The Rosslyn Missal An Irish Manuscript in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh

발행: 1899년

분량: 291페이지


분류: 미분류



t whicli os the vallit helonged. e ma confine umetveSto Armagh Down patricli an iis near neighbour Saul. An firs a to Armagh. It is certain that a late actheirsthais os the welsth centurna clat was ad on iis chais. SL Bernam telis us that Armagh as sedes illa in qua et uiuens praefuit et mortuus requiescit. The testimonyis Bernardos course reduces iiset to that os his ricia SL Malachy, whorule the diocese os Armagh Do II 34 ill II 36. ut astor his date there scem tote no evidence that an os the ecclesiasticat authorities os Armagi prosesse that L atricli a burie in thei city. William os Newbrium inclee says fisty years later :

Ard machia ubi esse dicitur prima sedes Hiberniae, Propter honorem beati Patricii atque aliorum indigenarum Sanctorum, quorum ibidem sacrae reliquiae requiescunt. The sentcnc isno perhaps altogether reo sto ambiguity. But in any caseu illiam speah as an ut ider On the ther and ocelin, whose Lis of St. Iriel, iubi istie a ut thebea II 83. ismos emphatic that Down was the restin place os the aint.'



ecclesiastic os his time in I reland discovered, disinterred, andenslirine the remains of SL atrich. alon mitti hos os St. Columba an St. Brigid noto Arma , ut at Saul. emight cal a later,itness, hut it is neeclless. When such thingsas these happene we are surely warrante in the inserence thatis no by Thomas 'Conor at eas by Nicholas ac Maelisa, the pretence that the rimates os Armagh ere the guardians os theiod os the Apostle os Ireland was given P. But incleed that ou missa di no belonito Armagh seemsclea enough sto interna evidence. The manuscript supplies two masses both os hic are heade Pro episcopo It would besurprising in a missat whicli is but an excerpi rom a large book,

is these two masses ere mere alternatives. An in lac theyare not. The secon is reatly a mass sor an archbishop. Thereis thus a mas pro archiepiscopo in addition to that pro episcopo. This sutis the case os Downpatricino Saul. both os them in thediocese osmown whicli serme partis the Province os Armagh but it is scarcet conceivable at Armagii the archiepiscopa city. Armaghieiniexcluded we have ineresore to decide belwecn

Four Mastera Annals of Lochi , Annals of Ister. Μ r. 'Laver ty, indoed is dis sed to identis this Saul wit the Sahlial at Armagh se Reeves, An iquities p. am sq. , and thinks that the reserence icto strayrestes, no to theiodies of the inints. Disceses of mmmanae Connor, vol. i. p. 35. This, o ever, is ut a convenient Way out os a dissiculty an is opposta to the vidence. The Saul in question was in the ea. Se the Book of Armagh,



and wealthy eigh ur an rival The monaster a Saul is rea the record correctly, would rem to have ad precarious existence rom Iro ill 293 and though the inventio of the Three atrons in the alter ca seem tofome X tento have revive it, the ous was nove again affluent oriowersul. We stan perhaps o firme ground when, tum iace moreto internat evidence. ut in orderito mahe iis impori clear it is necessarnio relate in some delai the historsos Down Cathedralso some cight o ten ears. In the thir quarte os the wel stlicentur this Church was preside overi a chaptor os secularcanoris, iis dedication was to the Hol Trinity, and an imageos the Trinit stood ver iis igit altar. In III Joh de Cource invade Uister, an in the fame ea capture the ityos Down ascit a the called. Hencesori it was his ead- quartem. Immediatel asterwaessae ad extensive ccclesiastical changes in the districtis hicli it was the centre, an a seis years later e turne his attention to the Cathedra Church.

