The Rosslyn Missal An Irish Manuscript in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh

발행: 1899년

분량: 291페이지


분류: 미분류



l. 3. illustratione sancti spiritus M. l. 4. his clause of the anon is no exacti the sam so the Vigiland the da in AM v dcci, an even here, must at lcas Substitute

For collatio se aliove o p. a. l. 6, where a at p. 87, l. id sancti spiritus is ea sor spiritus sancti. l. II. The absence of a speciat mas se Trinit Sundanis Worthy os note. The festiva was certaint observe in relandos early as A. D. 3os. It is mentione in the et ter os the nolites scire lan to Pope Jolin XXII, preserve in Ilower' additionsto the Scotichroniconos Fordun, a the occasion os a banquet to whicli in that yea Peter Be inghamo reacherousi invite Some os his in sinon, hom homurdere aster the repast j. e For u Scotichronico . . . curia


l. 13. The position of this mas as a sortis appendicto the Temporaleis peculiar. The simplest account of the matter appears to e thosollowing. The mas was accidentali omittet smin iis prope placein the Sanctorale. o. in the gathering assigneesto the Sanctoralethere ere o vacant pages It appene howeve that the smallgathering o two heet a the end of the Temporale was no completet filled. w or three os iis lan leaves ere heresore utilire so the omitte mass. It illo observe that the grail, offertor and common ali disse stom those of C ,hicli suggest the possibilit that this mas was o taken ro the exemplar hichsupplied the remain deris the Sanctorale. See Introduction, p. xxi K. l. 3. Rea uisa e . l. II. Reati su a M.



w reden Io mundi is Per si num crucis. l. 4. Read recreare.

l. IS. nos m. ea c. Rhyos maligno R. ab Homni s. l. 6. arma GJAM PS. filii tui armis iustitiae m. W. an e triumphare, pro salute mundi eae ACU H mundum

l. 7. per eundem qui tecum PS.


helong but athere together part This is the more remarkable since the specia clauses of the anon Communicanus, Q. a re alway give in sui With thei masses, and notrus in S, α, ith the prosa ES. 3 Thenare in an unusua position no in immediate connexionisiit, the anon. 4 The orde in hicli ille are arrange is incorrect and would have been confusing is the book ad been in actualis : those sor 'entecost an Ascension ein transposed, and the twobelongin to the Sanctorale an Votive asses hein intrudeclinio the naiddie of thos connected with the great estivalco the Temporale. Theclas laur, in iaci appea tote in the reverse of

3 The were lest,ithout tities by the original scribe. 6 In the masses o,hic then long the cue are not with one exception, P. 36 l. 7 given This Seem unusual though it has parallel in the Lateran Missat edite by de Areuedo. 7 In ille ne a se in hic the texi, though ultimatet derivedisona the fame original, differs remarisbi frona that gi ven in C p. 45, l. 8), the more ancient Englisti sortii is departe Dominsavour os that ound in later bookS. Anu, in like manner in the Epiphany prcsace, agrecini illi the majori ty, deseris C, while the latter has the suppor os AI. 8 In ne ascrip. o l. aa a preface, idcntica wit that whichrissimilari place in D, is mund in iis prope position in the massio whichrit helongs, no correspondinisorin appearinthere. Froin these iacis certain inserences Seem to solio Mith greater oties probability:-

Compare 3 . et That the collectio of prefaces as added subsequently to the writinio the nin par of the missat on the blan pages test in ille final gathcrin os the Temporale. Thi accounts sor 3 . Compare above On P. 43 l. 3.3. That in the exemplar from,hic as copte the prefaces,ere


l. 3. cum quo A.

