The Rosslyn Missal An Irish Manuscript in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh

발행: 1899년

분량: 291페이지


분류: 미분류


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TH mas book, hic is no printe so the rs time, Wasnaine by the late Bisho A. P. Forbes, in the absence of an more sultable appellation. the RoSSLYN ISSAL. Thetitio an carcet be rcgarde a happii chosen. I suggesis a connexion, hicli di no exist, illi the steenth centurvCollegiat Church os: Matthein, idely known a 'Rosslyn Chapel, o wit it predecessor the ruinios hic remain hardis and the ni claim os ou missa to bear it is theriaci thali once reste in the librar os the Sinclair a Rosslyn Casile. I might perhaps have been considered, that it was sor probablyat castis equa perio in the Balsour collection a Denmyin, and that since then it has been sor a very much longe time in the Advocates Libra , Edinburgh. ut though exceptio ma hetaken to the name, it has bee so generali accepte by recent scholars that consusion wout result rom the adoption os a newone in iis place an accordingi it appears unde protest in

Stili es api a the nam by whic the book was norunt the sevcnteenth and ightcenti centuriccto the se scholars who were aware os iis existence, Asiae or Liturma Sancti Columbani Abbatis. This designation, I have litile oubt was lue to Sir ames Balsour, by whos directio it was inscriboclon aiy-leas os the manuscript about the year 63o. Actoriis mean ing, it a perhaps Sume o say that the nam es Columbanus an Columba ein intercliangeabie, the formo was

frequently used in Balsour dansor the Iristi posti os the

Liber Ecclesie Beati Terrenani de Arbushnou, Burniisland I864, p. xxxvii. Reeves Adamnan's Lis of M. Columba Iris Archaeological and Celtic Society . Dublin, 837, p. 6 note h. Miden, Churchis Delanae, p. 76.



Columbanus the inunde os obbio hat Nothcr ad rittenos S Columba tho Munder os Iona, and is ut castigated by Ussher heresor. With this clua personage Columba orColumbanus os Iona an Bobbio, Balsour probabi intende to Conneci ou missat he heiame it liturgia xi Columbani

Abatis sisV Ver possibi he had noth in to arrant imin cloinis beyon theriaci that it is writte in an Iristi hancl.


I8. . in formeri A. 6. 2 is a mali quarto manuscriptwritte on vellum in an Iristi and which may bc assigned withthe hesitatio usual in such cases, to the en os the hirteentho to the ouricenti centu . It consistios Murteen gatherings,unsignetici the succession os the hecis os each gathering beingindicate by the letters a, b, c, etc., writte prima manu in theupper orcio vor cornem os the rectos os therars se leaves see Plato II . Most os these letters have, however, diSaPPeared, hau in probabi been cut way by the inder. The pages at Present measur I centi metres by I centimetres, ut theywere originali considerabi largor. The punctuatio mark most requently used by the scribe

ad s. toxic but the existenc os the lette is here douessul These instances are susticienti numerous to determine the purpos os the letters. The letters a, b, c, d, e, fare similarly used to number the hoeis os a gatherino xii see belo p. 57, note , in the .C.C. O. Missat Warren' edition p. 39.


will e ound o the acsimile lates. The are employed Ver capriciousty A sigi resemblin an inverte semi-colon Plate I. l. 7 Dom endhis usualty early equivalent to a Comma. Another, havin some likenes to ou semi-colon Plate II. l. 64ro end , has the value os a sui stomo colon It is osten place aster ord whicli introduce a quotation in thc oratio recta. The single oin is Mund in place os ei ther os thesoregoing, hut sometimescit is inserte where there is no breah in the sense an where it there re appears to e quite un- meaning. At ther times it is sed meret as a sign labbreviation. A question is indicate is a mari se Plate I. l. II place ove it fimi,ord, or at the cnd, o in both places.

