Matriculation Caesar : Bell, Gall., b. IV, chapters 20-38 and Bell. Gall., b. V, chapters 1-23

발행: 1924년

분량: 240페이지


분류: 전쟁



nequaquam idoneum by no means sultabia V altogether unsuited V dum-Convenisent for subj. se II. L. 259, P R. J, 408 αὶ.in ancoris exspectavit: reaited at anchor legatis-Convocatis a tho imperator, tribuni militum, and rsheenturions primipili, Ormed the counci of War, Caesar may mean that this,acheld. quae-Cognosset, quae-vellet Subj in Indirect uestion, Η. .,

monuitque -administrarentur di the sirs and socon ut as'; thothiri ut is losul connoctod illi quae metum ea or quippe quae, ina much a these V so that ut con noctin monuit it administrarentur is omittetici and warned them that ali his orderishouldie carriedout at a nod an a the right moment, a the method os militar trectica QMd es eciali α naval αcties demanded inasmuch a these involve iraseid ani uncertain movenients. V or the omissionis ut alter monuit, Se note ori imperat-adeat B. IV, 2 l. postularent is subj in Virtualoratio Obliqua aster monuit. haberent is Causa Subj. H. L. 252, 4: R. , 397. sublatis ancoris: haning eighed anchor.' Septem-progressus Caesar ma hau gone Elther . E. or .s of Dover. The forins coursu Would lan him etwoen Dea an Malmer sile tho latior at Hythei Lymne. planori evenly Aheli inst. V

at generalty denotos a transition in the narrative. praemisso-essedariti praemisso agrees,ith equitatu the nearest Word, though it applies also to essedariis. The word essedum or essedais sal toto rom tho Ultio ess, a charios. Tho essedarii included the aurigae, dri vers' B. IV, 33ὶ, who ore tho obles, and the Clientes, retainers, who wero the figlitin men ; p. Tacitus Ag. 2ὶ auriga honestior clientes propugnant This,as the reverse of the

Homeri custom, here the rive was a mero attendant, and the Warrio Was the important man. In acti chario there mere usuallysi Warrior and the river.

nationes et curru proeliantur. consuerunt, Consueverunt.


Chapter 25

menta, Se P. 15.

propelli ac summoveri: to e driven in and disiodoed quae res this movement. V usui nostris Go fh two datives Aeem L. 228, 2 R. C. 430. paulum modo : ishor distanc only, V justi littie 'ci R. , 30.



H. L. 160 c R., 303-5. qui-aquilam serebat aquiliferi se p. 17. decimae legionisci Caesar' favoris logion: B. I, 40 Huic legioni Caesar et indulserat praecipue et propter virtutem confidebat maxime. The legioDA Were umbere accordin to the ordo of

times thrown into the midst of the enemy. ego certe ossicium praestitero: at east, hali ave done myduty. V The ut ps is used ecause the agi0-beare look oti his dutyas having been complete by the aui.

Chapter 26

pugnatum est: Η. L. 155 5. acriter noto the emphatic position. nostri join With perturbabantur. Noto throughout the chaptor the frequentis of the impi. to expressrepeated or continuous uotion.


70 NOTE O CAESAR B. G. atque alius alia e navi quod is stili undorsi od astor atque and

their claris on the massed forces of the Romans). V ab latere aperto : se note on ad litus apertum B. IV, 253.-For theiorce of ah p. a fronte, 'in rotis' ab oriente sole, in tho east.' speculatoria navigia: sp boats V o light construction Aod forscoufingiui poses, and liene quick-sallinici ait. quo conspeXerat V ali rehom e sam in distresa V sor ense se

occurrerat above.

Chapter 27

daturos tho fuit form Wouldi se daturos esse. imperasset: m imperavisset oratio Obliqua representin fui. f. in dio in Oratio Recta,m L. 269 8. Supra demonstraveram : B. IV, 2 l. The pers Wouldio more usual.

cum deserret Uthough he was detinerin to them the order of his commander in the character of an ambassudor or Uohesman).V-cum Narrative, II. L. 204 4 or Concessive, 255, Notes R. a 397.



ignoscere: C. e.

Chapter 28

his rebus: ithor on these ternis V or by these means. post diem quartum quam post is regarde a a rep. Overning diem 'ut reatly goes With quam formin postquam. The simplerita les usual fori Would bo die quarto postquam Since, in rechoning time, the Romaus counted inclusivoly this in Englisti, ut bo three dctys after est ventum issed impersonalis; sc Caesari, Caesar venit: Uter

Caesar'sArriva in Britain. Supra demonstratum est: eo previous note mention has been made above. Sustulerant: had talen on board Vsuperiore portula Ambiete e norit o Boulogne, calle portus ulterior in B. IV, 23.

