alio consuis. V119. 120. hos vorsos Woub s00m to sustain Friod- laeniter' SuggeStion, spolienis in the note to vers 100,


id styis facient.120 fumus That is, susel. p. ignis e=nendus 134),

122. A to tho resone os omen teli nough totas a lectica, the epithet densissima eum to sorbidilis explimation that ii as Only the sicli Or regnant vlio ere thias carriet abolit As sueti visits by vomenare an anomal in Roman mannei S, e ma Perhal Si isti the conjecture that the dolo of tho marriet client se Mael. On the verse was oubio, and that it was meret a proono his mari ted stat that the olient had himsel so aevompanie l. eo Friodi. i. 426. 124. Sellam. Seo note to versem . . The sella muliebris of Suet. thoracis, no doubi intended. 125 126 Tlin sp00el aster inquit is variousty punctuatod ani distributo l. alii and thors serit, it alli the client uni mari morari us a question Icili inhiliat tho bost sens is ad by tho Ointing hielio havo adoptod in the toxi, and by tal in moraris A aqueruli us assertion. Som. Quiescet is the futuro os

arousing rom leop,' is Sed again metaphoricali in ii.

planation os ipse. I suggest tho soli 3wing. The salutatio, includin the sportula henai ven in money, Ooliptae ver early - beiore uiarise, hiet was th begin- ning of tho Roman dies It was quasi dies, eoauseth socia lis of tho it was allaeady stir but theotho busines deserit sed in tho fossowin sines oecupied the da proper ipse dies It is tria that in vorso 127 tho portiti suom to se inelaido in the work of tho day, ut his is alii ascit ere, reSumptiVely VO tula, deinde bella equivalent to post sportulam. tolli early hour of the salutatio the tostimon os Enytho ounge is ver important, a heri a contemporary, and not writ in satire. He liealis of the salutatio as

iit. 126, nocte . . . cm'rere, and V 2l-23, tot salu α- triae iam q/rb i et esterit orbe u sideribus dubiis, is lotho fame esse 't.

128. Apollo. Probabintho Apollo layin Marsyas

whieli Horae mentions in i Sat. i. 120. y so longstanding in tho forum o Augustus, here laWSuits ore argued Apollo, the Oet SuggeSt8 had ecome quite a

129. triumphales Seth statuas. Statuos os thegrent Roman generat Were lilaced by Augustus in thoportio os around his forum Η.). Later emperors, hosona sed to permit an subjecto celebrate a triumph. asa proliminar to hioli ho ould lavo o bo salutodiis imperato by his tr iops found it convenient to a Nisi the ambitio of thei generat by granting them


vetereS. p. iii 124, te mi ora lomyi servitii. Foritio otia in os veteres a sermanent quality With lassi a momentar condition by mean o a conjunction Oroason Doed bo ought 0yoni ille unu illingitos o thoartiseia potits of the silvor ag to oin t v epitheta illione Oun a serupleno hicli many O thei mos strat nodconstructions and inversion mustae referre l. 133. Ota S in Sat. v. 18 tho inne is callodioso-

136. QK. Λ porsonis qualityon ricli man, n Patron. So in innumserable passages rom Plaut. sin V. i. 69, and Tor Phorm. II. i. 24, to Mart. II. xviii. 5. tantum ipso. in G, secreto cenavit.

u sed for appono though no vor frequently in the est age. Seo Cato, R. R. in Varro R. R. iii. Hor. i. Sat. i. 23, etc. Juvenal lias it in v. 51, 85, 135 in tholas of whieli pone ad Trebium stantis in amor of tmesis for appone Trebio). 146 i. 4. 109.142 146. n imitationis Porsius, iii. 9840qq. lied ingerous practico 144 o tali in vor lio ballis uiter


DRVOnem. Not amed hero as an unusua disti butas particulari indigestibio It was, in faet, common

rivul, Hortensius, hen e a made an augur Varro,

145. ii tho non elialant ossilmul, ut sueti a death, M. quotes a passage o Cicero ad Fam. v. 17 a). hieliis orthiivin horo in fuli: Nos hic . . . . Sullam patrem mortuum habebamus hitronibus alii crudi ut dicebant populus non cuFabat con bustum enim

esse Oristabat.

falaula. good story. For this sense se Hor. i. p. iii . . 146. iratis. Beonus the suddon death choat thsemo expected legacies. p. Pers vi. 33, 34, cenam funeris heres neyleget iratus quod rem curta eris.147. Oribus Bad morais, as in Cicero tempus osten means tempus iniquamι; . g. ad Fam. i. 64 2;i. 74 2.149. in praecipiti Pors. iii 41, 2, imus, imus praecipites. Somor i Ep. viii. 21, praeceps alea, an dii Sat. iii 293 Lw.), casus medicus e levarit aegrum eae praecipiti. 150. Sinus Cicero had salit pandere vela rettionis

153. Simplicitas. p. i. 18 Hor i. at iii. 3. Straightioi Wardiaess. ac Dial Orat. 40, notabilis et quentia alumna licentiae, quam stulti libertatem vocabunt It is his libertas thatio do mo dare o cal by

