장음표시 사용
the conclusion probable that the missa here printe is descende homone whicli elonge to the Benedictine ouseos St. erburgh, hester, in the welsth century, and that it
preserves some os iis characteristic eatures. Later Histor . It appears that ou missat, aut litile, is at ali used a thealtar For proos os his statement e have recourse notiso much to the many errors,hicli me caretessnestanti ignorance os
the scribe togethe with the probabie dissiculi o deciphering
his exemplar have produced a to the ac that some os themmus have been corrected at a cry early date is the book wasto serve an practica purpose. In two masse one or more os the collecis have been omitte the Proper resaces arearrange in such a way acto e mos perplexin to anyone
using the book an are ithout tities' an in ne case sui pridie is immediatet connected illi the clause Hanc iri Hos the anon,' ithout an indication os the interveningiuam oblaIionem. None os these errors have hec conccted by later hancis. As negative evidencerit ma be mentione that there is no marios the Canon avin been ea more frequently thanother partios thes ok. An finalty one atherinios the manuscript has been testinfinished. The conjecture scem no an unoeasonable ne that shortlyaster the manuscript was ritie it a carrie os DomDownpatric by one os the ollowercos Edwar Bruce in I 3I6, and that i subsequently ound iis a into Scotland with the
remnant os his army. There it was probabi deposite in some monasti library. I may have wed iis preservatio during the troubles os the siκteenth centur to the actio os Hen Sinclair, Bishomo Ross. or os his nephew, Si William Sinclair, Justicia os Laudone, an in any case was probabi adde to the librar collected by the lalter atino lyn Casile, idiothian in I 56 or a se years later. It was certaini a Rosslyn Casile tween I 38 an I 6 II, ascit has en signe by the Sir William Sinclair, solo the last named who held the estates during that period. A ut i 63 the Rosslyn Librar was sor the mos partuis med an ou missat, atready mutilated passed, with therbooks, into the and of the well-known collector Si Jamos Balsour, and was place in his librar at Denmyin, Fiseshire. Itthen received iis present indine and the ille ' Liturgia SV Columbani batis sio' hicli is inscribe&on amy-leas TheDenmyl collection a sol is auctio in I 699, the greater parcos io inmacquired by the Faculistos Advocates among the
gant sum os three stilliings. In the Advocates Library the book
Some time besore 729 the manuscript was examine by Thomas Innes, who noticed the similarit os the script to that os the rum mon Missat, regardin both manuscript as os theclevent centu . Subsequently some ther antiquaries appearto have inspecte the missa an to have assigne it to the tentii century, ut I am notis are that thei researches have been publishecl. In 864, Bisho A. P. Forbes again dre attentiorato the book in the introduction to his ditionis the Ar Mnousfissa cin whichae printe a lis os the services containe incit, and the Collec sor St. Patrick' Day. He belleve it to e perhaps ot so id a the ourteent century.' r. David Lain somewhat later studied the volume aut id not pubi isti
his resulta. r. F. E. Warren, in his edition os the Iris Missala Corpus Christi College, Oxsord I 879), gave a collation os the Canon, an subscquently I 88i printe the masses sor St. Ηrigi an St. Patricli in his Limet an Rima of the Celtis ureri An finalty r. J. Nichliam Lege collate the Temporale an Sanctorale in the notes to his edition os themesiminsteriisses I 897, Henr Bradsha Society vol. xii. Relarion timeo the Drammonae, Corpus Christi Colum, O ford,
portions os the masses. ietis examine these in thei ordecI. The collecis an Canon. Ne egin with the Sanctorale.where the various authorities cite in Our collations for them selves into groups much more clearly an satisfactorii than in the Temporale an we restrici ourselves to those collecis,hichare Mund in ali the authorities fave DGLY Thessiret sact whichemerges is the clos resemblance etween the teκ os H and . In the collecis usi referre to there are si places in hic oneor more variant are recorde seκclusive os the enclines os prayem . In no single ne os these cloe H differ mira V. Aster his, notice a grou os three whicli ea a strihin resemblancesto one another, though by no means s closely relatedas the twocius mentioned: CE . Os the I places referreu
In his paragraph the se os symbolscis unavoidatile. The meanin os those employed is state belo . P. III.
remaining manuscripis. HY a besore are lose companionS.
The agre II times out osci 28. For oti present purpos the main lac to e note is that the osslyn an C. C. C. . Missat are in the verbal ex osthei collecticiosely relateo excepi in the Temporale the west-minster Missa being thei mos constant Englisti allyci hile D sollows in their,ahe, but at sonae littio distance. a. The Rubrics. here the can e compare the resem-blance of the rubric in the Corpus an Rosslyn Missat isso clos as to suggest a common ource no ver sar removediso either. Comparison illi the Drummon Missa is here impossibie. 3. The Antiphonale Missarum rom hic the chora paris os the masses of the Sanctorale in the Corpus and Rosslyn Missat have been derived may very wel have been the sameti oli, the se variations ciween them ein easti accountecti by a dissercnc os choice amon alternatives allowed in the Antiphonat. Here are the facts a gleane Dom our notes. There are altogether siκteen masses common to the two books in the Proprium. For these inc disse notince in the ossices, and wice are together against the majorit os authorities. In the ossice psalm the differ ut once, and are in agreementagainst the majori 'ight times. In the gratis includin the
verses the disse once -o twice is, include a case in hichthe osslyn manuscript Stanus alone in no verse, hil in the extrit is,ith the Corpus manu script against allisthers' in te cases the coincide absolutet against the ut os authorities. an in ne instance ou missa has an alternative lesso an grai peculiar o lscis. In two tracts the ar in company against mos others, an are neve apart. In thesostcr-
See notos o p. 32, t. 4 sqq. P. 48 l. 4.
iciries the differ onc only, and five times agre against themajority. An in the commons the oni once isagree, and eight times are togethe with suppor Dom ni a se Englislibooks, o sto non a all. The mmmon Missa can e compared it the the two in only one mas St. Michael), an in his it differs seo them both, an seo the majorityos books, in one os the verses os the grail, an in the offerto . Whether the resemblance etween the chora portions os the Corpus an Rosslyn Missat extendito the Temporale we havescarcely eviden e to decide, o account os the comparativelysmal amount os variatio among the disserent book in the common masses in that par os the missat Both of them agreemuch more closely illi the Gregoria Antiphonar in the Temporale than in the Sanctorale. In the olivem secandthemas sor the Dead evidence is again scanty but it is notsuggestive os a clos assinit between the two missals Both in iis three Masses de tempore an in the olive Masses the Drummon Missa differs considerabi hom both Seribblino. The vacant paces in the margins os ou manuscript have osten been ad the receptacle os notes os various indiand writte a various times. nly the very law,hicli are liturgical
in character have been recordo in the ootnotes to the cxt. The remainder so saris the can e transcribed are gatherocliogether here Thenare so the mos par not asyrio read,
Page M. The mineidence etween C an E in the Sanctorale is even morem ked is the mas De Inuentione S. Cruce is leti ut os account. Se note on
Dum sumus in muco vivamus corde iocundo F uentri centur star. Detore mam, umide Meton, erased) ur IIembis