l. 6. reparauit in propterea prosusis paschalibus gaudiis c. G. l. 8. The rules for the use os this resac var in the different books. In HRSw it is assigne to ali estivat anil votive masses of our Ladyexcept the Purification an votive masses etween Chrisimas and Purification, SWh in I to the votive masses and the Assumption in APAM to the Assumption only. C has it so the votive masses and the Purification, no resac Min gi ven in the masse so the Annunciation, Assumptio an Nativitγ. Magrees,ith C against the bulli ofother authorities, in direct in iis use on the Purification ut differs froni it an mos other in avinia different pretice so the votive

purificatione c. The wor ueneratione is sed nisi occasion salili in ACIDAM, commemoratione in Q excepi in the votive masses,sor,hicli it gives veneratione Z. In ther books the wor is varieclaccordi noto the av Η, o ever givin ueneratione so the An- nunciation as,ellis in the votive masses. In the important varicius reaclings recorde in the solio in collation atrii. 0, io, it illi seenthat, sollows the later Englishiroup SW against CDAM. I shouldhere be remarhed that the more modern sorin of the resace is inundon the rst page os C in an Englis hand warren' introduction, p. 3οὶ, and that the olde formias in the votive mas in that S. Warren, p. 6 I), hec corrected Sora to bring it into consormit with the lateri Thus, have proo that in at eas one Iristi monastery the later Presace of our ady was introduce stoman gland at a time perhaps notria distant rom that at whicli, was,ritten.


NOTAS mariae cuius assumptionis diem celebramus A sacrarum uirginum CD. M. b. et gloriosa S V. Semper uirginis mariae SW. l. io exultantibus animis m. Z laudare ten. Z benedicere ea c. H). praedicare in inter intra C quas intemerata dei genetrix uirgo maria cuius assumptionis purificationis C)diem celebramus gloriosa effulsit CPIAM. l. I 2 huic om. R Z lumen aeternum mundo RZ lumen, in C aeternum lumen I semeo. effunditis.

l. 6. oriebaturi sortiebatur Λ. l. 7. per lignum in ligno bis ea c. AZ in ligno per

lignum AZ uicerat S. Wrutauncta PTMace. ACΓHILAMPRSWYZ C sor Vigil . l. al. ascendit L. l. 22. Sanctum m C. hodierna die om. . .. l. 23. quapropter c. unde laetantes inter altaria tua ne. uirtutum hostias tibi laudis offerimus Per c. n m. quem laudanti, L. AacEnnion Pro eo. ADPHAMPRΝWYZ I igit). l. 3o. cernentibus Heum ID. eleuatus est Ii.

si ad misiam 4mplies that in the exemplar it a precede hy amas for the Vigil We hau thus an indicatio that was opicusrom a suile missat, Doni,hicli oni, a Selectionis masses a macto. Compare aliove On P. 33 l. p. 41 l. 2 nn belo in p. 68 l. a. This may perhaps et to expla in the omission os the Invention os ille Cros frona thc STinctorale. See above on p. 43 l. 3. l. 3. The suli extis his ossice cloes no appea in the missat Aricli scenas noto occur in ther book oui Si de the Sanctorale an clCommon os Sainis. St. Andre ' Da being the rsi estiva in thesorme accordi noto the arrangement of our Missat, it is no lihelytha it was intende that the rema in in Wor is hould e suppli clsrom another mas incit. The inserenc is lain that ei ther ,heri persect, or it exemplar ha a Common o Sainis. An this cori clusion is confirme hy the fac that Mihi auum is the ossice of ne Apostic in both C an D.

l. 4. supplicesine. supplice ΛΜ. l. 6. i. sanctus apostolicus L. l. apud te Sit pro nobis ea c. GLΡὶ apud te pro nobis sit sit pro nobis om apud ex pro nobis apud te om. I intorcessor suffragatori L. l. a. The suli ex os the grail ould doubiles have been Mund rithe Common, though it cloe no occur there in in C O D. Cf.

above on l. 3. These Morcis are omitte in the votive masses in I, and apparentinalso in c.





l. II. ConuerSionemJConuerSationem A colimus celebramus P.

l. 7. In his grai are in exact agreement an apparently differ more or les Dona allisther books, among Whicli there is heregrint variet : See, p. 53 I. I cloes no provide so this was no doub intende that the complete textishouldie fough in the Common. It occurs in D sor ne Consessor an s also, apparently in the exemplar os C. l. 22. Rea uas. l. 26. For ad eum ACR have ad eum is at m. Probabi theforme of these is the readin intende here, the reposition eingcloselycioine with iis substantive an a single ritie sor a double