153 154. Vatin has cuius . . . an non ' in talios, nilio round that quotation froni Lucilius, hi 'hin tho absone of the original cannot e prove M also has the interrogation ulter simplici as and novie/λ. Equatly good judges inclitilingvi and Mael , tali cuiusas a relativo scit sint licitetiis) profer tho latior vlow L. Mulier. De Re Metrica 336 337, quoted by M., has hown that in Lucilius time audeo as alWaysseannui audύο, and could not thereiore stand in hexam uter But apar irona this though Lucilius might assordio ravo the wrath of Lupus o Mucius cp. et S. i. 114, 115. L. R.), he woulit hardi bo so Oolisti as tothreaten the wholo community These verses heresorumdan Pwishalia I dare t imitato the reedom i


Tigellinus and ou ill sussor. V154. Mucius P. Mucius Scaevola, OS. B. C. 133, an

Tigellinum Sophonius Tigellinus, a Sicilian, and a

favorito illi Nero on account f his extreme Victous-

151, 6 says more generali that et is inserto Moni in

is dotibiles the fame punishment elsewhere calle tunica molesta viii. 235; 13. Mart. X. XXV. 5).157 verse of ur author has iven the commentator more troubi than his Ono Various conjecturalrendings and many interpretations have been Ossorod.

than inuoli crudition. ther abandon the idon o punishment altogether, and thinii that sulcu=u deducis arenaoni mean bou lose oui labor. V Cp. vii 48, in pu vere sulcos ducimns. y di deducit,sero adoptod I shouldrosor it to ille streali os light eas by a talliam acrossino blood or thorwis damΡ and of the arenari but, aftor inuehaesitation, I 00 that the omission of the rei tivo i untihely a conviction hicli suggestedri Porson his elogant conjecture et latum media silicum qu ducit harena), and that the tense of deducis is, on the wholo thorios sorious dissiculty The οὐ sudiloni transporis himsol to the timo aster the burning a change Os tenSeno a Whil moro violent than VirgiΓ dat Dido in Aen.


158, 159. Vetiatur . . . lumis That is in a lectica furnished illi Dieather-bed. Se notus to 32 and 64. Verres pulvin /s Cic. Verr. V. i. g 27 M. Was stussed with rosos in a diaphanous ich. 159. ospiciet. Aetuatly and metaphorically. 160. Contra This proposition in the sense Oi obviam, With abori, o motion is sexe00dingi raro in the oblonage scp. Plaut. Rud. I. v. 22) although it ultimatoly

161 serit. That is habebitur, illi pro ccusatore erit. 163. Committas, do pit.' Tac Germ. X. 20 eius gentis cum qu bellum est captivum cu=u electo popula

rium sitorum . . . . committunt. On the constructiono licet with tho simple subjunetivo suo illiner ii 221, Obs. 1, Where, howevor, ut justice is no done to the subjeci. I rogard his subjunctivo a a jussive, and thelicet as originali parentheticat. Per USSUS B Paris, ho ho him in his vulnerablo eul, hilo he oui ted Polyxena in the templeo Minerva.


201. 171. ecordinito Cio. i. Log. xxiii. 58, tho a so the twolve tables sorbado intramura buria Or reniu-tion. Hene the tonabs re found n the oad lead-ing ut o Rome though in ome cases no included within the walis a enlarged by Aurelian. The textwas, Hominem mortuum in urbe ne sepelito, leve urito. The Vestales ore excol ted oven heu buriod alivo forunchastit Serv. ad Aen. i. 206), and the Omperors, sui legibus non tenentur.' Si. sollowingvi and M., says that tho Flaminian and Latin Ways are specifled because Paris a buriod ora tho ne and Domitian Onthe ther, and citos Suet D m. 17. But Suetonius, es no say that Domitian was uriod on tho Latin Way butSVS, noli contrary that astor the funerat elebrate lb his urse, Phyllis, ut e suburbanum On that road, She Secreti convoysed his ashos reliquias into thotemplemi tho Flavian sens, hieli Domitian ad uili

Suet Dotii. 5 in the origina Forum Romanum ille tomplo is tho three columns V of the guidebooks undininglei them illi the ashes of Julia, tho aughter os Titus, hom he had also nursed, and whom Domitianliud lovod not wisoly butuo Woll.

I havo atroad intima ted in tho Introdiu tion to

Suotonius mori mauna freq)untia . . . bis Geter auditus est, ut ea quoque quae prima fecerat

inferciret noris scriptis But illi ho bove e- Servation e manascribo his satiro to a dat notearlier nor ver uiuoli later than the ear sue notorio vorso 29 his is confirmed by tho allusion to tho conquos os tho Oroados in versus 160 161,

Wheroes have givon om reason foro date bout 100 A. D.

