장음표시 사용
24. tutorii This subjunctivo question What mayor annot e done meaning the opposite of the question V Madv. r. 353). Hypothetica subjunctivo with an interrogative Ord, speciali quis implyin a
25 miSCent. m. aite R., quotes Liv. IV. ii. 6, quid tandem est cur coelum ac terras misceant, With the comment that se Livnput it into the mouinis a spuakeriour centurios ando hali eiore Christ, hen it Wasdoubiles quite unknown, ' ,hich would se extremelyintorsesting, ii ii ere proved. R. also quote Luciali,
Cieero' enemy, notorious for his violation of the mystorios of tho Bona o in Caesar' houso, hither uti adulterous intrigue ad alien him Cethegus, a tollow- conspirator illi Catilino. 28. tabulam Seil proscriptio=iis. Sulla proserit sed the partisans o Marius in B. C. 81. The triumvir Ooluvianus, Antonius, uni Lepidus H. L . are callud Sulla' diseiplos, ecuus the imitate lolio example ihi proscription in B. C. 43. Mael thiniis that it is hosii si triumvirato that is alludodrio. 29. Qualis That is, quali inconsistent. DuPer. Probabi qualisies pollutus, no erat i. e. ho ovived theso laws hile resti rom that crime. V may thus fixoli date of this satire a no earlier tha tho cath o Domitian September 18 A. D. 96 ;for I cannot thinii that Juvenal would avo aid erat iiDomitian ad oen live, nor Ver much later Sine', a H. Suggests, the admirabie energ of this passagespualis lolidi for the theor that it was composed hilotho crimes of tho tyrant,ere stili frosi in the remembrance os poet anil reader. tragieo. Julia, tho aughter o Titus, a se lueed by hor unido, Domitian Suet. Doni. 22), ho ad 0-fused hor hand whon ho might avo marrie hor. The connection is callei tragie illier On necount of the mur-dor of her hiisband Sabinus, or more lihely beenus itfuit the poet to regari itis an incest comparabie tomoso whioli ad tho round-work of foverat of tho Greeli tragedies Domitian in the face of his ownlewdtiess, revived the triet ancient laws against lasciv-iousnos Suot Dona. 7 83 o Plin. v. p. i.
NOTES SATIRE II 30. I avo addet a comma restor amaras, hichgives om=tibus to timendas. his greatly niproves the sense, a niter om/tibiis, hicli Dieatis ali mortali Utho atque introduces an inexpected ani ver essective addition. 33 solvoret. Suotonius Dona. 22 relates that Julia' dontii A. D. 83 Dio Cass. was caused by mal- praeti te,' ut etiam causa mortis aetiterit, coactae conceptum, se ab Vere Cp. Plin. v. p. i. 34. vitia ultima. liat is the Ost Victous se OnS. 34, 35. noto Soauros. ii tho plural se l. 73 noto. I prosum that Juvenal oes no mean Such hypocritos a Scaurus,' though histor Would perhapsboar him ut in talitii that te of the an' character, but thala talios him at the fi 'tilious valvation placet onhim by teoro and ther of the aristocrati Party. P. Hor. i. d. xii. 37 Val. Max. III. vii. . 35. remorctent. Hor. Epod. i. 4 et me remorSurum petis The veri, generali means cause
37. lo Iulia Callod in tho Insis of Justin. v. tit. 18 Iuli de adulteriis coercendis originali mado by Augustus, an resnactsed by Domitian. So Suot Aug. 34 Who calici de adulteriis et de pudicitia, and on the rosenaetinent Mart. i. 7 and 22. Seo too Prudent. Perist. X. 203. Froin the passage in tho Institutos it would app0a that the la also puni 'iod eos qui cum masculis nefandam libidinem exem e re audent; ut his may have been a later additionNOTES SATIRE II
to tho law, for ii tho leae filia overe these offensos Laronia n00d have involiedis Other. 38. atauo. In tho Codex Medicaeus o Virg. X. Λen. 742, e read, Atque subridens mixta Mezentius ira, hicli ea ling, sine the verse illiso scan is Sul)liosed to stant for ad que quem o ad quae It is assumed that this verso ShOuli consorin to the ne in Virgil, and L. R., Mach, W. und ther edit accord- ingly. alii retain the ea lingis P. atque ita, and thini ho is right. Th two passagos disse materiallyin that tho petiet o Mezentius is not preceded by any Otho action On his pari, a the ita locuta est in ursis recedoda non tulit. 