venturing pono theor a toriis meaning we may in suture reserences to it cali it an inflectio mark. Once o twice in the Canon another punctuatio mar is Mund consistin ola mini sollowed by a comma . . . The hyphen is recly used


It willae observe that the book is divide into lauri istinctparis, much o the fame principi a the Liber Eveshamensis'



has a throughout The lauri par has II in s. II 8, 2 ins . I9-I 27, 22 in . 28-I3ar. 23 in . 32v. I 35. The portion os the pages occupied by the writin me ures a ut I or 4 5 cent. cent in the re an secon partis. In the thiri an Murthiaris the measumment is omewhat greater-IS excepi gathering Q 4 3 Io.There is evidently a lacuna at the beginninios the Temporale, probabi os ne gatherine, an apparenti also at the endos the volume. But the os through mutilatio seem to egreater than is evident atrars sight. The manuscript appeamat ne time to have containe a prcunsul Commune Sanctorum Witnes to thc existenc os,hicli stili remains ima large number os places in the Sanctorale in hicli ni th cum os the chora paris an lessons are given, an in two os,hichthere arc explicit directions that the sui text was tote foughtolscwhcro, though it cloes no no appea in the manuscript. The Commune Sanctorum secin to have precede the


It must here e mentioned a somewhat militatin against the fouiadnes os this conclusion that ou missa is a mere excerpi romis large book. his is evident sto the ac that the masses for the Vigil os t. Andre an St. Matthew, and apparenti also the service so the Vigil os,hitsunda and the Benedictio Cere an Benedictio Fontis on astor venare implied by rubric and tities in various places, thoughthes office do not an iacver id sor pari os the missat.



I may perhapsae though likel that among the paris os his

exempla omitte by ur scribe was the Common os alnis. But o the otherian the number os implied reserencos to the Common iis great, that it is scarcet credibi that this could have been the case. An it a perhaps c added that with so meagre a rope a Common ovi have been almosta necessity, is the book ivere tote os practical service. The present arrangement os the volum is probabi in partydue to the inder an it is apparenti different Do that whicli the scribe intended. I seem to e the habit os thecopyis to represent by cuetoni suci portions os the masses asha been writte in sul in a previsus pari os the inissat. Novi in the Missae Votiva the complete teκ os the introiis, gratis, commons an lessons is alway given. ut in more than ne instance e have in the Sanctorale, an once apparenti in the Temporale, ni the rst ord os form os hicli theremainde is to e ought in hat is no the Murthiari os the missat. The present laurili part oui thereire seem originalty to have precede tho present fim part This inserenc is orne ut Dan inspectio os the manuscript Aswe pasciso the Sanctorale to the Canon e re conscious os considerable disserence in the character os the script-not susscient, indeed totoin to a change os hanu, hut nough to suggest an os continuit os,ork. There is no such contrast tween the writin os the alter par of the Canon and the Votive Masses. An again the last pages os themasse so the Dea agro more losely in script illi thos os the earliestremaining pages os the emporalesthan do the lastis the anctorale and therars os the Canon T III, II 3 with ach othcr. For these reasons e conclude that the original me os the



This, it willic seon agrees,ith the arrangement os the Corpus Christi College Xsor Missat, eXceptis to the position os the Common os Sainis. This appcars to M the prope place to mentio that in the

exemplar, or at eas in an ancestor, os ur manuscript the

Canon appears o have been combincit illi themas os the Hol Trinity, the prope Presacos o have been givcn illi themasses to whicli the severat ly belonged, and the olive Masses disterenti arranged. Place of inrisini Evidenc a to the provenance of the manuscript is dis- appotiatingi meagre. ut suci ascit is it mus no h laidhesore the reader. elare oblige to take astu starting- inta hypothesis, hicli cannot e regarde a certaini Correct but hicli reason to e given hereaster a stio to e atteast satri probable that the Church sor hicli the osslyn Missa was ritie claimc to e the buria place os t.