32. CE re in agreement in the offerto , with a se Englishmissalsci ut almos allisther. HARSWY c. have Michi auum AoOmnem ferram. See, P. 332. A to ' See o l. 6. his offertorycloes no appea in sul in the missat. ut it is ound in the Common o D sor ne Martyr an so tho Vigil of ne Consessor. Probabi in . circit exemplar it was intende that the textishouldhe ough sor in the Common, o lost. It cloes no occur in the Common os in Socret ACHIAM PRS YZ L sor S. Peter an Paulin. l. 34. apostoli tui pauli b. pauli apostoli tui S apostolorum tuorum, ne precibus A. m. post precibus HS ci I


I46 NOTES.ini an iis exemplar, have solio ed the present. The word sit supra prove that it occurre in irrit exemplar ei ther in a provious massos the Sanctorale or in the Common os Sainis. No it is not oundinis RSw o Y so any an tween Nov. 3o an Jan. s. an it cloes occur in I HR in the Common os ne Apostle not so in CS vehave here theresore an almos certain reserencesto the Common, and with it a proos that the Common preceded the Sanctorale.

P. 48. Poatcommon. CS . l. 4. Semper iacias S.

l. s. iratulari famulari W.


l. 6. his mascis identical even in the scribe's tunde l. 7 withthat so the fame da in C, and the three collecis are founde oti Englis modeis. The ollowing collecis orci Brigid' Dansrom the Breviary os,ilmoon Trinit College, Dublin, S. B. I. s s. 7 aappea to he without exact Englis parallel. I O. s. d. qui Daeis infirma mundi ut forcia queque confunZud a nobis in festiuisus

sane e rixiae mentis e corporis I ad se ora corde curramus e corpore tibi semper serviamus per The ex is here vident lycorrupi, a Or havin salten ut elare mentis. This collec issound in a somewhat shorter orna in the Gregoria Sacramentarios and the Roma missa sor SS. Agnes an Euphemia in the Commonos one Virgin in D, an sor . Agnes in S, and ne omewhat simila in the Leonine an Gelasian Sacramentaries o S. Cecilia. a D. qui uir inuatis Lloriam nascendo demonstrare uoluisti conce δερ υ qui de ori de uir uinis me gloriosa et ramus sollempnia semper unciamus su uxta seri Severat iners areis in te byColgan Trias Thaumatutas, p. 399 sqq. 3.

l. I. misericordia gloria I. l. 7. Read eius, though cuius is supporte by C.


l. 23. The service so the lessinios the candies in Our missa veryciosely resembles ne hicli as,idely used in England atra si in the Province of Canterbury-in the welsi centuta It is here printe stom ou manuscript Pontificats, hich, with ne therbelongin to the dioces of inchester Cambridge Universi tyLibrary e. a. ), formis groti apari. The are the following :n Magdalen College, xsord, S. 26 belonge to Heresor in murteenth centu ); 2. Cambridge Universit Library MS. l. a. o



Benedic domine ies christe hanc creaturam Ceret

atia oriatio. Domine sancte pater omnipotens terne deus qui omnia ex nichilo item benedictio. Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui hodierna die . . . Tunc asser antum aqua lenedicta et Mure adoleantar er illuminentur

Alia iant. Nunc dimittis salutare tuum. Alia an Puer iesus proficiebat hominibuS. Post hoc accipiant omnes simulos cereos de manu ponti cis uel editui. es dicarur oratio haec omnipotens sempiterne deus qui unigenitum tuum ante tempora . . . Hac oratione expleta circumean curatum an ando antiphonas ad iam pertinen es cum auum in chorum redierin . dicta antiphona Datur uersus Benedicta tu in mulieribus. irrieleison iii. Pater noster. Post partum uirgo. Oratio. Erudi quesumus domine plebem

The winchester Pontifica referre to above has a service loselyresemblinithis, but with rubrics,hich, though equivalent in caning. are differently expressecl. I add a prolace besore the sprinklinianucensing of the candi es, Vere di num . . . fons et ori , an a collec immediatel aster the distribution, hile the antiphon ueriesus is omitted. his service heresore a use ver generat lythroughout the Province os anterbuta. No whe we compare the service in the anterbuta, Heresordan Ely book with that os ou missat, clisci ver a marke resem blance etween them. The rubrics, s saris thenare common, arealmos verballyridentical: the fame may be sal os the prayers, asthe collations give belo prove and there are in lac only the folio in instances os divergence - 1 The rs rubri in cis absent Do the Engli Sh books as arealso the word ante auare, p. O l. 8. a The two collects Deus cuius uni enitus, and Immensam maies- Mus are nis absent se in the Englisli Pontificat s.