39. Ductorem. illi pudorem habere, hieli is notCiceronian compare the equivalent, sit pudor, illi dativo expresse. o supplied Whieli is the more fre-ouent constructiori. So metum habere, Prop. III. i. IV. x. 6. Juvenal has pudorem habere in vi. 357; pudor est in iii. 154, xiv. 178, in tho latior passago illitho genitive. Petron Sat. p. 96 66, Bueeheler), maledicillam versibus ut habeat pudorem Cla Italian aver ver-90'nα, Frenoli avo i hon e Spanisl fener vergitenzα. 40. tertius Cato. Tho Otho two bella M. Cato tho Censor and M. Cato urnamed Uticensis, Otho reseminent for thoi virtuos. Maeleano' suggestion that Domitian's censorshil is alludet to is roundies and mis-lon ling. Laronia ironi nil calis hor intorlocutor at hiri Cato,' justos hyloch, in ali arnosi calis Ortia inmanio com to judgment. Cp. Mart. ix. 28. Caelo. A quasi-proverbia phraso. p. Tib. I. iii. 89, 90. Tibullus uses no reposition. IV Should X-p0ot de but Juvenal has e both here and in xi. 7.
unde so a quo abi. gentis in i Sat. i. 12, and oreae quo With generatur in . d. xii. 17.42. tibi - tim, adat. commodi. P. Hor. I. at V. U,
Whoro illi is vor Dearly quivalon to illius. 43 vexantur. Se noto on l. 126 Tlier is reat satiri fore in hiis depicting the laws a fast fleepandianwillincto bo disturbed. Jah has ut ure Allilio Codd. inelii ling P. have ac iura, hi 'hos a lesse nective, but for his ver reason, the reserable ea s
mati ted lascio iam a vobis prohibetote. nother view, based on Plut Marc. 2, and no ver disserent froni thestor o Maximus, a b Seen in mitti' Biogr. Diet. , art Scantinius G. avors a Scantinius Aricinus, quotingCie. iii Phil. i. 15, hieli hemisunderstantis. 46. umtione. That is, With aeli maii' shield overlapping the hielixo his eighbor a sar a the boss. Umbo, however, Ometimes, as in Virg. vii Asen 633. stand fortho hole hield. V. . quotes Lucan quicquid multis peccatur inultum est. 47. mollem pathici Catul ivit. pulchre convenit
improbis cinaedis R.).prit Seo notes on l. 91 and i. 126. 49. Catullam. Martiat, viii. 53, mention a Very beautisu and ver depraved Womanis this anae The
50. subit. p. Hor. i. Sat. X. 20, 21, iniquae mentis asellus cum gravius dorso subit onus, illi Juv. X. 92, ieyligit, atque alium sibi quaerit asellum. 51. numquid Tho quid strengiliens the mi, asin Englisti the additionis at alLV Cp. Hor. i. Sat. v. 52 53, numquid Pomponius istis ait tiret levior . . . 52. Ora movemuS. Laronia ignores the cases of Amesia Afrania, o Calphurnia, and Hortensia, ite byVal Max. VIII. iii. 53 CotyDtita. Derived by ome rom κῶλον an ἴφι; probabina cui of beei orithe strengthening meat. The contextishows that this sortis foOd Was eaten or a pe-
Paelex. The condition os a concubino in servitudet hor rival Was ne of great hardshil, Hor mistress
allu, a largo sed on Meount of it three occupants Probus, testem ill ad 58 rona eris and dormis, hieliami sese very well,ith the nox verse Four early Lyons oditions have illis rea ling. 61 cylindros Gonis ut in that hape. Ulmy xxxvii. . H. xx.) o certain kind of the beryl Indι inire gaudent longitudine eorum . . . ideo cylindros eae iis fudere malunt quam gemmas, itoniam est Summo commendatio in longitudine. He ames lily the beryland tho elirysopras as ut in his gure. 63. Consura Tho eogniganeo os,hat e speciallycal immorsity V was the peculiari province i the
oesumtias Tho . . proverbium est ori orum de impudicis. Discrevit sexum per aves. Unde heunt coire corvos per os, et sic parere. On his Brit quotes Mart. xiv. 74. Plin. X. N. H. v. ore eos coro J α- rere aut eoire vulgus arbitratur On the Otho hand, si dove was regardei a meret amorous in the natu