The old traditio that this Church was the last rcstin place os Si Patricin whichia no doubtalum redivring the episcopateos Malachy 'Morgair, II 36-II 48 was revived. The Cathedral received a resti dedication to St. Patricli Iocelin was employcclto write a lis os the saint in whicli it was set sortii that he wasburie a Dorum and the mage of themoly Trinit was dis

In ii o the Abbat an convent,ere drive oviand deprived os ali thei pro nys ti Mastera Ann. UZI. emea nothinios Saul Doni the Annalista belween this date and the invention mentioned in the texi Whic man et have been an attemptis recove ita forme iam an fortune. The ni recorde event in ita history tween Ir7o an Ia93 Willie mentioned below p. xxii note η . In a96 the Abbat an monlis inform the in that thei propere hau en alienate in diminucionem elem inarum et dispersionem canonicorum. sPrynne. Recori, iii p. 688, quote by Reeves, Antiquities p. 4o In i 3 4 is notthought orthnos mention among the Religiousiouses in the Taxation o Down, Connor, and Dromore Reeves De eis. . The documents On hic the statementa in his and wme os the ollowingsentences are Munde have been collecte by R Ves, Antiquities of Down Connorian. immore, PP. 74 sq. 229. As sor instance, a Neddrum in II 78 Reeves, Antiqui ies, p. 9 sqq.




place in savour os one os the neis patron os the Church. Asteran interva os some three years II 83) the bishop, Malachy sa a vision in hicli in grave, itherio unknown os St. Patricli, St. Brigi and SL Columba was minie out tomim. The three hodies,ere dui discovere lyin fidei fide, and were translate wit great pom into a more sultable pari os the edifice. Fro that time onwarcis theinvataing Anglo-Νorma tradition, whic has sinces come the popular belles, was that L Patrichreste in Down Cathedrat. An seo the fame perio dates

the modern name os the city-Downpatricli. ut his a notall. In II 83 the secula canon were dismisse an a conventos Benedictine monks wasirought rom St. Werburgh's, hester, to tali thei place These were o sor the hapter os the Cathedral, preside ove by the Bisho as ex o io Abbat, and the Dean a re osset Prior the constitution ein modelle onthose ossinchester an Covenita. The main pur se os the revivat os the cultus oscit Patriciuat Down appeam to have been totain savour,ith the native Irish. De Cource posed Sancti Patricii specialissimus dilector et venerator ut howeve successsul this poli may have beenas a whole in one respectri failed. De Cource was accused os sacrilege so having remove the image os the riniin No an eas way to rebul his charge oul have been to institute frequent devotion to the oly Trinity. An the osslyn Missa exhibit phenomena hic are not inconsistent,ith-whic perhapsioin towards-the inscrcnce that it elonge to

preacter os the doctrine os themoly Trinity See, sor example, fg I, II. 4, 65.



Church here the Missa de S. Trinitate, or at eas the Trinit Presace was in constantisse. Again, With nothinito guide us ut the interna evidonc ofour missat, might have hesitatc to determine inhethc it was intende so monastic o secularise. But is it is a monastichook it can scamel be suppose to have been writte sor Such a monasternas that os Saul. The Abbat is notince mentione sinit pages. The Bisho everywhere talies the part in the services inhicli the Abbat might have been κpectet to assume in his absenc his place is alien in ne case a least by the Dean. There is nomissa pro abbate, though Missae pro piscopo an pro archiepiscopo re provide&: nil, o far as e canjudge, eithe was there a Missa pro abbate eiuncto, though the necessar collecis sor a deceased istio anil deceased primi are Mund. At this may asit be κplaincti in the case os amown missat, sor at Dorun the istio MasAbbat and the Dean Prior: ut Saul ad an Ahbat distinctisom the Bishop. A the result os this argumento ma perhaps ive ammewhat hesitatin assent-the more hesitatin on accountos the oubi hicli enuelopes the assumption on hic thereasoninios this sectio is based-to the theor that ou missat was writte so the Cathedra Churchis St. Patricli a Dorun the theor receives support rom surther vidence hici, musthe reserve so the nex section. Origis. I propos in his section to determine, a sar a this is possibie, the ancestr os the osslyn Missal. I egii iis quotingtwo documents one os hic has been very generali misun Icr-stood, the ther a generali overi hed. The re os these

Me note oti P. 73, l. 6. The mention os fratres, p. 48 l. acis no decisiveri e notes.



is a portion os the seventi, canon os the Synod os Cashel Vira .