This satiro, in spitem iis repulsive subjeci, is



1. Ultra Sauromatas. o tho end of tho parth. The Sarmatae occupiet the vast region etween the Vistula and the Don. The Greel forni Σαυρομαται is adoptedaecause the Latin Sarnmtae cannot stant in tho

1, 2 glaoialem Ooeanum. Tac. G. 45, Trans Sitionas aliud mare pigrum ac prope immotum and Luean . 18 Scythico glacialem frigore pontum. 2. Ructent. Scit loqui, o muttire. 3. Cic. i. in xxviii. 40, Sed qui ad voti/statem omni referens, vivit ut Gallonius, loquitur ut Frugi ille Piso, non audi nec enim eum quod sentia dicere existimo. See also Mart. i. P ix. 28. CuriOS. On the iurat se note tori. 3. It is notneceSSarnio suppi esse, a simillo is sed illi tho diroet Objeci, even an adjective. So iv. XXV. viii. I 2, Hanniba Laegrum simiarebat, and v. Rem Ain. 93, sanum simula. M. Curius Dentatus, the conqueror Oi Pyrrhus a Beneventum B C. 275, a justi regardedus a mode o civi virtve. Se Cic. de Sen. 5, Mart. VI lxiv. 2.BaCotianalia vivunt. Λ bol expression modeledon the cognate accusative. So xii. 128, vivat vel Nestora tofum res longos Nestor). p. Hor. i. Sat. v. 33 Cyclopa saltare, and se many more example in Κilliner. i. g 72, c. p. i. 94 note Tho Bacchanalia were celebrated trienni atly ut night unti the reat ΟΡ- ΝΟΤΕ SATIRE II

portunities hiel the offeret for licentiousnes caused tho Sonat to orbii thom by a deeroe hicli is extant Liv. XXXIX. xviii. B. C. 186). Bacchanal facere is used as early a Plautus ita di utilion debaueh. 4. inctooti Cp. Horaeo's in ut tho Stolos in .

Omnia. IV should o suppi loca The neuter adjoctive is used substantively, and resembles the vague riout cola V of the rench. 4 5. VPSO CtirySiDDi. C. Was a disciple o Zeno, tho truo ounder of the Stoicis 'hool, spolien o a pater Chrysippus by the Stoic o Horaee' day. Diog. Laert. says of him in book vii. quotin a current VerSe Ε μη

75, Chrysismum qui fulcire putatur porticum Stoicorum. The raetice Oi lacinibust os authors and philosophors in lilii aries as universat. Se Hor i. Sat. iv. 22 Suot Tib. 70; Mart. ix. 1. Asinius Pollio is amod as havin intro lueed tho fashion Plin. xxv. N. H. i.). Plin telis iis that these ere osten imaginaryliortraiis. Suel mus have been the mage of ittacus, who was one of the even ages, and die about 579 . . 6. similem Seil veri. 7. arcitietYDO Cleanthas. Probabi origina bust so Cleanthes, no reproductions; ut the adjective is rare Cloanthe was a pupil O Zeno and the eachor fChrysippus That the resereno is to authenti book of Cloantho is no lili sely. Boolis eremo hept on helves,

but in si ista iii 206 or in eapsae x. 117 by the oor, and in armaria Plin. i. p. xvii. χ), loculamenta Sen. Tranq. n. ), or foruli iii. 219 by the rioli. Diute a. Elther the sponda inferior of tho lectus


have been finishexto represent a batilement. The . . has armarium. The meaning sheli,' ven in hodietionaries, musti regarded a dolabisul Tho originalmeanin is a lo wallis balustriae. Λ Gesner Th0s.

VIII. xliv. 13, ii pluteum stand forinaed, it oes o asu part the sponda interior, hiet was nintho baeli os asofa for the whole. his is sertainly the meantia in Mart. III. ci. 10, namque puer pluteo vindice tutus erat. In Pors. i. 106, tho back of tho Detus lucubrat rius fuit the sense belle than anythin elso. See also Lindemania, Orp. Gram Lat. ad Paul Diae. ii 590),

superfluous air. V The neglect of this praetice Wasmeant O suggestis mani spirit. So in viii. 114-116,

resinata iuventus, ait o an unWarlike eople, a thehat was removed by adhesive plasters. 12. trOCem. In a good ense. Somor. i. d. i. 23, 24, Et cuncta terrarum subacta, Praeter atrocem animum Catonis.16. Porthomius Unlino n.

puto is a Word of the book-heepers. 17. mortium. Nice,' a in Hor i. at vi 30, of vanit ii Sat. iii 121, of avariceri t. d. xxxvii. 10, of lasciviousness, achere. I Would not however, o lightly dismis the litora interpretationi morbum asin physicaldissenso for nothin could more naturali asseet tho ait os a mari than the mariscae os vers 13. Peribomius is probabi the subject o fatetur et in that case, umus tali hunc a uiso referringo hina, and a personalobj0et, illi inputo is somowhat strange Fateor is foundas a passive Cic. ii Leg. gr. 57), and ii, so talio ithere, hunc goes With mrbum, and the subject offateturis qui morbus J. 18. simplicitias Guilolossia oss. p. i. 153.

furor Probabin insanit V or, a that anno beavoidod, it mustas laid to the fatos. Some interpreterstranslate even anger must Orgive them,Vjuror havingilia meaning occasionalty as in Syrus imus, 268. Furor si laesa saepius patientia.