장음표시 사용
Where Plut Marius iv. μεθα ἀωρους corresponds' theideam bibit ab octa a. fruitur cli iratis Ruporti quotes en Here. Fur. 34, here Juno nys O Hercules, ira nostra fruitur. 50. Ploras. Not Without cause, in eo thougii Marius vas inod 700 00040storeos that sum id not Oturn tolli provinco, but Was transiet rei to the Roman troasury. It was a cloar caseis post omni perdere naulum Sat.
Gabba, o Galba, i Sat. . . since Plutaret calis him a Scurra, γελωτοποιος. ut the stor is as Oid a Lucilius. Festus Lindemania, Cori' Gram Lat. i. p. 182). No=ι omnibus dormio ς proverbium stium a Cloio quodam, qui Pararhenoon dictus est, quod sininiaret dormie item, quo monitius uxor eius moecharetur eius memi=ὶit
solutionis this dissiculi potnt,ould bo groatly saeilitat d.
sui prising but ii e consido that a scortum a for-biddon o so tho ouia ood stola Hor. i. Sat. i. 29 Mart. i. 36 and the 9alla, in Shori, the peculiar
vero run ther in the carni vat. inotaret. H. rofers to Liv. XXXIX. lii. xliii. and
64. QAt CerviCQ. That is in a hexashorum. Astu the se of tho ordina sor se cervicimis, p. i. plerii. 5. ἀλλ' γδοον Νωε δικαιοσυ ης κήρυκα φι λαξε. Theheaeophorum is allod by Martiat, iv. 1, ingens, an epithet applicablui fortiori to tho octo horon. solio bearer dotabiles Wallied thre abroast theraeaeaphorum must avo been considerabi Widor than the ordina
66. Rectenate Tho si iond of Augustus and of thopoet Wa a notorious Sybarite and bon-vivant. Cp. notet 57. Tatio multum illi referstns. O ac G. 20, robora parentum liberi referunt.
69. OCCurrit Ona hance meeting us in Sat. v. 54, of the Moor, cui per mediam nolis occurrere noctem M.).70. Sitiente. Abi abs. Suppi et illi orrectura R.). Word enditi in a sponde olose the word and foo with the fame syllablo Heno a Strong motive Orpreteri in ablatives in e to dativos in . . refors ovors 152, animo lustrante ς p. Cic. i. Phil. X. 23, te invito pro Dino iam tibi esse decretam for tibi notio), and Hor i. at vi 23, hero fulyente curru is sed sortho dative. rubetam Plin. xxxii N. H. 18, sunt ranae quae in vepribus imbetis tantum vivunt, ob id rufetarum nomine . . . ita Graeci phry/ιssi γρυνη voca/lt, retu- dissim te cunctarum, geminis velut cornibus, ple=iae
lourn rom Suetonius that Nero gave Lucusta large Os- Sessit iis, and pupil also, hieli explain tho allusion toteae hing. Observo that instituo stantis horo for do eo, uni borrows it construction tW accusativos in place
Fall, et L. i. h. vi uni note.
74. aliquis Othors have aliquid. Both fornis ure
81 Deucalion. 00 v. i. et 260 seqq. Hor. i. Od. i. tollentibus aequor. Elsowlior used os aising the Waves, ut here vidently of aising the sui face of tho
Cp. i. 10, ii 149 152 Egoria in ii. 12 P0gasus iniit. 118 tho virgin Musos in v. 36, etc.
reuon the futuro Tliere oro thor mothod os divining ith sortes and the et a describet a so=Ves coniicere, deiicere miscere, ducere, neeordinito the methodem liloyed From his monitin sortes cum t be sed for thor oris os divination, and ns here, O the response Pan oraclo. sith posco this is the only possibio
unu necessarii minus an sortis tolletio.
salso reading, and accepi Heinoche' suggestion, haec animos, comparin Hor. A. P. 330, An haec animos aerugo, of whichae indes this a reminiscenoe.lo CuliS. Plurale tantum, and so called romaeino dividod into litti compariments. It was used OraeeΡ-
thoriae that tho importa dissensator was,hat, call
94. QuiS. his ronoun-substantivo is ound uito osten in apposition illi a nouit here avus in phico i
ora ternis of the Statoment. 95. Portula. Unde the emperors, thero cxistod in
sportula in his sons furitior bael than tho arly importaltimos Tho applicationis it by Claudius Suet. Claud. 21), Wheroine callod an informa gladiatorial ho sportu-ἰαm qui primum daturus edixerat, velut ad sutitam
condictamque cenulam invitare se posmium, proves thatit Was used in the sens os a dolo bolor that time. In Philat Mon. I. v. 1, it is sinapi a mari et-bas et. 95, 96. Primo limine arva Sectet. It oes notSeem to me a necessar iniereno that the dole hero ρ- ferro to is a portula in Lind. Parva is probabi amere epitheton, and ille passage may be regni dedissfigurative. Limine refers to the vestibulum, as e Seesrom vers 124 sol, uls 132) so tho client' lectica could notae insido the house. togatae. In callita costume. The toga a tho Roman's dres os coromony. t ultimatot boeam thobadgo i lienishil Friedlaeniter Sittengeschielite, etc., i. 362). So iii 127, si curet nocte fostatus currere. The question has been much discussed Whether the sportula a talion ut the time of the osten very early Salutatio OP Orning all. p. nocte, in ii. 127, illi verso 128 bolow. Tho custom probabi varie l. On the hole, it 00m lihol that it was alien a that time honinivenin mon0y. The best authorities o the subj0et aromam
SEctet. H. Wrongi compares Hor. i. at ii. 73, escae, quae si mpleae olin tibi sederit, hero sede onlymoan sit,ollis the stomach. V It is certaini curious enough that the commontator o Horae hau fallod toso that tho se of that passage is no the than milior' milli.
97. Ille Thoaserson hargod illi tho distribution. That ille means tho patrono anno admit, although
vored visitor sido into the alae sor a privato chat Thosportula asini ven in primo limine, i. o. ut the vestibulu/u, utSide the liouse, liere the patron Ouid notios-
qus viae Zomenclatorum complectitur aut nemoria, aut
srom hieli, have calendae, O anted frona the custoni o prociatming the sirs da of tho moniti. calator is uiso montioned in tho Merc. V. i. 11. audin tho solid. IV. i. 52. his lust passago loneshed light on tho iunctions os a casiator. Λ letior is profontodo Ballio hicli amo the bearer, Harflaae calator meus. '' Boside the letior Harpax is also enti ustud ith a large sum os money, - tho function in confidentia servant. The word was nolenti id senti- sed illi praeco as appear ironi the ad that botharo intercliangoably used of the herald Or mossengers of the various collegos o priosis, Arva Brethron, Fla