Septimo, quia cum bona consessione decedentibus, et missarum et vigiliarum exhibitione, et in more sepeliendi, obsequium debitum persolvatur. Itaque omnia divina, ad instar sacrosanctae ecclesiae, juxta quod Anglicana observat ecclesia, in

omnibus partibus ecclesiae amodo tractentur.'It willis observe that nothiniis sal or implied about theSarum o any the special se of the humi os England. The ternis os the canon ould e suli satisfic by the introductio into relan os Englisti service-book o any use, orsrom an places the ne essentiat was that the existin Irish book should e superseded, an supersedcd we may add, noth Roman or continenta books, a the might have been earlier in the centur by Gilleber os Limerich o Malachnos Armagh, but by the books then inisse in the Englisti Church. This nactinent received ut scant attentio throughout Ireland . speciali in the orth, ut it a salthsuli obeycclh De Courco both hich sacts are prove sumcienti sorour purpos by a passage in Jocet in ' Vita . Patricii Commentinion a vision os t. Patrich, in hicli aster a perio os dari ness, hessa Iretan oversprea by a light which rose stomthe noriti, he SayS' - Lucem uero prius e aquilonari parte exorientem . . . Hibernigenae S. Colestinum Machinensem archi praesulem totiusque



Hiberniae primatem asserunt, . . . seuJ S. Malachiam, qui prius in Dunensi ecclesia postmodum in Ard machana metropoli praefuit et Hiberniam ad Christianae legis statum reduxit. E contra Anglici lucem illam arbitrantur ascribendam suo aduentui, eo quod tunc ecclesia uidebatur suo iudicio in meliorem statum prouehi religio plantari ac propagari, atque

sacramen a ecclesiastica et Christianae edis institum ritu com- retentiori obseruari.

the were Englis books the decree o the Synod si helleaves no oom so doub The wom oscioceli mali itequali certain that such books,cre in se in the neighbour-hoo os Down ni in thos Churches, such a Nedurum and possibi Inch, whicli ad since Ii 78 come unde Englisti influence No is the Benedicti ne os St werburgh' broughta missat it them, it is natural to assume that ou missa lis iis descendanti An this hypothesis is confirme by an examination os thocontent os the missa itaeis te us turn rs to the scrvico


sor the Blessinios the Candies o Februar a. Here,e finda service used idely in the Province os anterbur in the twelsth centu , with Some stigii alterations evidenti madewith the vicis os adaptiniit to localisse ne of them Ming the addition os a rubric hicli is ound totidem verbis in Besancon Pontifical os the eleventi O twelsth centu . The

custom hicli this rubri sanctions os blessing the candies atthc Lad Altar seem to have been both comparativel early an larget confine to the Benedictine orcler. It is clea thata least this pari os ou book is derive sto an Englisti murce, an is contempora ,ith Joh de Courcen This ne fac is almos suffcient, is noto decide in savour os Downpatricli asthe place here the omlyn Missa was ritien, at eas tocκclude Saul. Is the alter monaster had anythin morethan a nomina existence in th last quarte os the wel stlicentu , we have very re on to belleve that it was bitterlue opposed to the Englisti innovations and was no in the east

degree likel to have adopte Englis sorins os service.