3 For the antiphon Puer esus omitte at in chester there is substitute in Muetralia plena. It is clea that the office in cis Munde o that in his in Englandin the twelsi centuta. For the bearing of this sacco the histor os Our missa see the Introduction, p. xxii. l. 24. his rubrictis no Mund in the Pontificat os anterbury Elyan Hereford, and in directing that the candies hali e lesse atthe altar of ur ad it contradicis the inchester book which


I4 NOTES.erioins, in processio ad altare crucifixi in quo candelae sunt benedicendo. Incleemit bears clea marks os Minia later addition in iis inconsistenc With another rubrici our Service, p. I, l. I 2. here thewordi cum in chorum redierint plaint impi that the lessing acltaken place at themigii Altar. An almos verballyridentices rubricissound in this place in C an in a Pontificat o Besanco cited by Martene, De Antiquis Ecclesiae uibus IV. v. s. ordo n. tom. iii. col. i 29, and assigne by him to theiret alsis the twelsili century. The service to hicli it is prefixe in the lalter has no ver close resemblance to that os ou missat. fratres This,or appeam atram sight to imply that the service was intende so monasticis an is socii is the ni direct indication in the manuscrip that, is a monastic missat But the inserenceis uncertain, o the wor is also ound in the Besancon Pontificalius mentioned. In his book the rubri seem to have ad prima reserencesto collegiate hurches-Such a thos os t. Stephen and St. John whicli in the twelsi centurnwere rival laimant so the possession os the Chair of the Archbisho os Besanson -presidecloveri Dean an Cations in his caseone Wordifrafer might beused os any member of the corporation, clericanor lay see Du Cano

capitulo That is sioni the service at whicli the martyrologium

was read in the Chapter ouse, and whic usualty sollowe Prime. Ne Procte an Dewick' The Marulo e in En θυει H. D. S. vol. iii. 9p. v. xxxii-xxxv. Maskeli' Monumenm Risualia, an ed. I 882, vol. i p. clxx-clxxiv. oodd' Obus and Mardirosta re Christ urem tristi Archarologica Society pp. lxxxviii-xcii. The impli use of this service, an in deed the mere mentio of the capitulum,' Seem to indicate a monastic or Cathedranchurch. Is in the Chureliso the use of whichisu missa was intende the service in capitulo sol lowe Prime the lessinios the Candies mus have alien placent a Somewhat unusual time. Most commoni ΗRW it,a aster Tierce, at Salisbury in earlier centuries aster terces ConsuetudinarT, cd Frere, i 898, p. 3 sq. at a lateriale aster Sext S at Evesham, post vi '' uel iii '.' ut ne os Martene' ordines De AnL MI. Idit. IV. xx. ordo vi. t. iii col. 343, direct that the candies are toletilesse aster Prime. O the theriani the service in capitulo was occasionali held aster terces Procter an De ich, p. xxxii. Martene, De Mon. H. I. v. . col. 52 ).ter This is no oub correct a it is mund in the Pontifical os

e Sic.

ante altare sancte mari e The practice here Moined, o blessinglie candies at the altar of St. Mar rather than at the igh altar Seems t sho that this service assume the orna hic it has in Our missa atra dato considerabi earlier than that os the manu script in hici, it is prcse ed. It was in Oguo bout A. D. IIo the date accorclinito Marten os the Pontifica mentione in the precedingnotes-at Besanςonci an apparentinalSO at Ours, o the BesanconPontifica was ad usum ecclesiae Turonensis accommodatum' Martene, De Ant Eccl. it. t. i. Syllabus . t has place also in aservice hoc, of the Clitarchis Clifilon sur none, to whicli Martene assigns nodate in IV. xv. Orae vii. t. iii. col. 35ὶ. Marte ne mentionsi Gallia Christialia vc l. xv. I 86o, Instrumenta, Cois I9, 2I.


quo processionaliter pergebatur, cerei consecrabantur. . . . inSid-lenses, aliique Germanorum monachi, Cluniacenses, CorbetenSeS, Divionenses, uti et Tullenses S. Apri in oratorio . Mariae. In

