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It is ope that a volume o Extracis sto Cicero, bringin together rom ali paris os his ritings specimensos his simple narrative style, ill e sesu so the iddie som of Schoois, and et to supply the want that is sellos a good construin book interestin in iiset an lairlyeaSy t succee Cornelius Nepos an Caesar, hile at thesme time it ill urnish a good mode os style sor translation into Latinis suci passage of English as are usuallyset to eginners. The Editor has also Mund the horter Anecdotes sesul in ea hing the rules of the Latin oods, by mahing turn hos that re in Oratio Recta into Oratio Obliqua, and vice-versa The are also et adapted
sor translation and re-translation.
In conSequence of the wish sor hori and chea Text- books, expressed by ome of the eadin Master os Schotas, it has been publislied in three separate Paris, aswellis in ne complete orh. Each Par is sollowed by Shor notes o the passages iven, in hicli the Editor has endeavouredo avoid inserting anythin Which maybe readit Mund in a Classica Dictionar o Dictionaryos Antiquities, o other common book os reserence, ut has ought o ive suci assistanc as may hel boys in mahing ut thei author, an potnt ut to them theuSages an idioms, and ioints of grammar, hicli it is
V1 ADVERTISEMENT. important so them to atten to as a Mundation on hichhigher mattersis scholarshirima beluil aster ards. The Editor is unwillingo allo the complete or toappear ithout addita a se Word of acknowledgmentand thanks. He has derive hel sto the notes os bir. Longin the passages rom the Verrine rations and on Cicero' letter o Quintus, and also rom the Oxford editionos the Tuscula Disputations an sor severa illustrationso passages rom the De Ossiciis hecis indebie to the elaborate editionis Dr. H. A. Holden. The translations os
His specia thanks are due o his hiend the Rev. r. Mitchinson, Head Master of theming's Chool, Canterbury, sor valvabie suggestions an contribution to the notos onvarious potnts of Physiolog and Natura Histor in the Beauties of Nature.'It may perhaps, e et to mentio that the selection os passage is entiret original, and no in an degre borrowed
The wor has no been cares uti revise throughout, and the error Which have been discovere corrected ille punctuation has also it is hoped, been improved.