See notes on p. 48 sqq. It willie remembere that hester,as in the twelsthcentu in the Province os anterbury. I lay miihin ille limit os a dioces the seeos hic Mas inmetimes at Lichfield, sonaetimes at Coventry, and wmetimes a Chester Dugdale, Monasticon uilicanum, ed. 846 vol. i. p. 37O . Amongilio suffragans os antertium addresse in a letter rom ope Alexander III. Willitiis. Concitia, vol. i. p. 459 is the lino os hester, an in a muncilheld a Winchester in ηa, and confirme a Windsor in the fame ear the Province os or .as define as extendin ' a terminis Lichiseldensis episcopi et Humbrae magni fluvii usque ad extremos Scotiae fines. D. p. 325. In lac thecit os hester Wasio transferre to Vortiunt ii the year Is4 Dugdale, Monasticora, vol. ii P. 397. For inore than one hundred and went years aster ii, itundered in I IN Saulis no mentione by the chroniclers. And during the fame perio there are so sarn I know hut two notices oscit in contemporar docuinenta. O both occasionsii intibat appears as actinii opposition to the Englis and thei principat religious labiishment a DoWn. In ta66 the Abbat os Saul, with them dispute thevi liditsos the electionis a Lishop on the round that the choice id not est,ithille Benedictine convent oscit Patrick's. Down. Theiner, Ila era Monumenta, No. aso p. m. In 273, tiae abbacri in vacant, the canons elected thereio Withoutri tya licence, Molys an Irishman is, may udge hom his name prior os angor. 'o Down. Ie was ejected an in his room the Bishomo Down, havini ininta licencessioni the secular Power, appotnte Galfrid de Stolis, Canon os Caerleon.



But this is no the oni parcos the missat whic is acol as

the welsi century. The Antiphoniae Missarum, rom hichthe chora portions os the masses in the temporale ere derived, was evidenti os early date. In si cases wein complete scisos offertor verse agreein almos exacti With thos in the Gregoria Antiphonary. Single verses are indoed occasionalty und with the offerior in later Englisti books, such as those os estminster an Salisbury but Lam not aware that excepi in ou missat, an offertor furvives illi it verses complete aster the twelsth centurD Again the collec sor St. Patricli' Day, whic seem to beb exo an earlier composition was apparenti reduce to iis present sor no later than the welsth century, possibi byJocelin. The mas so Januar I ha in the exemplar, or anancestor, os ou missa iis earlier ille, hici has been clumsilyaltered. The sor Suscipe sancta trinitas omit the nam os St. Joh Baptist whic is usuali mund in later books. Andone resac is preserve whic is no among thos sanctioned by the Councii ossestminster in II 73. To these indications os early date e ma perhaps ad the ac that in severat places mention is ad os in Roman stations The stations



are frequently recorde in the tent centur Missa os Leosric, hut in the early par os the welsth centur thenare but soldomnotice in the Missa os Rober os um leges, an I have notobserve them in an os the later Englis books hic have

been printed. But e ma cali in palaeograph to ur assistance. The

Rosslyn Missat though evidenti, os Englis origin, was transcribe hom an Iristi exemplar,hich was probabi in existerice sor a considerable time besore t was copie by ou scribe and whicli, may assume to haves longe to the Church in hichhe wrote. The forme saccis evident iso the character os many os the error os,hichie has been milty while the age of thecopy mn whichae,orkediives a simple ream so theseκtraordinar number os his btunders. e cite heresbutine instance, the common ut peculiari Iristi symbol sor autem πὶ hassevera times Me mistahen soris haec or ἰ γ oc or so thesomewhat simila symbol sor enim. This indicates that theeκempla was in an Irish and An it seems also to horutha the interva betwcen the writin of the exemplar and thedate os the Rosslyn Missa was suffcient to allow o the symbolhaviniat mos passe out os use Our scribe himselsises it butonce, an on that one occasionae a perhaps e supposed toliave simpl reproduce it sto the manuscript which lay besorehim. Is theraristi missa upon hic the scribe orhe was atready so antiquate in the Murteenth century the Englistimanuscript rom,hicli it was in iis turn copie may,cl have been writte in the daycos Joh de Courcey. But a discussion whicli has been necessarii tengthy anno be rought to an end. His result has perhaps been to alie

For another mai os early date, se nolein P. 43 l. a. The ni mas whic has an trace of Iris origi oves an indicatio that ita fource was different stom that of the res of the book See notei p. 65 l. 6. This symbol is no confineest Iris manuscripis, though very rare else here.' age 3 l. Io p. 8 l. Ia, and in the Appendix Exod. xii 5; Joh. vi. Ul; Cor. ix. 23. Stili more frequent is the converse error et Luc. xviii. 36 Joh. iii. 9. xviii. I3 Rom. x. I 6 I Cor. x. a Ph. v. s.