England we have possibi an example os the fame practice at the ginning of the elevent centur in D se belον, note o p. 3 l. 19),whicli is a Benedicti ne book certaini sum ive in the Benedictine

is a scribescereor sor in the Terrier os Down an Connor A. D. 6 i5ὶwe fin the enim. Ecclesia Parochialis of Hallee. The Prior of Downhad it always, and he was Deacon a the Bisho was Ab L' Compare also the variatio belween the Customata an Consuetudinaryo Sarum, Frere' edition i898), P. 7. l. 3o. In the collations os this and the ollowing collecis it has notheen thought necessar to note thebarying positions os the rosses in the different bookS.I. 32. Rea refelle as. 37. Read inquiriare. Fixa Couect CSZ αβγδ. l. 3o. cerei S. supplicationibus nostrisin. l. 3I crucis inue δ.

l. 33 apposita S. l. 37 inquietares uel illudere . l. 38 seruientibus eno. proinde supplices te c. . qui

exaudire dignare Z.

l. o. per opera opera L

l. animarum praeparata S. l. I. sanctissimi sancti tui sanctissimi nominis Z. sanctosti R.

l. Semper uirginis genetricis filii tui . sesta hodie deuote

l. i. et ut SZ honorifice sti'. ras. 3. l. I a. portare desiderat S portant laudando exultareJcantando lauciare dant Z RZ. l. I 3. uocem et propitius propitiusque Z. Quot Reeves, Antiqui ies of Domu, Coranor and Dromore, P. a. P. 49. . .

l. 9.exorantes clementer


NOTES. l. 4. sis m. β. ad te clamantibus . l. s. tecum et cum spiritu sancto S. regnat in unitateJgloriaturi per omnia C. S. Thirci Coueot RS a'γ aster the sprinkling). l. 8 tuum cinis. l. 9. Presentasti praesentari uoluisti W. tuam supplices deprecamur clementiam te suppliciter deprecamuria. ut F- omnes Z has candelas quas hos cercos tuos a quos

l. Io tui famuli famuli tui s fideles tui in tui nominisJomni magnificenciam W.

l. 22. sanctificare F atque lumine supernae benedictionis accendere. eas eos S nos . l. 23. offerendo Om. . tue m. dulcissimae tuae S. caritatis claritatis S ueritatis .

l. 24. Sanctae .

l. 28. Rea a parentibus. This seems almos certaini Correo, though, urentibus is no absolutet impossibie, and pyear in H. the ni other missa in v hicli I have ound this praycr. Compareth simila collect JAR, Hittorp. p. 23 inc. i. c. qui hodie die in nostrae nostra I carnis om I substantia inter homines apparens a farentibus in templo es praesentatus,' C.

l. 3o quoaduSque. l. 3i meruit C. uidere. l. 33 templo caelesti perfrui uisione. p. SO. l. I. ea gestaverint ex eis acceperint in tutelam. l. 2. medelam ovi atque eorum habitacula C. ante Per. l. 6. Read substantia. l. Read heu Ll. II. Read illuminati. l. a. Read sancta n. Fim Couoci. Master sprinkling). l. 4. immen Se. l. 7. repreSentari. l. Io. sinceritate securitate. l. II. illuminati exubera. l. II. exhibere ualeamus placentem. l. 3. Ream ure.

li tile resemblance to urs. Tunc adspergan ur aqua bene ficta errature adoleanIuris illuminentur et in e in canatur a clero antishona Hodie beata virgo Maria puerum Iesum. Post haec accipiun omnessor Vulos cereos e manu fonti cis ei di ui et iri sacerdos hanc oratione II. O. S. . qui unigenitum . . . Oratione hac expleta . . . clerus circuit ecclesiam re inchoa schola primum Anus nam Ave gratia . . Alia Adorna thalamum . . Alia. ReSponSum


l. 6. Alia an . We might perhaps ather have expecte Ps. a in the majorit o book in hich Nunc dimittis occurs in this office. But the our Pontificat ille extis, hichristive above are unanimous vitii regar to thesi te anti onae and with them agroes the Bookos Evestiam col. 6o3. l. i8. Ante auare his rubrica directio scem peculiaro E.