65. AtoioictaQ. A Word coined, no in contemPt, SMael and w. have supposed biit ironi metrica neceS-sity, since stoici cannot Stant in the verse. 66. multiCia. Scit vestimenta. p. intra G, and xi. 188. his adjective always applied i clothing, is found Oulside Oi Juvenal, ni in very late Latin. Froni xi. 186 it appears that the multicia ore orti bylii lies, though later Vopisc. Aurel. 12 wo fini montiono tunicas multicias viriles That the were Omanishgarment the contexi here how that the wero noand light appear irona verse 70, a uis si Om i. 186, where the are represented as asil tal in crenses. Ferrarius, de Re Vestiari l. 20. rogariis homo madoo silli against Torrentius, ho ad Hor i. at ii 101)would idontis thom illi vestimenta bombycina. gain, Atinetoventus ite an uia edited scholiast, sor hom oss Et3mol. p. 331 is ad responsibi e genus est vestis laneae subtili arte contextae. Diei multicia quod sit multa et inenarrabili arte e ressa, qua solummodo tilicitum erat innuptis puellis et viduis λὶatronis Othors dorivo tho ord ironi multilicius by contraction. 67. Cretioe This a the nam assumed by Q. Caecilius Metollus Pius, aiter his conquest o Crete in B. C. 67. I stantis here asin type of the haut noblesse
70 togam. omen convicted i adulter had to
In the eas of Antonius ii Phil. D86 Cicero spealis
72 74. What would the old Romans have sati tostioli an Oxhibition 8 Cincinnatus, heia summone fromth plough to the dictatorship. alte for his toga o besset 'hod rom his ouse, eior ho ould ven isten otho message of the Senate Liv. III. xvi. ).75. It is a fair question hether the interrogationaster qui improve the ense. ista hos that ou avo on Pronoui os thoad
lectit . . . t em Cic. Casel. xviii. 42 has labem inferre Bad example led o astray, and Wil mis-lead thers. 79. in iures Dare atqd in alqm. io the dat.)is hardi Latin This hould perhapsi talion a an advorbial expression, lihe in tantum in maius in universum, etc. In the prayer of tho Arva Brethren, also directed against an insection, e reat neve lue siue in)sins sinas incurrere in pleores, hicli Juvenal may possibi have had in minit. 81. VRQuΘ etc. Evidenti a proverbia sayindi. V. S. has it in the formio uvam videndo varia sit whieli is stron evidelice or conspecta against Henninius emendation compacta. . quotes rom Suidas,
83. fuit Gnomio porseci. The reading venit adoptod by R. and by II has no sufficient S. authority, and is
doubiles a learnei margina note based on vii. 29. t dignus venias hederis et mastine macra. RCoiDient. Scit in suorum numerum. Paullarim carries on the dea os nemo repente. 84. rectimioula Tho strings of the mitra, accordingto Isid. Orig. XIX. xxxi 5 redimicula sunt quibus mitra alligatur. The mitra Was orti by Bacchus Prop.
85. monitin. Nechlaces ori Properi by omen only, or occasionali by boys. Festus xi. S. V.), 'non ite et mulierum ornatus dicitur et quoi lcm propendens collo. p. Virg. Aen. vii 278. Qualem habuisse Eria
phyllum subulue ferunt Apollod. h. iii.). The fact
695. p. Hor. i. d. ii 26, prece quifatigent, Uirgines sanctae minus audientem Carmina Vestam und i. d. xviii. 12, nil supra Deos lacesso. Cotytio Goddos o licentiolisness, a divinit os Thraeian Origin, hos rite vere celebrated in a verylewd manuerint Athens liene Cecropia), and speciallyn Corinth. Horace, Epod. xvii. 57, calis tho Cotyttia sueritin liberi Cupidinis. Virg. Cataleeta v. 19, 20, non me vocatis iuchra per Cotyttia ad feris os fascinos. Her priesis ere called Baptae a natiae hielim derives froni tho rite o baptismaractiosed a thoir initiations. 93-95. The Egyptian romatias ho that nolint thecyebrows, ut also the inne cdg of the yeli is, erepainted blach, giving the ye a peculiari sos and voluptuous Xpression This praetio novo diod ut in tho East, and it has been revived to sonte extent in Europeancountrios. The ancients sed stibium for the pigment. St. Joromo ad Furiam do Vid.) non habuit Magdalen
orbes stibio fuli' inutos. p. ori de Hab. Muliob. de
Cultu Fem. i. cap. 2 illum tyrum Ut erem, quo culorum eaeordia Dot the yebrows, Surely prodi cuntur. Anil again, ib. cap. 4. ocul0s fuligine colliquus. I truthis an canonis interpretation. o must talio illis to botho meaning and o the patiatin of the yebrOW8, assona profer for in his procos a flat and thin oodon
ellium,ith pingit, an suppi eos illi attollens.