Solverunt: set αil, V started,' appliod absolutolycio naves alter the analog of solvere naves used transitivein se B. IV, 23. Sed aliae-referrentur aliae dejicerentur tho ut Consecuti vocis stili understood with these clauses, H. L. 203 I, 2 R., 3TI. propius solis occasum further est ' litorali nearer the sunset Caesar is sal to have been theirstrio, se propius as a preposit n. magno Aui cum periculo : at great ange to themselves V sui iaObjective Gen. H. L. 287, 3 R. a 429 d). nother readiniis suo. quae-petierunt: Phese, neverthele83, αδ anchor, ut, since theo


Chapter 29

eadem noctes the night oi 30th Aug. 55 B. C. maritimos aestum: prinitides occur a da alter fuit moon, and noWmoon The sprinitide at ove are sal to ris to tho hoight oi 19 feet; at Boulogne, to the height oi 25 0et. incognitum : in the editerranean here are o fides o very slightones at certain potnis. One Would have Eupposed that Caesar' soldiors would have observed the phenomen o fides in tho war against tho Vonoti fought the previous year D. III, 12ὶ The influenco of the ootion fides a linown to Cicero D Divin. 2, 4ὶ quid de fretis aut de maritimis aestibus dicam quorum accessus et recessum so and obb lunae motu gubernantur. his ork was no publishod ill 44

id quod necesse erat accideres: in iocis unavoidable. 'quibus-possent quibusci abl. imeans an Fina Relativo, henco possent. m. L. 232, 2 R., 388.



For tho translatio of this chapter se p. 59. quibus rebus cognitis expres this in different Ways. principesci subjectri clunerunt se endii Chapter 27. ad ea facienda in o many Ways may this e expresseda See H. L. 232, 3. hoc mitti angustiora αl the narrower optimum lactuci supine in uam L. 180, 3 R. , 470 b). his superatis interclusi. Conditiona abi abs si hi superati et

interclusi essent. ac deducereri and withi a thei men4ecret rom the country i. e. iro the interior to the Se coast.

cotidie Udatly V implyin repetition in dies, in diem, dat V


NOΤES O CAESAR B. G. Cum administraretur: since the worhias carrieton ith the greαtealtealin the par of the soldiers V cum Causal H. L. 252, 3. duodecim navibus amissis though twelve his ere tost V concessive abi abs. reliquis effecit he so arrange matters that the oyage could e conveniently made it the rest 'ci litorali he rough it to pas thαι itcould be alleu V reliquis, abi. o Mean o Instrument. -Note illi apasa infin navigari that posset is impersonat.

dum geruntur: se note Chapter 22. e consuetudines: in accordance it custom as α the custom.'

frumentatum supine: . ., S0 2 It 470 αὶ.neque ulla interposita and though no suspicio of rear up to the pre8en hαd risen V Concessive abi. abs. Noto that Latin requires neque ullus, no et nullus for and no cum pars hominum: since some of the people V i. e. the Britons. in agris in thei lands' pars ventitaret while othersiere comin and yoin to the αmp i. e. of the Romans . Vin stationes: in sentry uty. V or the gate os a Roman cum See page Ι 8. The sentrie at the gatos of the camp ero calle stationes

excubiae mere da or night guard vigiliae mere night guard Oub custodiae, guard of the fortifications Tho night guard was inspected every three houra by circuitores, who were changed at the end of every

quam consuetudo ferret: than custom admitte V than usual. V The subj is ither 1 in a subordinate clause in Oratio Obliqua, or 2 tho clauseris Consecuti Ve. in ea parte in quam partem the repetition o tho antecedent in the relative clauseris frequent in Caesar. In Englisti omit the antecedent in tho relative clauSe. id quod erat: the αctua state σὴ irs V what reatly was the fact' aliquid consili Usom new desisu hau been formed ' Part. Gen. , Η. L. 287 thecini claus is tu apposition to id I74 αὶ.


NOTES N CAESAR B. G. 75 cohortes Q in his Witti jussit. in stationibus: Uon the utposts, V onouard V; p. in Statione, Page 74. in stationem succedere testa e thei place niuard V Noto the dea os motion conveyed by succedere, and lieno the accus. armari rarie armare the passivo in Latin is ometimes used wit areflexive meaning correspondinito the Greeli middie. consestim immediate ly V Doto thoimphati positionis tho adverb: ironi the sanie oodias festino, ha8ten. aegre sustinere se hostes, wit dissculty were keepiny the nenimin


For cum With i. indic in the subordinate claus expressin arepeate ac in the present se H. L. 263 9.-The Britisti charioteersdrovo into the spaces betWeen the cavalry squadron O theiriwn troops. The warriors essedarii mould then dismount, and the drivers aurigae)retreat to the rear. desiliunt ac essedarit, i. e. Uthe warriora 'ci se note o praemisso - essedariis B. IV, 24. praestant: display,' combine. U

in loco : when theiround is 8lopinianteven stem.' his construction whero in With tho abi is used illi the fame force a an abl. abs. is ometimes calle the repositiona abi abs Thia arises fro the want ona present participi of the ver sum. brevi ac tempore in imoment. V per temonem : Ualong the pole. V