98. Iunonem. As vor man ad n tutela divinitycallud a Genius a mortui od orn illi im dyingwith his death, and lini in his alias and lemure On
familia spirit allod a Iuno. The olyseminate men pedWomani init even in his particular. It is probabi that the Genius, o Iuno, a vaguset identisiud illi ho
H. i. gestamen. Giton usod of the accoutromonis os ar-
by fraud a Suetonius declares). V. S. has Bebriaci,
i. e. po/ὶtici, unde pelles bebrinae, a Warninito those ho
ADOlium This, is no an error of the eopyiSt, cauSed by the spoliiGn in vers 100, tantis for the more Sual plural Wo hould perhaps read Solium, uni account for the error in the Same Way. 107. Danem. Se 99 n. The broad-Ρoultice servedio destro tho boardius Wol acto beautis the complexion. 108. tiaretrata. H. alios his illi fecit, hielino doub martis the analog botu Eon Otho an Somi- ramis. ut ii e talio this adjective predieatively, Ι do
Oi extraordinar impurit combinod illi mores thau
111. Construo, hic stirpis libertas loquemli et etiam fracta voce Cybeles i. o. Gulli). H. 's bertas Cybeles
loquendi gives libertas i vo epitheta a fallit in ille oyses of tho poets of this ag0, and doesi , malle SIO ad ense. Ma d. question the ea ling, ut oes no suggest therentedv. I bellove the triae rea linito be turpi . . . et fracta voce, hiel exueti deseribes the orached voice of thes Galli, the priosis o Cybele. ho ere eunuchS. Itis notorious that castration arti prevent the changeo voleo hiel boys exportune a puberty, leavin thetimbre brohen and strangoly lirili.
112. fanatious. The ob prios assuet to e inspired by the goddess. So seiunio in Sat iv. 123 124, at tho sight of the ligo turbot brealis Orth into Prophecy, ut fanaticus oestro percussus, Bellona, tuo. CP.Liv. XXXVII. ix in XXXVIII. xviii. . Fanaticus properi means One attaehod to the service Ona anuitu; but longaeior Juvona it had 0guno bo sed in thesens suggested above. t neve has the Englisti senseo se bigot. 113, 114. magni gutturis. The interpreter tine
magni gutturis to mean ' an immenso appetite, V Which loes no Seem to me germano to tho subj0et. I incline to
116. That is, o b castrat sed in the festi in the werealready in the spirit. Note the uso Oi erat for esset, socommon in his turn When spe attingi What ought tollavo happensed long ago. Hor. i. d. XXXuii. 4.
117. octi ctotem Aecordinito Ulpian dos datur, aut dicitur ep. Mart. XII. xlii. 5 aut roniittitur. Dedit is usuali sui. O th satho or uardian in vi. 137, as oro, of tho ride, Censennia bis quingenα dedit, Without dote in Lw.). The Emporor Nero figured
timos res brido. Ho was hvsbandri Sporus and wis to Pythagoras Tac. v. n. XXXuii.). Suetonius ives
Doryphorus for tho latior, ut Dio Xiphilin), lxii. 28
119. t uiae. Seil Nuptiales, dosales, and in erylat Latin Firm Math. vii 17 matrinioniales the mar-riago contraei 'hieli Wa no abs abitet necessar Quint. Inst. V. i. 32 . ut usual. feliciter. 40 formis congratulation Brit quotes
Suet. Doni. 13. In reducenda )post divortium uxore)α clamari etiam in amphitheatro epulari die audiit Isbenter Domino et Do misiae feliciter 120. Sectet. . . solio in G. and L. thiniis thal